コード例 #1
def check_methods_have_no_side_effects(Estimator):
    # Check that calling methods has no side effects on args

    if not isclass(Estimator):
        Estimator = type(Estimator)

    estimator = _construct_instance(Estimator)


    # Fit for the first time
    fit_args = _make_args(estimator=estimator, method="fit")
    old_fit_args = deepcopy(fit_args)

    assert deep_equals(
        old_fit_args, fit_args
    ), f"Estimator: {estimator} has side effects on arguments of fit"

        if hasattr(estimator, method):
            new_args = _make_args(estimator=estimator, method=method)
            old_args = deepcopy(new_args)
            getattr(estimator, method)(*new_args)

            assert deep_equals(
                old_args, new_args
            ), f"Estimator: {estimator} has side effects on arguments of {method}"
コード例 #2
def test_reconstruct_identical(scitype, mtype, fixture_index, iterate_as):
    """Tests that reconstruct recreates the original input X.

    scitype : str - name of scitype for which mtype conversions are tested

    RuntimeError if scitype is not defined or has no mtypes or examples
    AssertionError if examples are not correctly identified
    error if check itself raises an error
    # escape for the invalid Panel/Panel combination, see above
    if iterate_as == "Panel" and scitype == "Panel":
        return None

    # retrieve fixture for checking
    fixture = get_examples(mtype=mtype, as_scitype=scitype).get(fixture_index)

    # construct VectorizedDF - we've tested above that this works
    X_vect = VectorizedDF(X=fixture, iterate_as=iterate_as, is_scitype=None)

    # get list of iterated elements - we've tested above that this yields correct result
    X_list = list(X_vect)

    # reconstructed fixture should equal multiindex fixture if not convert_back
    assert deep_equals(X_vect.reconstruct(X_list), X_vect.X_multiindex)

    # reconstructed fixture should equal original fixture if convert_back
    assert deep_equals(X_vect.reconstruct(X_list, convert_back=True), fixture)
コード例 #3
    def test_methods_have_no_side_effects(self, estimator_instance, scenario):
        """Check that calling methods has no side effects on args."""
        estimator = estimator_instance


        # Fit the model, get args before and after
        _, args_after = scenario.run(estimator,
        fit_args_after = args_after[0]
        fit_args_before = scenario.args["fit"]

        assert deep_equals(
            fit_args_before, fit_args_after
        ), f"Estimator: {estimator} has side effects on arguments of fit"

        for method in NON_STATE_CHANGING_METHODS:
            if _has_capability(estimator, method):
                # Fit the model, get args before and after
                _, args_after = scenario.run(estimator,
                method_args_after = args_after[0]
                method_args_before = scenario.get_args(method, estimator)

                assert deep_equals(
                    method_args_after, method_args_before
                ), f"Estimator: {estimator} has side effects on arguments of {method}"
コード例 #4
def test_iteration(scitype, mtype, fixture_index, iterate_as):
    """Tests __getitem__ returns pd-multiindex mtype if iterate_as="Series".

    Fixtures parameterized
    scitype : str - scitype of fixture
    mtype : str - mtype of fixture
    fixture_index : int - index of fixture tuple with that scitype and mtype
    iterate_as : str - level on which to iterate over
    # escape for the invalid Panel/Panel combination, see above
    if iterate_as == "Panel" and scitype == "Panel":
        return None

    # retrieve fixture for checking
    fixture = get_examples(mtype=mtype, as_scitype=scitype).get(fixture_index)

    # construct VectorizedDF - we've tested above that this works
    X_vect = VectorizedDF(X=fixture, iterate_as=iterate_as, is_scitype=None)

    # testing list comprehension works with indexing
    X_iter1 = [X_vect[i] for i in range(len(X_vect))]
    assert isinstance(X_iter1, list)

    # testing that iterator comprehension works
    X_iter2 = [X_idx for X_idx in X_vect]
    assert isinstance(X_iter2, list)

    # testing that as_list method works
    X_iter3 = X_vect.as_list()
    assert isinstance(X_iter3, list)

    # check that these are all the same
    assert deep_equals(X_iter1, X_iter2)
    assert deep_equals(X_iter2, X_iter3)
コード例 #5
    def test_methods_do_not_change_state(self, estimator_instance, scenario):
        """Check that non-state-changing methods do not change state.

        Check that methods that are not supposed to change attributes of the
        estimators do not change anything (including hyper-parameters and
        fitted parameters)
        estimator = estimator_instance

        for method in NON_STATE_CHANGING_METHODS:
            if _has_capability(estimator, method):

                # dict_before = copy of dictionary of estimator before predict, post fit
                _ = scenario.run(estimator, method_sequence=["fit"])
                dict_before = estimator.__dict__.copy()

                # dict_after = dictionary of estimator after predict and fit
                _ = scenario.run(estimator, method_sequence=[method])
                dict_after = estimator.__dict__

                is_equal, msg = deep_equals(dict_after,
                assert is_equal, (
                    f"Estimator: {type(estimator).__name__} changes __dict__ "
                    f"during {method}, "
                    f"reason/location of discrepancy (x=after, y=before): {msg}"
コード例 #6
def test_mock_univariate_forecaster_log(y, X_train, X_pred, fh):
    """Tests the log of the MockUnivariateForecasterLogger.

    Tests the following:
    - log format and content
    - All the private methods that have logging enabled are in the log
    - the correct inner mtypes are preserved, according to the forecaster tags
    forecaster = MockUnivariateForecasterLogger()
    forecaster.fit(y, X_train, fh)
    forecaster.predict(fh, X_pred)
    forecaster.update(y, X_train, fh)
    forecaster.predict_quantiles(fh=fh, X=X_pred, alpha=[0.1, 0.9])

    _X_train = deepcopy(X_frame_train) if X_train is not None else None
    _X_pred = deepcopy(X_frame_pred) if X_pred is not None else None

    expected_log = [
        ("_fit", {"y": y_series, "X": _X_train, "fh": fh}),
        ("_predict", {"fh": fh, "X": _X_pred}),
        ("_update", {"y": y_series, "X": _X_train, "update_params": fh}),
            {"fh": fh, "X": _X_pred, "alpha": [0.1, 0.9]},

    assert deep_equals(forecaster.log, expected_log)
コード例 #7
ファイル: test_compose.py プロジェクト: juanitorduz/sktime
def test_featureunion_transform_cols():
    """Test FeatureUnion name and number of columns."""
    X = pd.DataFrame({"test1": [1, 2], "test2": [3, 4]})

    t1 = ExponentTransformer(power=2)
    t2 = ExponentTransformer(power=5)
    t3 = ExponentTransformer(power=3)

    t123 = t1 + t2 + t3

    Xt = t123.fit_transform(X)

    expected_cols = pd.Index([

    msg = (
        f"FeatureUnion creates incorrect column names for DataFrame output. "
        f"Expected: {expected_cols}, found: {Xt.columns}")

    assert deep_equals(Xt.columns, expected_cols), msg
コード例 #8
def test_deep_equals_negative(fixture1, fixture2):
    """Tests that deep_equals correctly identifies unequal objects as unequal."""
    x = deepcopy(fixture1)
    y = deepcopy(fixture2)

    msg = (f"deep_copy incorrectly returned True when comparing "
           f"the following, different objects: x={x}, y={y}")
    assert not deep_equals(x, y), msg
コード例 #9
def test_deep_equals_positive(fixture):
    """Tests that deep_equals correctly identifies equal objects as equal."""
    x = deepcopy(fixture)
    y = deepcopy(fixture)

    msg = (f"deep_copy incorrectly returned False for two identical copies of "
           f"the following object: {x}")
    assert deep_equals(x, y), msg
コード例 #10
ファイル: test_convert.py プロジェクト: juanitorduz/sktime
def test_convert(scitype, from_mtype, to_mtype, fixture_index):
    """Tests that conversions for scitype agree with from/to example fixtures.

    scitype : str - scitypes
    from_mtype : str - mtype of "from" conversion to test, belongs to scitype
    to_mtype : str - mtype of conversion target ("to") to test, belongs to scitype
    from_fixture : int - index of fixture tuple use for conversion

    AssertionError if a converted object does not match fixture
    error if conversion itself raises an error
    # retrieve from/to fixture for conversion
    from_fixture = get_examples(mtype=from_mtype,

    to_fixture = get_examples(mtype=to_mtype,

    # retrieve indicators whether conversion makes sense
    # to-fixture is in example dict and is not None
    cond1 = to_fixture is not None and to_fixture[0] is not None
    # from-fixture is in example dict and is not None
    cond2 = from_fixture is not None and from_fixture[0] is not None
    # from-fixture is not None and not lossy
    cond3 = cond2 and from_fixture[1] is not None and not from_fixture[1]

    msg = (
        f"conversion {from_mtype} to {to_mtype} failed for fixture {fixture_index}, "
        "expected result (y) and converted result (x) are not equal because: ")

    # test that converted from-fixture equals to-fixture
    if cond1 and cond2 and cond3:

        converted_fixture_i = convert(

        equals, deep_equals_msg = deep_equals(
        assert equals, msg + deep_equals_msg
コード例 #11
    def _transform(self, X, X2=None):
        """Compute distance/kernel matrix.

            Core logic.

        Behaviour: returns pairwise distance/kernel matrix
            between samples in X and X2
                if X2 is not passed, is equal to X
                if X/X2 is a pd.DataFrame and contains non-numeric columns,
                    these are removed before computation

        X: pd.DataFrame of length n, or 2D np.array with n rows
        X2: pd.DataFrame of length m, or 2D np.array with m rows, optional
            default X2 = X

        distmat: np.array of shape [n, m]
            (i,j)-th entry contains distance/kernel between X.iloc[i] and X2.iloc[j]
        n = len(X)
        m = len(X2)

        X_equals_X2 = deep_equals(X, X2)

        aggfunc = self.aggfunc
        aggfunc_is_symm = self.aggfunc_is_symm
        if aggfunc is None:
            aggfunc = np.mean
            aggfunc_is_symm = True

        transformer_symm = self.transformer.get_tag("symmetric", False)

        # whether we know that resulting matrix must be symmetric
        # a sufficient condition for this:
        # transformer is symmetric; X equals X2; and aggfunc is symmetric
        all_symm = aggfunc_is_symm and transformer_symm and X_equals_X2

        distmat = np.zeros((n, m), dtype="float")

        for i in range(n):
            for j in range(m):

                if all_symm and j < i:
                    distmat[i, j] = distmat[j, i]
                    distmat[i, j] = aggfunc(self.transformer.transform(X[i], X2[j]))

        return distmat
コード例 #12
def test_convert_to_without_scitype():
    """Testing convert_to call without scitype specification."""
    scitype = SCITYPES[0]

    from_fixt = get_examples(mtype=MTYPES_SERIES[1], as_scitype=scitype).get(0)
    # convert_to should recognize the correct scitype, otherwise same as above
    exp_fixt = get_examples(mtype=MTYPES_SERIES[0], as_scitype=scitype).get(0)

    # carry out the conversion using convert_to
    converted = convert_to(from_fixt, to_type=MTYPES_SERIES[0])

    # compare expected output with actual output of convert_to
    msg = "convert_to call without scitype does not seem to work."
    assert deep_equals(converted, exp_fixt), msg
コード例 #13
def test_convert_to_simple():
    """Testing convert_to basic call works."""
    scitype = SCITYPES[0]

    from_fixt = get_examples(mtype=MTYPES_SERIES[1], as_scitype=scitype).get(0)
    # expectation is that the conversion is to mtype MTYPES_SERIES[0]
    exp_fixt = get_examples(mtype=MTYPES_SERIES[0], as_scitype=scitype).get(0)

    # carry out the conversion using convert_to
    converted = convert_to(from_fixt, to_type=MTYPES_SERIES[0], as_scitype=scitype)

    # compare expected output with actual output of convert_to
    msg = "convert_to basic call does not seem to work."
    assert deep_equals(converted, exp_fixt), msg
コード例 #14
def test_convert_to_mtype_list_different_scitype():
    """Testing convert_to call to_type being a list, of different scitypes."""
    # convert_to list
    target_list = MTYPES_SERIES[:2] + MTYPES_PANEL[:2]
    scitype0 = SCITYPES[0]
    scitype1 = SCITYPES[1]

    # example that is on the list and of scitype0
    from_fixt_on_0 = get_examples(mtype=MTYPES_SERIES[1], as_scitype=scitype0).get(0)
    # example that is not on the list and of scitype0
    from_fixt_off_0 = get_examples(mtype=MTYPES_SERIES[2], as_scitype=scitype0).get(0)
    # example that is on the list and of scitype1
    from_fixt_on_1 = get_examples(mtype=MTYPES_PANEL[1], as_scitype=scitype1).get(0)
    # example that is not on the list and of scitype1
    from_fixt_off_1 = get_examples(mtype=MTYPES_PANEL[2], as_scitype=scitype1).get(0)

    # if on the list, result should be equal to input
    exp_fixt_on_0 = get_examples(mtype=MTYPES_SERIES[1], as_scitype=scitype0).get(0)
    exp_fixt_on_1 = get_examples(mtype=MTYPES_PANEL[1], as_scitype=scitype1).get(0)
    # if off the list, result should be converted to mtype
    #   of the same scitype that appears earliest on the list
    exp_fixt_off_0 = get_examples(mtype=MTYPES_SERIES[0], as_scitype=scitype0).get(0)
    exp_fixt_off_1 = get_examples(mtype=MTYPES_PANEL[0], as_scitype=scitype1).get(0)

    # carry out the conversion using convert_to
    converted_on_0 = convert_to(from_fixt_on_0, to_type=target_list)
    converted_off_0 = convert_to(from_fixt_off_0, to_type=target_list)
    converted_on_1 = convert_to(from_fixt_on_1, to_type=target_list)
    converted_off_1 = convert_to(from_fixt_off_1, to_type=target_list)

    # compare expected output with actual output of convert_to
    msg = "convert_to call does not work with list for to_type of different scitypes."
    assert deep_equals(converted_on_0, exp_fixt_on_0), msg
    assert deep_equals(converted_off_0, exp_fixt_off_0), msg
    assert deep_equals(converted_on_1, exp_fixt_on_1), msg
    assert deep_equals(converted_off_1, exp_fixt_off_1), msg
コード例 #15
def test_methods_have_no_side_effects(estimator_instance):
    """Check that calling methods has no side effects on args."""
    estimator = estimator_instance


    # Fit for the first time
    fit_args = _make_args(estimator, "fit")
    old_fit_args = deepcopy(fit_args)

    assert deep_equals(
        old_fit_args, fit_args
    ), f"Estimator: {estimator} has side effects on arguments of fit"

        if hasattr(estimator, method):
            new_args = _make_args(estimator, method)
            old_args = deepcopy(new_args)
            getattr(estimator, method)(*new_args)

            assert deep_equals(
                old_args, new_args
            ), f"Estimator: {estimator} has side effects on arguments of {method}"
コード例 #16
def test_convert_to_mtype_list():
    """Testing convert_to call to_type being a list, of same scitype."""
    # convert_to list
    target_list = MTYPES_SERIES[:2]
    scitype = SCITYPES[0]

    # example that is on the list
    from_fixt_on = get_examples(mtype=MTYPES_SERIES[1], as_scitype=scitype).get(0)
    # example that is not on the list
    from_fixt_off = get_examples(mtype=MTYPES_SERIES[2], as_scitype=scitype).get(0)

    # if on the list, result should be equal to input
    exp_fixt_on = get_examples(mtype=MTYPES_SERIES[1], as_scitype=scitype).get(0)
    # if off the list, result should be converted to mtype that is first on the list
    exp_fixt_off = get_examples(mtype=MTYPES_SERIES[0], as_scitype=scitype).get(0)

    # carry out the conversion using convert_to
    converted_on = convert_to(from_fixt_on, to_type=target_list)
    converted_off = convert_to(from_fixt_off, to_type=target_list)

    # compare expected output with actual output of convert_to
    msg = "convert_to call does not work with list for to_type."
    assert deep_equals(converted_on, exp_fixt_on), msg
    assert deep_equals(converted_off, exp_fixt_off), msg
コード例 #17
def test_methods_do_not_change_state(estimator_instance, scenario):
    """Check that non-state-changing methods do not change state.

    Check that methods that are not supposed to change attributes of the
    estimators do not change anything (including hyper-parameters and
    fitted parameters)
    estimator = estimator_instance

        if _has_capability(estimator, method):

            # dict_before = copy of dictionary of estimator before predict, after fit
            _ = scenario.run(estimator, method_sequence=["fit"])
            dict_before = estimator.__dict__.copy()

            # dict_after = dictionary of estimator after predict and fit
            _ = scenario.run(estimator, method_sequence=[method])
            dict_after = estimator.__dict__

            if method == "transform" and estimator.get_class_tag("fit-in-transform"):
                # Some transformations fit during transform, as they apply
                # some transformation to each series passed to transform,
                # so transform will actually change the state of these estimator.

            if method == "predict" and estimator.get_class_tag("fit-in-predict"):
                # Some annotators fit during predict, as they apply
                # some apply annotation to each series passed to predict,
                # so predict will actually change the state of these annotators.

            # old logic uses equality without auto-msg, keep comment until refactor
            # is_equal = dict_after == dict_before
            is_equal, msg = deep_equals(dict_after, dict_before, return_msg=True)
            assert is_equal, (
                f"Estimator: {type(estimator).__name__} changes __dict__ "
                f"during {method}, "
                f"reason/location of discrepancy (x=after, y=before): {msg}"
コード例 #18
ファイル: test_convert.py プロジェクト: fspinna/sktime_forked
def test_convert(scitype):
    """Tests that conversions for scitype agree with from/to example fixtures.

    scitype : str - name of scitype for which mtype conversions are tested

    AssertionError if a converted object does not match fixture
    error if conversion itself raises an error
    conv_mat = _conversions_defined(scitype)
    mtypes = conv_mat.index.values

    if len(mtypes) == 0:
        raise RuntimeError("no mtypes defined for scitype " + scitype)

    fixtures = dict()

    for mtype in mtypes:
        # if we don't do this we get into a clash between linters
        mtype_long_variable_name_to_avoid_linter_clash = mtype
        fixtures[mtype] = get_examples(

    if len(fixtures[mtypes[0]]) == 0:
        raise RuntimeError("no fixtures defined for scitype " + scitype)

    # by convention, all fixtures are mirrored across all mtypes
    #  so len(fixtures[mtypes[i]]) does not depend on i
    n_fixtures = len(fixtures[mtypes[0]])

    for i in range(n_fixtures):
        for from_type in mtypes:
            for to_type in mtypes:

                # retrieve from/to fixture for conversion
                to_fixture = fixtures[to_type].get(i)
                from_fixture = fixtures[from_type].get(i)

                # retrieve indicators whether conversion makes sense
                # to-fixture is in example dict and is not None
                cond1 = to_fixture is not None and to_fixture[0] is not None
                # from-fixture is in example dict and is not None
                cond2 = from_fixture is not None and from_fixture[0] is not None
                # from-fixture is not None and not lossy
                cond3 = cond2 and from_fixture[
                    1] is not None and not from_fixture[1]
                # conversion is implemented
                cond4 = conv_mat[to_type][from_type]

                msg = f"conversion {from_type} to {to_type} failed for fixture {i}"

                # test that converted from-fixture equals to-fixture
                if cond1 and cond2 and cond3 and cond4:

                    converted_fixture_i = convert(

                    assert deep_equals(
                    ), msg