コード例 #1
ファイル: dataset.py プロジェクト: sergeyk/skvisutils
    def get_neg_windows(self, num, cls=None, window_params=None, max_overlap=0,
        Return array of num windows that can be generated with window_params
        that do not overlap with ground truth by more than max_overlap.
        * If cls is not given, returns ground truth for all classes.
        * If max_num_images is given, samples from at most that many images.
        sw = SlidingWindows(self, self)
        if not window_params:
            window_params = sw.get_default_window_params(cls)
        all_windows = []
        image_inds = self.get_pos_samples_for_class(cls)

        max_num = len(image_inds)
        inds = image_inds
        if max_num_images:
            inds = skutil.random_subset(image_inds, max_num_images)
        num_per_image = round(1. * num / max_num)
        for ind in inds:
            image = self.images[ind]
            windows = image.get_windows(window_params)
            gts = image.get_ground_truth(cls)
            for gt in gts.arr:
                overlaps = BoundingBox.get_overlap(windows[:, :4], gt[:4])
                windows = windows[overlaps <= max_overlap, :]
            if windows.shape[0] == 0:
            ind_to_take = skutil.random_subset_up_to_N(
                windows.shape[0], num_per_image)
                (windows[ind_to_take, :], np.tile(ind, (ind_to_take.shape[0], 1)))))
        all_windows = np.concatenate(all_windows, 0)
        return all_windows[:num, :]
コード例 #2
ファイル: dataset.py プロジェクト: sergeyk/skvisutils
 def get_pos_windows(self, cls=None, window_params=None, min_overlap=0.7):
     Return array of all ground truth windows for the class, plus windows
     that can be generated with window_params that overlap with it by more
     than min_overlap.
     * If cls not given, return positive windows for all classes.
     * If window_params not given, use default for the class.
     * Adjust min_overlap to fetch fewer windows.
     sw = SlidingWindows(self, self)
     if not window_params:
         window_params = sw.get_default_window_params(cls)
     overlapping_windows = []
     image_inds = self.get_pos_samples_for_class(cls)
     times = []
     window_nums = []
     for i in image_inds:
         image = self.images[i]
         gts = image.get_ground_truth(cls)
         if gts.arr.shape[0] > 0:
             overlap_wins = gts.arr[:, :4]
             overlap_wins = np.hstack(
                 (overlap_wins, np.tile(i, (overlap_wins.shape[0], 1))))
             windows, time_elapsed = image.get_windows(
                 window_params, with_time=True)
             for gt in gts.arr:
                 overlaps = BoundingBox.get_overlap(windows[:, :4], gt[:4])
                 overlap_wins = windows[overlaps >= min_overlap, :]
                 overlap_wins = np.hstack((
                     overlap_wins, np.tile(i, (overlap_wins.shape[0], 1))))
                 windows = windows[overlaps < min_overlap, :]
     overlapping_windows = np.concatenate(overlapping_windows, 0)
     print("Windows generated per image: %d +/- %.3f, in %.3f +/- %.3f sec" % (
         np.mean(window_nums), np.std(window_nums),
         np.mean(times), np.std(times)))
     return overlapping_windows
コード例 #3
ファイル: evaluation.py プロジェクト: sergeyk/skvisutils
def compute_det_pr_and_hard_neg(dets, gt, min_overlap=0.5):
    Compute the Precision-Recall and find hard negatives of the given detections
    for the ground truth.

        dets (skpyutils.Table): detections.
            !NOTE: the first four columns must be the bounding box coordinates!

        gt (skpyutils.Table): detectin ground truth
            Can be for a single image or a whole dataset, and can contain either all
            classes or a single class. The 'cls_ind' column must be present in
            either case.

            Note that depending on these choices, the meaning of the PR evaluation
            is different. In particular, if gt is for a single class but detections
            are for multiple classes, there will be a lot of false positives!

        min_overlap (float): minimum required area of union of area of
            intersection overlap for a true positive.

        (ap,        recall, precision, hard_negatives, sorted_dets): tuple of
        (float, list,     list,            list,                     ndarray),
        where the lists are 0/1 masks onto the sorted dets.
    tt = TicToc().tic()

    # if dets or gt are empty, return 0's
    nd = dets.arr.shape[0]
    if nd < 1 or gt.shape[0] < 1:
        ap = 0
        rec = np.array([0])
        prec = np.array([0])
        hard_negs = np.array([0])
        return (ap, rec, prec, hard_negs)

    # augment gt with a column keeping track of matches
    cols = list(gt.cols) + ["matched"]
    arr = np.zeros((gt.arr.shape[0], gt.arr.shape[1] + 1))
    arr[:, :-1] = gt.arr.copy()
    gt = Table(arr, cols)

    # sort detections by confidence
    dets = dets.copy()
    dets.sort_by_column("score", descending=True)

    # match detections to ground truth objects
    npos = gt.filter_on_column("diff", 0).shape[0]
    tp = np.zeros(nd)
    fp = np.zeros(nd)
    hard_neg = np.zeros(nd)
    for d in range(nd):
        if tt.qtoc() > 15:
            print("... on %d/%d dets" % (d, nd))

        det = dets.arr[d, :]

        # find ground truth for this image
        if "img_ind" in gt.cols:
            img_ind = det[dets.ind("img_ind")]
            inds = gt.arr[:, gt.ind("img_ind")] == img_ind
            gt_for_image = gt.arr[inds, :]
            gt_for_image = gt.arr

        if gt_for_image.shape[0] < 1:
            # false positive due to a det in image that does not contain the class
            # NOTE: this can happen if we're passing ground truth for a class
            fp[d] = 1
            hard_neg[d] = 1

        # find the maximally overlapping ground truth element for this
        # detection
        overlaps = BoundingBox.get_overlap(gt_for_image[:, :4], det[:4])
        jmax = overlaps.argmax()
        ovmax = overlaps[jmax]

        # assign detection as true positive/don't care/false positive
        if ovmax >= min_overlap:
            if gt_for_image[jmax, gt.ind("diff")]:
                # not a false positive because object is difficult
                if gt_for_image[jmax, gt.ind("matched")] == 0:
                    if gt_for_image[jmax, gt.ind("cls_ind")] == det[dets.ind("cls_ind")]:
                        # true positive
                        tp[d] = 1
                        gt_for_image[jmax, gt.ind("matched")] = 1
                        # false positive due to wrong class
                        fp[d] = 1
                        hard_neg[d] = 1
                    # false positive due to multiple detection
                    # this is still a correct answer, so not a hard negative
                    fp[d] = 1
            # false positive due to not matching any ground truth object
            fp[d] = 1
            hard_neg[d] = 1
        # NOTE: must do this for gt.arr to get the changes we made to
        # gt_for_image
        if "img_ind" in gt.cols:
            gt.arr[inds, :] = gt_for_image

    ap, rec, prec = compute_rec_prec_ap(tp, fp, npos)
    return (ap, rec, prec, hard_neg, dets)
コード例 #4
  def compute_det_pr_and_hard_neg(cls, dets, gt):
    Take Table of detections and Table of ground truth.
    Ground truth can be for a single image or a whole dataset
    and can contain either all classes or just one class (but the cls_ind col
    must be present in either case).
    Depending on these decisions, the meaning of the PR evaluation is
    In particular, if gt is for a single class but dets are for multiple
    classes, there will be a lot of false positives!
    NOTE: modifies dets in-place (sorts by score)
    Return ap, recall, and precision vectors as tuple.
    gt = gt.copy()

    # if dets or gt are empty, return 0's
    nd = dets.arr.shape[0]
    if nd < 1 or gt.shape[0] < 1:
      ap = 0
      rec = np.array([0])
      prec = np.array([0])
      return (ap,rec,prec)
    tt = TicToc().tic()

    # augment gt with a column keeping track of matches
    cols = list(gt.cols) + ['matched']
    arr = np.zeros((gt.arr.shape[0],gt.arr.shape[1]+1))
    arr[:,:-1] = gt.arr
    gt = Table(arr,cols)

    # sort detections by confidence

    # match detections to ground truth objects
    npos = gt.filter_on_column('diff',0).shape[0]
    tp = np.zeros(nd)
    fp = np.zeros(nd)
    hard_neg = np.zeros(nd)
    for d in range(nd):
      if tt.qtoc() > 15:
        print("... on %d/%d dets"%(d,nd))

      det = dets.arr[d,:]

      # find ground truth for this image
      if 'img_ind' in gt.cols:
        img_ind = det[dets.ind('img_ind')]
        inds = gt.arr[:,gt.ind('img_ind')] == img_ind
        gt_for_image = gt.arr[inds,:]
        gt_for_image = gt.arr
      if gt_for_image.shape[0] < 1:
        # this can happen if we're passing ground truth for a class
        # false positive due to detection in image that does not contain the class
        fp[d] = 1 
        hard_neg[d] = 1

      # find the maximally overlapping ground truth element for this detection
      overlaps = BoundingBox.get_overlap(gt_for_image[:,:4],det[:4])
      jmax = overlaps.argmax()
      ovmax = overlaps[jmax]

      # assign detection as true positive/don't care/false positive
      if ovmax >= cls.MIN_OVERLAP:
        if not gt_for_image[jmax,gt.ind('diff')]:
          is_matched = gt_for_image[jmax,gt.ind('matched')]
          if is_matched == 0:
            if gt_for_image[jmax,gt.ind('cls_ind')] == det[dets.ind('cls_ind')]:
              # true positive
              tp[d] = 1
              gt_for_image[jmax,gt.ind('matched')] = 1
              # false positive due to wrong class
              fp[d] = 1
              hard_neg[d] = 1
            # false positive due to multiple detection
            # this is still a correct answer, so not a hard negative
            fp[d] = 1
          # NOT a false positive because object is difficult!
        # false positive due to not matching any ground truth object
        fp[d] = 1
        hard_neg[d] = 1
      # NOTE: this is very important: otherwise, gt.arr does not get the
      # changes we make to gt_for_image
      if 'img_ind' in gt.cols:
        gt.arr[inds,:] = gt_for_image

    ap,rec,prec = cls.compute_rec_prec_ap(tp,fp,npos)
    return (ap,rec,prec,hard_neg)
コード例 #5
ファイル: sliding_windows.py プロジェクト: sergeyk/skvisutils
    def get_recalls(self, cls, metaparams, mode, window_intervals, min_overlaps):
    Return nparray of num_intervals x num_overlaps, with each entry specifying
    the recall for that combination of window_interval and min_overlap.
    window_intervals must begin with 0.
    mode must be in ['sw','jw']
        assert window_intervals[0] == 0
        num_overlaps = len(min_overlaps)
        num_intervals = len(window_intervals)
        times = [0]
        window_nums = [0]
        image_inds = self.dataset.get_pos_samples_for_class(cls)
        num_images = len(image_inds)
        # we are building up a num_images x num_intervals+1 x num_overlaps array
        array = np.zeros((num_images, num_intervals + 1, num_overlaps))
        for i in range(num_images):
            ind = image_inds[i]
            image = self.dataset.images[ind]
            # the first interval is 0, so there aren't any window proposals
            array[i, 0, :] = 0
            gts = image.get_ground_truth(cls)
            num_gt = gts.shape[0]
            # the last row of the matrix is the number of ground truth
            array[i, num_intervals, :] = num_gt
            # now get the windows and append the statistics information
            # windows,time_elapsed = window_generator.get_windows(image,cls,with_time=True)

            if mode == "sw":
                windows, time_elapsed = self.get_windows_new(
                    image, cls, metaparams, with_time=True, at_most=max(window_intervals)
            elif mode == "jw":
                windows, time_elapsed = self.jw.get_windows(image, cls, K=10000)
                raise RuntimeError("impossible mode")

            # shuffle the windows if we want to take them in random order
            if mode == "sw" and not metaparams["priority"]:
                rand_ind = np.random.permutation(windows.shape[0])
                windows = windows[rand_ind, :]

            # go through each interval and count how many ground truth are matched
            for j in range(1, len(window_intervals)):
                max_ind = window_intervals[j]
                # if we are going to ask for more windows that are available,
                # the recall is going to be the same as before, so just add that
                if max_ind > windows.shape[0]:
                    array[i, j, :] = array[i, j - 1, :]
                # otherwise, count the number of ground truths that are overlapped
                # NOTE: a single window can overlap multiple ground truth in this
                # scheme
                for gt in gts.arr:
                    overlaps = BoundingBox.get_overlap(windows[:max_ind, :4], gt[:4])
                    for k, min_overlap in enumerate(min_overlaps):
                        if np.any(overlaps >= min_overlap):
                            array[i, j, k] += 1
            "Windows generated per image: %d +/- %.3f, in %.3f +/- %.3f sec"
            % (np.mean(window_nums), np.std(window_nums), np.mean(times), np.std(times))
        # reduce to num_intervals+1 x num_overlaps
        sum_array = np.sum(array, axis=0)
        # reduce to num_intervals x num_overlaps
        recalls = sum_array[:-1, :] / sum_array[-1, :]
        return recalls