コード例 #1
def get_two_taxon_neg_ll(
        em_probs, em_distns,
        ts, tv, syn, nonsyn, compo, asym_compo,
    Get the negative log likelihood.
    This function does not use the logarithms.
    It is mostly for computing the hessian;
    otherwise the version with the logarithms would probably be better.
    The first param group is the model implementation.
    The second param group is expectation-maximization stuff.
    The third param group is the data.
    The next param group consists of design matrices related to genetic code.
    The next param group consist of free parameters of the model.

    # unpack some parameters
    branch_length = natural_theta[0]
    natural_model_theta = natural_theta[1:]

    # compute the appropriately scaled transition matrices
    pre_Qs = model.get_pre_Qs(
            em_probs, em_distns,
            ts, tv, syn, nonsyn, compo, asym_compo,
    eq_distns = model.get_distns(
            em_probs, em_distns,
            ts, tv, syn, nonsyn, compo, asym_compo,
    Ps = markovutil.get_branch_mix(em_probs, pre_Qs, eq_distns, branch_length)

    # compute the mixture transition matrix
    P_mix = algopy.zeros_like(Ps[0])
    P_mix += em_probs[0] * (Ps[0].T * eq_distns[0]).T
    P_mix += em_probs[1] * (Ps[1].T * eq_distns[1]).T

    # compute the neg log likelihood
    neg_ll = -algopy.sum(algopy.log(P_mix) * subs_counts)
    print neg_ll
    return neg_ll
コード例 #2
def main(args):

    # read the description of the genetic code
    with open(args.code) as fin_gcode:
        arr = list(csv.reader(fin_gcode, delimiter='\t'))
        indices, aminos, codons = zip(*arr)
        if [int(x) for x in indices] != range(len(indices)):
            raise ValueError

    aminos = [x.lower() for x in aminos]
    nstop = aminos.count('stop')
    if nstop not in (2, 3, 4):
        raise Exception('expected 2 or 3 or 4 stop codons')
    if any(x == 'stop' for x in aminos[:-nstop]):
        raise Exception('expected stop codons at the end of the genetic code')

    # trim the stop codons
    aminos = aminos[:-nstop]
    codons = codons[:-nstop]

    # precompute some numpy ndarrays using the genetic code
    ts = design.get_nt_transitions(codons)
    tv = design.get_nt_transversions(codons)
    syn = design.get_syn(codons, aminos)
    nonsyn = design.get_nonsyn(codons, aminos)
    compo = design.get_compo(codons)
    nt_sinks = design.get_nt_sinks(codons)
    asym_compo = np.transpose(nt_sinks, (1, 2, 0))

    # read the (nstates, nstates) array of observed codon substitutions
    subs_counts = np.loadtxt(args.count_matrix, dtype=float)

    # trim the stop codons
    subs_counts = subs_counts[:-nstop, :-nstop]

    # compute some summaries of the observed codon substitutions
    counts = np.sum(subs_counts, axis=0) + np.sum(subs_counts, axis=1)
    log_counts = np.log(counts)
    empirical_codon_distn = counts / float(np.sum(counts))

    # make crude guesses about parameter values
    blen = markovutil.guess_branch_length(subs_counts)
    theta = args.model.get_natural_guess()

    # Get the initial guesses for the EM parameters.
    prior_probs = np.array([0.5, 0.5], dtype=float)
    prior_em_distns = np.vstack((

    # iteratively compute parameter estimates
    for em_iteration_index in range(10):

        # given parameter guesses, compute the pre-rate matrices
        pre_Qs = args.model.get_pre_Qs(
                prior_probs, prior_em_distns,
                ts, tv, syn, nonsyn, compo, asym_compo,

        # compute the appropriately scaled transition matrices
        eq_distns = args.model.get_distns(
                prior_probs, prior_em_distns,
                ts, tv, syn, nonsyn, compo, asym_compo,
        Ps = markovutil.get_branch_mix(
                prior_probs, pre_Qs, eq_distns, blen)

        # given parameter guesses, compute posterior expectations
        post_probs, post_em_distns = get_posterior_expectations(
                subs_counts, Ps, prior_probs, eq_distns)

        # given posterior expectations, optimize the parameter guesses
        encoded_theta = np.empty(len(theta) + 1, dtype=float)
        encoded_theta[0] = np.log(blen)
        encoded_theta[1:] = args.model.natural_to_encoded(theta)

        # construct the neg log likelihood non-free params
        neg_ll_args = (
                post_probs, post_em_distns,
                ts, tv, syn, nonsyn, compo, asym_compo,

        # define the objective function and the gradient and hessian
        f_encoded_theta = functools.partial(
                get_two_taxon_neg_ll_encoded_theta, *neg_ll_args)
        g_encoded_theta = functools.partial(eval_grad, f_encoded_theta)
        h_encoded_theta = functools.partial(eval_hess, f_encoded_theta)

        # do the search, using information about the gradient and hessian
        results = scipy.optimize.minimize(

        # extract and decode the maximum likelihood estimates
        encoded_xopt = results.x
        mle_log_blen = encoded_xopt[0]
        mle_blen = np.exp(mle_log_blen)
        model_encoded_xopt = encoded_xopt[1:]
        model_xopt = args.model.encoded_to_natural(
        xopt = np.empty_like(encoded_xopt)
        xopt[0] = mle_blen
        xopt[1:] = model_xopt

        # report a summary of the maximum likelihood search
        print 'raw results from the minimization:'
        print results
        print 'max likelihood branch length (expected number of substitutions):'
        print mle_blen
        print 'max likelihood estimates of other model parameters:'
        print model_xopt
        print 'posterior mixture probabilities:'
        print post_probs

        # get ready for the next iteration if we continue
        blen = mle_blen
        #theta = model_xopt
        prior_probs = post_probs
        prior_em_distns = post_em_distns