コード例 #1
def fast_euclid(X):
    gamma = 1.0 / X.shape[1]
    if X.shape[0] < 1000:
        L = rbf_kernel(X, gamma=gamma)
        L = Nystroem(gamma=gamma).fit_transform(X)
        L = L.dot(L.T)
    Ls = np.log(L) * (-1.0 / (gamma))
    return Ls
コード例 #2
    def _dpp_sel(self, X_, y=None):
        DPP only relies on X. 
        We will condition the sampling based on:
        *  `self.coef_info['cols']`
        After sampling it will go ahead and then perform grouped wilcoxon selection.
        X = np.array(X_)
        cols_to_index = [
            idx for idx, x in enumerate(X_.columns)
            if x in self.coef_info['cols']
        unseen_cols_to_index = [
            idx for idx, x in enumerate(X_.columns)
            if x not in self.coef_info['cols']
        if X.shape[0] < 1000 or X.shape[1] < 100:
            feat_dist = rbf_kernel(X.T)
            feat_dist = Nystroem().fit_transform(X.T)
            feat_dist = feat_dist.dot(feat_dist.T)
        #k = self.dpp_k['pca'] #- len(self.coef_info['cols'])
        k = None

        feat_index = []
        #while len(feat_index) == 0:
        if len(self.coef_info['cols']) == 0:
            feat_index = sample_dpp(decompose_kernel(feat_dist), k=k)
            feat_index = sample_conditional_dpp(feat_dist, cols_to_index, k=k)
        feat_index = [x for x in feat_index if x is not None]

        # select features using entropy measure
        # how can we order features from most to least relevant first?
        # we chould do it using f test? Or otherwise - presume DPP selects best one first

        s_b, s_w = class_separability(X, y)
        col_sel = evaluate_feats(s_b, s_w)
        #sel_cols = list(self.coef_info['cols']) + list(col_sel)
        feat_entropy = []
        excl_entropy = []
        X_sel = X[:, feat_index]
        for idx, feat in enumerate(X_sel.T):
            if len(feat_entropy) == 0:
            if entropy(X_sel[:, feat_entropy]) > entropy(X_sel[:, feat_entropy+[idx]]):
        # iterate over feat_index to determine
        # information on wilcoxon test
        # as the feat index are already "ordered" as that is how DPP would
        # perform the sampling - we will do the single pass in the same
        # way it was approached in the OGFS
        # feat index will have all previous sampled columns as well...
        if not self.unseen_only and len(feat_index) > 0:
            feat_check = []
            excl_check = []
            X_sel = X[:, feat_index]

            for idx, feat in enumerate(X_sel.T):
                if len(feat_check) == 0:
                wilcoxon_pval = wilcoxon_group(X_sel[:, feat_check], feat)
                #print("\tWilcoxon: {}".format(wilcoxon_pval))
                if wilcoxon_pval < self.intragroup_alpha:
            feat_check_ = (feat_check + col_sel)
            index_to_col = [
                col for idx, col in enumerate(X_.columns) if idx in feat_check_
        elif self.unseen_only:
            # if we are considering unseen only, we will simply let the regulariser
            # act on it, sim. to grafting.
            index_to_col = [
                col for idx, col in enumerate(X_.columns) if idx in feat_index
            # only use supervised criteria
            feat_check_ = (feat_check + col_sel)
            index_to_col = [
                col for idx, col in enumerate(X_.columns) if idx in feat_index
        self.unseen_only = False  # perhaps add more conditions around unseen - i.e. once unseen condition kicks in, it remains active?
        self.coef_info['cols'] = list(
            set(self.coef_info['cols'] + index_to_col))
        col_rem = X_.columns.difference(self.coef_info['cols'])
        # update column exclusion...
        self.coef_info['excluded_cols'] = [
            x for x in self.coef_info['excluded_cols']
            if x not in self.coef_info['cols']