コード例 #1
ファイル: dlyap.py プロジェクト: atisharma/pydare
def dlyap_slycot(a, q):
    """Solves the discrete Lyapunov using the SLICOT library's implementation
    if available.  The routine attempts to call SB03MD to solve the discrete
    equation.  If a NameError is thrown, meaning SLICOT is not available,
    an appropriate RuntimeError is raised.
    More on SLICOT: http://www.slicot.org/
    Python Interface (Slycot): https://github.com/avventi/Slycot

    x = None

    (m, n) = a.shape
    if m != n:
        raise ValueError("input 'a' must be square")

        x, scale, sep, ferr, w = slycot.sb03md(n,
    except NameError:
        raise RuntimeError('SLICOT not available')

    return x
コード例 #2
ファイル: slycot.py プロジェクト: pymor/pymor
    def solve_lyap_dense(A, E, B, trans=False, options=None):
        """Compute the solution of a Lyapunov equation.

        See :func:`pymor.algorithms.lyapunov.solve_lyap_dense` for a
        general description.

        This function uses `slycot.sb03md` (if `E is None`) and
        `slycot.sg03ad` (if `E is not None`), which are based on the
        Bartels-Stewart algorithm.

            The operator A as a 2D |NumPy array|.
            The operator E as a 2D |NumPy array| or `None`.
            The operator B as a 2D |NumPy array|.
            Whether the first operator in the Lyapunov equation is
            The solver options to use (see

            Lyapunov equation solution as a |NumPy array|.

        _solve_lyap_dense_check_args(A, E, B, trans)
        options = _parse_options(options, lyap_dense_solver_options(), 'slycot_bartels-stewart', None, False)

        if options['type'] == 'slycot_bartels-stewart':
            n = A.shape[0]
            C = -B.dot(B.T) if not trans else -B.T.dot(B)
            trana = 'T' if not trans else 'N'
            dico = 'C'
            job = 'B'
            if E is None:
                U = np.zeros((n, n))
                X, scale, sep, ferr, _ = slycot.sb03md(n, C, A, U, dico, job=job, trana=trana)
                _solve_check(A.dtype, 'slycot.sb03md', sep, ferr)
                fact = 'N'
                uplo = 'L'
                Q = np.zeros((n, n))
                Z = np.zeros((n, n))
                _, _, _, _, X, scale, sep, ferr, _, _, _ = slycot.sg03ad(dico, job, fact, trana, uplo,
                                                                         n, A, E,
                                                                         Q, Z, C)
                _solve_check(A.dtype, 'slycot.sg03ad', sep, ferr)
            X /= scale
            raise ValueError(f"Unexpected Lyapunov equation solver ({options['type']}).")

        return X
コード例 #3
ファイル: slycot.py プロジェクト: JoStWey/pymor
    def solve_lyap_dense(A, E, B, trans=False, options=None):
        """Compute the solution of a Lyapunov equation.

        See :func:`pymor.algorithms.lyapunov.solve_lyap_dense` for a
        general description.

        This function uses `slycot.sb03md` (if `E is None`) and
        `slycot.sg03ad` (if `E is not None`), which are based on the
        Bartels-Stewart algorithm.

            The operator A as a 2D |NumPy array|.
            The operator E as a 2D |NumPy array| or `None`.
            The operator B as a 2D |NumPy array|.
            Whether the first operator in the Lyapunov equation is
            The solver options to use (see

            Lyapunov equation solution as a |NumPy array|.

        _solve_lyap_dense_check_args(A, E, B, trans)
        options = _parse_options(options, lyap_dense_solver_options(), 'slycot_bartels-stewart', None, False)

        if options['type'] == 'slycot_bartels-stewart':
            n = A.shape[0]
            C = -B.dot(B.T) if not trans else -B.T.dot(B)
            trana = 'T' if not trans else 'N'
            dico = 'C'
            job = 'B'
            if E is None:
                U = np.zeros((n, n))
                X, scale, sep, ferr, _ = slycot.sb03md(n, C, A, U, dico, job=job, trana=trana)
                _solve_check(A.dtype, 'slycot.sb03md', sep, ferr)
                fact = 'N'
                uplo = 'L'
                Q = np.zeros((n, n))
                Z = np.zeros((n, n))
                _, _, _, _, X, scale, sep, ferr, _, _, _ = slycot.sg03ad(dico, job, fact, trana, uplo,
                                                                         n, A, E,
                                                                         Q, Z, C)
                _solve_check(A.dtype, 'slycot.sg03ad', sep, ferr)
            X /= scale
            raise ValueError(f"Unexpected Lyapunov equation solver ({options['type']}).")

        return X
コード例 #4
ファイル: examples.py プロジェクト: paradoxfxx/Slycot
def sb03md_example():
    from numpy import zeros
    A = array([[3, 1, 1], [1, 3, 0], [0, 0, 3]])
    C = array([[25, 24, 15], [24, 32, 8], [15, 8, 40]])
    U = zeros((3, 3))
    out = slycot.sb03md(3, C, A, U, 'D')
    print('--- Example for sb03md ---')
    print('The solution X is')
    print('scaling factor:', out[1])
コード例 #5
ファイル: examples.py プロジェクト: painyeph/Slycot
def sb03md_example():
    from numpy import zeros
    A = array([ [3, 1, 1],
                [1, 3, 0],
                [0, 0, 3]])
    C = array([ [25, 24, 15],
                [24, 32,  8],
                [15,  8, 40]])
    U = zeros((3,3))
    out = slycot.sb03md(3,C,A,U,'D')
    print('--- Example for sb03md ---')   
    print('The solution X is')
    print('scaling factor:', out[1])
コード例 #6
ファイル: dlyap.py プロジェクト: 312534928/pydare
def dlyap_slycot(a,q):
    """Solves the discrete Lyapunov using the SLICOT library's implementation
    if available.  The routine attempts to call SB03MD to solve the discrete
    equation.  If a NameError is thrown, meaning SLICOT is not available,
    an appropriate RuntimeError is raised.
    More on SLICOT: http://www.slicot.org/
    Python Interface (Slycot): https://github.com/avventi/Slycot

    x = None
    (m,n) = a.shape
    if m != n:
        raise ValueError("input 'a' must be square") 
        x,scale,sep,ferr,w = slycot.sb03md(n, -q, a, numpy.eye(n), 'D', trana='T')
    except NameError:
        raise RuntimeError('SLICOT not available')
    return x
コード例 #7
def gram(sys, type):
    """Gramian (controllability or observability)

    sys : StateSpace
        System description
    type : String
        Type of desired computation.  `type` is either 'c' (controllability)
        or 'o' (observability). To compute the Cholesky factors of Gramians
        use 'cf' (controllability) or 'of' (observability)

    gram : 2D array (or matrix)
        Gramian of system

        * if system is not instance of StateSpace class
        * if `type` is not 'c', 'o', 'cf' or 'of'
        * if system is unstable (sys.A has eigenvalues not in left half plane)

        if slycot routine sb03md cannot be found
        if slycot routine sb03od cannot be found

    The return type for 2D arrays depends on the default class set for
    state space operations.  See :func:`~control.use_numpy_matrix`.

    >>> Wc = gram(sys, 'c')
    >>> Wo = gram(sys, 'o')
    >>> Rc = gram(sys, 'cf'), where Wc = Rc' * Rc
    >>> Ro = gram(sys, 'of'), where Wo = Ro' * Ro


    # Check for ss system object
    if not isinstance(sys, statesp.StateSpace):
        raise ValueError("System must be StateSpace!")
    if type not in ['c', 'o', 'cf', 'of']:
        raise ValueError("That type is not supported!")

    # TODO: Check for continuous or discrete, only continuous supported for now
        # if isCont():
        #    dico = 'C'
        # elif isDisc():
        #    dico = 'D'
        # else:
    dico = 'C'

    # TODO: Check system is stable, perhaps a utility in ctrlutil.py
    # or a method of the StateSpace class?
    if np.any(np.linalg.eigvals(sys.A).real >= 0.0):
        raise ValueError("Oops, the system is unstable!")

    if type == 'c' or type == 'o':
        # Compute Gramian by the Slycot routine sb03md
        # make sure Slycot is installed
        if sb03md is None:
            raise ControlSlycot("can't find slycot module 'sb03md'")
        if type == 'c':
            tra = 'T'
            C = -sys.B @ sys.B.T
        elif type == 'o':
            tra = 'N'
            C = -sys.C.T @ sys.C
        n = sys.nstates
        U = np.zeros((n, n))
        A = np.array(sys.A)         # convert to NumPy array for slycot
        X, scale, sep, ferr, w = sb03md(
            n, C, A, U, dico, job='X', fact='N', trana=tra)
        gram = X
        return _ssmatrix(gram)

    elif type == 'cf' or type == 'of':
        # Compute cholesky factored gramian from slycot routine sb03od
        if sb03od is None:
            raise ControlSlycot("can't find slycot module 'sb03od'")
        tra = 'N'
        n = sys.nstates
        Q = np.zeros((n, n))
        A = np.array(sys.A)         # convert to NumPy array for slycot
        if type == 'cf':
            m = sys.B.shape[1]
            B = np.zeros_like(A)
            B[0:m, 0:n] = sys.B.transpose()
            X, scale, w = sb03od(
                n, m, A.transpose(), Q, B, dico, fact='N', trans=tra)
        elif type == 'of':
            m = sys.C.shape[0]
            C = np.zeros_like(A)
            C[0:n, 0:m] = sys.C.transpose()
            X, scale, w = sb03od(
                n, m, A, Q, C.transpose(), dico, fact='N', trans=tra)
        gram = X
        return _ssmatrix(gram)
コード例 #8
def lyap(A,Q,C=None,E=None):
    """ X = lyap(A,Q) solves the continuous-time Lyapunov equation
        A X + X A^T + Q = 0

    where A and Q are square matrices of the same dimension. 
    Further, Q must be symmetric.

    X = lyap(A,Q,C) solves the Sylvester equation

        A X + X Q + C = 0

    where A and Q are square matrices.

    X = lyap(A,Q,None,E) solves the generalized continuous-time
    Lyapunov equation

        A X E^T + E X A^T + Q = 0

    where Q is a symmetric matrix and A, Q and E are square matrices
    of the same dimension. """

    # Make sure we have access to the right slycot routines
        from slycot import sb03md
    except ImportError:
        raise ControlSlycot("can't find slycot module 'sb03md'")

        from slycot import sb04md
    except ImportError:
        raise ControlSlycot("can't find slycot module 'sb04md'")

    # Reshape 1-d arrays
    if len(shape(A)) == 1:
        A = A.reshape(1,A.size)

    if len(shape(Q)) == 1:
        Q = Q.reshape(1,Q.size)

    if C != None and len(shape(C)) == 1:
        C = C.reshape(1,C.size)

    if E != None and len(shape(E)) == 1:
        E = E.reshape(1,E.size)

    # Determine main dimensions
    if size(A) == 1:
        n = 1
        n = size(A,0)

    if size(Q) == 1:
        m = 1
        m = size(Q,0)

    # Solve standard Lyapunov equation
    if C==None and E==None:
        # Check input data for consistency
        if shape(A) != shape(Q):
            raise ControlArgument("A and Q must be matrices of identical \

        if size(A) > 1 and shape(A)[0] != shape(A)[1]:
            raise ControlArgument("A must be a quadratic matrix.")

        if size(Q) > 1 and shape(Q)[0] != shape(Q)[1]:
            raise ControlArgument("Q must be a quadratic matrix.")

        if not (asarray(Q) == asarray(Q).T).all():
            raise ControlArgument("Q must be a symmetric matrix.")

        # Solve the Lyapunov equation by calling Slycot function sb03md
            X,scale,sep,ferr,w = sb03md(n,-Q,A,eye(n,n),'C',trana='T')
        except ValueError(ve):
            if ve.info < 0:
                e = ValueError(ve.message)
                e.info = ve.info
            elif ve.info == n+1:
                e = ValueError("The matrix A and -A have common or very \
                    close eigenvalues.")
                e.info = ve.info
                e = ValueError("The QR algorithm failed to compute all \
                    the eigenvalues (see LAPACK Library routine DGEES).")
                e.info = ve.info
            raise e

    # Solve the Sylvester equation
    elif C != None and E==None:
        # Check input data for consistency
        if size(A) > 1 and shape(A)[0] != shape(A)[1]:
            raise ControlArgument("A must be a quadratic matrix.")

        if size(Q) > 1 and shape(Q)[0] != shape(Q)[1]:
            raise ControlArgument("Q must be a quadratic matrix.")

        if (size(C) > 1 and shape(C)[0] != n) or \
            (size(C) > 1 and shape(C)[1] != m) or \
            (size(C) == 1 and size(A) != 1) or (size(C) == 1 and size(Q) != 1):
            raise ControlArgument("C matrix has incompatible dimensions.")

        # Solve the Sylvester equation by calling the Slycot function sb04md
            X = sb04md(n,m,A,Q,-C)
        except ValueError(ve):
            if ve.info < 0:
                e = ValueError(ve.message)
                e.info = ve.info
            elif ve.info > m:
                e = ValueError("A singular matrix was encountered whilst \
                    solving for the %i-th column of matrix X." % ve.info-m)
                e.info = ve.info
                e = ValueError("The QR algorithm failed to compute all the \
                    eigenvalues (see LAPACK Library routine DGEES).")
                e.info = ve.info
            raise e

    # Solve the generalized Lyapunov equation
    elif C == None and E != None:
        # Check input data for consistency
        if (size(Q) > 1 and shape(Q)[0] != shape(Q)[1]) or \
            (size(Q) > 1 and shape(Q)[0] != n) or \
            (size(Q) == 1 and n > 1):
            raise ControlArgument("Q must be a square matrix with the same \
                dimension as A.")

        if (size(E) > 1 and shape(E)[0] != shape(E)[1]) or \
            (size(E) > 1 and shape(E)[0] != n) or \
            (size(E) == 1 and n > 1):
            raise ControlArgument("E must be a square matrix with the same \
                dimension as A.")

        if not (asarray(Q) == asarray(Q).T).all():
            raise ControlArgument("Q must be a symmetric matrix.")

        # Make sure we have access to the write slicot routine
            from slycot import sg03ad
        except ImportError:
            raise ControlSlycot("can't find slycot module 'sg03ad'")

        # Solve the generalized Lyapunov equation by calling Slycot 
        # function sg03ad
            A,E,Q,Z,X,scale,sep,ferr,alphar,alphai,beta = \
        except ValueError(ve):
            if ve.info < 0 or ve.info > 4:
                e = ValueError(ve.message)
                e.info = ve.info
            elif ve.info == 1:
                e = ValueError("The matrix contained in the upper \
                                Hessenberg part of the array A is not in \
                                upper quasitriangular form")
                e.info = ve.info
            elif ve.info == 2:
                e = ValueError("The pencil A - lambda * E cannot be \
                                reduced to generalized Schur form: LAPACK \
                                routine DGEGS has failed to converge")
                e.info = ve.info
            elif ve.info == 4:
                e = ValueError("The pencil A - lambda * E has a \
                                degenerate pair of eigenvalues. That is, \
                                lambda_i = lambda_j for some i and j, where \
                                lambda_i and lambda_j are eigenvalues of \
                                A - lambda * E. Hence, the equation is \
                                singular;  perturbed values were \
                                used to solve the equation (but the matrices \
                                A and E are unchanged)")
                e.info = ve.info
            raise e    
    # Invalid set of input parameters    
        raise ControlArgument("Invalid set of input parameters")
    return X
コード例 #9
def gram(sys, type):
    """Gramian (controllability or observability)

    sys: StateSpace
        State-space system to compute Gramian for
    type: String
        Type of desired computation.
        `type` is either 'c' (controllability) or 'o' (observability).

    gram: array
        Gramian of system

        * if system is not instance of StateSpace class
        * if `type` is not 'c' or 'o'
        * if system is unstable (sys.A has eigenvalues not in left half plane)

        if slycot routin sb03md cannot be found

    >>> Wc = gram(sys,'c')
    >>> Wo = gram(sys,'o')


    #Check for ss system object
    if not isinstance(sys, statesp.StateSpace):
        raise ValueError("System must be StateSpace!")

    #TODO: Check for continous or discrete, only continuous supported right now
    # if isCont():
    #    dico = 'C'
    # elif isDisc():
    #    dico = 'D'
    # else:
    dico = 'C'

    #TODO: Check system is stable, perhaps a utility in ctrlutil.py
    # or a method of the StateSpace class?
    D, V = np.linalg.eig(sys.A)
    for e in D:
        if e.real >= 0:
            raise ValueError("Oops, the system is unstable!")
    if type == 'c':
        tra = 'T'
        C = -np.dot(sys.B, sys.B.transpose())
    elif type == 'o':
        tra = 'N'
        C = -np.dot(sys.C.transpose(), sys.C)
        raise ValueError("Oops, neither observable, nor controllable!")

    #Compute Gramian by the Slycot routine sb03md
    #make sure Slycot is installed
        from slycot import sb03md
    except ImportError:
        raise ControlSlycot("can't find slycot module 'sb03md'")
    n = sys.states
    U = np.zeros((n, n))
    A = np.array(sys.A)  # convert to NumPy array for slycot
    X, scale, sep, ferr, w = sb03md(n,
    gram = X
    return gram
コード例 #10
def dlyap(A, Q, C=None, E=None):
    """ dlyap(A,Q) solves the discrete-time Lyapunov equation

        :math:`A X A^T - X + Q = 0`

    where A and Q are square matrices of the same dimension. Further
    Q must be symmetric.

    dlyap(A,Q,C) solves the Sylvester equation

        :math:`A X Q^T - X + C = 0`

    where A and Q are square matrices.

    dlyap(A,Q,None,E) solves the generalized discrete-time Lyapunov

        :math:`A X A^T - E X E^T + Q = 0`

    where Q is a symmetric matrix and A, Q and E are square matrices
    of the same dimension. """

    # Make sure we have access to the right slycot routines
    if sb03md is None:
        raise ControlSlycot("can't find slycot module 'sb03md'")
    if sb04qd is None:
        raise ControlSlycot("can't find slycot module 'sb04qd'")
    if sg03ad is None:
        raise ControlSlycot("can't find slycot module 'sg03ad'")

    # Reshape 1-d arrays
    if len(shape(A)) == 1:
        A = A.reshape(1, A.size)

    if len(shape(Q)) == 1:
        Q = Q.reshape(1, Q.size)

    if C is not None and len(shape(C)) == 1:
        C = C.reshape(1, C.size)

    if E is not None and len(shape(E)) == 1:
        E = E.reshape(1, E.size)

    # Determine main dimensions
    if size(A) == 1:
        n = 1
        n = size(A, 0)

    if size(Q) == 1:
        m = 1
        m = size(Q, 0)

    # Solve standard Lyapunov equation
    if C is None and E is None:
        # Check input data for consistency
        if shape(A) != shape(Q):
            raise ControlArgument("A and Q must be matrices of identical \

        if size(A) > 1 and shape(A)[0] != shape(A)[1]:
            raise ControlArgument("A must be a quadratic matrix.")

        if size(Q) > 1 and shape(Q)[0] != shape(Q)[1]:
            raise ControlArgument("Q must be a quadratic matrix.")

        if not _is_symmetric(Q):
            raise ControlArgument("Q must be a symmetric matrix.")

        # Solve the Lyapunov equation by calling the Slycot function sb03md
            X, scale, sep, ferr, w = \
                sb03md(n, -Q, A, eye(n, n), 'D', trana='T')
        except ValueError as ve:
            if ve.info < 0:
                e = ValueError(ve.message)
                e.info = ve.info
                e = ValueError("The QR algorithm failed to compute all the \
                    eigenvalues (see LAPACK Library routine DGEES).")
                e.info = ve.info
            raise e

    # Solve the Sylvester equation
    elif C is not None and E is None:
        # Check input data for consistency
        if size(A) > 1 and shape(A)[0] != shape(A)[1]:
            raise ControlArgument("A must be a quadratic matrix")

        if size(Q) > 1 and shape(Q)[0] != shape(Q)[1]:
            raise ControlArgument("Q must be a quadratic matrix")

        if (size(C) > 1 and shape(C)[0] != n) or \
           (size(C) > 1 and shape(C)[1] != m) or \
           (size(C) == 1 and size(A) != 1) or (size(C) == 1 and size(Q) != 1):
            raise ControlArgument("C matrix has incompatible dimensions")

        # Solve the Sylvester equation by calling Slycot function sb04qd
            X = sb04qd(n, m, -A, asarray(Q).T, C)
        except ValueError as ve:
            if ve.info < 0:
                e = ValueError(ve.message)
                e.info = ve.info
            elif ve.info > m:
                e = ValueError("A singular matrix was encountered whilst \
                    solving for the %i-th column of matrix X." % ve.info - m)
                e.info = ve.info
                e = ValueError("The QR algorithm failed to compute all the \
                    eigenvalues (see LAPACK Library routine DGEES)")
                e.info = ve.info
            raise e

    # Solve the generalized Lyapunov equation
    elif C is None and E is not None:
        # Check input data for consistency
        if (size(Q) > 1 and shape(Q)[0] != shape(Q)[1]) or \
           (size(Q) > 1 and shape(Q)[0] != n) or \
           (size(Q) == 1 and n > 1):
            raise ControlArgument("Q must be a square matrix with the same \
                dimension as A.")

        if (size(E) > 1 and shape(E)[0] != shape(E)[1]) or \
           (size(E) > 1 and shape(E)[0] != n) or \
           (size(E) == 1 and n > 1):
            raise ControlArgument("E must be a square matrix with the same \
                dimension as A.")

        if not _is_symmetric(Q):
            raise ControlArgument("Q must be a symmetric matrix.")

        # Solve the generalized Lyapunov equation by calling Slycot
        # function sg03ad
            A, E, Q, Z, X, scale, sep, ferr, alphar, alphai, beta = \
                sg03ad('D', 'B', 'N', 'T', 'L', n,
                       A, E, eye(n, n), eye(n, n), -Q)
        except ValueError as ve:
            if ve.info < 0 or ve.info > 4:
                e = ValueError(ve.message)
                e.info = ve.info
            elif ve.info == 1:
                e = ValueError("The matrix contained in the upper \
                                Hessenberg part of the array A is not in \
                                upper quasitriangular form")
                e.info = ve.info
            elif ve.info == 2:
                e = ValueError("The pencil A - lambda * E cannot be \
                                reduced to generalized Schur form: LAPACK \
                                routine DGEGS has failed to converge")
                e.info = ve.info
            elif ve.info == 3:
                e = ValueError("The pencil A - lambda * E has a \
                                pair of reciprocal eigenvalues. That is, \
                                lambda_i = 1/lambda_j for some i and j, \
                                where  lambda_i and lambda_j are eigenvalues \
                                of A - lambda * E. Hence, the equation is \
                                singular;  perturbed values were \
                                used to solve the equation (but the \
                                matrices A and E are unchanged)")
                e.info = ve.info
            raise e
    # Invalid set of input parameters
        raise ControlArgument("Invalid set of input parameters")

    return _ssmatrix(X)
コード例 #11
    def calc_Wc(self, method=None):
		Computes observers :math:`W_c`  with method 'method' :

		:math:`W_c` is solution of equation :
		.. math::
			A * W_c * A^T + B * B^T = W_c

		Available methods :

		- ``linalg`` : ``scipy.linalg.solve_discrete_lyapunov``, 4-digit precision with small sizes,
		1 digit precision with bilinear algorithm for big matrixes (really bad).
		not good enough with usual python data types

		- ``slycot`` : using ``slycot`` lib with func ``sb03md``, like in [matlab ,pydare]
		see http://slicot.org/objects/software/shared/libindex.html

		- ``None`` (default) : use the default method defined in the dSS class (dSS._W_method)


			>>> mydSS = random_dSS() ## define a new state space from random data
			>>> mydSS.calc_Wc('linalg') # use numpy
			>>> mydSS.calc_Wc('slycot') # use slycot
			>>> mydSS.calc_Wo() # use the default method defined in dSS

		.. warning::

			solve_discrete_lyapunov does not work as intended, see
			Precision is not good (4 digits, failed tests)

        if method is None:
            method = dSS._W_method

        if method == 'linalg':
                X = solve_discrete_lyapunov(self._A,
                                            self._B * self._B.transpose())
                self._Wc = mat(X)

            except LinAlgError as ve:
                if ve.info < 0:
                    e = LinAlgError(ve.message)
                    e.info = ve.info
                    e = LinAlgError(
                        "dSS: Wc: scipy Linalg failed to compute eigenvalues of Lyapunov equation"
                    e.info = ve.info
                raise e

        elif method == 'slycot':
            # Solve the Lyapunov equation by calling the Slycot function sb03md
            # If we don't use "copy" in the call, the result is plain false

                X, scale, sep, ferr, w = sb03md(self.n,
                                                -self._B * self._B.transpose(),
                                                eye(self.n, self.n),
                self._Wc = mat(X)

            except ValueError as ve:

                if ve.info < 0:
                    e = ValueError(ve.message)
                    e.info = ve.info
                    e = ValueError(
                        "dSS: Wc: The QR algorithm failed to compute all the eigenvalues "
                        "(see LAPACK Library routine DGEES).")
                    e.info = ve.info
                raise e
            except NameError:
                return self.calc_Wc(method='linalg')

            raise ValueError(
                "dSS: Unknown method to calculate observers (method=%s)" %
コード例 #12
ファイル: statefbk.py プロジェクト: mp4096/python-control
def gram(sys,type):
    """Gramian (controllability or observability)

    sys: StateSpace
        State-space system to compute Gramian for
    type: String
        Type of desired computation.
        `type` is either 'c' (controllability) or 'o' (observability).

    gram: array
        Gramian of system

        * if system is not instance of StateSpace class
        * if `type` is not 'c' or 'o'
        * if system is unstable (sys.A has eigenvalues not in left half plane)

        if slycot routin sb03md cannot be found

    >>> Wc = gram(sys,'c')
    >>> Wo = gram(sys,'o')


    #Check for ss system object
    if not isinstance(sys,statesp.StateSpace):
        raise ValueError("System must be StateSpace!")

    #TODO: Check for continous or discrete, only continuous supported right now
        # if isCont():
        #    dico = 'C'
        # elif isDisc():
        #    dico = 'D'
        # else:
    dico = 'C'

    #TODO: Check system is stable, perhaps a utility in ctrlutil.py
        # or a method of the StateSpace class?
    if np.any(np.linalg.eigvals(sys.A).real >= 0.0):
        raise ValueError("Oops, the system is unstable!")

    if type=='c':
        tra = 'T'
        C = -np.dot(sys.B,sys.B.transpose())
    elif type=='o':
        tra = 'N'
        C = -np.dot(sys.C.transpose(),sys.C)
        raise ValueError("Oops, neither observable, nor controllable!")

    #Compute Gramian by the Slycot routine sb03md
        #make sure Slycot is installed
        from slycot import sb03md
    except ImportError:
        raise ControlSlycot("can't find slycot module 'sb03md'")
    n = sys.states
    U = np.zeros((n,n))
    A = np.array(sys.A)         # convert to NumPy array for slycot
    X,scale,sep,ferr,w = sb03md(n, C, A, U, dico, job='X', fact='N', trana=tra)
    gram = X
    return gram
コード例 #13
ファイル: slycot.py プロジェクト: tobiasleibner/pymor
    def solve_lyap(A, E, B, trans=False, options=None):
        """Find a factor of the solution of a Lyapunov equation.

        Returns factor :math:`Z` such that :math:`Z Z^T` is
        approximately the solution :math:`X` of a Lyapunov equation (if
        E is `None`).

        .. math::
            A X + X A^T + B B^T = 0

        or generalized Lyapunov equation

        .. math::
            A X E^T + E X A^T + B B^T = 0.

        If trans is `True`, then it solves (if E is `None`)

        .. math::
            A^T X + X A + B^T B = 0


        .. math::
            A^T X E + E^T X A + B^T B = 0.

        This uses the `slycot` package, in particular its interfaces to
        SLICOT functions `SB03MD` (for the standard Lyapunov equations)
        and `SG03AD` (for the generalized Lyapunov equations).
        These methods are only applicable to medium-sized dense
        problems and need access to the matrix data of all operators.

            The |Operator| A.
            The |Operator| E or `None`.
            The |Operator| B.
            If the dual equation needs to be solved.
            The |solver_options| to use (see

            Low-rank factor of the Lyapunov equation solution, |VectorArray| from `A.source`.
        _solve_lyap_check_args(A, E, B, trans)
        options = _parse_options(options, lyap_solver_options(), 'slycot', None, False)
        assert options['type'] == 'slycot'

        import slycot
        A_mat = to_matrix(A, format='dense')
        if E is not None:
            E_mat = to_matrix(E, format='dense')
        B_mat = to_matrix(B, format='dense')

        n = A_mat.shape[0]
        if not trans:
            C = -B_mat.dot(B_mat.T)
            trana = 'T'
            C = -B_mat.T.dot(B_mat)
            trana = 'N'
        dico = 'C'

        if E is None:
            U = np.zeros((n, n))
            X, scale, _, _, _ = slycot.sb03md(n, C, A_mat, U, dico, trana=trana)
            job = 'B'
            fact = 'N'
            Q = np.zeros((n, n))
            Z = np.zeros((n, n))
            uplo = 'L'
            X = C
            _, _, _, _, X, scale, _, _, _, _, _ = slycot.sg03ad(dico, job, fact, trana, uplo, n, A_mat, E_mat,
                                                                Q, Z, X)

        from pymor.bindings.scipy import chol
        Z = chol(X, copy=False)

        Z = A.source.from_numpy(np.array(Z).T)

        return Z