コード例 #1
    def test_coeff(self, months, seasons, month_to_season_coefficients):

        register = NDimensionalRegister()
        register.register(IntervalSet('months', months))
        register.register(IntervalSet('seasons', seasons))

        actual = register.get_coefficients('months', 'seasons')
        expected = month_to_season_coefficients
        assert np.allclose(actual, expected, rtol=1e-05, atol=1e-08)
コード例 #2
ファイル: interval.py プロジェクト: nismod/smif
    def generate_coefficients(self, from_spec, to_spec) -> np.ndarray:
        """Generate conversion coefficients for interval dimensions

        Assumes that the Coordinates elements contain an 'interval' key whose value corresponds
        to :class:`Interval` data, that is a `{'name': interval_id, 'interval': list of
        interval extents}`.

        For example, intervals covering each hour of a period ::

                { 'name': 'first_hour', 'interval': [('PT0H', 'PT1H')] }
                { 'name': ''second_hour', 'interval': [('PT1H', 'PT2H')] }

        Or intervals corresponding to repeating hours for each day of a period ::

                    'name': midnight',
                    'interval': [
                        ('PT0H', 'PT1H'), ('PT24H', 'PT25H'), ('PT48H', 'PT49H'), ...
                    'name': ''one_am',
                    'interval': [
                        ('PT1H', 'PT2H'), ('PT25H', 'PT26H'), ('PT49H', 'PT50H'), ...

        # find dimensions to convert
        from_dim, to_dim = self.get_convert_dims(from_spec, to_spec)
        # get dimension coordinates
        from_coords = from_spec.dim_coords(from_dim)
        to_coords = to_spec.dim_coords(to_dim)
        # create IntervalSets from Coordinates
        from_set = IntervalSet(from_dim, from_coords.elements)
        to_set = IntervalSet(to_dim, to_coords.elements)
        # register IntervalSets
        register = NDimensionalRegister()
        # use NDimensionalRegister to get coefficients
        coefficients = register.get_coefficients(from_dim, to_dim)
        return coefficients
コード例 #3
ファイル: region.py プロジェクト: nismod/smif
    def generate_coefficients(self, from_spec, to_spec):
        """Generate conversion coefficients for spatial dimensions

        Assumes that the Coordinates elements contain a 'feature' key whose value corresponds
        to a GDAL vector feature represented as a dict, for example as returned by a `fiona`
        # find dimensions to convert
        from_dim, to_dim = self.get_convert_dims(from_spec, to_spec)
        # get dimension coordinates
        from_coords = from_spec.dim_coords(from_dim)
        to_coords = to_spec.dim_coords(to_dim)
        # create RegionSets from Coordinates
        from_set = RegionSet(from_dim, from_coords.elements)
        to_set = RegionSet(to_dim, to_coords.elements)
        # register RegionSets
        register = NDimensionalRegister()
        # use NDimensionalRegister to get coefficients
        coefficients = register.get_coefficients(from_dim, to_dim)
        return coefficients