コード例 #1
 def calc_pdf(luminosity,
     luminosity_min = astro.luminosity_from_absolute_magnitude(
     luminosity_max = astro.luminosity_from_absolute_magnitude(
     lum_star = lum._calculate_luminosity_star(z, a_m, b_m)
     c = np.fabs(special.gammaincc(alpha + 1, luminosity_min / lum_star))
     d = np.fabs(special.gammaincc(alpha + 1, luminosity_max / lum_star))
     return 1. / lum_star * np.power(
         luminosity / lum_star,
         alpha) * np.exp(-luminosity / lum_star -
                         scipy.special.gammaln(alpha + 1)) / (c - d)
コード例 #2
 def calc_pdf(luminosity,
     luminosity_min = astro.luminosity_from_absolute_magnitude(
     luminosity_max = astro.luminosity_from_absolute_magnitude(
     lum_star = lum._calculate_luminosity_star(z, a_m, b_m)
     c = special.upper_incomplete_gamma(alpha + 1,
                                        luminosity_min / lum_star)
     d = special.upper_incomplete_gamma(alpha + 1,
                                        luminosity_max / lum_star)
     return 1. / lum_star * np.power(luminosity / lum_star, alpha) * np.exp(
         -luminosity / lum_star) / (c - d)
コード例 #3
ファイル: redshift.py プロジェクト: spxiwh/skypy
def herbel_pdf(redshift, alpha, a_phi, a_m, b_phi, b_m, cosmology,
    """Calculates the redshift pdf of the Schechter luminosity function
    according to the model of Herbel et al. (2017) equation (3.6). That is,
    changing the absolute magnitude M in equation (3.2) to luminosity L,
    integrate over all possible L and multiplying by the comovin element
    using a flat LamdaCDM model to get the corresponding pdf.

    redshift : array_like
        Input redshifts.
    alpha : float or scalar
        The alpha parameter in the Schechter luminosity function
    a_phi : float or scalar
        Parametrisation factor of the normalisation factor Phi_* as a function
        of redshift according to Herbel et al. (2017) equation (3.4).
    a_m : float or scalar
        Parametrisation factor of the characteristic absolute magnitude M_* as
        a function of redshift according to Herbel et al. (2017) equation (3.3)
    b_phi : float or scalar
        Parametrisation factor of the normalisation factor Phi_* as a function
        of redshift according to Herbel et al. (2017) equation (3.4).
    b_m : float or scalar
        Parametrisation factor of the characteristic absolute magnitude M_* as
        a function of redshift according to Herbel et al. (2017) equation
    cosmology : instance
        Instance of an Astropy Cosmology class.
    luminosity_min : float or scalar
        Cut-off luminosity value such that the Schechter luminosity function
        diverges for L -> 0

    ndarray or float
    Un-normalised probability density function as a function of redshift
    according to Herbel et al. (2017)
    dv = cosmology.differential_comoving_volume(redshift).value
    x = luminosity_min \
        * 1./astro.luminosity_from_absolute_magnitude(a_m*redshift + b_m)
    value_gamma = special.upper_incomplete_gamma(alpha + 1, x)
    return dv * b_phi * np.exp(a_phi * redshift) * value_gamma
コード例 #4
ファイル: redshift.py プロジェクト: spxiwh/skypy
def herbel_redshift(alpha, a_phi, a_m, b_phi, b_m, cosmology, low=0.0,
                    size=None, absolute_magnitude_max=-16.0, resolution=100):
    r""" Redshift following the Schechter luminosity function marginalised over
        luminosities following the Herbel et al. (2017) model.

    alpha : float or scalar
        The alpha parameter in the Schechter luminosity function
    a_phi : float or scalar
        Parametrisation factor of the normalisation factor Phi_* as a function
        of redshift according to Herbel et al. (2017) equation (3.4).
    a_m : float or scalar
        Parametrisation factor of the characteristic absolute magnitude M_* as
        a function of redshift according to Herbel et al. (2017) equation (3.3)
    b_phi : float or scalar
        Parametrisation factor of the normalisation factor Phi_* as a function
        of redshift according to Herbel et al. (2017) equation (3.4).
    b_m : float or scalar
        Parametrisation factor of the characteristic absolute magnitude M_* as
        a function of redshift according to Herbel et al. (2017) equation (3.3)
    cosmology : instance
        Instance of an Astropy Cosmology class.
    low : float or array_like of floats, optional
        The lower boundary of teh output interval. All values generated will be
        greater than or equal to low.
        It has to be larger than 0. The default value is 0.01.
    high : float or array_like of floats, optional
        Upper boundary of output interval. All values generated will be less
        than high. The default value is 2.0
    size : int or tuple of ints, optional
        The number of redshifts to sample. If None one value is sampled.
    absolute_magnitude_max : float or scalar, optional
        Upper limit of the considered absolute magnitudes of the galaxies to
        wanna sample.
    resolution : int, optional
        Characterises the resolution of the sampling. Default is 100.

    redshift_sample : ndarray or float
        Drawn redshifts from the marginalised Schechter luminosity function.

    The Schechter luminosity function is given as

    .. math::

        \Phi(L, z) = \frac{\Phi_\star(z)}{L_\star(z)}
            /exp\left(-\frac{L}{L_\star(z)}\right) \;.

    Here the luminosity is defined as

    .. math::

        L = 10^{-0.4M} \;,

    with absolute magnitude :math:`M`. Furthermore, Herbel et al. (2017)

    .. math::

        \Phi_\star(z) = b_\phi \exp(a_\phi z) \;,
        M_\star(z) = a_M z + b_M \;.

    Now we have to rescale the Schechter function by the comoving element and

    .. math::

        \phi(L,z) = \frac{d_H d_M^2}{E(z)}  \Phi(L,z)

    >>> from skypy.galaxy.redshift import herbel_redshift
    >>> from astropy.cosmology import FlatLambdaCDM

    Sample 100 redshift values from the Schechter luminosity function with
    a_m = -0.9408582, b_m = -20.40492365, a_phi = -0.10268436,
    b_phi = 0.00370253, alpha = -1.3.

    >>> cosmology = FlatLambdaCDM(H0=70, Om0=0.3, Tcmb0=2.725)
    >>> redshift = herbel_redshift(size=1000, low=0.01, alpha=-1.3,
    ...                     a_phi=-0.10268436,a_m=-0.9408582, b_phi=0.00370253,
    ...                     b_m=-20.40492365, cosmology=cosmology,
    ...                     absolute_magnitude_max=-16.)

    .. [1] Herbel J., Kacprzak T., Amara A. et al., 2017, Journal of Cosmology
           and Astroparticle Physics, Issue 08, article id. 035 (2017)


    luminosity_min = astro.luminosity_from_absolute_magnitude(
    redshift = np.linspace(low, high, resolution)
    pdf = herbel_pdf(redshift, alpha, a_phi, a_m, b_phi, b_m, cosmology,
    cdf = scipy.integrate.cumtrapz(pdf, redshift, initial=0)
    cdf = cdf / cdf[-1]
    u = np.random.uniform(size=size)
    redshift_sample = np.interp(u, cdf, redshift)

    return redshift_sample
コード例 #5
ファイル: redshift.py プロジェクト: hugovk/skypy
def herbel_pdf(redshift, alpha, a_phi, b_phi, a_m, b_m, cosmology,
    r"""Calculates the redshift pdf of the Schechter luminosity function
    according to the model of Herbel et al. [1]_ equation (3.6).

    That is, changing the absolute magnitude M in equation (3.2) to luminosity
    L, integrate over all possible L and multiplying by the comoving element
    using a flat :math:`\Lambda \mathrm{CDM}` model to get the corresponding

    redshift : array_like
        Input redshifts.
    alpha : float or scalar
        The alpha parameter in the Schechter luminosity function
    a_phi, b_phi : float or scalar
        Parametrisation factors of the normalisation factor Phi_* as a function
        of redshift according to Herbel et al. [1]_ equation (3.4).
    a_m, b_m : float or scalar
        Parametrisation factors of the characteristic absolute magnitude M_* as
        a function of redshift according to Herbel et al. [1]_ equation (3.3).
    cosmology : instance
        Instance of an Astropy Cosmology class.
    luminosity_min : float or scalar
        Cut-off luminosity value such that the Schechter luminosity function
        diverges for L -> 0

    pdf : ndarray or float
    Un-normalised probability density function as a function of redshift
    according to Herbel et al. [1]_.

    This module calculates the function

    .. math::

        \mathrm{pdf}(z) = \Phi_\star(z) \cdot \frac{d_H d_M^2}{E(z)} \cdot
            \Gamma\left(\alpha + 1, \frac{L_\mathrm{min}}{L_\star(z)}\right)\:,

    with :math:`\Phi_\star(z) = b_\phi \exp(a_\phi z)` and the second term the
    comoving element.

    .. [1] Herbel J., Kacprzak T., Amara A. et al., 2017, Journal of Cosmology
           and Astroparticle Physics, Issue 08, article id. 035 (2017)

    >>> from skypy.galaxy.redshift import herbel_pdf
    >>> import skypy.utils.astronomy as astro
    >>> from astropy.cosmology import FlatLambdaCDM
    >>> import numpy as np

    Calculate the pdf for 100 redshift values between 0 and 2 with
    a_m = -0.9408582, b_m = -20.40492365, a_phi = -0.10268436,
    b_phi = 0.00370253, alpha = -1.3 for a flat cosmology.

    >>> cosmology = FlatLambdaCDM(H0=70, Om0=0.3, Tcmb0=2.725)
    >>> redshift = np.linspace(0, 2, 100)
    >>> luminosity_min = astro.luminosity_from_absolute_magnitude(-16.0)
    >>> redshift = herbel_pdf(redshift=redshift, alpha=-1.3,
    ...                     a_phi=-0.10268436,a_m=-0.9408582, b_phi=0.00370253,
    ...                     b_m=-20.40492365, cosmology=cosmology,
    ...                     luminosity_min=luminosity_min)
    dv = cosmology.differential_comoving_volume(redshift).value
    x = luminosity_min \
        * 1./astro.luminosity_from_absolute_magnitude(a_m*redshift + b_m)
    lg = sc.gammaln(alpha + 1)
    gx = np.fabs(special.gammaincc(alpha + 1, x))
    pdf = dv * b_phi * np.exp(a_phi * redshift + lg) * gx
    return pdf
コード例 #6
def _calculate_luminosity_star(redshift, a_m, b_m):
    absolute_magnitude_star = a_m * redshift + b_m
    return astro.luminosity_from_absolute_magnitude(absolute_magnitude_star)
コード例 #7
ファイル: test_astronomy.py プロジェクト: umetic/skypy
def test_convert_abs_mag_to_lum():
    assert round(astro.luminosity_from_absolute_magnitude(-22), 1) \
           == 630957344.5