def photometry_plot(obj_id, user, width=600, device="browser"): """Create object photometry scatter plot. Parameters ---------- obj_id : str ID of Obj to be plotted. Returns ------- dict Returns Bokeh JSON embedding for the desired plot. """ data = pd.read_sql( DBSession() .query( Photometry, Telescope.nickname.label("telescope"),"instrument"), ) .join(Instrument, == Photometry.instrument_id) .join(Telescope, == Instrument.telescope_id) .filter(Photometry.obj_id == obj_id) .filter( Photometry.groups.any([ for g in user.accessible_groups])) ) .statement, DBSession().bind, ) if data.empty: return None, None, None # get spectra to annotate on phot plots spectra = ( Spectrum.query_records_accessible_by(user) .filter(Spectrum.obj_id == obj_id) .all() ) data['color'] = [get_color(f) for f in data['filter']] # get marker for each unique instrument instruments = list(data.instrument.unique()) markers = [] for i, inst in enumerate(instruments): markers.append(phot_markers[i % len(phot_markers)]) filters = list(set(data['filter'])) colors = [get_color(f) for f in filters] color_mapper = CategoricalColorMapper(factors=filters, palette=colors) color_dict = {'field': 'filter', 'transform': color_mapper} labels = [] for i, datarow in data.iterrows(): label = f'{datarow["instrument"]}/{datarow["filter"]}' if datarow['origin'] is not None: label += f'/{datarow["origin"]}' labels.append(label) data['label'] = labels data['zp'] = PHOT_ZP data['magsys'] = 'ab' data['alpha'] = 1.0 data['lim_mag'] = ( -2.5 * np.log10(data['fluxerr'] * PHOT_DETECTION_THRESHOLD) + data['zp'] ) # Passing a dictionary to a bokeh datasource causes the frontend to die, # deleting the dictionary column fixes that del data['original_user_data'] # keep track of things that are only upper limits data['hasflux'] = ~data['flux'].isna() # calculate the magnitudes - a photometry point is considered "significant" # or "detected" (and thus can be represented by a magnitude) if its snr # is above PHOT_DETECTION_THRESHOLD obsind = data['hasflux'] & ( data['flux'].fillna(0.0) / data['fluxerr'] >= PHOT_DETECTION_THRESHOLD ) data.loc[~obsind, 'mag'] = None data.loc[obsind, 'mag'] = -2.5 * np.log10(data[obsind]['flux']) + PHOT_ZP # calculate the magnitude errors using standard error propagation formulae # data.loc[~obsind, 'magerr'] = None coeff = 2.5 / np.log(10) magerrs = np.abs(coeff * data[obsind]['fluxerr'] / data[obsind]['flux']) data.loc[obsind, 'magerr'] = magerrs data['obs'] = obsind data['stacked'] = False split = data.groupby('label', sort=False) finite = np.isfinite(data['flux']) fdata = data[finite] lower = np.min(fdata['flux']) * 0.95 upper = np.max(fdata['flux']) * 1.05 xmin = data['mjd'].min() - 2 xmax = data['mjd'].max() + 2 # Layout parameters based on device type active_drag = None if "mobile" in device or "tablet" in device else "box_zoom" tools = ( 'box_zoom,pan,reset' if "mobile" in device or "tablet" in device else "box_zoom,wheel_zoom,pan,reset,save" ) legend_loc = "below" if "mobile" in device or "tablet" in device else "right" legend_orientation = ( "vertical" if device in ["browser", "mobile_portrait"] else "horizontal" ) # Compute a plot component height based on rough number of legend rows added below the plot # Values are based on default sizing of bokeh components and an estimate of how many # legend items would fit on the average device screen. Note that the legend items per # row is computed more exactly later once labels are extracted from the data (with the # add_plot_legend() function). # # The height is manually computed like this instead of using built in aspect_ratio/sizing options # because with the new Interactive Legend approach (instead of the legacy CheckboxLegendGroup), the # Legend component is considered part of the plot and plays into the sizing computations. Since the # number of items in the legend can alter the needed heights of the plot, using built-in Bokeh options # for sizing does not allow for keeping the actual graph part of the plot at a consistent aspect ratio. # # For the frame width, by default we take the desired plot width minus 64 for the y-axis/label taking # up horizontal space frame_width = width - 64 if device == "mobile_portrait": legend_items_per_row = 1 legend_row_height = 24 aspect_ratio = 1 elif device == "mobile_landscape": legend_items_per_row = 4 legend_row_height = 50 aspect_ratio = 1.8 elif device == "tablet_portrait": legend_items_per_row = 5 legend_row_height = 50 aspect_ratio = 1.5 elif device == "tablet_landscape": legend_items_per_row = 7 legend_row_height = 50 aspect_ratio = 1.8 elif device == "browser": # Width minus some base width for the legend, which is only a column to the right # for browser mode frame_width = width - 200 height = ( 500 if device == "browser" else math.floor(width / aspect_ratio) + legend_row_height * int(len(split) / legend_items_per_row) + 30 # 30 is the height of the toolbar ) plot = figure( frame_width=frame_width, height=height, active_drag=active_drag, tools=tools, toolbar_location='above', toolbar_sticky=True, y_range=(lower, upper), min_border_right=16, x_axis_location='above', sizing_mode="stretch_width", ) plot.xaxis.axis_label = 'MJD' now = plot.extra_x_ranges = {"Days Ago": Range1d(start=now - xmin, end=now - xmax)} plot.add_layout(LinearAxis(x_range_name="Days Ago", axis_label="Days Ago"), 'below') imhover = HoverTool(tooltips=tooltip_format) imhover.renderers = [] plot.add_tools(imhover) model_dict = {} legend_items = [] for i, (label, sdf) in enumerate(split): renderers = [] # for the flux plot, we only show things that have a flux value df = sdf[sdf['hasflux']] key = f'obs{i}' model_dict[key] = plot.scatter( x='mjd', y='flux', color='color', marker=factor_mark('instrument', markers, instruments), fill_color=color_dict, alpha='alpha', source=ColumnDataSource(df), ) renderers.append(model_dict[key]) imhover.renderers.append(model_dict[key]) key = f'bin{i}' model_dict[key] = plot.scatter( x='mjd', y='flux', color='color', marker=factor_mark('instrument', markers, instruments), fill_color=color_dict, source=ColumnDataSource( data=dict( mjd=[], flux=[], fluxerr=[], filter=[], color=[], lim_mag=[], mag=[], magerr=[], stacked=[], instrument=[], ) ), ) renderers.append(model_dict[key]) imhover.renderers.append(model_dict[key]) key = 'obserr' + str(i) y_err_x = [] y_err_y = [] for d, ro in df.iterrows(): px = ro['mjd'] py = ro['flux'] err = ro['fluxerr'] y_err_x.append((px, px)) y_err_y.append((py - err, py + err)) model_dict[key] = plot.multi_line( xs='xs', ys='ys', color='color', alpha='alpha', source=ColumnDataSource( data=dict( xs=y_err_x, ys=y_err_y, color=df['color'], alpha=[1.0] * len(df) ) ), ) renderers.append(model_dict[key]) key = f'binerr{i}' model_dict[key] = plot.multi_line( xs='xs', ys='ys', color='color', # legend_label=label, source=ColumnDataSource(data=dict(xs=[], ys=[], color=[])), ) renderers.append(model_dict[key]) legend_items.append(LegendItem(label=label, renderers=renderers)) if device == "mobile_portrait": plot.xaxis.ticker.desired_num_ticks = 5 plot.yaxis.axis_label = 'Flux (μJy)' plot.toolbar.logo = None add_plot_legend(plot, legend_items, width, legend_orientation, legend_loc) slider = Slider( start=0.0, end=15.0, value=0.0, step=1.0, title='Binsize (days)', max_width=350, margin=(4, 10, 0, 10), ) callback = CustomJS( args={'slider': slider, 'n_labels': len(split), **model_dict}, code=open( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../static/js/plotjs', 'stackf.js') ) .read() .replace('default_zp', str(PHOT_ZP)) .replace('detect_thresh', str(PHOT_DETECTION_THRESHOLD)), ) slider.js_on_change('value', callback) # Mark the first and last detections detection_dates = data[data['hasflux']]['mjd'] if len(detection_dates) > 0: first = round(detection_dates.min(), 6) last = round(detection_dates.max(), 6) first_color = "#34b4eb" last_color = "#8992f5" midpoint = (upper + lower) / 2 line_top = 5 * upper - 4 * midpoint line_bottom = 5 * lower - 4 * midpoint y = np.linspace(line_bottom, line_top, num=5000) first_r = plot.line( x=np.full(5000, first), y=y, line_alpha=0.5, line_color=first_color, line_width=2, ) plot.add_tools( HoverTool( tooltips=[("First detection", f'{first}')], renderers=[first_r], ) ) last_r = plot.line( x=np.full(5000, last), y=y, line_alpha=0.5, line_color=last_color, line_width=2, ) plot.add_tools( HoverTool( tooltips=[("Last detection", f'{last}')], renderers=[last_r], ) ) # Mark when spectra were taken annotate_spec(plot, spectra, lower, upper) layout = column(slider, plot, width=width, height=height) p1 = Panel(child=layout, title='Flux') # now make the mag light curve ymax = ( np.nanmax( ( np.nanmax(data.loc[obsind, 'mag']) if any(obsind) else np.nan, np.nanmax(data.loc[~obsind, 'lim_mag']) if any(~obsind) else np.nan, ) ) + 0.1 ) ymin = ( np.nanmin( ( np.nanmin(data.loc[obsind, 'mag']) if any(obsind) else np.nan, np.nanmin(data.loc[~obsind, 'lim_mag']) if any(~obsind) else np.nan, ) ) - 0.1 ) plot = figure( frame_width=frame_width, height=height, active_drag=active_drag, tools=tools, y_range=(ymax, ymin), x_range=(xmin, xmax), toolbar_location='above', toolbar_sticky=True, x_axis_location='above', sizing_mode="stretch_width", ) plot.xaxis.axis_label = 'MJD' now = plot.extra_x_ranges = {"Days Ago": Range1d(start=now - xmin, end=now - xmax)} plot.add_layout(LinearAxis(x_range_name="Days Ago", axis_label="Days Ago"), 'below') obj = DBSession().query(Obj).get(obj_id) if is not None: plot.extra_y_ranges = { "Absolute Mag": Range1d(start=ymax -, end=ymin - } plot.add_layout( LinearAxis(y_range_name="Absolute Mag", axis_label="m - DM"), 'right' ) # Mark the first and last detections again detection_dates = data[obsind]['mjd'] if len(detection_dates) > 0: first = round(detection_dates.min(), 6) last = round(detection_dates.max(), 6) midpoint = (ymax + ymin) / 2 line_top = 5 * ymax - 4 * midpoint line_bottom = 5 * ymin - 4 * midpoint y = np.linspace(line_bottom, line_top, num=5000) first_r = plot.line( x=np.full(5000, first), y=y, line_alpha=0.5, line_color=first_color, line_width=2, ) plot.add_tools( HoverTool( tooltips=[("First detection", f'{first}')], renderers=[first_r], ) ) last_r = plot.line( x=np.full(5000, last), y=y, line_alpha=0.5, line_color=last_color, line_width=2, ) plot.add_tools( HoverTool( tooltips=[("Last detection", f'{last}')], renderers=[last_r], point_policy='follow_mouse', ) ) # Mark when spectra were taken annotate_spec(plot, spectra, ymax, ymin) imhover = HoverTool(tooltips=tooltip_format) imhover.renderers = [] plot.add_tools(imhover) model_dict = {} # Legend items are individually stored instead of being applied # directly when plotting so that they can be separated into multiple # Legend() components if needed (to simulate horizontal row wrapping). # This is necessary because Bokeh does not support row wrapping with # horizontally-oriented legends out-of-the-box. legend_items = [] for i, (label, df) in enumerate(split): renderers = [] key = f'obs{i}' model_dict[key] = plot.scatter( x='mjd', y='mag', color='color', marker=factor_mark('instrument', markers, instruments), fill_color=color_dict, alpha='alpha', source=ColumnDataSource(df[df['obs']]), ) renderers.append(model_dict[key]) imhover.renderers.append(model_dict[key]) unobs_source = df[~df['obs']].copy() unobs_source.loc[:, 'alpha'] = 0.8 key = f'unobs{i}' model_dict[key] = plot.scatter( x='mjd', y='lim_mag', color=color_dict, marker='inverted_triangle', fill_color='white', line_color='color', alpha='alpha', source=ColumnDataSource(unobs_source), ) renderers.append(model_dict[key]) imhover.renderers.append(model_dict[key]) key = f'bin{i}' model_dict[key] = plot.scatter( x='mjd', y='mag', color=color_dict, marker=factor_mark('instrument', markers, instruments), fill_color='color', source=ColumnDataSource( data=dict( mjd=[], flux=[], fluxerr=[], filter=[], color=[], lim_mag=[], mag=[], magerr=[], instrument=[], stacked=[], ) ), ) renderers.append(model_dict[key]) imhover.renderers.append(model_dict[key]) key = 'obserr' + str(i) y_err_x = [] y_err_y = [] for d, ro in df[df['obs']].iterrows(): px = ro['mjd'] py = ro['mag'] err = ro['magerr'] y_err_x.append((px, px)) y_err_y.append((py - err, py + err)) model_dict[key] = plot.multi_line( xs='xs', ys='ys', color='color', alpha='alpha', source=ColumnDataSource( data=dict( xs=y_err_x, ys=y_err_y, color=df[df['obs']]['color'], alpha=[1.0] * len(df[df['obs']]), ) ), ) renderers.append(model_dict[key]) key = f'binerr{i}' model_dict[key] = plot.multi_line( xs='xs', ys='ys', color='color', source=ColumnDataSource(data=dict(xs=[], ys=[], color=[])), ) renderers.append(model_dict[key]) key = f'unobsbin{i}' model_dict[key] = plot.scatter( x='mjd', y='lim_mag', color='color', marker='inverted_triangle', fill_color='white', line_color=color_dict, alpha=0.8, source=ColumnDataSource( data=dict( mjd=[], flux=[], fluxerr=[], filter=[], color=[], lim_mag=[], mag=[], magerr=[], instrument=[], stacked=[], ) ), ) imhover.renderers.append(model_dict[key]) renderers.append(model_dict[key]) key = f'all{i}' model_dict[key] = ColumnDataSource(df) key = f'bold{i}' model_dict[key] = ColumnDataSource( df[ [ 'mjd', 'flux', 'fluxerr', 'mag', 'magerr', 'filter', 'zp', 'magsys', 'lim_mag', 'stacked', ] ] ) legend_items.append(LegendItem(label=label, renderers=renderers)) add_plot_legend(plot, legend_items, width, legend_orientation, legend_loc) plot.yaxis.axis_label = 'AB mag' plot.toolbar.logo = None slider = Slider( start=0.0, end=15.0, value=0.0, step=1.0, title='Binsize (days)', max_width=350, margin=(4, 10, 0, 10), ) button = Button(label="Export Bold Light Curve to CSV") button.js_on_click( CustomJS( args={'slider': slider, 'n_labels': len(split), **model_dict}, code=open( os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), '../static/js/plotjs', "download.js" ) ) .read() .replace('objname', obj_id) .replace('default_zp', str(PHOT_ZP)), ) ) # Don't need to expose CSV download on mobile top_layout = ( slider if "mobile" in device or "tablet" in device else row(slider, button) ) callback = CustomJS( args={'slider': slider, 'n_labels': len(split), **model_dict}, code=open( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../static/js/plotjs', 'stackm.js') ) .read() .replace('default_zp', str(PHOT_ZP)) .replace('detect_thresh', str(PHOT_DETECTION_THRESHOLD)), ) slider.js_on_change('value', callback) layout = column(top_layout, plot, width=width, height=height) p2 = Panel(child=layout, title='Mag') # now make period plot # get periods from annotations annotation_list = obj.get_annotations_readable_by(user) period_labels = [] period_list = [] for an in annotation_list: if 'period' in period_list.append(['period']) period_labels.append(an.origin + ": %.9f" %['period']) if len(period_list) > 0: period = period_list[0] else: period = None # don't generate if no period annotated if period is not None: # bokeh figure for period plotting period_plot = figure( frame_width=frame_width, height=height, active_drag=active_drag, tools=tools, y_range=(ymax, ymin), x_range=(-0.01, 2.01), # initially one phase toolbar_location='above', toolbar_sticky=False, x_axis_location='below', sizing_mode="stretch_width", ) # axis labels period_plot.xaxis.axis_label = 'phase' period_plot.yaxis.axis_label = 'mag' period_plot.toolbar.logo = None # do we have a distance modulus (dm)? obj = DBSession().query(Obj).get(obj_id) if is not None: period_plot.extra_y_ranges = { "Absolute Mag": Range1d(start=ymax -, end=ymin - } period_plot.add_layout( LinearAxis(y_range_name="Absolute Mag", axis_label="m - DM"), 'right' ) # initiate hover tool period_imhover = HoverTool(tooltips=tooltip_format) period_imhover.renderers = [] period_plot.add_tools(period_imhover) # initiate period radio buttons period_selection = RadioGroup(labels=period_labels, active=0) phase_selection = RadioGroup(labels=["One phase", "Two phases"], active=1) # store all the plot data period_model_dict = {} # iterate over each filter legend_items = [] for i, (label, df) in enumerate(split): renderers = [] # fold x-axis on period in days df['mjd_folda'] = (df['mjd'] % period) / period df['mjd_foldb'] = df['mjd_folda'] + 1.0 # phase plotting for ph in ['a', 'b']: key = 'fold' + ph + f'{i}' period_model_dict[key] = period_plot.scatter( x='mjd_fold' + ph, y='mag', color='color', marker=factor_mark('instrument', markers, instruments), fill_color=color_dict, alpha='alpha', # visible=('a' in ph), source=ColumnDataSource(df[df['obs']]), # only visible data ) # add to hover tool period_imhover.renderers.append(period_model_dict[key]) renderers.append(period_model_dict[key]) # errorbars for phases key = 'fold' + ph + f'err{i}' y_err_x = [] y_err_y = [] # get each visible error value for d, ro in df[df['obs']].iterrows(): px = ro['mjd_fold' + ph] py = ro['mag'] err = ro['magerr'] # set up error tuples y_err_x.append((px, px)) y_err_y.append((py - err, py + err)) # plot phase errors period_model_dict[key] = period_plot.multi_line( xs='xs', ys='ys', color='color', alpha='alpha', # visible=('a' in ph), source=ColumnDataSource( data=dict( xs=y_err_x, ys=y_err_y, color=df[df['obs']]['color'], alpha=[1.0] * len(df[df['obs']]), ) ), ) renderers.append(period_model_dict[key]) legend_items.append(LegendItem(label=label, renderers=renderers)) add_plot_legend( period_plot, legend_items, width, legend_orientation, legend_loc ) # set up period adjustment text box period_title = Div(text="Period (days): ") period_textinput = TextInput(value=str(period if period is not None else 0.0)) period_textinput.js_on_change( 'value', CustomJS( args={ 'textinput': period_textinput, 'numphases': phase_selection, 'n_labels': len(split), 'p': period_plot, **period_model_dict, }, code=open( os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), '../static/js/plotjs', 'foldphase.js' ) ).read(), ), ) # a way to modify the period period_double_button = Button(label="*2", width=30) period_double_button.js_on_click( CustomJS( args={'textinput': period_textinput}, code=""" const period = parseFloat(textinput.value); textinput.value = parseFloat(2.*period).toFixed(9); """, ) ) period_halve_button = Button(label="/2", width=30) period_halve_button.js_on_click( CustomJS( args={'textinput': period_textinput}, code=""" const period = parseFloat(textinput.value); textinput.value = parseFloat(period/2.).toFixed(9); """, ) ) # a way to select the period period_selection.js_on_click( CustomJS( args={'textinput': period_textinput, 'periods': period_list}, code=""" textinput.value = parseFloat(periods[]).toFixed(9); """, ) ) phase_selection.js_on_click( CustomJS( args={ 'textinput': period_textinput, 'numphases': phase_selection, 'n_labels': len(split), 'p': period_plot, **period_model_dict, }, code=open( os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), '../static/js/plotjs', 'foldphase.js' ) ).read(), ) ) # layout if device == "mobile_portrait": period_controls = column( row( period_title, period_textinput, period_double_button, period_halve_button, width=width, sizing_mode="scale_width", ), phase_selection, period_selection, width=width, ) # Add extra height to plot based on period control components added # 18 is the height of each period selection radio option (per default font size) # and the 130 encompasses the other components which are consistent no matter # the data size. height += 130 + 18 * len(period_labels) else: period_controls = column( row( period_title, period_textinput, period_double_button, period_halve_button, phase_selection, width=width, sizing_mode="scale_width", ), period_selection, margin=10, ) # Add extra height to plot based on period control components added # Numbers are derived in similar manner to the "mobile_portrait" case above height += 90 + 18 * len(period_labels) period_layout = column(period_plot, period_controls, width=width, height=height) # Period panel p3 = Panel(child=period_layout, title='Period') # tabs for mag, flux, period tabs = Tabs(tabs=[p2, p1, p3], width=width, height=height, sizing_mode='fixed') else: # tabs for mag, flux tabs = Tabs(tabs=[p2, p1], width=width, height=height + 90, sizing_mode='fixed') return bokeh_embed.json_item(tabs)
def photometry_plot(obj_id, user, width=600, height=300, device="browser"): """Create object photometry scatter plot. Parameters ---------- obj_id : str ID of Obj to be plotted. Returns ------- dict Returns Bokeh JSON embedding for the desired plot. """ data = pd.read_sql( DBSession().query( Photometry, Telescope.nickname.label("telescope"),"instrument"), ).join(Instrument, == Photometry.instrument_id).join( Telescope, == Instrument.telescope_id).filter( Photometry.obj_id == obj_id).filter( Photometry.groups.any([ for g in user.accessible_groups ]))).statement, DBSession().bind, ) if data.empty: return None, None, None # get spectra to annotate on phot plots spectra = (Spectrum.query_records_accessible_by(user).filter( Spectrum.obj_id == obj_id).all()) data['color'] = [get_color(f) for f in data['filter']] labels = [] for i, datarow in data.iterrows(): label = f'{datarow["instrument"]}/{datarow["filter"]}' if datarow['origin'] is not None: label += f'/{datarow["origin"]}' labels.append(label) data['label'] = labels data['zp'] = PHOT_ZP data['magsys'] = 'ab' data['alpha'] = 1.0 data['lim_mag'] = ( -2.5 * np.log10(data['fluxerr'] * PHOT_DETECTION_THRESHOLD) + data['zp']) # Passing a dictionary to a bokeh datasource causes the frontend to die, # deleting the dictionary column fixes that del data['original_user_data'] # keep track of things that are only upper limits data['hasflux'] = ~data['flux'].isna() # calculate the magnitudes - a photometry point is considered "significant" # or "detected" (and thus can be represented by a magnitude) if its snr # is above PHOT_DETECTION_THRESHOLD obsind = data['hasflux'] & (data['flux'].fillna(0.0) / data['fluxerr'] >= PHOT_DETECTION_THRESHOLD) data.loc[~obsind, 'mag'] = None data.loc[obsind, 'mag'] = -2.5 * np.log10(data[obsind]['flux']) + PHOT_ZP # calculate the magnitude errors using standard error propagation formulae # data.loc[~obsind, 'magerr'] = None coeff = 2.5 / np.log(10) magerrs = np.abs(coeff * data[obsind]['fluxerr'] / data[obsind]['flux']) data.loc[obsind, 'magerr'] = magerrs data['obs'] = obsind data['stacked'] = False split = data.groupby('label', sort=False) finite = np.isfinite(data['flux']) fdata = data[finite] lower = np.min(fdata['flux']) * 0.95 upper = np.max(fdata['flux']) * 1.05 active_drag = None if "mobile" in device or "tablet" in device else "box_zoom" tools = ('box_zoom,pan,reset' if "mobile" in device or "tablet" in device else "box_zoom,wheel_zoom,pan,reset,save") plot = figure( aspect_ratio=2.0 if device == "mobile_landscape" else 1.5, sizing_mode='scale_both', active_drag=active_drag, tools=tools, toolbar_location='above', toolbar_sticky=True, y_range=(lower, upper), min_border_right=16, ) imhover = HoverTool(tooltips=tooltip_format) imhover.renderers = [] plot.add_tools(imhover) model_dict = {} for i, (label, sdf) in enumerate(split): # for the flux plot, we only show things that have a flux value df = sdf[sdf['hasflux']] key = f'obs{i}' model_dict[key] = plot.scatter( x='mjd', y='flux', color='color', marker='circle', fill_color='color', alpha='alpha', source=ColumnDataSource(df), ) imhover.renderers.append(model_dict[key]) key = f'bin{i}' model_dict[key] = plot.scatter( x='mjd', y='flux', color='color', marker='circle', fill_color='color', source=ColumnDataSource(data=dict( mjd=[], flux=[], fluxerr=[], filter=[], color=[], lim_mag=[], mag=[], magerr=[], stacked=[], instrument=[], )), ) imhover.renderers.append(model_dict[key]) key = 'obserr' + str(i) y_err_x = [] y_err_y = [] for d, ro in df.iterrows(): px = ro['mjd'] py = ro['flux'] err = ro['fluxerr'] y_err_x.append((px, px)) y_err_y.append((py - err, py + err)) model_dict[key] = plot.multi_line( xs='xs', ys='ys', color='color', alpha='alpha', source=ColumnDataSource(data=dict(xs=y_err_x, ys=y_err_y, color=df['color'], alpha=[1.0] * len(df))), ) key = f'binerr{i}' model_dict[key] = plot.multi_line( xs='xs', ys='ys', color='color', source=ColumnDataSource(data=dict(xs=[], ys=[], color=[])), ) plot.xaxis.axis_label = 'MJD' if device == "mobile_portrait": plot.xaxis.ticker.desired_num_ticks = 5 plot.yaxis.axis_label = 'Flux (μJy)' plot.toolbar.logo = None colors_labels = data[['color', 'label']].drop_duplicates() toggle = CheckboxWithLegendGroup( labels=colors_labels.label.tolist(), active=list(range(len(colors_labels))), colors=colors_labels.color.tolist(), width=width // 5, inline=True if "tablet" in device else False, ) # TODO replace `eval` with Namespaces # toggle.js_on_click( CustomJS( args={ 'toggle': toggle, **model_dict }, code=open( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../static/js/plotjs', 'togglef.js')).read(), )) slider = Slider( start=0.0, end=15.0, value=0.0, step=1.0, title='Binsize (days)', max_width=350, margin=(4, 10, 0, 10), ) callback = CustomJS( args={ 'slider': slider, 'toggle': toggle, **model_dict }, code=open( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../static/js/plotjs', 'stackf.js')).read().replace( 'default_zp', str(PHOT_ZP)).replace( 'detect_thresh', str(PHOT_DETECTION_THRESHOLD)), ) slider.js_on_change('value', callback) # Mark the first and last detections detection_dates = data[data['hasflux']]['mjd'] if len(detection_dates) > 0: first = round(detection_dates.min(), 6) last = round(detection_dates.max(), 6) first_color = "#34b4eb" last_color = "#8992f5" midpoint = (upper + lower) / 2 line_top = 5 * upper - 4 * midpoint line_bottom = 5 * lower - 4 * midpoint y = np.linspace(line_bottom, line_top, num=5000) first_r = plot.line( x=np.full(5000, first), y=y, line_alpha=0.5, line_color=first_color, line_width=2, ) plot.add_tools( HoverTool( tooltips=[("First detection", f'{first}')], renderers=[first_r], )) last_r = plot.line( x=np.full(5000, last), y=y, line_alpha=0.5, line_color=last_color, line_width=2, ) plot.add_tools( HoverTool( tooltips=[("Last detection", f'{last}')], renderers=[last_r], )) # Mark when spectra were taken annotate_spec(plot, spectra, lower, upper) plot_layout = (column(plot, toggle) if "mobile" in device or "tablet" in device else row(plot, toggle)) layout = column(slider, plot_layout, sizing_mode='scale_width', width=width) p1 = Panel(child=layout, title='Flux') # now make the mag light curve ymax = (np.nanmax(( np.nanmax(data.loc[obsind, 'mag']) if any(obsind) else np.nan, np.nanmax(data.loc[~obsind, 'lim_mag']) if any(~obsind) else np.nan, )) + 0.1) ymin = (np.nanmin(( np.nanmin(data.loc[obsind, 'mag']) if any(obsind) else np.nan, np.nanmin(data.loc[~obsind, 'lim_mag']) if any(~obsind) else np.nan, )) - 0.1) xmin = data['mjd'].min() - 2 xmax = data['mjd'].max() + 2 plot = figure( aspect_ratio=2.0 if device == "mobile_landscape" else 1.5, sizing_mode='scale_both', width=width, active_drag=active_drag, tools=tools, y_range=(ymax, ymin), x_range=(xmin, xmax), toolbar_location='above', toolbar_sticky=True, x_axis_location='above', ) # Mark the first and last detections again detection_dates = data[obsind]['mjd'] if len(detection_dates) > 0: first = round(detection_dates.min(), 6) last = round(detection_dates.max(), 6) midpoint = (ymax + ymin) / 2 line_top = 5 * ymax - 4 * midpoint line_bottom = 5 * ymin - 4 * midpoint y = np.linspace(line_bottom, line_top, num=5000) first_r = plot.line( x=np.full(5000, first), y=y, line_alpha=0.5, line_color=first_color, line_width=2, ) plot.add_tools( HoverTool( tooltips=[("First detection", f'{first}')], renderers=[first_r], )) last_r = plot.line( x=np.full(5000, last), y=y, line_alpha=0.5, line_color=last_color, line_width=2, ) plot.add_tools( HoverTool( tooltips=[("Last detection", f'{last}')], renderers=[last_r], point_policy='follow_mouse', )) # Mark when spectra were taken annotate_spec(plot, spectra, ymax, ymin) imhover = HoverTool(tooltips=tooltip_format) imhover.renderers = [] plot.add_tools(imhover) model_dict = {} for i, (label, df) in enumerate(split): key = f'obs{i}' model_dict[key] = plot.scatter( x='mjd', y='mag', color='color', marker='circle', fill_color='color', alpha='alpha', source=ColumnDataSource(df[df['obs']]), ) imhover.renderers.append(model_dict[key]) unobs_source = df[~df['obs']].copy() unobs_source.loc[:, 'alpha'] = 0.8 key = f'unobs{i}' model_dict[key] = plot.scatter( x='mjd', y='lim_mag', color='color', marker='inverted_triangle', fill_color='white', line_color='color', alpha='alpha', source=ColumnDataSource(unobs_source), ) imhover.renderers.append(model_dict[key]) key = f'bin{i}' model_dict[key] = plot.scatter( x='mjd', y='mag', color='color', marker='circle', fill_color='color', source=ColumnDataSource(data=dict( mjd=[], flux=[], fluxerr=[], filter=[], color=[], lim_mag=[], mag=[], magerr=[], instrument=[], stacked=[], )), ) imhover.renderers.append(model_dict[key]) key = 'obserr' + str(i) y_err_x = [] y_err_y = [] for d, ro in df[df['obs']].iterrows(): px = ro['mjd'] py = ro['mag'] err = ro['magerr'] y_err_x.append((px, px)) y_err_y.append((py - err, py + err)) model_dict[key] = plot.multi_line( xs='xs', ys='ys', color='color', alpha='alpha', source=ColumnDataSource(data=dict( xs=y_err_x, ys=y_err_y, color=df[df['obs']]['color'], alpha=[1.0] * len(df[df['obs']]), )), ) key = f'binerr{i}' model_dict[key] = plot.multi_line( xs='xs', ys='ys', color='color', source=ColumnDataSource(data=dict(xs=[], ys=[], color=[])), ) key = f'unobsbin{i}' model_dict[key] = plot.scatter( x='mjd', y='lim_mag', color='color', marker='inverted_triangle', fill_color='white', line_color='color', alpha=0.8, source=ColumnDataSource(data=dict( mjd=[], flux=[], fluxerr=[], filter=[], color=[], lim_mag=[], mag=[], magerr=[], instrument=[], stacked=[], )), ) imhover.renderers.append(model_dict[key]) key = f'all{i}' model_dict[key] = ColumnDataSource(df) key = f'bold{i}' model_dict[key] = ColumnDataSource(df[[ 'mjd', 'flux', 'fluxerr', 'mag', 'magerr', 'filter', 'zp', 'magsys', 'lim_mag', 'stacked', ]]) plot.xaxis.axis_label = 'MJD' plot.yaxis.axis_label = 'AB mag' plot.toolbar.logo = None obj = DBSession().query(Obj).get(obj_id) if is not None: plot.extra_y_ranges = { "Absolute Mag": Range1d(start=ymax -, end=ymin - } plot.add_layout( LinearAxis(y_range_name="Absolute Mag", axis_label="m - DM"), 'right') now = plot.extra_x_ranges = { "Days Ago": Range1d(start=now - xmin, end=now - xmax) } plot.add_layout(LinearAxis(x_range_name="Days Ago", axis_label="Days Ago"), 'below') colors_labels = data[['color', 'label']].drop_duplicates() toggle = CheckboxWithLegendGroup( labels=colors_labels.label.tolist(), active=list(range(len(colors_labels))), colors=colors_labels.color.tolist(), width=width // 5, inline=True if "tablet" in device else False, ) # TODO replace `eval` with Namespaces # toggle.js_on_click( CustomJS( args={ 'toggle': toggle, **model_dict }, code=open( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../static/js/plotjs', 'togglem.js')).read(), )) slider = Slider( start=0.0, end=15.0, value=0.0, step=1.0, title='Binsize (days)', max_width=350, margin=(4, 10, 0, 10), ) button = Button(label="Export Bold Light Curve to CSV") button.js_on_click( CustomJS( args={ 'slider': slider, 'toggle': toggle, **model_dict }, code=open( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../static/js/plotjs', "download.js")).read().replace('objname', obj_id).replace( 'default_zp', str(PHOT_ZP)), )) # Don't need to expose CSV download on mobile top_layout = (slider if "mobile" in device or "tablet" in device else row( slider, button)) callback = CustomJS( args={ 'slider': slider, 'toggle': toggle, **model_dict }, code=open( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../static/js/plotjs', 'stackm.js')).read().replace( 'default_zp', str(PHOT_ZP)).replace( 'detect_thresh', str(PHOT_DETECTION_THRESHOLD)), ) slider.js_on_change('value', callback) plot_layout = (column(plot, toggle) if "mobile" in device or "tablet" in device else row(plot, toggle)) layout = column(top_layout, plot_layout, sizing_mode='scale_width', width=width) p2 = Panel(child=layout, title='Mag') # now make period plot # get periods from annotations annotation_list = obj.get_annotations_readable_by(user) period_labels = [] period_list = [] for an in annotation_list: if 'period' in period_list.append(['period']) period_labels.append(an.origin + ": %.9f" %['period']) if len(period_list) > 0: period = period_list[0] else: period = None # don't generate if no period annotated if period is not None: # bokeh figure for period plotting period_plot = figure( aspect_ratio=1.5, sizing_mode='scale_both', active_drag='box_zoom', tools='box_zoom,wheel_zoom,pan,reset,save', y_range=(ymax, ymin), x_range=(-0.1, 1.1), # initially one phase toolbar_location='above', toolbar_sticky=False, x_axis_location='below', ) # axis labels period_plot.xaxis.axis_label = 'phase' period_plot.yaxis.axis_label = 'mag' period_plot.toolbar.logo = None # do we have a distance modulus (dm)? obj = DBSession().query(Obj).get(obj_id) if is not None: period_plot.extra_y_ranges = { "Absolute Mag": Range1d(start=ymax -, end=ymin - } period_plot.add_layout( LinearAxis(y_range_name="Absolute Mag", axis_label="m - DM"), 'right') # initiate hover tool period_imhover = HoverTool(tooltips=tooltip_format) period_imhover.renderers = [] period_plot.add_tools(period_imhover) # initiate period radio buttons period_selection = RadioGroup(labels=period_labels, active=0) phase_selection = RadioGroup(labels=["One phase", "Two phases"], active=0) # store all the plot data period_model_dict = {} # iterate over each filter for i, (label, df) in enumerate(split): # fold x-axis on period in days df['mjd_folda'] = (df['mjd'] % period) / period df['mjd_foldb'] = df['mjd_folda'] + 1.0 # phase plotting for ph in ['a', 'b']: key = 'fold' + ph + f'{i}' period_model_dict[key] = period_plot.scatter( x='mjd_fold' + ph, y='mag', color='color', marker='circle', fill_color='color', alpha='alpha', visible=('a' in ph), source=ColumnDataSource( df[df['obs']]), # only visible data ) # add to hover tool period_imhover.renderers.append(period_model_dict[key]) # errorbars for phases key = 'fold' + ph + f'err{i}' y_err_x = [] y_err_y = [] # get each visible error value for d, ro in df[df['obs']].iterrows(): px = ro['mjd_fold' + ph] py = ro['mag'] err = ro['magerr'] # set up error tuples y_err_x.append((px, px)) y_err_y.append((py - err, py + err)) # plot phase errors period_model_dict[key] = period_plot.multi_line( xs='xs', ys='ys', color='color', alpha='alpha', visible=('a' in ph), source=ColumnDataSource(data=dict( xs=y_err_x, ys=y_err_y, color=df[df['obs']]['color'], alpha=[1.0] * len(df[df['obs']]), )), ) # toggle for folded photometry period_toggle = CheckboxWithLegendGroup( labels=colors_labels.label.tolist(), active=list(range(len(colors_labels))), colors=colors_labels.color.tolist(), width=width // 5, ) # use javascript to perform toggling on click # TODO replace `eval` with Namespaces # period_toggle.js_on_click( CustomJS( args={ 'toggle': period_toggle, 'numphases': phase_selection, 'p': period_plot, **period_model_dict, }, code=open( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../static/js/plotjs', 'togglep.js')).read(), )) # set up period adjustment text box period_title = Div(text="Period (days): ") period_textinput = TextInput( value=str(period if period is not None else 0.0)) period_textinput.js_on_change( 'value', CustomJS( args={ 'textinput': period_textinput, 'toggle': period_toggle, 'numphases': phase_selection, 'p': period_plot, **period_model_dict, }, code=open( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../static/js/plotjs', 'foldphase.js')).read(), ), ) # a way to modify the period period_double_button = Button(label="*2") period_double_button.js_on_click( CustomJS( args={'textinput': period_textinput}, code=""" const period = parseFloat(textinput.value); textinput.value = parseFloat(2.*period).toFixed(9); """, )) period_halve_button = Button(label="/2") period_halve_button.js_on_click( CustomJS( args={'textinput': period_textinput}, code=""" const period = parseFloat(textinput.value); textinput.value = parseFloat(period/2.).toFixed(9); """, )) # a way to select the period period_selection.js_on_click( CustomJS( args={ 'textinput': period_textinput, 'periods': period_list }, code=""" textinput.value = parseFloat(periods[]).toFixed(9); """, )) phase_selection.js_on_click( CustomJS( args={ 'textinput': period_textinput, 'toggle': period_toggle, 'numphases': phase_selection, 'p': period_plot, **period_model_dict, }, code=open( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../static/js/plotjs', 'foldphase.js')).read(), )) # layout period_column = column( period_toggle, period_title, period_textinput, period_selection, row(period_double_button, period_halve_button, width=180), phase_selection, width=180, ) period_layout = column( row(period_plot, period_column), sizing_mode='scale_width', width=width, ) # Period panel p3 = Panel(child=period_layout, title='Period') # tabs for mag, flux, period tabs = Tabs(tabs=[p2, p1, p3], width=width, height=height, sizing_mode='fixed') else: # tabs for mag, flux tabs = Tabs(tabs=[p2, p1], width=width, height=height, sizing_mode='fixed') return bokeh_embed.json_item(tabs)