def headline(rw): form = Form(rw) uuid = form.get('uuid') mydb, user_id = get_userspace_by_permission(1) if uuid is None: article = mydb.cursor().execute( ('SELECT uuid, title FROM article WHERE state=0 ' 'ORDER BY create_time DESC ' 'LIMIT 5 OFFSET 0')).fetchall() else: article = mydb.cursor().execute(( 'SELECT title, desc, create_time, content, img, creator FROM article WHERE state=0 AND uuid=?' ), (uuid, )).fetchone() article = [article] return {'code': 0, 'msg': 'ok', 'data': article}
def rename(rw): form = Form(rw) name = form['name'] token = form['token'] fid = form['fid'] pid = form['pid'] or ROOT if not name: return {'code': 31, 'msg': '文件名错误', 'data': []} try: data = yun.runtime.tokenizer.unpack(token) except VerificationError: return DATA_INVALID_TOKEN else: phone = data.split('&')[0] mydb, user_id = get_userdb_by_phone(phone) cr = mydb.cursor() exsit = cr.execute( 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM fs WHERE state=0 AND creator=? AND name=? AND parent=?', (user_id, name, pid)).fetchone()[0] if exsit > 0: return {'code': 32, 'msg': '文件名已存在', 'data': []} cr.execute('UPDATE fs SET name=? WHERE creator=? AND uuid=?', (name, user_id, fid)) return DATA_OK
def modify(rw): form = Form(rw) name = form['name'] title = form['title'] desc = form['desc'] img = form['img'] content = form['content'] token = form['token'] uuid = form['uuid'] if not (name and title and desc and content and img): return {'code': 121, 'msg': '缺少必要参数', 'data': []} try: data = yun.runtime.tokenizer.unpack(token) except VerificationError: return DATA_INVALID_TOKEN else: phone = data.split('&')[0] mydb, user_id = get_userdb_by_phone(phone) cr = mydb.cursor() pid = cr.execute('SELECT parent FROM fs WHERE uuid=?', (uuid, )).fetchone()[0] exsit = cr.execute(('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM fs WHERE state=0 ' 'AND creator=? AND name=? AND parent=? AND uuid!=?'), (user_id, name, pid, uuid)).fetchone()[0] if exsit > 0: return {'code': 122, 'msg': '卡片已存在', 'data': []} modify_time ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %f') cr.execute('UPDATE fs SET name=?, modify_time=? WHERE uuid=?', (name, modify_time, uuid)) cr.execute( 'UPDATE article SET name=?, title=?, desc=?, img=?, content=?, modify_time=? WHERE uuid=?', (name, title, desc, img, content, modify_time, uuid)) return DATA_OK
def create(self, rw): form = Form(rw) actors = [] if form['actor']: actors = list(int(x) for x in form['actor'].split(',')) data = tokenizer.unpack(form['token']) phone = data.split('&')[0] db = yun.runtime.get_users_db() cr = db.cursor() creator_id = cr.execute('SELECT id FROM users WHERE phone=?', (phone, )).fetchone()[0] if creator_id not in actors: actors.append(creator_id) create_time ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %f') cr.execute(( 'INSERT INTO job(creator, phone, title, start_time, end_time, actor, create_time, modify_time)' ' VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)'), (creator_id, phone, form['title'], form['start_time'], form['end_time'], form['actor'], create_time, create_time)) job_id = cr.execute( 'select last_insert_rowid() from job').fetchone()[0] for actor_id in actors: cr.execute( ('INSERT INTO job_user(job, actor, creator, create_time)' 'VALUES (?,?,?,?)'), (job_id, actor_id, creator_id, create_time)) data = json.dumps({'code': 0, 'msg': 'ok', 'data': {}}) return rw.send_response_and_close(headers=[('Content-Type', 'application/json')], content=bytes(data, 'utf-8'))
def create(rw): form = Form(rw) name = form['name'] title = form['title'] desc = form['desc'] img = form['img'] content = form['content'] token = form['token'] pid = form['pid'] or ROOT if not (name and title and desc and content and img): return {'code': 111, 'msg': '缺少必要参数', 'data': []} pid = form.get('pid') or ROOT path = '/' try: data = yun.runtime.tokenizer.unpack(token) except VerificationError: return DATA_INVALID_TOKEN else: phone = data.split('&')[0] mydb, user_id = get_userdb_by_phone(phone) cr = mydb.cursor() exsit = cr.execute( 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM fs WHERE state=0 AND creator=? AND name=? AND parent=?', (user_id, name, pid)).fetchone()[0] if exsit > 0: return {'code': 112, 'msg': '卡片已存在', 'data': []} if pid != ROOT: path = cr.execute('SELECT path FROM fs WHERE state=0 AND uuid=?', (pid, )).fetchone()[0] if path == '/': path = '{}{}'.format(path, pid) else: path = '{}/{}'.format(path, pid) create_time ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %f') uuid_ = uuid4().hex cr.execute(('INSERT INTO fs (creator, phone, state, type, name, ' ' uuid, create_time, modify_time, parent, path) ' ' VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)'), (user_id, phone, 0, 4, name, uuid_, create_time, create_time, pid, path)) cr.execute(('INSERT INTO article (creator, uuid, phone, state, type, ' ' name, title, desc, img, content, create_time, modify_time) ' ' VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)'), (user_id, uuid_, phone, 0, 1, name, title, desc, img, content, create_time, create_time)) return DATA_OK
def POST(rw): # cookie = yun.runtime.del_session() form = Form(rw) # data = tokenizer.unpack(form['token']) # phone, stime = data.split('&') data = json.dumps({'code': 0, 'msg': '登出成功', 'data': {'token': ''}}) rw.send_response_and_close(headers=[('Content-Type', 'application/json')], content=bytes(data, 'utf-8'))
def ls(rw): form = Form(rw) token = form['token'] try: code = yun.runtime.tokenizer.unpack(token) except VerificationError: return DATA_INVALID_TOKEN else: phone = code.split('&')[0] mydb, user_id = get_userdb_by_phone(phone) page = (int(form.get('page', 1)) - 1) * SELECT_LIMIT articles = mydb.cursor().execute( ('SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM article WHERE state=0 AND creator=? ' ' ORDER BY create_time DESC)' ' LIMIT ? OFFSET ?'), (user_id, SELECT_LIMIT, page)).fetchall() return {'code': 0, 'msg': 'ok', 'data': articles}
def list(self, rw): form = Form(rw) page = int(form['p']) db = yun.runtime.get_users_db() data = pagination(db, 'users', page, self.limit, ('id', 'phone', 'username')) data = json.dumps({'code': 0, 'msg': 'ok', 'data': data})[('Content-Type', 'application/json')], content=bytes(data, 'utf-8'))
def view(rw): form = Form(rw) path = rw.environ['locals.api_info'].lstrip('/').split('/') if len(path) == 1: is_thumb = False id_ = path[0].split('.')[0] else: is_thumb = True id_ = path[1].split('.')[0] user_id = int(form['id']) mydb = get_userdb_by_id(user_id) try: fileobj = mydb.cursor().execute( 'SELECT uuid, name, mime, size, blob, thumb FROM fs WHERE uuid=?', (id_, )).fetchone() except: return rw.not_found() else: if is_thumb: return rw.send_response_and_close(headers=[('Content-Type', fileobj[2])], content=fileobj[-1]) else: if fileobj[-3] <= FILE_SIZE_BOUNDARY: return rw.send_response_and_close(headers=[('Content-Type', fileobj[2])], content=fileobj[-2]) else: # token = form['token'] # try: # code = yun.runtime.tokenizer.unpack(token) # except VerificationError: # return DATA_INVALID_TOKEN # else: # phone = code.split('&')[0] # userspace = get_userspace_by_id(user_id) userspace = get_userspace_by_id(user_id) path = os.path.join(userspace, fileobj[0][:2], fileobj[0][2:4], fileobj[0]) f = rw.start_chunked(headers=[('Content-Type', fileobj[2])]) while True: data = rw.write(data) rw.flush() if not data: break f.close() rw.close()
def mkdir(rw): form = Form(rw) name = form['name'] if not name: return {'code': 41, 'msg': '文件名错误', 'data': []} token = form['token'] pid = form.get('pid') or ROOT path = '/' try: data = yun.runtime.tokenizer.unpack(token) except VerificationError: return DATA_INVALID_TOKEN else: phone = data.split('&')[0] mydb, user_id = get_userdb_by_phone(phone) cr = mydb.cursor() exsit = cr.execute( 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM fs WHERE type=1 AND state=0 AND creator=? AND name=? AND parent=?', (user_id, name, pid)).fetchone()[0] if exsit > 0: return {'code': 42, 'msg': '目录已存在', 'data': []} if pid != ROOT: path = cr.execute('SELECT path FROM fs WHERE state=0 AND uuid=?', (pid, )).fetchone()[0] if path == '/': path = '{}{}'.format(path, pid) else: path = '{}/{}'.format(path, pid) create_time ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %f') cr.execute(('INSERT INTO fs (creator, phone, state, type, name ' ', uuid, create_time, modify_time, parent, path) ' ' VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)'), (user_id, phone, 0, 1, name, uuid4().hex, create_time, create_time, pid, path)) return DATA_OK
def view(rw): form = Form(rw) token = form['token'] uuid = form['uuid'] try: code = yun.runtime.tokenizer.unpack(token) except VerificationError: return DATA_INVALID_TOKEN else: phone = code.split('&')[0] mydb, user_id = get_userdb_by_phone(phone) article = mydb.cursor().execute( 'SELECT * FROM article WHERE state=0 AND creator=? AND uuid=?', (user_id, uuid)).fetchone() return {'code': 0, 'msg': 'ok', 'data': [article]}
def avatar(self, rw): form = Form(rw) phone = form['phone'] db = yun.runtime.get_users_db() row = db.cursor().execute('SELECT id FROM users WHERE phone=?', (phone, )).fetchone() buf = None if row is None: return rw.not_found() try: blob = db.blobopen('main', 'users', 'avatar', row[0], 1) buf = blob.close() except apsw.SQLError: return rw.not_found() else: headers = [('Content-Type', 'image/png'), ('Content-Length', '{}'.format(len(buf)))] return rw.send_response_and_close('200 OK', headers, buf)
def list(self, rw): form = Form(rw) data = tokenizer.unpack(form['token']) phone = data.split('&')[0] db = yun.runtime.get_users_db() cr = db.cursor() user_id = cr.execute('SELECT id FROM users WHERE phone=?', (phone, )).fetchone()[0] job_user = cr.execute( 'SELECT job FROM job_user WHERE actor=? ORDER BY create_time DESC', (user_id, )).fetchall() job_user = tuple(x[0] for x in job_user) if len(job_user) == 1: job_user = '******'.format(job_user[0]) data = cr.execute( 'SELECT * FROM job WHERE id IN {}'.format(job_user)).fetchall() data.reverse() data = json.dumps({'code': 0, 'msg': 'ok', 'data': data}) return rw.send_response_and_close(headers=[('Content-Type', 'application/json')], content=bytes(data, 'utf-8'))
def living(self, rw): form = Form(rw) token = form['token'] try: data = tokenizer.unpack(token) except VerificationError: data = json.dumps({'code': 1, 'msg': 'Invalid token'}) except: data = json.dumps({'code': -1, 'msg': 'Error'}) else: phone = data.split('&')[0] data = json.dumps({ 'code': 0, 'msg': 'ok', 'data': { 'phone': phone, } }) return rw.send_response_and_close(headers=[('Content-Type', 'application/json')], content=bytes(data, 'utf-8'))
def remove(rw): form = Form(rw) token = form['token'] ids_orig = form['ids'].split(',') ids = tuple(ids_orig) if len(ids) == 0: return {'code': 21, 'msg': '未选择文件', 'data': []} if len(ids) == 1: ids = '("{}")'.format(ids[0]) try: code = yun.runtime.tokenizer.unpack(token) except VerificationError: return DATA_INVALID_TOKEN else: phone = code.split('&')[0] mydb, user_id = get_userdb_by_phone(phone) cr = mydb.cursor() for id_ in ids_orig: ids_ = cr.execute( 'SELECT uuid FROM fs WHERE state=0 AND creator="{}" AND path LIKE "%{}%"' .format(user_id, id_)).fetchall() for uid in ids_: cr.execute('UPDATE card SET state=1 WHERE uuid=?', (uid[0], )) cr.execute('UPDATE article SET state=1 WHERE uuid=?', (uid[0], )) cr.execute( 'UPDATE fs SET state=1 WHERE state=0 AND creator="{}" AND path LIKE "%{}%"' .format(user_id, id_)) cr.execute( 'UPDATE card SET state=1 WHERE state=0 AND creator="{}" AND uuid IN {}' .format(user_id, ids)) cr.execute( 'UPDATE article SET state=1 WHERE state=0 AND creator="{}" AND uuid IN {}' .format(user_id, ids)) cr.execute( 'UPDATE fs SET state=1 WHERE state=0 AND creator="{}" AND uuid IN {}'. format(user_id, ids)) return DATA_OK
def ls(rw): form = Form(rw) token = form['token'] range = form.get('range') try: code = yun.runtime.tokenizer.unpack(token) except VerificationError: return DATA_INVALID_TOKEN else: phone = code.split('&')[0] mydb, user_id = get_userdb_by_phone(phone) filetype = form.get('type', '') if filetype: filetype = 'AND type={}'.format(filetype) ext = tuple(filter(None, set(form.get('ext', '').split(',')))) if len(ext) > 1: ext_str = 'AND extension IN {}'.format(ext) elif len(ext) == 1: ext_str = 'AND extension IN ("{}")'.format(ext[0]) else: ext_str = '' pid = rw.environ['locals.api_info'].lstrip('/') or ROOT if range == 'all': pid_str = '' else: pid_str = 'AND parent="{}"'.format(pid) page = (int(form.get('page', 1)) - 1) * SELECT_LIMIT files = mydb.cursor().execute( ('SELECT creator, phone, name, type, extension, size,' ' parent, path, uuid, create_time, modify_time, creator' ' FROM (SELECT * FROM fs WHERE state=0 AND creator=? ' ' {} {} {} ' ' ORDER BY create_time DESC)' ' LIMIT ? OFFSET ?').format(filetype, ext_str, pid_str), (user_id, SELECT_LIMIT, page)).fetchall() return {'code': 0, 'msg': 'ok', 'data': files}
def move(rw): form = Form(rw) pid = form['pid'] or ROOT token = form['token'] ids_orig = form['ids'].split(',') ids = tuple(ids_orig) try: code = yun.runtime.tokenizer.unpack(token) except VerificationError: return DATA_INVALID_TOKEN else: phone = code.split('&')[0] mydb, user_id = get_userdb_by_phone(phone) if pid in ids: return {'code': 11, 'msg': '移动位置冲突', 'data': []} if len(ids) == 0: return {'code': 12, 'msg': '未选择文件', 'data': []} if len(ids) == 1: ids = '("{}")'.format(ids[0]) cr = mydb.cursor() if pid != ROOT: path = cr.execute( 'SELECT path FROM fs WHERE creator=? AND type=1 AND uuid=?', ( user_id, pid, )).fetchone()[0] for id_ in list(filter(None, path.split('/'))): if id_ in ids: return {'code': 13, 'msg': '移动位置冲突', 'data': []} else: path = '/' res = cr.execute( 'SELECT * FROM fs WHERE creator="{}" AND uuid IN {}'.format( user_id, ids)).fetchall() for data in res: parent = data[-1] path_ = data[-2] id_ = data[11] type_ = data[4] if parent == pid: break else: new_path = '{}/{}'.format(path, (pid != ROOT and pid or '')).replace( '//', '/') cr.execute( 'UPDATE fs SET path=?, parent=? WHERE creator=? AND uuid=?', (new_path, pid, user_id, id_)) if path_ == '/' and not new_path.endswith('/'): new_path += '/' if new_path == '/': new_path = '' if type_ == 1: like_path = '{}/{}'.format(path_, id_).replace('//', '/') cr.execute( ('UPDATE fs SET path=replace(path, ?, ?) ' 'WHERE creator=? AND uuid!=? AND path LIKE ?'), (path_, new_path, user_id, id_, "%{}%".format(like_path))) return DATA_OK