コード例 #1
def test_no_attributes_set_in_init(estimator, preprocessor):
    """Check setting during init. Adapted from scikit-learn."""
    estimator = clone(estimator)
    if hasattr(type(estimator).__init__, "deprecated_original"):

    init_params = _get_args(type(estimator).__init__)
    parents_init_params = [
        param for params_parent in (_get_args(parent)
                                    for parent in type(estimator).__mro__)
        for param in params_parent

    # Test for no setting apart from parameters during init
    invalid_attr = (set(vars(estimator)) - set(init_params) -
    assert not invalid_attr, \
        ("Estimator %s should not set any attribute apart"
         " from parameters during init. Found attributes %s."
         % (type(estimator).__name__, sorted(invalid_attr)))
    # Ensure that each parameter is set in init
    invalid_attr = (set(init_params) - set(vars(estimator)) - set(["self"]))
    assert not invalid_attr, \
        ("Estimator %s should store all parameters"
         " as an attribute during init. Did not find "
         "attributes %s." % (type(estimator).__name__, sorted(invalid_attr)))
コード例 #2
def test_no_attributes_set_in_init(estimator, preprocessor):
  """Check setting during init. Adapted from scikit-learn."""
  estimator = clone(estimator)
  if hasattr(type(estimator).__init__, "deprecated_original"):

  init_params = _get_args(type(estimator).__init__)
  parents_init_params = [param for params_parent in
                         (_get_args(parent) for parent in
                         for param in params_parent]

  # Test for no setting apart from parameters during init
  invalid_attr = (set(vars(estimator)) - set(init_params) -
  assert not invalid_attr, \
      ("Estimator %s should not set any attribute apart"
       " from parameters during init. Found attributes %s."
       % (type(estimator).__name__, sorted(invalid_attr)))
  # Ensure that each parameter is set in init
  invalid_attr = (set(init_params) - set(vars(estimator)) -
  assert not invalid_attr, \
      ("Estimator %s should store all parameters"
       " as an attribute during init. Did not find "
       "attributes %s." % (type(estimator).__name__, sorted(invalid_attr)))
コード例 #3
def check_docstring_parameters(func, doc=None, ignore=None, class_name=None):
    """Helper to check docstring

    func : callable
        The function object to test.
    doc : str, optional (default: None)
        Docstring if it is passed manually to the test.
    ignore : None | list
        Parameters to ignore.
    class_name : string, optional (default: None)
       If ``func`` is a class method and the class name is known specify
       class_name for the error message.

    incorrect : list
        A list of string describing the incorrect results.
    from numpydoc import docscrape
    incorrect = []
    ignore = [] if ignore is None else ignore

    func_name = _get_func_name(func, class_name=class_name)
    if not func_name.startswith('sklearn_lvq.'):
        return incorrect
    # Don't check docstring for property-functions
    if inspect.isdatadescriptor(func):
        return incorrect
    args = list(filter(lambda x: x not in ignore, _get_args(func)))
    # drop self
    if len(args) > 0 and args[0] == 'self':

    if doc is None:
        with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
                doc = docscrape.FunctionDoc(func)
            except Exception as exp:
                incorrect += [func_name + ' parsing error: ' + str(exp)]
                return incorrect
        if len(w):
            raise RuntimeError('Error for %s:\n%s' % (func_name, w[0]))

    param_names = []
    for name, type_definition, param_doc in doc['Parameters']:
        if (type_definition.strip() == "" or

            param_name = name.lstrip()

            # If there was no space between name and the colon
            # "verbose:" -> len(["verbose", ""][0]) -> 7
            # If "verbose:"[7] == ":", then there was no space
            if param_name[len(param_name.split(':')[0].strip())] == ':':
                incorrect += [func_name +
                              ' There was no space between the param name and '
                              'colon ("%s")' % name]
                incorrect += [func_name + ' Incorrect type definition for '
                                          'param: "%s" (type definition was "%s")'
                              % (name.split(':')[0], type_definition)]
        if '*' not in name:
            param_names.append(name.split(':')[0].strip('` '))

    param_names = list(filter(lambda x: x not in ignore, param_names))

    if len(param_names) != len(args):
        bad = str(sorted(list(set(param_names) ^ set(args))))
        incorrect += [func_name + ' arg mismatch: ' + bad]
        for n1, n2 in zip(param_names, args):
            if n1 != n2:
                incorrect += [func_name + ' ' + n1 + ' != ' + n2]
    return incorrect