コード例 #1
def my_gradient(imin, se, grey=False):
    Returns morphological gradient for grey level images, or the LAB gradient for color images.

    imin : grey level or color image
    se : structuring element
    grey (Bool): if set to True, on colour images we compute the morphological gradient on the green channel.

    imout : UINT8 image containing the gradient

    if imin.getTypeAsString() == "RGB":
        if grey is True:
            tmpIm = sp.Image()
            imout = sp.Image(tmpIm)
            sp.copyChannel(imin, 1, tmpIm)
            sp.gradient(tmpIm, imout, se)
            imout = sp.Image(imin)
            gradient_LAB(imin,  imout,  se)
        imout = sp.Image(imin)
        sp.gradient(imin, imout, se)

    return imout
コード例 #2
def im_labelled_square_grid_points(size, step, margin=1):
    Creates a regular grid of square cells. 
    size : list of 2d dimensions of output image
    step: minimum distance between two cell centers (we suppose that the step is the same in all directions)

    imout : UINT16 image containing the labelled grid centers.
    imout2 : UINT16 image containing the labelled cells.
    imout = sp.Image(size[0], size[1])
    imout2 = sp.Image(imout,"UINT16")
    imout = sp.Image(imout2)
    np_im = imout.getNumArray()
    cells_im = imout2.getNumArray()
    label = 1
    for x in range(size[0]/step+1):
        for y in range(size[1]/step+1):
            center_x = np.min([ x*step + step/2, size[0]-1])
            center_y = np.min([ y*step + step/2, size[1]-1])
            np_im[center_x, center_y] = label
            cells_im[x*step+margin:(x+1)*step-margin, y*step+margin:(y+1)*step-margin] = label
            label += 1

    return (imout, imout2)
コード例 #3
def main(args):
    image = cv2.imread(args.image_path, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
    image = (image.astype(np.float) - image.min()) * 255 / (image.max() - image.min())
    image = image.astype(np.uint8)
    original = sp.Image()

    closed = sp.Image()
    for size in args.path_sizes:
        sp.ImPathClosing(original, size, closed)
        sp.write(closed, "matlab_closing_%s.png" % size)
コード例 #4
def one_min_per_grid_cell(im_cells_lbl, blobs, im_labelled_minima, se):
    Enables to select the best marker of each cell of the grid.
    im_cells_lbl (UINT16): image of labelled cells.
    blobs: definition of each connected component
    im_labelled_minima (UINT16): image of markers candidates labelled with their ranking for some given criterium (e.g. surfacic extinction), i.e. "1" is the best.
    se: structuring element.
    ## Selection of the marker with the best ranking in each cell: 
    imtmp = sp.Image(im_cells_lbl)
    sp.test(im_labelled_minima,  im_labelled_minima, 65335,  im_labelled_minima)
    minVals = sp.measMinVals(im_labelled_minima, blobs)
    sp.applyLookup(im_cells_lbl, minVals, imtmp)
    sp.compare(im_labelled_minima, "==", imtmp, im_labelled_minima, 0, im_labelled_minima)
    ## Selection of only one marker if several met the previous requirement in the same cell:
    sp.label(im_labelled_minima, imtmp, se)
    blobs2 = sp.computeBlobs(im_labelled_minima)
    maxVals = sp.measMaxVals(imtmp, blobs)
    sp.applyLookup(im_cells_lbl, maxVals, im_labelled_minima)
    sp.compare(imtmp, "==", im_labelled_minima, imtmp, 0, imtmp)
    sp.test(im_cells_lbl, imtmp, 0, im_labelled_minima) 
コード例 #5
def gray_area_filtering(imin,  size):
    Gray level area filtering.
    Only V4 connexity is available.
    imtmp = sp.Image(imin)
    sp.areaClose(imin, size, imtmp)
    sp.areaOpen(imtmp,  size, imin)
コード例 #6
def my_area_filtering(imin, size):
    Filtering of a gray level or color image.
    Only V4 connexity is available.
    if imin.getTypeAsString() == "RGB":
        im = sp.Image()
        sp.splitChannels(imin, im)
        for i in range(3):
            gray_area_filtering(im.getSlice(i), size)
        sp.mergeChannels(im, imin)
        gray_area_filtering(imin, size)
コード例 #7
def X_singlePlot(imIn, ax, label):
    if (imIn.getTypeAsString() == "RGB"):
        im3ch = sp.Image()
        sp.splitChannels(imIn, im3ch)
        imArr = im3ch.getNumArray()
        imArr = np.rot90(imArr, -1)
        imArr = np.fliplr(imArr)
        imInArr = imIn.getNumArray()
        imInArr = np.rot90(imInArr, -1)
        imInArr = np.fliplr(imInArr)
        if not label:
            ax.imshow(imInArr, cmap=cm.Greys_r, norm=cl.NoNorm())
            ax.imshow(imInArr, cmap=randcmap)
コード例 #8
def smilToNumpyPlotNoNorm(imIn, labelImage=False):
    if (imIn.getTypeAsString() == "RGB"):
        imIn3ch = sp.Image()
        sp.splitChannels(imIn, imIn3ch)
        imInArr = imIn3ch.getNumArray()
        imInArr = np.rot90(imInArr, -1)
        imInArr = np.fliplr(imInArr)
        imInArr = imIn.getNumArray()
        imInArr = np.rot90(imInArr, -1)
        imInArr = np.fliplr(imInArr)
        if not labelImage:
            plt.imshow(imInArr, cmap="gray", norm=cl.NoNorm())
            plt.imshow(imInArr, cmap=randcmap)
コード例 #9
import smilPython as sp

im = sp.Image("cells.png")

imDist = sp.Image(im)
imMask = sp.Image(im)
imMark = sp.Image(im)
imGeoDist = sp.Image(im)

# create a marker image, the same as the original image except at
# some point inside the "true" region, which is set to "0"
nl = sp.HexSE()
sp.distance(im, imDist, nl)
sp.compare(imDist, "==", sp.maxVal(imDist), 0, im, imMark)

# use the original image as the mask.
sp.copy(im, imMask)
sp.distanceGeodesic(imMark, imMask, imGeoDist, nl)

コード例 #10
ファイル: numpy_sp2np.py プロジェクト: basileMarchand/smil
import smilPython as sm
import numpy as np

# read a PNG image file (8 bits gray image)
file = "my-image.png")
img = sm.Image(file)

# show the image

# get a NumPy array
p = img.getNumArray()

# let's threshold the image
t = 127
p[p >= t] = 255
p[p <  t] = 0

# Call the "modified" method in order to update the viewer content

コード例 #11
import smilPython as sp

im = sp.Image("lena.png")

# set new default StrElt and save old one
saveSE = sp.Morpho.getDefaultSE()

# do something
imd = sp.Image(im)
sp.dilate(im, imd, 3)

# restore old default StrElt

コード例 #12
in_file = "init.png"
Size = 20
tolerance = 2
step = 10
NN = 100

img = Image.open(in_file)
XX, YY = img.size
img_out = np.zeros((YY, XX), np.uint8)

for yy in np.arange(0, YY, NN):
    for xx in np.arange(0, XX, NN):
        img_ii = np.array(img)[yy:min(yy + NN, YY),
                               xx:min(xx + NN, XX)].transpose()
        im_in = smil.Image(*img_ii.shape)
        im_in_np = im_in.getNumArray()
        im_in_np[:] = img_ii[:]

        im_out = smil.Image(im_in)
        smil.parsimoniousPathOpening(im_in, Size, tolerance, step, False,
        im_out_np = im_out.getNumArray().transpose()
        img_out_slice = img_out[yy:min(yy + NN, YY), xx:min(xx + NN, XX)]
        img_out_slice[:] = im_out_np[:]

img_reconstr = ImageFromArray(img_out)
img_out = ImageFromArray(img_out)
im_in = ImageFromArray(np.array(img))

smil.geoBuild(img_out, im_in, img_reconstr)
コード例 #13
import smilPython as sp
import numpy as np
from numpy import linalg as la

# get image
imIn = sp.Image("https://smil.cmm.minesparis.psl.eu/images/tools.png")

# labelize input image
imThr = sp.Image(imIn)
sp.topHat(imIn, imThr, sp.hSE(20))
sp.threshold(imThr, imThr)
imLbl = sp.Image(imIn, "UINT16")
sp.label(imThr, imLbl)

# compute blobs and get their data
blobs   = sp.computeBlobs(imLbl)
central = True
inertia = sp.blobsInertiaMatrix(imIn, blobs, central)
barys   = sp.blobsBarycenter(imIn, blobs)

nshape = (2, 2)
if imIn.getDimension() == 3:
  nshape = (3, 3)

for k in inertia.keys():
    print("=" * 64)
    s = ""
    for v in barys[k]:
        s += " {:6.1f}".format(v)
    print("Blob label : {:3d} - Barycenter :{:}".format(k, s))
    # Smil returns inertia matrix as a vector. Reshape it.
コード例 #14
import smilPython as sp

imIn = sp.Image("https://smil.cmm.minesparis.psl.eu/images/lena.png")
imOut = sp.Image(imIn)

sp.gaussianFilter(imIn, 3, imOut)

コード例 #15
import smilPython as sp

im = sp.Image("https://smil.cmm.minesparis.psl.eu/images/balls.png")
imLbl1 = sp.Image(im, "UINT16")
imLbl2 = sp.Image(imLbl1)

sp.label(im, imLbl1)

# We can use a Smil Map
# lookup = Map_UINT16_UINT16()
# or directly a python dict
lookup = dict()
lookup[1] = 2
lookup[5] = 3
lookup[2] = 1

sp.applyLookup(imLbl1, lookup, imLbl2)

コード例 #16
    for h in hdr:
        s += h.rjust(16)
    for label in m.keys():
        s = '{:3} :'.format(label)
        for v in m[label]:
            s += '  {:14.2f}'.format(v)

# Serious work begins here
binaryImage = False
if binaryImage:
    imageName = "https://smil.cmm.minesparis.psl.eu/images/balls.png"
    imo = sp.Image(imageName)
    iml = sp.Image(imo, 'UINT16')
    # normalize binary image values
    imo /= 255
    sp.label(imo, iml)
    imageName = "https://smil.cmm.minesparis.psl.eu/images/tools.png"
    imo = sp.Image(imageName)
    imThr = sp.Image(imo)
    sp.topHat(imo, imThr, sp.hSE(20))
    sp.threshold(imThr, imThr)
    iml = sp.Image(imo, "UINT16")
    sp.label(imThr, iml)

# create blobs
blobs = sp.computeBlobs(iml)
コード例 #17
ファイル: numpy_np2sp.py プロジェクト: basileMarchand/smil
import smilPython as sm
import numpy as np

# create a 10x10 NumPy array
a = np.array(range(100), 'uint8')
a = a.reshape(10, 10)

# creates a Smil image and set it's content to "a"
img = sm.Image()

コード例 #18
import smilPython as sp

im = sp.Image("balls.png")
iml = sp.Image(im)

# this is just a binary image - no need to segment
sp.label(im, iml)

# create blobs structure
blobs = sp.computeBlobs(iml)

# evaluate some measures :
areas = sp.blobsArea(blobs)
barys = sp.blobsBarycenter(im, blobs)

# print areas and barycenters of each region
print("{:3s} - {:>6s} - {:>13s}".format("ID", "Area", "Barycenter"))
for k in blobs.keys():
    bary = barys[k]
    print("{:3d} - {:6.0f} - {:6.0f} {:6.0f}".format(k, areas[k], bary[0],
コード例 #19
import smilPython as sp

imIn = sp.Image(10, 10, 10)
imOut = sp.Image(im)
imTmp = sp.Image(im)

# rotation 90 degres around Y axis
# 1. exchange axes y and z
sp.matTranspose(imIn, "xzy", imTmp)
# 2. rotate image around new z axis
sp.rotateX90(imTmp, 1, imTmp)
# 3. put axis y back
sp.matTranspose(imTmp, "xzy", imOut)
コード例 #20
import smilPython as sp

fname = "imageraw.raw"

type = 'UINT16'
width = 256
height = 384
depth = 512

img = sp.Image(type)
sp.readRAW(fname, width, height, depth, img)

コード例 #21
import smilPython as sp

img = sp.Image()
r = sp.getFileInfo("lena.jpg", img)

# Note, this is the same as :
img = sp.Image("lena.jpg")

コード例 #22
ファイル: numpy_array.py プロジェクト: basileMarchand/smil
import smilPython as sp
import numpy as np

# Create an image
sx = 256
sy = 384
im1 = sp.Image(sx, sy)

# Create a numpy array containing the real image pixels
imArr = im1.getNumArray()

# Display the dimensions of the created array
print("Array dims:", imArr.shape)

# Do something with the array... E.g., draw a circle
imArr[:] = 0
# the circle will be centered at the center of the image
radius, cx, cy = 64, sy // 2, sx // 2
y, x = np.ogrid[0:sx, 0:sy]
# get the indexes of the pixels inside the circle
index = (x - cx)**2 + (y - cy)**2 <= radius**2
imArr[:, :][index] = 255

# Call the "modified" method in order to update the viewer content

コード例 #23
 parser = OptionParser(usage="usage: %prog [options]", description=description)
 parser.add_option("-i", "--original_image", dest = "original_image",  default = "resources/coins.JPG", help = "Input image filename.")
 parser.add_option("-s",  "--step",  dest = "step",  type = "int", default = "25", help = "Grid step between two cell centers.(positive integer)" )
 parser.add_option("-w",  "--weight",  dest = "weight",  type = "float", default = "10", help = "Level of regularization (positive value). Weight of the distance function when added to the gradient.")    
 parser.add_option("--filter_ori", dest="filter_ori", action="store_true",   help = " Filtering option on the original image (boolean).")
 parser.add_option("--no-filter_ori", dest="filter_ori", action="store_false",   help = " Filtering option on the original image (boolean).")
 parser.set_defaults(filter_ori = True)
 (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
 step = options.step
 weight = options.weight
 filter_ori = options.filter_ori
 image_file_name = options.original_image
 imin = sp.Image(image_file_name)
 imout, imgrad, imminima = demo_m_waterpixels(imin, step, weight, filter_ori)
 image = imout.getNumArray()
 image = image.transpose()
 imin = misc.imread(image_file_name)
 edges = filter.sobel(image)
 edges = color.rgb2gray(edges)
 out = edges
 limiar = 0
 total_x = len(out)
 total_y = len(out[0])
 for x in range(total_x):
     for y in range(total_y):
         if out[x][y] > limiar:
コード例 #24
import smilPython as sm
import numpy as np

# read a 16 bits RAW Image
file = "Slices-16.raw"
im16 = sm.Image('UINT16')
sp.readRAW(file, 700, 700, 700, im16)

# Let's convert 8 bit input image

# get a pointer to a numpy array
p16 = im16.getNumArray()

# scale pixel values from 2**16 to 2**8
p16 //= 256

# get a new 8 bit numpy array
p8 = p.astype('uint8')

# create a 8 bits image with the same dimensions of the 16 bit image
im8 = sm.Image(im16, 'UINT8')
# come back to Smil Image

コード例 #25
def demo_m_waterpixels(imin,  step,  d_weight, filter_ori):
    Compute m-waterpixels, i.e. superpixels based on the watershed transformation. 
    Flooding starts form the best minimum of each cell of a regular grid. 
    The gradient used to be flooded is regularized using the distance function to these minima.
    Cells of the grid are chosen here to be squares.
    Input :
    imin (image UINT8): original image, to be segmented into superpixels
    step (UINT8) : grid step, i.e. distance between two cell centers of the grid
    d_weight (UINT8) : constant to be multiplied with function distance before addition to gradient image.
        If d_weight <=0, then only the gradient is taken into account.
    filter_ori (BOOLEAN) : do we filter the input image?

    image (UINT16) : labelled superpixels
    image (UINT8) : distance weighted gradient function
    image (UINT16) : minima used in the computation
    # Connexity:
    basicse = sp.CrossSE()
    gridse = sp.SquSE()

    # Ori filtering
    if filter_ori is True:
        my_area_filtering(imin, step*step/16)

    # Gradient computation
    im_grad = my_gradient(imin, basicse,  True)

    ## Pool of working images:
    imwrk0 = sp.Image(im_grad)
    imwrk1 = sp.Image(im_grad,  "UINT16")
    imwrk2 = sp.Image(im_grad,  "UINT16")

    # Compute cell centers and cells
    size = imin.getSize()
    im_markers, im_cells = im_labelled_square_grid_points(size, step, step/6) 

    ## Choice of the markers : one per grid cell

    # Step 1 : Computation of the minima of the gradient
    im_minima = sp.Image(im_grad)
    sp.minima(im_grad, im_minima, basicse)
    #Step 2 : Imposing minimum distance between minima (= Removing minima candidates which fall on cell margins )
    sp.test(im_cells, im_minima, 0, imwrk0)
    sp.label(imwrk0, imwrk1, basicse)
    #Step 3 : Evaluation of the importance of minima ( = computation of their surfacic extinction)
    im_minima_val = sp.Image(imwrk1)
    sp.watershedExtinction( im_grad, imwrk1, im_minima_val, "a", basicse)
    # Step 4 : Taking back at value 2 the minima of null-volumic extinction 
    sp.test( imwrk0,  2,  0,  imwrk2)
    sp.test( im_minima_val,  im_minima_val, imwrk2, im_minima_val )
    # Step 5 : Coping with the potential absence of minimum in cells (= choosing the minimum value inside this cell as its marker if necessary)
    blobs = sp.computeBlobs(im_cells)
    sp.test(im_cells, im_grad, 0, imwrk00)
    minVals = sp.measMinVals(imwrk00, blobs)
    sp.applyLookup(im_cells, minVals, imwrk0)
    sp.test(imwrk00==imwrk0, 1, 0, imwrk1)
    maxVals = sp.measMaxVals(im_minima_val, blobs)
    sp.applyLookup(im_cells, maxVals, imwrk2)
    sp.test(imwrk2, im_minima_val, imwrk1, im_minima_val)
    # Step 6 : Selection of one marker per cell
    one_min_per_grid_cell(im_cells, blobs, im_minima_val, basicse)

    ## Spatial regularization of the gradient
    #Step 1 : Computation of the distance function to the markers
    immask = sp.Image(im_markers, "UINT8")
    sp.test(im_minima_val, 0, 1, immask)
    imdist = sp.Image(immask, "UINT8")
    sp.dist(immask, imdist, gridse)
    #Step 2 : Adding the distance function to the gradient
    if d_weight > 0:
        weight = d_weight * float(2)/step
        sp.mul(imdist, weight, imdist)
        sp.add(imdist, im_grad, im_grad)

    ## Superpixel segmentation : watershed transformation, flooding from selected minima on the regularized gradient
    sp.copy(im_minima_val, imwrk1)
    sp.label(imwrk1,  im_minima_val, basicse)
    imout = sp.Image(im_minima_val)
    sp.basins(im_grad, im_minima_val, imout, basicse) 
    return imout,  im_grad,  im_minima_val
コード例 #26
def ImageFromArray(im_arr):
    im = smil.Image(*im_arr.shape[::-1])
    im_np = im.getNumArray()
    im_np[:] = im_arr.transpose()[:]
    return im
コード例 #27
import smilPython as sp
import time

thresh = 1000

im = sp.Image("https://smil.cmm.minesparis.psl.eu/images/balls.png")
iml = sp.Image(im)
img = sp.Image(im)
ims = sp.Image(im)

sp.label(im, iml)


sp.areaThreshold(iml, thresh, True, img)
sp.areaThreshold(im, thresh, False, ims)

nlold = 0
for threshold in range(1, 6000, 20):
    sp.areaThreshold(im, threshold, True, ims)
    nl = sp.label(ims, iml)
    if nl != nlold:
        print(' Threshold {:6d} : {:3d} blobs'.format(threshold, nl))
    if nl == 0:
    nlold = nl