コード例 #1
    def _constructQueryData(self, fields, form_table_name, REQUEST):
        """Parses form fields and prepares data for saving into the database.

        :param fields: form fields
        :param form_table_name: name of the table used for the form
        :param REQUEST: request object
        :returns: A list of tuples that contain two elements:
            tuple[0] is the name of the SQL table to save the data in
            tuple[1] is either a dict, or a list of dicts (for data grid
                fields) with the values needed to execute the query
        query_data = [(form_table_name, {})]
        query_args = query_data[0][1]

        for field in fields:

            # ignore fields that we want to exclude
            if field.id in self.exclude_fields:

            field_id = cleanString(field.id)

            # handle file fields
            if field.isFileField():
                field_name = field.fgField.getName()
                file_upload = REQUEST.form.get('{0}_file'.format(field_name))
                file_type = file_upload.filename.split('.')[-1]
                table_name = form_table_name + '_' + \
                        "data": buffer(file_upload.read()),
                        "type": file_type

            # handle datagrid fields
            elif field.portal_type == "FormDataGridField":
                field_name = form_table_name + '_' + field_id
                grid_list = []
                for row in REQUEST.form.get(field.id, ''):
                    # ignore form metadata
                    if row.get('orderindex_', '') != 'template_row_marker':
                        item = dict(row)
                        for key, value in item.iteritems():
                            item[key] = item[key].decode('utf8')
                            item[cleanString(key)] = \
                        del item['orderindex_']
                        # check for duplicates
                        if(item not in grid_list):
                query_data.append((field_name, grid_list))

            # handle date fields
            # XXX: this is needed for e.g. postgresql, sqlite works fine if we
            # insert an empty string
            elif field.portal_type == "FormDateField":
                date_str = REQUEST.form.get(field.id, '')
                if date_str:
                    query_args[field_id] = date_str

            # handle all other fields
                query_args[field_id] = REQUEST.form.get(
                    field.id, '').decode('utf8')

        return query_data
コード例 #2
    def _write_to_zip(self, zipfile, vacancies=None):
        """Write form data to excel file and zip it together with uploaded

        File columns contain links to uploaded files. File structure of the
        exported excel file and accompanying files will be like this:


        There are a couple of assumptions about the rdb structure. Please see

        :param zipfile: ZipFile instance that will hold the data
        :param vacancies: a list of job vacancies to fetch the data for. If
            no job vacancies are provided, return data for all job vacancies.
        form = self.context.getParentNode()
        form_table_name = cleanString(form.id)
        db_utility_name = self.context.db_utility_name

        # get the rdb connection
            db = getUtility(IDatabase, db_utility_name)
            connection = db.connection.engine.connect()
        except (ComponentLookupError, SQLAlchemyError):
            logger.exception('Error connecting to database.')

        grid_fields = []
        file_fields = []
        for key in form.keys():
            if(form[key].portal_type == 'FormDataGridField'):
            elif(form[key].portal_type == 'FormFileField'):

        if not vacancies:  # fetch data for all job vacancies
            form_data = connection.execute(
                "SELECT * FROM {0}".format(form_table_name)
        else:  # fetch data for selected job vacancies
            form_data = connection.execute(
                "SELECT * FROM {0} WHERE {1} IN ({2})".format(
                    "'" + "','".join(vacancies) + "'",

        # Extending form_keys with grid and file fields, so we can
        # write them to excel easier inside the loop
        form_keys = form_data.keys()
        all_form_keys = form_keys + grid_fields + file_fields

        # Create an excel workbook
        book = Workbook()
        sheet = book.worksheets[0]
        sheet.default_column_dimension.auto_size = True
        sheet.title = form_table_name
        date_time = datetime.now().timetuple()[:6]

        # write column names
        for column_count, key in enumerate(all_form_keys):
                row=0, column=column_count).value = all_form_keys[column_count]
        # write data
        for row_count, table_row in enumerate(form_data.fetchall()):
            # write basic form fields
            for form_column_count, key in enumerate(form_keys):
                cell = sheet.cell(row=row_count + 1, column=form_column_count)
                cell.value = table_row[key]
            count = 1

            # write grid form fields
            for field in grid_fields:
                grid_table_name = form_table_name + "_" + cleanString(field)
                grid_field_data = connection.execute(
                    'SELECT * FROM {0} WHERE {1}_id={2}'.format(
                    grid_table_name, form_table_name, table_row[0])
                # hack to get all grid rows in same cell
                grid_field_string = ""
                keys = grid_field_data.keys()
                keys.remove(form_table_name + '_id')
                grid_field_data_all = grid_field_data.fetchall()
                for row in grid_field_data_all:
                    for key in keys:
                        grid_field_string += "{0}: {1}, ".format(key, row[key])
                    grid_field_string = grid_field_string[:-2] + '\n'
                if grid_field_string:
                    cell = sheet.cell(
                        row=row_count + 1, column=form_column_count + count
                    cell.style.alignment.wrap_text = True
                    cell.value = grid_field_string[:-1]
                # set width on longest row
                sheet.column_dimensions[cell.column].width = max(
                    [len(grid_row) for
                        grid_row in grid_field_string.split("\n")]
                count += 1

            # write file form fields
            for file_count, field in enumerate(file_fields):
                file_table_name = form_table_name + "_" + cleanString(field)
                file_field_data = connection.execute(
                    'SELECT * FROM {0} WHERE {1}_id={2}'.format(
                    file_table_name, form_table_name, table_row[0]))
                filename = str(table_row[0]) + "_" + str(file_count)
                for row in file_field_data.fetchall():
                    file_path = 'files/{0}.{1}'.format(filename, row["type"])
                    zip_info = ZipInfo(file_path, date_time)
                    # setting permissions manually to make it work on Linux
                    zip_info.external_attr = 0666 << 16L
                    zipfile.writestr(zip_info, row["data"])
                    cell = sheet.cell(
                        row=row_count + 1,
                        column=form_column_count + count
                    cell.value = "View file"
                    cell.hyperlink = file_path
                    count += 1

        output_tmp = StringIO()

        zip_info = ZipInfo('{0}.xlsx'.format(form_table_name), date_time)
        # setting permissions manually to make it work on Linux
        zip_info.external_attr = 0666 << 16L
        zipfile.writestr(zip_info, output_tmp.getvalue())
コード例 #3
    def onSuccess(self, fields, REQUEST=None):
        """Save the data from the form into a relational database.

        It works in the following way: if a query is defined on the adapter,
        it will use that query to insert the data into the database. If no
        query is defined, it will try to automatically save all form fields.
        "Normal" fields will be saved into the primary table, while
        FormDataGridField and FormFileField fields will be saved into
        separate tables.

        For this to work, your database and tables have to be created and set
        up according to the following rules:
          - Name of the primary table for storing the form data is same as
            the id of the form (with '-' changed to '_' and '.' to '')
          - All "auxiliary" tables for FormDataGridField and FormFileField
            fields are named in the convention of
            form_table_name + _ + field.id. Also, each auxiliary table must
            have a form_table_name_id column, which is a foreign key.
          - All table colums must be named after form field id's (with '-'
            changed to '_' and '.' to '')

        :param fields: form fields
        :param REQUEST: request object

            db = getUtility(IDatabase, self.db_utility_name)
        except ComponentLookupError:
            logger.exception('Can not write to database, wrong configuration')
            return {
                FORM_ERROR_MARKER: _(
                    'Can not write to database, wrong configuration. Please '
                    'contact site owner.'

        form_table_name = cleanString(self.getParentNode().id)
        query_args = self._constructQueryData(
            fields, form_table_name, REQUEST)
        query = self.query

            connection = db.connection.engine.connect()
            logger.exception('Error connecting to database.')
            return {
                FORM_ERROR_MARKER: _(
                    'Can not write to database, wrong configuration. Please '
                    'contact site owner.'

            # begin transaction for all executions
            trans = connection.begin()

                # custom query was defined on the adapter, let's use that
                connection.execute(query, **query_args[0][1])
                # no query was defined, store all form fields
                select_string = "SELECT MAX(ID) FROM {0}".format(
                form_id = (connection.execute(
                    select_string).scalar() or 0) + 1
                if db.engine.url.drivername == 'postgresql':
                    paramstyle = 'pyformat'
                    paramstyle = 'named'

                for field in query_args:
                    table_name = field[0]

                    # insert FormDataGridField fields into separate tables
                    if(type(field[1]) == list):
                        for item in field[1][:]:
                            # Setting grid table name, based on the form name
                            item[form_table_name + "_id"] = form_id
                            params = item.keys()
                            query_string = \
                                "INSERT INTO {0} {1} VALUES {2}".format(
                            connection.execute(query_string, **item)
                    # insert "normal" fields into the primary table
                        params = field[1].keys()
                        query_string = \
                            "INSERT INTO {0} {1} VALUES {2}".format(
                        connection.execute(query_string, **field[1])
            # commit the transaction, saving the changes
            logger.exception('Error writing to database.')
            return {
                FORM_ERROR_MARKER: _(
                    'Can not write to database, wrong configuration. Please '
                    'contact site owner.'