def __init__(self, text=None, text_cb=None, wait_before_speaking=0, **kwargs): """ @param text: the text to speak out aloud (if `text_cb' is None) @param text_cb: a callback returning the text to speak out (if `text' is None) @param wait_before_speaking: how long to wait before speaking; it may be a number (in seconds) or a rospy.Duration @param **kwargs: input_keys, output_keys, etc. """ if not text and not text_cb: raise ValueError("Neither `text' nor `text_cb' where set!") elif text and text_cb: raise ValueError("You've set both `text' and `text_cb'!") if not isinstance(wait_before_speaking, rospy.Duration): wait_before_speaking = rospy.Duration(wait_before_speaking) def generic_goal_cb(userdata, old_goal): tts_goal = SoundGoal() tts_goal.wait_before_speaking = wait_before_speaking tts_goal.text = text if text else text_cb(userdata) print "Speaking:", tts_goal.text return tts_goal SimpleActionState.__init__(self, TTS_ACTION_NAME, SoundAction, goal_cb=generic_goal_cb, **kwargs)
def __init__(self): SimpleActionState.__init__(self, topics["plan_execution"], ExecutePlanAction, goal_cb=self.goal_cb, result_cb=self.result_cb, input_keys=['goal'], output_keys=['result'])
def __init__(self, frame='/map'): SimpleActionState.__init__(self, 'move_base', MoveBaseAction, input_keys=['x', 'y', 'yaw'], goal_cb=self.__goal_cb) self.frame = frame
def __init__( self, goal_positon, travel_speed=0.5, sphere_of_acceptance=0.5, action_server="/guidance_interface/los_server", ): """A SimpleActionState for traveling to a goal position using LOS guidance. Args: goal_positon (geometry_msgs/Point): position drone should travel to. start_position (geometry_msgs/Point): position drone starts in. travel_speed (float, optional): forward velocity drone shoudl travel at. Defaults to 0.5. sphere_of_acceptance (float, optional): action returns success when drone is inside this sphere. Defaults to 0.5. action_server (str, optional): name of los action server. Defaults to "/guidance_interface/los_server". """ goal = LosPathFollowingGoal() goal.next_waypoint = goal_positon goal.forward_speed = travel_speed goal.desired_depth = goal_positon.z goal.sphereOfAcceptance = sphere_of_acceptance SimpleActionState.__init__(self, action_server, LosPathFollowingAction, goal)
def __init__(self, input_keys=['tuck_left', 'tuck_right']): tuck_arms_uri = '/tuck_arms' SimpleActionState.__init__(self, tuck_arms_uri, TuckArmsAction, goal_cb=self.goal_cb, input_keys=input_keys)
def __init__(self): SimpleActionState.__init__( self, move_kinect_topic, MoveSensorAction, goal_cb=self.goal_cb, outcomes=['succeeded', 'aborted', 'preempted'], input_keys=['move_end_effector_msg'], output_keys=['move_end_effector_msg'])
def __init__(self, target_type): target_selection_goal = self.targetSelectionGoal(target_type) SimpleActionState.__init__(self, select_target_topic, SelectTargetAction, goal=target_selection_goal, result_key='target_pose')
def __init__(self, vocabulary_list): if not isinstance(vocabulary_list, list): rospy.logerr('SetSpeechVocabularyState received something which is not a list') sys.exit(-1) elif vocabulary_list == []: rospy.logwarn('SetSpeechVocabularyState received an empty vocabulary_list') voc_goal = SetSpeechVocabularyGoal() voc_goal.words = vocabulary_list SimpleActionState.__init__(self, '/speech_vocabulary_action', SetSpeechVocabularyAction, goal=voc_goal)
def __init__(self, posture_name, speed): # Assert posture is known if not posture_name in self.POSTURES: rospy.logerr('Posture "%s" is an unknown posture! Known postures are: %s. Shutting down node...' % (posture_name, str(self.POSTURES))) sys.exit(-1) def body_pose_goal_cb(userdata, goal): goal = BodyPoseWithSpeedGoal() goal.posture_name = posture_name goal.speed = speed return goal SimpleActionState.__init__(self, '/body_pose_naoqi', BodyPoseWithSpeedAction, goal_cb=body_pose_goal_cb)
def __init__(self, behavior_name=None): # Assert behavior is installed input_keys = [] if not behavior_name: input_keys = ['behavior_name'] else: _checkInstalledBehavior(behavior_name) def behavior_goal_cb(userdata, goal): goal = RunBehaviorGoal() goal.behavior = userdata.behavior_name if not behavior_name else behavior_name return goal SimpleActionState.__init__(self, '/run_behavior', RunBehaviorAction, goal_cb=behavior_goal_cb, input_keys=input_keys)
def __init__(self, pose, action_server="/guidance_interface/dp_server"): """A SimpleActionState that travels to a goal pose using our DP guidance. Only use when in close proximity of goal pose. Args: pose (geometry_msgs/Pose): Goal pose. action_server (str, optional): name of dp action server. Defaults to "/guidance_interface/dp_server". """ goal = MoveBaseGoal() goal.target_pose.pose = pose SimpleActionState.__init__(self, action_server, MoveBaseAction, goal)
def __init__(self, vocabulary_list): if not isinstance(vocabulary_list, list): rospy.logerr( 'SetSpeechVocabularyState received something which is not a list' ) sys.exit(-1) elif vocabulary_list == []: rospy.logwarn( 'SetSpeechVocabularyState received an empty vocabulary_list') voc_goal = SetSpeechVocabularyGoal() voc_goal.words = vocabulary_list SimpleActionState.__init__(self, '/speech_vocabulary_action', SetSpeechVocabularyAction, goal=voc_goal)
def __init__( self, twist, dp_control_mode=ControlModeEnum.OPEN_LOOP, action_server="/guidance_interface/vel_server", ): """A SimpleActionState that sets drone velocity to a given twist. Args: twist (geometry_msgs/Twist): desired velocity action_server (str, optional): name of vel action server. Defaults to "/guidance_interface/vel_server". """ goal = SetVelocityGoal() goal.desired_velocity = twist goal.control_mode = dp_control_mode.value SimpleActionState.__init__(self, action_server, SetVelocityAction, goal)
def __init__(self, text=None, wait_before_speak=None): ''' If text is used, it will be that text which the robot will say. ''' self._text = text input_keys = [] if not text: input_keys = ['text'] self._wait_before_speak = wait_before_speak # Method to define the goal def tts_request_cb(ud, goal): tts_goal = SpeechWithFeedbackGoal() if (not self._text): tts_goal.say = ud.text else: tts_goal.say = self._text return tts_goal SimpleActionState.__init__(self, '/speech_action', SpeechWithFeedbackAction, input_keys=input_keys, goal_cb=tts_request_cb)
def __init__(self, path=None, frame_id='base_footprint'): # Private attributes self._path = path self._frame_id = frame_id # Method to define the goal def walk_path_goal_cb(userdata, goal): walk_path_goal = FollowPathGoal() path = Path() path.header.frame_id = self._frame_id path.header.stamp = for sub in self._path: subgoal = PoseStamped() subgoal.header.frame_id = self._frame_id subgoal.header.stamp = subgoal.pose.position = Point(sub[0], sub[1], 0.0) q = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, sub[2]) subgoal.pose.orientation = Quaternion(*q) path.poses.append(subgoal) walk_path_goal.path = path return walk_path_goal # Class constructor SimpleActionState.__init__(self, '/walk_path', FollowPathAction, goal_cb=walk_path_goal_cb)
def __init__(self, joint_names=None, joint_angles=None): self.joint_names = joint_names self.joint_angles = joint_angles input_keys = [] if joint_angles is None: input_keys = ['joint_angles'] # Method to define the goal def joint_request_cb(ud, goal): joint_goal = JointAnglesWithSpeedGoal() joint_goal.joint_angles.joint_names = self.joint_names if self.joint_angles is not None: joint_goal.joint_angles.joint_angles = self.joint_angles else: joint_goal.joint_angles.joint_angles = ud.joint_angles joint_goal.joint_angles.speed = 0.10 joint_goal.joint_angles.relative = 0 return joint_goal SimpleActionState.__init__(self, '/joint_angles_action', JointAnglesWithSpeedAction, input_keys=input_keys, goal_cb=joint_request_cb)
def __init__(self, input_keys=[]): SimpleActionState.__init__(self, 'recharge', RechargeAction, goal_cb=self.goal_cb, input_keys=input_keys)
def __init__(self, frame_id="/base_link", move_base_action_name=MOVE_BASE_ACTION_NAME, pose=None, goal_cb=None, goal_key=None, **kwargs): """Constructor for MoveActionState @type frame_id: string @param frame_id: The fame_id of the pose object. By default is "/base_link" @type move_base_action_name: string @param move_base_action_name: The action name. By default is the action name defined on the MOVE_BASE_ACTION_NAME variable. @type pose: geometry_msgs.Pose @param pose: The pose where the robot should move to on frame_id link. @type goal_cb: callable @param goal_cb: The function that will be called to get the pose. You can set only one of 'pose, goal_cb and goal_key' variables. @type goal_key: input_key on userdata. @param goal_key: The key on userdata variable that contains the pose. """ if (pose and goal_cb) or (pose and goal_key) or (goal_cb and goal_key): raise ValueError("You've set more than one of `pose', " \ "`goal_cb' and `goal_key'!") if not goal_cb and not goal_key and not pose: raise ValueError("Neither `pose' nor `goal_cb' nor `goal_key' were set!") if goal_key: if not 'input_keys' in kwargs: kwargs['input_keys'] = [] kwargs['input_keys'].append(goal_key) def generic_goal_cb(userdata, old_goal): """ Send a goal to the action """ self.nav_goal = MoveBaseGoal() self.nav_goal.target_pose.header.stamp = self.nav_goal.target_pose.header.frame_id = frame_id if pose: self.nav_goal.target_pose.pose = pose return self.nav_goal elif goal_key: self.nav_goal.target_pose.pose = getattr(userdata, goal_key) return self.nav_goal else: self.nav_goal.target_pose.pose = Pose() return goal_cb(userdata, self.nav_goal) def _result_cb(userdata, status, result): """ This function will analize the status of the response If the status is aborted, will call the action again with the same orientation, but with the distance -0,5. If the status now is succeeded, then call the move_by with x=0.5 in front. :type status: actionlib.GoalStatus :type result: MoveBaseResult """ if status != GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED: rospy.loginfo(C.BACKGROUND_YELLOW + "Retrying go to the target goal" + C.NATIVE_COLOR) new_pose = pose_at_distance(self.nav_goal.target_pose.pose, DISTANCE_TO_RETRY ) self.nav_goal.target_pose.pose = new_pose self.nav_goal.target_pose.header.stamp = move_action = SimpleActionState(move_base_action_name, MoveBaseAction, goal=self.nav_goal) result_status = move_action.execute(userdata) if result_status == succeeded: new_goal = MoveBaseGoal() new_goal.target_pose.header.frame_id = FRAME_BASE_LINK new_goal.target_pose.pose.position.x = DISTANCE_TO_RETRY new_goal.target_pose.header.stamp = move_action = SimpleActionState(MOVE_BY_ACTION_NAME , MoveBaseAction, goal=new_goal) return move_action.execute(userdata) # THE PART BELOW WAS 'REMOVED' BECAUSE FINAL_APPROACH IS NOT RUNNING BY DEFAULT. # final_approach_goal = FinalApproachPoseRequest() # final_approach_goal.pose.position.x = DISTANCE_TO_RETRY - 0.1 # -0.1 Just because final_approach don't check if is secure to move # final_approach_goal.pose.orientation.w = 0.0 # rospy.loginfo("Calling /approachToGoal with message:\n" + str(final_approach_goal)) # final_approach = ServiceState('/approachToGoal', FinalApproachPose, request=final_approach_goal) # return final_approach.execute(userdata) SimpleActionState.__init__(self, move_base_action_name, MoveBaseAction, goal_cb=generic_goal_cb, result_cb=_result_cb, **kwargs)
def __init__(self, follow_joint_trajectory_topic = '/right_hand_controller/follow_joint_trajectory'): SimpleActionState.__init__(self, follow_joint_trajectory_topic, FollowJointTrajectoryAction, goal_cb=grasp_open_hand_goal_cb2, result_cb=grasp_hand_result_cb)
def __init__(self): SimpleActionState.__init__(self, initial_turn_topic, InitialTurnAction)
def __init__(self): SimpleActionState.__init__(self, move_base_topic, MoveBaseAction, goal_key='target_pose')
def __init__(self): SimpleActionState.__init__(self, 'move_base', MoveBaseAction, input_keys=['pose'], goal_cb=self.__goal_cb)
def __init__(self, frame='/map'): SimpleActionState.__init__(self, 'move_base', MoveBaseAction, input_keys=['xyt','sResult'], goal_cb=self.__goal_cb,result_cb=self.movebase_result_cb,output_keys=['sResult','sRecCounter_out']) self.frame = frame
def __init__(self, frame="/map"): SimpleActionState.__init__( self, "move_base", MoveBaseAction, input_keys=["x", "y", "yaw"], goal_cb=self.__goal_cb ) self.frame = frame
def __init__(self): SimpleActionState.__init__( self, 'move_SchunkArm', MoveArmAction, input_keys=['x', 'y', 'z', 'phi', 'parent_frame'])
def __init__(self): SimpleActionState.__init__(self, 'move_SchunkArm', MoveArmAction, input_keys=['x', 'y', 'z', 'phi', 'parent_frame'])