コード例 #1
    def test_create_message(self):
        message = SymbolicLinkReparseDataBuffer()
        message['substitute_name_offset'] = 8
        message['substitute_name_length'] = 16
        message['print_name_offset'] = 0
        message['print_name_length'] = 8
        message['flags'] = SymbolicLinkFlags.SYMLINK_FLAG_RELATIVE
        message['buffer'] = to_bytes(u"café\\??\\café", encoding='utf-16-le')

        actual = message.pack()
        assert len(message) == 36
        assert actual == self.DATA
コード例 #2
    def test_parse_message(self):
        actual = SymbolicLinkReparseDataBuffer()
        data = actual.unpack(self.DATA)

        assert data == b""
        assert len(actual) == 36
        assert actual['substitute_name_offset'].get_value() == 8
        assert actual['substitute_name_length'].get_value() == 16
        assert actual['print_name_offset'].get_value() == 0
        assert actual['print_name_length'].get_value() == 8
        assert actual['flags'].get_value(
        ) == SymbolicLinkFlags.SYMLINK_FLAG_RELATIVE
        assert actual['buffer'].get_value() == to_bytes(u"café\\??\\café",
        assert actual.get_substitute_name() == u"\\??\\café"
        assert actual.get_print_name() == u"café"
コード例 #3
    def test_create_message_with_set_name(self):
        message = SymbolicLinkReparseDataBuffer()
        message.set_name(u"\\??\\café", u"café")
        message['flags'] = SymbolicLinkFlags.SYMLINK_FLAG_RELATIVE

        expected = b"\x00\x00" \
                   b"\x10\x00" \
                   b"\x10\x00" \
                   b"\x08\x00" \
                   b"\x01\x00\x00\x00" \
                   b"\x5c\x00\x3f\x00\x3f\x00\x5c\x00" \
                   b"\x63\x00\x61\x00\x66\x00\xe9\x00" \

        actual = message.pack()
        assert len(message) == 36
        assert actual == expected
コード例 #4
ファイル: exceptions.py プロジェクト: robpal1990/smbprotocol
    def resolve_path(self, link_path):
        [MS-SMB2] Handling the Symbolic Link Error Response

        Attempts to resolve the link target path. Will fail if the link is pointing to a local path or a UNC path
        on another host or share.

        :param link_path: The original path to the symbolic link to resolve relative paths from.
        :return: The resolved link target path.
        substitute_name = self.get_substitute_name()
        print_name = self.get_print_name()
        unparsed_path_length = self['unparsed_path_length'].get_value()

        b_link_path = to_bytes(to_text(link_path), encoding='utf-16-le')
        unparsed_idx = len(b_link_path) - unparsed_path_length
        base_link_path = to_text(b_link_path[:unparsed_idx],
        unparsed_path = to_text(b_link_path[unparsed_idx:],

        # Use the common code in SymbolicLinkReparseDataBuffer() to resolve the link target.
        symlink_buffer = SymbolicLinkReparseDataBuffer()
        symlink_buffer['flags'] = self['flags'].get_value()
        symlink_buffer.set_name(substitute_name, print_name)
        target_path = symlink_buffer.resolve_link(
            base_link_path) + unparsed_path

        if not target_path.startswith('\\\\'):
            raise SMBLinkRedirectionError(
                "Cannot resolve link targets that point to a local path",
                link_path, print_name)

        link_share = ntpath.splitdrive(link_path)[0]
        target_share = ntpath.splitdrive(target_path)[0]
        if link_share != target_share:
            raise SMBLinkRedirectionError(
                "Cannot resolve link targets that point to a different host/share",
                link_path, print_name)

        return target_path