コード例 #1
def setup_working_with_text_data():
    if IS_PYPY and os.environ.get('CI', None):
        raise SkipTest('Skipping too slow test with PyPy on CI')
    cache_path = _pkl_filepath(get_data_home(), CACHE_NAME)
    if not exists(cache_path):
        raise SkipTest("Skipping dataset loading doctests")
コード例 #2
def fetch_species_distributions(data_home=None, download_if_missing=True):
    """Loader for species distribution dataset from Phillips et. al. (2006)

    Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <datasets>`.

    data_home : optional, default: None
        Specify another download and cache folder for the datasets. By default
        all scikit-learn data is stored in '~/scikit_learn_data' subfolders.

    download_if_missing : optional, True by default
        If False, raise a IOError if the data is not locally available
        instead of trying to download the data from the source site.

    The data is returned as a Bunch object with the following attributes:

    coverages : array, shape = [14, 1592, 1212]
        These represent the 14 features measured at each point of the map grid.
        The latitude/longitude values for the grid are discussed below.
        Missing data is represented by the value -9999.

    train : record array, shape = (1623,)
        The training points for the data.  Each point has three fields:

        - train['species'] is the species name
        - train['dd long'] is the longitude, in degrees
        - train['dd lat'] is the latitude, in degrees

    test : record array, shape = (619,)
        The test points for the data.  Same format as the training data.

    Nx, Ny : integers
        The number of longitudes (x) and latitudes (y) in the grid

    x_left_lower_corner, y_left_lower_corner : floats
        The (x,y) position of the lower-left corner, in degrees

    grid_size : float
        The spacing between points of the grid, in degrees


    * `"Maximum entropy modeling of species geographic distributions"
      S. J. Phillips, R. P. Anderson, R. E. Schapire - Ecological Modelling,
      190:231-259, 2006.


    This dataset represents the geographic distribution of species.
    The dataset is provided by Phillips et. al. (2006).

    The two species are:

    - `"Bradypus variegatus"
      <http://www.iucnredlist.org/details/3038/0>`_ ,
      the Brown-throated Sloth.

    - `"Microryzomys minutus"
      <http://www.iucnredlist.org/details/13408/0>`_ ,
      also known as the Forest Small Rice Rat, a rodent that lives in Peru,
      Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela.

    * For an example of using this dataset with scikit-learn, see
    data_home = get_data_home(data_home)
    if not exists(data_home):

    # Define parameters for the data files.  These should not be changed
    # unless the data model changes.  They will be saved in the npz file
    # with the downloaded data.
    extra_params = dict(x_left_lower_corner=-94.8,
    dtype = np.int16

    archive_path = _pkl_filepath(data_home, DATA_ARCHIVE_NAME)

    if not exists(archive_path):
        if not download_if_missing:
            raise IOError("Data not found and `download_if_missing` is False")
        logger.info('Downloading species data from %s to %s' %
                    (SAMPLES.url, data_home))
        samples_path = _fetch_remote(SAMPLES, dirname=data_home)
        with np.load(samples_path) as X:  # samples.zip is a valid npz
            for f in X.files:
                fhandle = BytesIO(X[f])
                if 'train' in f:
                    train = _load_csv(fhandle)
                if 'test' in f:
                    test = _load_csv(fhandle)

        logger.info('Downloading coverage data from %s to %s' %
                    (COVERAGES.url, data_home))
        coverages_path = _fetch_remote(COVERAGES, dirname=data_home)
        with np.load(coverages_path) as X:  # coverages.zip is a valid npz
            coverages = []
            for f in X.files:
                fhandle = BytesIO(X[f])
                logger.debug(' - converting {}'.format(f))
            coverages = np.asarray(coverages, dtype=dtype)

        bunch = Bunch(coverages=coverages,
        joblib.dump(bunch, archive_path, compress=9)
        bunch = joblib.load(archive_path)

    return bunch
コード例 #3
def setup_working_with_text_data():
    cache_path = _pkl_filepath(get_data_home(), CACHE_NAME)
    if not exists(cache_path):
        raise SkipTest("Skipping dataset loading doctests")
コード例 #4
def setup_twenty_newsgroups():
    data_home = get_data_home()
    cache_path = _pkl_filepath(get_data_home(), CACHE_NAME)
    if not exists(cache_path):
        raise SkipTest("Skipping dataset loading doctests")
コード例 #5
def fetch_species_distributions(data_home=None,
    """Loader for species distribution dataset from Phillips et. al. (2006)

    Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <datasets>`.

    data_home : optional, default: None
        Specify another download and cache folder for the datasets. By default
        all scikit-learn data is stored in '~/scikit_learn_data' subfolders.

    download_if_missing : optional, True by default
        If False, raise a IOError if the data is not locally available
        instead of trying to download the data from the source site.

    The data is returned as a Bunch object with the following attributes:

    coverages : array, shape = [14, 1592, 1212]
        These represent the 14 features measured at each point of the map grid.
        The latitude/longitude values for the grid are discussed below.
        Missing data is represented by the value -9999.

    train : record array, shape = (1623,)
        The training points for the data.  Each point has three fields:

        - train['species'] is the species name
        - train['dd long'] is the longitude, in degrees
        - train['dd lat'] is the latitude, in degrees

    test : record array, shape = (619,)
        The test points for the data.  Same format as the training data.

    Nx, Ny : integers
        The number of longitudes (x) and latitudes (y) in the grid

    x_left_lower_corner, y_left_lower_corner : floats
        The (x,y) position of the lower-left corner, in degrees

    grid_size : float
        The spacing between points of the grid, in degrees


    * `"Maximum entropy modeling of species geographic distributions"
      S. J. Phillips, R. P. Anderson, R. E. Schapire - Ecological Modelling,
      190:231-259, 2006.


    This dataset represents the geographic distribution of species.
    The dataset is provided by Phillips et. al. (2006).

    The two species are:

    - `"Bradypus variegatus"
      <http://www.iucnredlist.org/details/3038/0>`_ ,
      the Brown-throated Sloth.

    - `"Microryzomys minutus"
      <http://www.iucnredlist.org/details/13408/0>`_ ,
      also known as the Forest Small Rice Rat, a rodent that lives in Peru,
      Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela.

    - For an example of using this dataset with scikit-learn, see
    data_home = get_data_home(data_home)
    if not exists(data_home):

    # Define parameters for the data files.  These should not be changed
    # unless the data model changes.  They will be saved in the npz file
    # with the downloaded data.
    extra_params = dict(x_left_lower_corner=-94.8,
    dtype = np.int16

    archive_path = _pkl_filepath(data_home, DATA_ARCHIVE_NAME)

    if not exists(archive_path):
        if not download_if_missing:
            raise IOError("Data not found and `download_if_missing` is False")
        logger.info('Downloading species data from %s to %s' % (
            SAMPLES.url, data_home))
        samples_path = _fetch_remote(SAMPLES, dirname=data_home)
        X = np.load(samples_path)  # samples.zip is a valid npz

        for f in X.files:
            fhandle = BytesIO(X[f])
            if 'train' in f:
                train = _load_csv(fhandle)
            if 'test' in f:
                test = _load_csv(fhandle)

        logger.info('Downloading coverage data from %s to %s' % (
            COVERAGES.url, data_home))
        coverages_path = _fetch_remote(COVERAGES, dirname=data_home)
        X = np.load(coverages_path)  # coverages.zip is a valid npz

        coverages = []
        for f in X.files:
            fhandle = BytesIO(X[f])
            logger.debug(' - converting {}'.format(f))
        coverages = np.asarray(coverages, dtype=dtype)

        bunch = Bunch(coverages=coverages,
        joblib.dump(bunch, archive_path, compress=9)
        bunch = joblib.load(archive_path)

    return bunch
コード例 #6
def setup_twenty_newsgroups():
    data_home = get_data_home()
    cache_path = _pkl_filepath(get_data_home(), CACHE_NAME)
    if not exists(cache_path):
        raise SkipTest("Skipping dataset loading doctests")
コード例 #7
ファイル: fetch.py プロジェクト: mohammadpme/text-clustering
def fetch_classic(data_home=None,
    """Load the filenames and data from the 20 newsgroups dataset.

    Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <20newsgroups>`.

    subset: 'train' or 'test', 'all', optional
        Select the dataset to load: 'train' for the training set, 'test'
        for the test set, 'all' for both, with shuffled ordering.

    data_home: optional, default: None
        Specify a download and cache folder for the datasets. If None,
        all scikit-learn data is stored in '~/scikit_learn_data' subfolders.

    categories: None or collection of string or unicode
        If None (default), load all the categories.
        If not None, list of category names to load (other categories

    shuffle: bool, optional
        Whether or not to shuffle the data: might be important for models that
        make the assumption that the samples are independent and identically
        distributed (i.i.d.), such as stochastic gradient descent.

    random_state: numpy random number generator or seed integer
        Used to shuffle the dataset.

    download_if_missing: optional, True by default
        If False, raise an IOError if the data is not locally available
        instead of trying to download the data from the source site.

    remove: tuple
        May contain any subset of ('headers', 'footers', 'quotes'). Each of
        these are kinds of text that will be detected and removed from the
        newsgroup posts, preventing classifiers from overfitting on

        'headers' removes newsgroup headers, 'footers' removes blocks at the
        ends of posts that look like signatures, and 'quotes' removes lines
        that appear to be quoting another post.

        'headers' follows an exact standard; the other filters are not always

    data_home = get_data_home(data_home=data_home)
    cache_path = _pkl_filepath(data_home, CACHE_NAME)
    classic_home = os.path.join(data_home, CLASSIC_HOME)
    cache = None
    if os.path.exists(cache_path):
            with open(cache_path, 'rb') as f:
                compressed_content = f.read()
            uncompressed_content = codecs.decode(compressed_content,
            cache = pickle.loads(uncompressed_content)
        except Exception as e:
            print(80 * '_')
            print('Cache loading failed')
            print(80 * '_')

    if cache is None:
        if download_if_missing:
            cache = download_classic(target_dir=classic_home,
            raise IOError('classic dataset not found')

    if subset in ('train', 'test'):
        data = cache[subset]
    elif subset == 'all':
        data_lst = list()
        target = list()
        filenames = list()
        for subset in ('train', 'test'):
            data = cache[subset]

        data.data = data_lst
        data.target = np.array(target)
        data.filenames = np.array(filenames)
        raise ValueError(
            "subset can only be 'train', 'test' or 'all', got '%s'" % subset)

    data.description = 'the classic dataset'

    # if 'headers' in remove:
    #     data.data = [strip_newsgroup_header(text) for text in data.data]
    # if 'footers' in remove:
    #     data.data = [strip_newsgroup_footer(text) for text in data.data]
    # if 'quotes' in remove:
    #     data.data = [strip_newsgroup_quoting(text) for text in data.data]

    if categories is not None:
        labels = [(data.target_names.index(cat), cat) for cat in categories]
        # Sort the categories to have the ordering of the labels
        labels, categories = zip(*labels)
        mask = np.in1d(data.target, labels)
        data.filenames = data.filenames[mask]
        data.target = data.target[mask]
        # searchsorted to have continuous labels
        data.target = np.searchsorted(labels, data.target)
        data.target_names = list(categories)
        # Use an object array to shuffle: avoids memory copy
        data_lst = np.array(data.data, dtype=object)
        data_lst = data_lst[mask]
        data.data = data_lst.tolist()

    if shuffle:
        random_state = check_random_state(random_state)
        indices = np.arange(data.target.shape[0])
        data.filenames = data.filenames[indices]
        data.target = data.target[indices]
        # Use an object array to shuffle: avoids memory copy
        data_lst = np.array(data.data, dtype=object)
        data_lst = data_lst[indices]
        data.data = data_lst.tolist()

    return data
コード例 #8
def fetch_higgs(data_home=None,
    """Load the Higgs dataset, downloading it if necessary.

    Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <datasets>`.

    data_home : string, optional
        Specify another download and cache folder for the datasets. By default
        all scikit learn data is stored in '~/scikit_learn_data' subfolders.

    download_if_missing : boolean, default=True
        If False, raise a IOError if the data is not locally available
        instead of trying to download the data from the source site.

    random_state : int, RandomState instance or None, optional (default=None)
        Random state for shuffling the dataset.
        If int, random_state is the seed used by the random number generator;
        If RandomState instance, random_state is the random number generator;
        If None, the random number generator is the RandomState instance used
        by `np.random`.

    shuffle : bool, default=False
        Whether to shuffle dataset.

    dataset : dict-like object with the following attributes:

    dataset.data : numpy array of shape (11000000, 28)
        Each row corresponds to the 28 features in the dataset.

    dataset.target : numpy array of shape (11000000,)
        The targets are binary: 0 (background) - 1 (signal).

    dataset.DESCR : string
        Description of the Higgs dataset.

    data_home = get_data_home(data_home=data_home)
    higgs_dir = join(data_home, "higgs")
    samples_path = _pkl_filepath(higgs_dir, "samples")
    targets_path = _pkl_filepath(higgs_dir, "targets")
    available = exists(samples_path)

    if download_if_missing and not available:
        makedirs(higgs_dir, exist_ok=True)
        # logger.warning("Downloading %s" % URL)
        print("Downloading {}".format(URL))
        f = BytesIO(urlopen(URL).read())
        Xy = np.genfromtxt(GzipFile(fileobj=f),

        X = Xy[:, 1::]
        y = Xy[:, 0].astype(np.int32)

        joblib.dump(X, samples_path, compress=9)
        joblib.dump(y, targets_path, compress=9)
        print("Dumped the data")

        X, y
    except NameError:
        X = joblib.load(samples_path)
        y = joblib.load(targets_path)
        print("Data loaded from pickle")

    if shuffle:
        ind = np.arange(X.shape[0])
        rng = check_random_state(random_state)
        X = X[ind]
        y = y[ind]

    return Bunch(data=X, target=y, DESCR=__doc__)
コード例 #9
def fetch_uci_glass_outlier(data_home=None,
    """Load the UCI glass data-set from AT&T (classification).
    Download it if necessary.
    =================   =====================
    Classes                                6
    Samples total                         214
    Dimensionality                       9
    Features                            real
    =================   =====================
    data_home : optional, default: None
        Specify another download and cache folder for the datasets. By default
        all scikit-learn data is stored in '~/scikit_learn_data' subfolders.
    shuffle : boolean, optional
        If True the order of the dataset is shuffled to avoid having
        images of the same person grouped.
    random_state : int, RandomState instance or None (default=0)
        Determines random number generation for dataset shuffling. Pass an int
        for reproducible output across multiple function calls.
        See :term:`Glossary <random_state>`.
    download_if_missing : optional, True by default
        If False, raise a IOError if the data is not locally available
        instead of trying to download the data from the source site.
    data : numpy array of shape (214, 9)
        Each row corresponds to a glass feature of 9 dimension
    target : numpy array of shape (214, )
        Labels associated to each glas. Those labels are from
        [1,2,3,5,6,7] and correspond to the Subject IDs.
    global GLASS
    data_home = get_data_home(data_home=data_home)
    if not exists(data_home):
    filepath = _pkl_filepath(data_home, 'uci_glass_outlier.pkz')
    if not exists(filepath):
        if not download_if_missing:
            raise IOError("Data not found and `download_if_missing` is False")

        print('downloading UCI GLASS from %s to %s' % (GLASS.url, data_home))
        data_path = _fetch_remote(GLASS, dirname=data_home)

        glass = np.genfromtxt(data_path, delimiter=",")
        # the class 6 (minority) as outlier and all other classes as inliers
        glass[:, -1] = 2 * (glass[:, -1] != 6) - 1
        _joblib.dump(glass, filepath, compress=6)

        glass = _joblib.load(filepath)

    feature = glass[:, 1:-1]
    target = glass[:, -1]
    if shuffle:
        random_state = check_random_state(random_state)
        order = random_state.permutation(len(glass))
        feature = glass[order]
        target = target[order]

    return (feature, target)
コード例 #10
ファイル: fetch.py プロジェクト: lmiguelmh/text-clustering
def fetch_classic(data_home=None, subset='all', categories=None,
                  shuffle=True, random_state=42,
    """Load the filenames and data from the 20 newsgroups dataset.

    Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <20newsgroups>`.

    subset: 'train' or 'test', 'all', optional
        Select the dataset to load: 'train' for the training set, 'test'
        for the test set, 'all' for both, with shuffled ordering.

    data_home: optional, default: None
        Specify a download and cache folder for the datasets. If None,
        all scikit-learn data is stored in '~/scikit_learn_data' subfolders.

    categories: None or collection of string or unicode
        If None (default), load all the categories.
        If not None, list of category names to load (other categories

    shuffle: bool, optional
        Whether or not to shuffle the data: might be important for models that
        make the assumption that the samples are independent and identically
        distributed (i.i.d.), such as stochastic gradient descent.

    random_state: numpy random number generator or seed integer
        Used to shuffle the dataset.

    download_if_missing: optional, True by default
        If False, raise an IOError if the data is not locally available
        instead of trying to download the data from the source site.

    remove: tuple
        May contain any subset of ('headers', 'footers', 'quotes'). Each of
        these are kinds of text that will be detected and removed from the
        newsgroup posts, preventing classifiers from overfitting on

        'headers' removes newsgroup headers, 'footers' removes blocks at the
        ends of posts that look like signatures, and 'quotes' removes lines
        that appear to be quoting another post.

        'headers' follows an exact standard; the other filters are not always

    data_home = get_data_home(data_home=data_home)
    cache_path = _pkl_filepath(data_home, CACHE_NAME)
    classic_home = os.path.join(data_home, CLASSIC_HOME)
    cache = None
    if os.path.exists(cache_path):
            with open(cache_path, 'rb') as f:
                compressed_content = f.read()
            uncompressed_content = codecs.decode(
                compressed_content, 'zlib_codec')
            cache = pickle.loads(uncompressed_content)
        except Exception as e:
            print(80 * '_')
            print('Cache loading failed')
            print(80 * '_')

    if cache is None:
        if download_if_missing:
            cache = download_classic(target_dir=classic_home,
            raise IOError('classic dataset not found')

    if subset in ('train', 'test'):
        data = cache[subset]
    elif subset == 'all':
        data_lst = list()
        target = list()
        filenames = list()
        for subset in ('train', 'test'):
            data = cache[subset]

        data.data = data_lst
        data.target = np.array(target)
        data.filenames = np.array(filenames)
        raise ValueError(
            "subset can only be 'train', 'test' or 'all', got '%s'" % subset)

    data.description = 'the classic dataset'

    # if 'headers' in remove:
    #     data.data = [strip_newsgroup_header(text) for text in data.data]
    # if 'footers' in remove:
    #     data.data = [strip_newsgroup_footer(text) for text in data.data]
    # if 'quotes' in remove:
    #     data.data = [strip_newsgroup_quoting(text) for text in data.data]

    if categories is not None:
        labels = [(data.target_names.index(cat), cat) for cat in categories]
        # Sort the categories to have the ordering of the labels
        labels, categories = zip(*labels)
        mask = np.in1d(data.target, labels)
        data.filenames = data.filenames[mask]
        data.target = data.target[mask]
        # searchsorted to have continuous labels
        data.target = np.searchsorted(labels, data.target)
        data.target_names = list(categories)
        # Use an object array to shuffle: avoids memory copy
        data_lst = np.array(data.data, dtype=object)
        data_lst = data_lst[mask]
        data.data = data_lst.tolist()

    if shuffle:
        random_state = check_random_state(random_state)
        indices = np.arange(data.target.shape[0])
        data.filenames = data.filenames[indices]
        data.target = data.target[indices]
        # Use an object array to shuffle: avoids memory copy
        data_lst = np.array(data.data, dtype=object)
        data_lst = data_lst[indices]
        data.data = data_lst.tolist()

    return data
コード例 #11
ファイル: conftest.py プロジェクト: AlexisMignon/scikit-learn
def setup_working_with_text_data():
    cache_path = _pkl_filepath(get_data_home(), CACHE_NAME)
    if not exists(cache_path):
        raise SkipTest("Skipping dataset loading doctests")
コード例 #12
ファイル: DataFetcher.py プロジェクト: zhubo812/Courses
def fetch_20newsgroups_vectorized(subset="train", remove=(), data_home=None,
                                  download_if_missing=True, return_X_y=False):
    """Load the 20 newsgroups dataset and vectorize it into token counts \

    Download it if necessary.

    This is a convenience function; the transformation is done using the
    default settings for
    :class:`sklearn.feature_extraction.text.CountVectorizer`. For more
    advanced usage (stopword filtering, n-gram extraction, etc.), combine
    fetch_20newsgroups with a custom
    :class:`sklearn.feature_extraction.text.TfidfTransformer` or

    =================   ==========
    Classes                     20
    Samples total            18846
    Dimensionality          130107
    Features                  real
    =================   ==========

    Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <20newsgroups_dataset>`.

    subset : 'train' or 'test', 'all', optional
        Select the dataset to load: 'train' for the training set, 'test'
        for the test set, 'all' for both, with shuffled ordering.

    remove : tuple
        May contain any subset of ('headers', 'footers', 'quotes'). Each of
        these are kinds of text that will be detected and removed from the
        newsgroup posts, preventing classifiers from overfitting on

        'headers' removes newsgroup headers, 'footers' removes blocks at the
        ends of posts that look like signatures, and 'quotes' removes lines
        that appear to be quoting another post.

    data_home : optional, default: None
        Specify an download and cache folder for the datasets. If None,
        all scikit-learn data is stored in '~/scikit_learn_data' subfolders.

    download_if_missing : optional, True by default
        If False, raise an IOError if the data is not locally available
        instead of trying to download the data from the source site.

    return_X_y : boolean, default=False.
        If True, returns ``(data.data, data.target)`` instead of a Bunch

        .. versionadded:: 0.20

    bunch : Bunch object
        bunch.data: sparse matrix, shape [n_samples, n_features]
        bunch.target: array, shape [n_samples]
        bunch.target_names: list, length [n_classes]
        bunch.DESCR: a description of the dataset.

    (data, target) : tuple if ``return_X_y`` is True

        .. versionadded:: 0.20
    data_home = get_data_home(data_home=data_home)
    filebase = '20newsgroup_vectorized'
    if remove:
        filebase += 'remove-' + ('-'.join(remove))
    target_file = _pkl_filepath(data_home, filebase + ".pkl")

    # we shuffle but use a fixed seed for the memoization
    data_train = fetch_data(data_home=data_home,

    data_test = fetch_data(data_home=data_home,

    if os.path.exists(target_file):
        X_train, X_test = _joblib.load(target_file)
        vectorizer = CountVectorizer(dtype=np.int16)
        X_train = vectorizer.fit_transform(data_train.data).tocsr()
        X_test = vectorizer.transform(data_test.data).tocsr()
        _joblib.dump((X_train, X_test), target_file, compress=9)

    # the data is stored as int16 for compactness
    # but normalize needs floats
    X_train = X_train.astype(np.float64)
    X_test = X_test.astype(np.float64)
    normalize(X_train, copy=False)
    normalize(X_test, copy=False)

    target_names = data_train.target_names

    if subset == "train":
        data = X_train
        target = data_train.target
    elif subset == "test":
        data = X_test
        target = data_test.target
    elif subset == "all":
        data = sp.vstack((X_train, X_test)).tocsr()
        target = np.concatenate((data_train.target, data_test.target))
        raise ValueError("%r is not a valid subset: should be one of "
                         "['train', 'test', 'all']" % subset)

    module_path = dirname(__file__)
    with open(join(module_path, 'descr', 'twenty_newsgroups.rst')) as rst_file:
        fdescr = rst_file.read()

    if return_X_y:
        return data, target

    return Bunch(data=data,
コード例 #13
ファイル: DataFetcher.py プロジェクト: zhubo812/Courses
def fetch_data(data_home=None, subset='train', categories=None,
               shuffle=True, random_state=42,
    """Load the filenames and data from the 20 newsgroups dataset \

    Download it if necessary.

    =================   ==========
    Classes                     20
    Samples total            18846
    Dimensionality               1
    Features                  text
    =================   ==========

    Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <20newsgroups_dataset>`.

    data_home : optional, default: None
        Specify a download and cache folder for the datasets. If None,
        all scikit-learn data is stored in '~/scikit_learn_data' subfolders.

    subset : 'train' or 'test', 'all', optional
        Select the dataset to load: 'train' for the training set, 'test'
        for the test set, 'all' for both, with shuffled ordering.

    categories : None or collection of string or unicode
        If None (default), load all the categories.
        If not None, list of category names to load (other categories

    shuffle : bool, optional
        Whether or not to shuffle the data: might be important for models that
        make the assumption that the samples are independent and identically
        distributed (i.i.d.), such as stochastic gradient descent.

    random_state : int, RandomState instance or None (default)
        Determines random number generation for dataset shuffling. Pass an int
        for reproducible output across multiple function calls.
        See :term:`Glossary <random_state>`.

    remove : tuple
        May contain any subset of ('headers', 'footers', 'quotes'). Each of
        these are kinds of text that will be detected and removed from the
        newsgroup posts, preventing classifiers from overfitting on

        'headers' removes newsgroup headers, 'footers' removes blocks at the
        ends of posts that look like signatures, and 'quotes' removes lines
        that appear to be quoting another post.

        'headers' follows an exact standard; the other filters are not always

    download_if_missing : optional, True by default
        If False, raise an IOError if the data is not locally available
        instead of trying to download the data from the source site.

    bunch : Bunch object
        bunch.data: list, length [n_samples]
        bunch.target: array, shape [n_samples]
        bunch.filenames: list, length [n_classes]
        bunch.DESCR: a description of the dataset.

    data_home = get_data_home(data_home=data_home)
    cache_path = _pkl_filepath(data_home, CACHE_NAME)
    twenty_home = os.path.join(data_home, "20news_home")
    cache = None
    if os.path.exists(cache_path):
            with open(cache_path, 'rb') as f:
                compressed_content = f.read()
            uncompressed_content = codecs.decode(
                compressed_content, 'zlib_codec')
            cache = pickle.loads(uncompressed_content)
        except Exception as e:
            print(80 * '_')
            print('Cache loading failed')
            print(80 * '_')

    if cache is None:
        if download_if_missing:
            logger.info("Downloading 20news dataset. "
                        "This may take a few minutes.")
            cache = _download_20newsgroups(target_dir=twenty_home,
            raise IOError('20Newsgroups dataset not found')

    if subset in ('train', 'test'):
        data = cache[subset]
    elif subset == 'all':
        data_lst = list()
        target = list()
        filenames = list()
        for subset in ('train', 'test'):
            data = cache[subset]

        data.data = data_lst
        data.target = np.array(target)
        data.filenames = np.array(filenames)
        raise ValueError(
            "subset can only be 'train', 'test' or 'all', got '%s'" % subset)

    module_path = dirname(__file__)
    with open(join(module_path, 'descr', 'twenty_newsgroups.rst')) as rst_file:
        fdescr = rst_file.read()

    data.DESCR = fdescr

    if 'headers' in remove:
        data.data = [strip_newsgroup_header(text) for text in data.data]
    if 'footers' in remove:
        data.data = [strip_newsgroup_footer(text) for text in data.data]
    if 'quotes' in remove:
        data.data = [strip_newsgroup_quoting(text) for text in data.data]

    if categories is not None:
        labels = [(data.target_names.index(cat), cat) for cat in categories]
        # Sort the categories to have the ordering of the labels
        labels, categories = zip(*labels)
        mask = np.in1d(data.target, labels)
        data.filenames = data.filenames[mask]
        data.target = data.target[mask]
        # searchsorted to have continuous labels
        data.target = np.searchsorted(labels, data.target)
        data.target_names = list(categories)
        # Use an object array to shuffle: avoids memory copy
        data_lst = np.array(data.data, dtype=object)
        data_lst = data_lst[mask]
        data.data = data_lst.tolist()

    if shuffle:
        random_state = check_random_state(random_state)
        indices = np.arange(data.target.shape[0])
        data.filenames = data.filenames[indices]
        data.target = data.target[indices]
        # Use an object array to shuffle: avoids memory copy
        data_lst = np.array(data.data, dtype=object)
        data_lst = data_lst[indices]
        data.data = data_lst.tolist()

    return data