def loop1(lons, lats, testarea, slab, depgrid, strgrid, dipgrid, slab1query, eventlist, seismo_thick, alen, blen, mdist, sdr, ddr, mindip, maxID2, AA_data, TR_data, maxdist, maxthickness, minstk, tomo_sets, meanBA, slab1guide, spacing, slab1data, dipthresh, datainfo, nodeinfo, j): ''' Arguments: lons - list of longitudes (list of floats)[deg] lats - list of latitudes (list of floats)[deg] nodeIDs - list of nodeIDs (list of ints) testarea - list defined as [lonmin,lonmax,latmin,latmax] nodes within this box will print troubleshooting statements and PDFs and data used to create them are saved (list of floats)[deg] slab - three letter code to indicate slab of interest (str) depgrid - clipped depth GMT grid file from Slab 1.0 (grd) strgrid - grid of strike values calculated from Slab 1.0 (grd) dipgrid - grid of dip values calculated from Slab 1.0 (grd) slab1data - dataframe with columns [lon,lat,depth,strike, dip] representing Slab1.0 (dataframe) eventlist - dataframe with columns [lat,lon,depth,unc,etype, ID,mag,S1,D1,R1,S2,D2,R2,src] representing input dataset (dataframe) seismo_thick - depth defining where earthquakes at and below are intra-slab as opposed to on the slab surface. (float)[km] alen - long radius of ellipsoid (float)[km] blen - short radius of search ellipsoid (float)[km] mdist - alen*ecentricity of ellipse (float)[km] sdr - shallow search range of ellipsoid (float)[km] ddr - deep search range of ellipsoid (float)[km] mindip - upper limit of dip to search vertically. Nodes with dips greater than mindip have a perpendicular search ellipsoid (float)[deg] maxID2 - maxID of original input dataset (int) AA_data - dataframe with columns [dist,depth]. if slab == 'alu' or slab == 'him', columns = [dist,depth,avlat,avlon] (dataframe) TR_data - dataframe with columns [lon,lat,az, bound,slab] (dataframe) maxdist - useless variable, need to remove maxthickness - maximum thickness of this slab as calculated by a function relating thickness to age (float)[km] minstk - maximum strike difference between node and farthest data point constraining that node (float)[deg] tomo_sets - list of tomography datasets for this slab. (list of strings) OGmulti - dataframe with columns [lon,lat,depth,nID] used to record which nodes have a multi-modal distribution and the depths to each peak (dataframe) i - index representing this node. (int) Returns: lon - lons[i], search longitude of this node (float)[deg] lat - lats[i], search latitude of this node (float)[deg] locdep - search depth of this node (float)[km] locstr - search strike of this node (float)[deg] locdip - search dip of this node (float)[deg] nID - integer value representing this node (int) farpoint - length of long axis of ellipse after refiltering based on strike difference from node center (float)[km] used_TO - list of tomography data points used to constrain nodes on this slab. 2D numpy array with columns [mean(|tomo_depths-EQdepths|),index representing TO source] (array of floats) used_tmp - list of data points used to constrain the depth at this node. 2D numpy array with columns [nodeID,dataID] (array of ints) trimmedAA - dataframe with columns [lat,lon,depth,unc,etype, ID,mag,S1,D1,R1,S2,D2,R2,src] representing average active source and receiver functions to add to input dataset (dataframe) ''' # Define lon,lat coordinate, integer ID of this node, and ID for added data lat = lats[j] lon = lons[j] if lat>0: nID = int('%i%i'%(lon*10,lat*10)) else: nID = int('%i0%i'%(lon*10,lat*-10)) maxID = maxID2+nID-1 OGmulti = [] if slab == 'sol' and lon > 149 and lon < 155: alen = 20.0 if slab == 'puy' and lat < -48: alen = 100 if slab == 'ryu' and lon > 138: alen = 20.0 if slab == 'alu' and lat > 63: alen = 50.0 if slab == 'man' and lat > 17.0: alen = 50.0 if slab == 'izu' and lat < 27 and lat > 23: eventlist = eventlist[(eventlist.lon<lon+4.5)&(<lat+4.5)&(eventlist.lon>lon-4.5)&(>lat-4.5)] else: eventlist = eventlist[(eventlist.lon<lon+2.5)&(<lat+2.5)&(eventlist.lon>lon-2.5)&(>lat-2.5)] if len(eventlist)<2: #print ('no data here',lon,lat,nID) return lon, lat, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, nID, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, [], [], [], [], False, 0, 0 # If in troubleshooting range, print ID and set testprint = True if lon>testarea[0] and lon<testarea[1]: if lat>testarea[2] and lat<testarea[3]: testprint = True print('___________________ %i ______________________'% nID) else: testprint = False else: testprint = False if testprint: f = open(nodeinfo, 'a') f.write('-%i- pre-anyfilters, len(eventlist) %i\n'%(nID, len(eventlist))) f.close() # Get depth, strike, and dip of Slab1.0 or calculate from trend at edge slab1, strtmp, diptmp, inside, extended, out, extlon, extlat = s2f.getslab12(slab1guide,slab1query,lon,lat,spacing,depgrid,strgrid,dipgrid,testprint,TR_data,meanBA,slab) if slab1 > 650 and slab == 'sam' and lat<-30: sdr = 60 if testprint: f = open(nodeinfo, 'a') f.write('-%i- slab1, strtmp, diptmp, inside, extended, out %0.2f,%0.2f,%0.2f,%s,%s,%s \n'%(nID, slab1, strtmp, diptmp, inside, extended, out)) f.close() if slab == 'izu' and lat < 27 and lat > 23: dipthresh = 45 if diptmp > dipthresh: newlats = [lat,lat,lat+spacing/2.0,lat-spacing/2.0,lat+spacing/2.0,lat-spacing/2.0,lat+spacing/2.0,lat-spacing/2.0] newlons = [lon-spacing/2.0,lon+spacing/2.0,lon,lon,lon+spacing/2.0,lon-spacing/2.0,lon-spacing/2.0,lon+spacing/2.0] if slab == 'ker': newlats1 = [lat,lat,lat+spacing/4.0,lat-spacing/4.0,lat+spacing/4.0,lat-spacing/4.0,lat+spacing/4.0,lat-spacing/4.0] newlons1 = [lon-spacing/4.0,lon+spacing/4.0,lon,lon,lon+spacing/4.0,lon-spacing/4.0,lon-spacing/4.0,lon+spacing/4.0] newlats2 = [lat,lat,lat+3*spacing/4.0,lat-3*spacing/4.0,lat+3*spacing/4.0,lat-3*spacing/4.0,lat+3*spacing/4.0,lat-3*spacing/4.0] newlons2 = [lon-3*spacing/4.0,lon+3*spacing/4.0,lon,lon,lon+3*spacing/4.0,lon-3*spacing/4.0,lon-3*spacing/4.0,lon+3*spacing/4.0] newlats.extend(newlats1) newlats.extend(newlats2) newlons.extend(newlons1) newlons.extend(newlons2) newnodes = np.zeros((len(newlons),2)) newnodes[:,0] = np.round(newlons,1) newnodes[:,1] = np.round(newlats,1) #diptmp = 90 if slab == 'izu' and lat>23 and lat<27 and slab1 > 400: clen = 400 elif slab != 'sol' and slab != 'hal' and slab != 'phi': clen = 200 elif slab == 'sol' and lon>148: clen = 300 else: clen = alen else: eventlist = eventlist[(eventlist.lon<lon+1.5)&(<lat+1.5)&(eventlist.lon>lon-1.5)&(>lat-1.5)] if testprint: f = open(nodeinfo, 'a') f.write('-%i- after reducing OGsearch range (dip<dipthresh), len(eventlist) %i\n'%(nID, len(eventlist))) f.close() clen = alen if len(eventlist)<2 and len(eventlist[(eventlist.etype == 'AS')|(eventlist.etype == 'RF')|(eventlist.etype == 'CP')])<1 and slab != 'ryu': #print ('no data here',lon,lat,nID) return lon, lat, slab1, strtmp, diptmp, nID, alen, blen, clen, [], [], [], [], False, 0, 0 elif slab == 'ryu' and len(eventlist)<2 and len(eventlist[(eventlist.etype == 'AS')|(eventlist.etype == 'RF')|(eventlist.etype == 'TO')|(eventlist.etype == 'CP')])<1: return lon, lat, slab1, strtmp, diptmp, nID, alen, blen, clen, [], [], [], [], False, 0, 0 else: newnodes = [] if slab == 'phi' and lat > 11: minstk /= 2 if extended: alen = s2f.refilter4(strtmp,minstk,extlon,extlat,eventlist,alen,blen,slab1query,slab,testprint) else: alen = s2f.refilter4(strtmp,minstk,lon,lat,eventlist,alen,blen,slab1query,slab,testprint) if lon > 170.5 and lon < 172 and lat > -22 and lat < -21: alen = 20 if testprint: f = open(nodeinfo, 'a') f.write('-%i- alen, blen, clen, minstk, seismo_thick %0.2f,%0.2f,%0.2f,%0.2f,%0.2f \n'%(nID, alen, blen, clen, minstk, seismo_thick)) f.close() if alen == 1: return lon, lat,slab1, strtmp, diptmp, nID, alen, blen, clen, [], [], [], [], False, 0, 0 else: farpoint = alen if slab == 'cam' and lon < 260 and lat > 20.5 and lon > 257.5: alen = 20 clen = 20 if slab == 'man' and lat < 14: alen = 20 if slab1 < 200: clen = 20 if slab == 'mue': alen = 150 clen = 150 strtmp = 270 # Filter data for present node trimmed, test, sdepth, ddepth, locstr, locdip, maxID, locdep = s2f.allFilters( eventlist, lat, lon, inside, slab1, strtmp, diptmp, seismo_thick, alen, blen, clen, mdist, sdr, ddr, mindip, maxID, out, AA_data, TR_data, slab, maxdist, testprint, extended, datainfo, nodeinfo,nID) trimmed, test = s2f.doublecheckEREQ(trimmed, lon, lat) if not test: if testprint: print ('not test',lon,lat,nID) return lon, lat, locdep, locstr, locdip, nID, alen, blen, clen, [], [], [], newnodes, False, sdepth, ddepth trimmedAA = trimmed[trimmed.etype == 'AA'] trimmedBA = trimmed[trimmed.etype == 'BA'] trimmedAS = trimmed[trimmed.etype == 'AS'] trimmedRF = trimmed[trimmed.etype == 'RF'] trimmedTO = trimmed[trimmed.etype == 'TO'] trimmedCP = trimmed[trimmed.etype == 'CP'] # Save data used # Add this trimmed list of events to the list of used input data if len(trimmed) > 1 or (len(trimmed) < 2 and (len(trimmedAA)>0 or len(trimmedBA)>0 or len(trimmedAS)>0 or len(trimmedRF)>0 or len(trimmedCP)>0)): trimmed_index = np.array(trimmed.ID) node_number = np.ones(len(trimmed_index)) * nID used_tmp = np.array(list(zip(node_number, trimmed_index))) elif len(trimmed) > 1 or (len(trimmed) < 2 and len(trimmedTO)>0 and slab == 'ryu'): trimmed_index = np.array(trimmed.ID) node_number = np.ones(len(trimmed_index)) * nID used_tmp = np.array(list(zip(node_number, trimmed_index))) else: if testprint: print ('trimmed too small',lon,lat,nID) return lon, lat, locdep, locstr, locdip, nID, alen, blen, clen, [], [], [], newnodes, False, sdepth, ddepth # We only need to do the rest of this loop if there is tomography data if tomo_sets == 0 or slab != 'samzzz' or slab =='ryu': return lon, lat, locdep, locstr, locdip, nID, alen, blen, clen, [], used_tmp, trimmedAA, newnodes, True, sdepth, ddepth '''nothing beyond this point in this loop gets used ''' # Trim dataset for PDF calculation and separate tomography data # We want to run PDF on non-TO, non-RF data TOdata = trimmed[trimmed.etype == 'TO'] trimmed = trimmed[trimmed.etype != 'RF'] trimmed = trimmed[trimmed.etype != 'TO'] trimmed = trimmed[trimmed.etype != 'CP'] # Calculate PDF if locdip <= mindip: #or len(trimmedAS) > 0 or len(trimmedAA) >0 or len(trimmedRF) >0: #print 'full',lon,lat peak_depth, stdv, test2, npeaks, OGmulti, centsurf = s2f.fullPDFcalc(trimmed, sdepth, ddepth, testprint, nID, lat, lon, locdep, 'pre', slab, locstr, locdip) peak_lon = lon peak_lat = lat else: peak_lon, peak_lat, peak_depth, stdv, test2, npeaks, OGmulti, centsurf, rlist = s2f.perpPDFcalc(trimmed, sdepth, ddepth, testprint, nID, lat, lon, locdep, 'pre', slab, locstr, locdip, maxthickness) if len(rlist) > 0: removeIDs = np.array(rlist.ID) used_tmp = used_tmp[~np.in1d(used_tmp[:, 1], removeIDs)] # For each node with a peak depth and tomography data, calculate differences # Do separately for each tomography dataset if test2: if len(TOdata) > 0: for idx, src in enumerate(tomo_sets): data = TOdata[TOdata.src == src] if len(data) > 0: TOmean = np.mean(data.depth) diff = peak_depth - TOmean temp = [diff, idx] temp2 = np.array(temp) if used_TO is not None: used_TO = np.vstack((used_TO, temp2)) else: used_TO = temp2.copy() else: return lon, lat, locdep, locstr, locdip, nID, farpoint, used_TO, used_tmp, trimmedAA, newnodes return lon, lat, locdep, locstr, locdip, nID, alen, blen, clen, used_TO, used_tmp, trimmedAA, newnodes
def loop3(shift_out, testarea, used_all, eventlist, sdr, ddr, seismo_thick, these_parameters, slab, maxthickness, mindip, taper, nID): postmulti = [] bilats, bilons, binods, bistds = np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan biindx, bistrs, bidips, bideps = np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan if len(shift_out)>0: # used to be if slab == 'sam' bc of variable taper taper = 0.0 loc_shift_out = shift_out[shift_out.nID == nID] lat = loc_shift_out['lat'].values[0] lon = loc_shift_out['lon'].values[0] cstr = loc_shift_out['ogstr'].values[0] cdip = loc_shift_out['ogdip'].values[0] bflat = loc_shift_out['bzlat'].values[0] bflon = loc_shift_out['bzlon'].values[0] dep = loc_shift_out['psdepth'].values[0] if len(loc_shift_out) == 0: #print 'misnamed ID',nID return np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, nID, postmulti, np.nan, np.nan else: testprint = False if lon>testarea[0] and lon<testarea[1] and lat>testarea[2] and lat<testarea[3]: testprint = True else: testprint = False if testprint: print('____________________________________ %i ___________________________________________'% nID) # Collect used data associated with this node loc_used_data = used_all[:, 1][used_all[:, 0] == nID] if len(loc_used_data) > 1: trimmed = eventlist[eventlist['ID'].isin(loc_used_data)] elif len(loc_used_data) > 0: trimmed = eventlist[eventlist['ID'].isin(loc_used_data)] trimmedAA = trimmed[trimmed.etype == 'AA'] trimmedBA = trimmed[trimmed.etype == 'BA'] trimmedAS = trimmed[trimmed.etype == 'AS'] trimmedRF = trimmed[trimmed.etype == 'RF'] trimmedCP = trimmed[trimmed.etype == 'CP'] if len(trimmedAA)<1 and len(trimmedBA)<1 and len(trimmedAS)<1 and len(trimmedRF)<1 and len(trimmedCP)<1: #if testprint: print('skipping but returning something wonky', lon, lat, dep) return np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, nID, postmulti, np.nan, np.nan else: return np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, nID, postmulti, np.nan, np.nan # Calculate average strike, rake, dip of CMTs for final output avg_strike, avg_dip, avg_rake = s2f.avStrDipRak(trimmed) if dep < seismo_thick or (len(trimmed[trimmed.etype == 'RF']) < 1 and \ len(trimmed[trimmed.etype == 'AA']) < 1 and \ len(trimmed[trimmed.etype == 'CP']) < 1 and \ len(trimmed[trimmed.etype == 'AS']) < 1): #print 'shallow',lon,lat,nID rstd = loc_shift_out['stdv'].values[0] depth = loc_shift_out['depth'].values[0] if dep<seismo_thick: return depth, rstd, avg_strike, avg_dip, avg_rake, bilats, bilons, binods, bistds, biindx, bistrs, bidips, bideps, nID, postmulti, bflon, bflat else: return depth, rstd, avg_strike, avg_dip, avg_rake, bilats, bilons, binods, bistds, biindx, bistrs, bidips, bideps, nID, postmulti, lon, lat if len(trimmed[(trimmed.etype != 'RF') & (trimmed.etype != 'CP')])<1 and len(trimmed[(trimmed.etype == 'RF') | (trimmed.etype == 'CP')])>0: rstd = loc_shift_out['stdv'].values[0] depth = loc_shift_out['psdepth'].values[0] return depth, rstd, avg_strike, avg_dip, avg_rake, bilats, bilons, binods, bistds, biindx, bistrs, bidips, bideps, nID, postmulti, bflon, bflat if len(trimmed[(trimmed.etype != 'RF') & (trimmed.etype != 'AS') & (trimmed.etype != 'AA') & (trimmed.etype != 'CP')]) > 0: # Calculate local depth difference between shifted and non-shifted results dep_dif = dep - loc_shift_out['depth'].values[0] lon_dif = bflon - lon lat_dif = bflat - lat # Apply shift to non-RF data trimmed['depth'][(trimmed.etype != 'RF') & (trimmed.etype != 'AS') & (trimmed.etype != 'AA') & (trimmed.etype != 'CP')] -= dep_dif trimmed['lon'][(trimmed.etype != 'RF') & (trimmed.etype != 'AS') & (trimmed.etype != 'AA') & (trimmed.etype != 'CP')] -= lon_dif trimmed['lat'][(trimmed.etype != 'RF') & (trimmed.etype != 'AS') & (trimmed.etype != 'AA') & (trimmed.etype != 'CP')] -= lat_dif # Calculate new PDF loc_depth = trimmed['depth'].mean() place_holder, sdepth, ddepth, depthwritten = s2f.depthRange(loc_depth, sdr, ddr, seismo_thick, trimmed, slab, these_parameters, True) if cdip <= mindip: if cdip > mindip: cdip = mindip try: new_peak_depth, new_std, test3, npeaks, postmulti, centsurf = s2f.fullPDFcalc(trimmed, sdepth, ddepth, testprint, nID, lat, lon, loc_depth, 'post', slab, cstr, cdip) peak_lon = lon peak_lat = lat except: print('post full pdf didnt work!!', lon, lat, nID) new_peak_depth, new_std, test3, npeaks, postmulti, centsurf = loc_shift_out['depth'].values[0], loc_shift_out['stdv'].values[0], False, 1, pd.DataFrame(), 2000 peak_lon = lon peak_lat = lat else: try: peak_lon, peak_lat, new_peak_depth, new_std, test3, npeaks, postmulti, centsurf, rlist = s2f.perpPDFcalc(trimmed, sdepth, ddepth, testprint, nID, lat, lon, loc_depth, 'post', slab, cstr, cdip, maxthickness) except: print('post perp pdf didnt work!!', lon, lat, nID) peak_lon, peak_lat, new_peak_depth, new_std, test3, npeaks, postmulti, centsurf, rlist = lon, lat, loc_shift_out['depth'].values[0], loc_shift_out['stdv'].values[0], False, 1, pd.DataFrame(), 2000, pd.DataFrame() # Populate results array if test3: rdepth, rstd, rstrike, rdip, rrake = new_peak_depth, new_std, avg_strike, avg_dip, avg_rake if npeaks > 1: bilats, bilons, binods, bistds= lat, lon, nID, new_std biindx, bistrs, bidips, bideps = 1, cstr, cdip, loc_depth else: rdepth, rstd, rstrike, rdip, rrake = np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan return rdepth, rstd, rstrike, rdip, rrake, bilats, bilons, binods, bistds, biindx, bistrs, bidips, bideps, nID, postmulti, peak_lon, peak_lat
def loop2(testarea, lons, lats, nIDs1, locdep, locstr, locdip, used_all, eventlist, sdr, ddr, seismo_thick, slab, maxthickness, rlist, mindip, aalen, ablen, aclen, j): these_parameters = [] premulti = [] bilats, bilons, binods, bistds = np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan biindx, bistrs, bidips, bideps = np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan lat = lats[j] lon = lons[j] nID = nIDs1[j] cstr = locstr[j] cdip = locdip[j] alen = aalen[j] blen = ablen[j] clen = aclen[j] if lon>testarea[0] and lon<testarea[1] and lat>testarea[2] and lat<testarea[3]: testprint = True print('____________________________________ %i ___________________________________________'% nID) else: testprint = False # Collect used data associated with this node loc_used_data = used_all[:, 1][used_all[:, 0] == nID] if len(loc_used_data) > 1: trimmed = eventlist[eventlist['ID'].isin(loc_used_data)] elif len(loc_used_data) > 0: trimmed = eventlist[eventlist['ID'].isin(loc_used_data)] trimmedAA = trimmed[trimmed.etype == 'AA'] trimmedBA = trimmed[trimmed.etype == 'BA'] trimmedAS = trimmed[trimmed.etype == 'AS'] trimmedRF = trimmed[trimmed.etype == 'RF'] trimmedCP = trimmed[trimmed.etype == 'CP'] if len(trimmedAA)<1 and len(trimmedBA)<1 and len(trimmedAS)<1 and len(trimmedRF)<1 and len(trimmedCP)<1: return np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, rlist, premulti, alen, blen, clen, 0 else: return np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, rlist, premulti, alen, blen, clen, 0 # Remove RF data for PDF analysis if locdep[j] > seismo_thick: rft = trimmed[(trimmed.etype == 'RF') | (trimmed.etype == 'AA') | (trimmed.etype == 'AS') | (trimmed.etype == 'CP')] trimmed = trimmed[(trimmed.etype != 'RF') & (trimmed.etype != 'AA') & (trimmed.etype != 'AS') & (trimmed.etype != 'CP')] else: rft = [] if len(trimmed)<2 and len(rft)>0: trimmed = pd.concat([rft, trimmed],sort=True) if abs(rft['depth'].mean()-trimmed['depth'].mean())>maxthickness: trimmed = trimmed[(trimmed.etype == 'RF') | (trimmed.etype == 'AA') | (trimmed.etype == 'AS') | (trimmed.etype == 'CP')] if len(rft)>0: loc_depth = np.mean(trimmed['depth'].values) if np.isnan(loc_depth): if testprint: print ('1 ** nan depth found for this node, returning nan output in this directory',nID) trimmed.to_csv('%i_faileddata.csv'%nID,header=True,index=False,na_rep=np.nan) return np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, rlist, premulti, alen, blen, clen, 0 else: loc_depth = locdep[j] if np.isnan(loc_depth): if testprint: print ('2 ** nan depth found for this node, returning nan output in this directory',nID) trimmed.to_csv('%i_faileddata.csv'%nID,header=True,index=False,na_rep=np.nan) return np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, rlist, premulti, alen, blen, clen, 0 place_holder, sdepth, ddepth, depthwritten = s2f.depthRange(loc_depth, sdr, ddr, seismo_thick, trimmed, slab, these_parameters, True) if cdip <= mindip: if cdip > mindip: cdip = mindip #try: peak_depth, stdv, test2, npeaks, premulti, centsurf = s2f.fullPDFcalc(trimmed, sdepth, ddepth, testprint, nID, lat, lon, loc_depth, 'pre2', slab, cstr, cdip) peak_lon = lon peak_lat = lat else: peak_lon, peak_lat, peak_depth, stdv, test2, npeaks, premulti, centsurf, rlist = s2f.perpPDFcalc(trimmed, sdepth, ddepth, testprint, nID, lat, lon, loc_depth, 'pre2', slab, cstr, cdip, maxthickness) if test2: #tmp_res[j,0],tmp_res[j,1],tmp_res[j,2],tmp_res[j,3],tmp_res[j,4],tmp_res[j,5],tmp_res[j,6],tmp_res[j,7],tmp_res[j,8],tmp_res[j,9] = peak_lat,peak_lon,peak_depth,std,nID,lat,lon,cstr,cdip,centsurf jpeak_lat, jpeak_lon, jpeak_depth, jstd, jnID = peak_lat, peak_lon, peak_depth, stdv, nID jlat, jlon, jcstr, jcdip, jcentsurf = lat, lon, cstr, cdip, centsurf # If there is more than one peak if npeaks > 1: bilats, bilons, binods, bistds= lat, lon, nID, stdv biindx, bistrs, bidips, bideps = j, cstr, cdip, loc_depth else: jpeak_lon, jpeak_lat, jpeak_depth, jstd, jnID = np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan jlat, jlon, jcstr, jcdip, jcentsurf = np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan eventtypes = list(set(trimmed.etype)) if len(eventtypes) == 1 and eventtypes[0] == 'TO': onlyTO = 1 else: onlyTO = 0 return jpeak_lon, jpeak_lat, jpeak_depth, jstd, jnID, jlat, jlon, jcstr, jcdip, jcentsurf, bilats, bilons, binods, bistds, biindx, bistrs, bidips, bideps, rlist, premulti, alen, blen, clen, onlyTO
def loop2(testarea, lons, lats, nIDs1, locdep, locstr, locdip, used_all, eventlist, sdr, ddr, seismo_thick, slab, maxthickness, rlist, mindip, aalen, ablen, aclen, j): these_parameters = [] premulti = [] bilats, bilons, binods, bistds = np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan biindx, bistrs, bidips, bideps = np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan lat = lats[j] lon = lons[j] nID = nIDs1[j] cstr = locstr[j] cdip = locdip[j] alen = aalen[j] blen = ablen[j] clen = aclen[j] if lon>testarea[0] and lon<testarea[1] and lat>testarea[2] and lat<testarea[3]: testprint = True print('____________________________________ %i ___________________________________________'% nID) else: testprint = False # Collect used data associated with this node loc_used_data = used_all[:, 1][used_all[:, 0] == nID] if len(loc_used_data) > 1: trimmed = eventlist[eventlist['ID'].isin(loc_used_data)] elif len(loc_used_data) > 0: trimmed = eventlist[eventlist['ID'].isin(loc_used_data)] trimmedAA = trimmed[trimmed.etype == 'AA'] trimmedBA = trimmed[trimmed.etype == 'BA'] trimmedAS = trimmed[trimmed.etype == 'AS'] trimmedRF = trimmed[trimmed.etype == 'RF'] trimmedCP = trimmed[trimmed.etype == 'CP'] if len(trimmedAA)<1 and len(trimmedBA)<1 and len(trimmedAS)<1 and len(trimmedRF)<1 and len(trimmedCP)<1: return np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, rlist, premulti, alen, blen, clen, 0 else: return np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, rlist, premulti, alen, blen, clen, 0 # Remove RF data for PDF analysis if locdep[j] > seismo_thick: rft = trimmed[(trimmed.etype == 'RF') | (trimmed.etype == 'AA') | (trimmed.etype == 'AS') | (trimmed.etype == 'CP')] trimmed = trimmed[(trimmed.etype != 'RF') & (trimmed.etype != 'AA') & (trimmed.etype != 'AS') & (trimmed.etype != 'CP')] else: rft = [] if len(trimmed)<2 and len(rft)>0: trimmed = pd.concat([rft, trimmed]) if abs(rft['depth'].mean()-trimmed['depth'].mean())>maxthickness: trimmed = trimmed[(trimmed.etype == 'RF') | (trimmed.etype == 'AA') | (trimmed.etype == 'AS') | (trimmed.etype == 'CP')] if len(rft)>0: loc_depth = np.mean(trimmed['depth'].values) if np.isnan(loc_depth): if testprint: print ('1 ** nan depth found for this node, returning nan output in this directory',nID) trimmed.to_csv('%i_faileddata.csv'%nID,header=True,index=False,na_rep=np.nan) return np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, rlist, premulti, alen, blen, clen, 0 else: loc_depth = locdep[j] if np.isnan(loc_depth): if testprint: print ('2 ** nan depth found for this node, returning nan output in this directory',nID) trimmed.to_csv('%i_faileddata.csv'%nID,header=True,index=False,na_rep=np.nan) return np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, rlist, premulti, alen, blen, clen, 0 place_holder, sdepth, ddepth, depthwritten = s2f.depthRange(loc_depth, sdr, ddr, seismo_thick, trimmed, slab, these_parameters, True) if cdip <= mindip:# or len(trimmed[trimmed.etype == 'AS' ]) > 0 or len(trimmed[trimmed.etype == 'AA' ]) > 0 or len(rft)>0: if cdip > mindip: cdip = mindip #try: peak_depth, stdv, test2, npeaks, premulti, centsurf = s2f.fullPDFcalc(trimmed, sdepth, ddepth, testprint, nID, lat, lon, loc_depth, 'pre2', slab, cstr, cdip) #except: # print('full PDF didnt work! lon,lat,nID,cdip,cstr,loc_depth,trimmed', lon, lat, nID, cdip, cstr, loc_depth, trimmed) # return np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, rlist, premulti peak_lon = lon peak_lat = lat else: #try: peak_lon, peak_lat, peak_depth, stdv, test2, npeaks, premulti, centsurf, rlist = s2f.perpPDFcalc(trimmed, sdepth, ddepth, testprint, nID, lat, lon, loc_depth, 'pre2', slab, cstr, cdip, maxthickness) #except: # print('perp PDF didnt work!lon,lat,nID,cdip,cstr,loc_depth,trimmed', lon, lat, nID, cdip, cstr, loc_depth, trimmed) # return np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, rlist, premulti if test2: #tmp_res[j,0],tmp_res[j,1],tmp_res[j,2],tmp_res[j,3],tmp_res[j,4],tmp_res[j,5],tmp_res[j,6],tmp_res[j,7],tmp_res[j,8],tmp_res[j,9] = peak_lat,peak_lon,peak_depth,std,nID,lat,lon,cstr,cdip,centsurf jpeak_lat, jpeak_lon, jpeak_depth, jstd, jnID = peak_lat, peak_lon, peak_depth, stdv, nID jlat, jlon, jcstr, jcdip, jcentsurf = lat, lon, cstr, cdip, centsurf # If there is more than one peak if npeaks > 1: bilats, bilons, binods, bistds= lat, lon, nID, stdv biindx, bistrs, bidips, bideps = j, cstr, cdip, loc_depth else: jpeak_lon, jpeak_lat, jpeak_depth, jstd, jnID = np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan jlat, jlon, jcstr, jcdip, jcentsurf = np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan eventtypes = list(set(trimmed.etype)) if len(eventtypes) == 1 and eventtypes[0] == 'TO': onlyTO = 1 else: onlyTO = 0 return jpeak_lon, jpeak_lat, jpeak_depth, jstd, jnID, jlat, jlon, jcstr, jcdip, jcentsurf, bilats, bilons, binods, bistds, biindx, bistrs, bidips, bideps, rlist, premulti, alen, blen, clen, onlyTO