def testWrongNbOfSignals(self): """ Tests the case where the number of SRs feeded to the module doesn't match the number of SRs in the json """ # One single json but too much signals ws = self.simpleJson([0.9], [10]) data = PyhfData([[0.9, 0.5]], [ws]) ulcomputer = PyhfUpperLimitComputer(data) ul1 = ulcomputer.ulSigma() # Two jsons but only one signal ws = [self.simpleJson([0.9], [10]), self.simpleJson([0.8], [9])] data = PyhfData([[0.5]], ws) ulcomputer = PyhfUpperLimitComputer(data) ul2 = ulcomputer.ulSigma(workspace_index=0) self.assertIsNone(ul1) self.assertIsNone(ul2)
def testWSindex(self): """ Tests how the module reacts when giving several jsons but not specifying for which the UL should be computed """ ws = [self.simpleJson([0.9], [10]), self.simpleJson([0.8], [9])] data = PyhfData([[0.1], [0.2]], ws) ulcomputer = PyhfUpperLimitComputer(data) ul = ulcomputer.ulSigma() self.assertIsNone(ul)
def testNoSignal(self): """ Tests the case where all SRs are empty """ ws = self.simpleJson([0.9], [10]) data = PyhfData([[0]], [ws]) ulcomputer = PyhfUpperLimitComputer(data) ul = ulcomputer.ulSigma() self.assertIsNone(ul)
def testFullPyhfModule2(self): """ Same as previous but with two SRs """ bkg = self.simpleJson([0.8, 0.9], [10, 11]) signals = [0.4, 0.2] # Make the patch by hand patch = [ dict(op='add', path='/channels/0/samples/0', value=dict(name='sig', data=signals, modifiers=[ dict(name='lumi', type='lumi', data=None), dict(name='mu_SIG', type='normfactor', data=None) ])) ] llhdSpec = jsonpatch.apply_patch(bkg, patch) # Computing the upper limit with the SModelS/pyhf interface data = PyhfData([signals], [bkg]) ulcomputer = PyhfUpperLimitComputer(data) ul = ulcomputer.ulSigma() # Computing the cls outside of SModelS with POI = ul, should give 0.95 msettings = { 'normsys': { 'interpcode': 'code4' }, 'histosys': { 'interpcode': 'code4p' } } workspace = pyhf.Workspace(llhdSpec) model = workspace.model(modifier_settings=msettings) bounds = model.config.suggested_bounds() bounds[model.config.poi_index] = [0, 100] args = {"return_expected": False} pver = float(pyhf.__version__[:3]) if pver < 0.6: args["qtilde"] = True else: args["test_stat"] = "qtilde" result = pyhf.infer.hypotest(ul,, model, par_bounds=bounds, **args) try: CLs = float(result[0]) except IndexError: CLs = float(result) self.assertAlmostEqual(CLs, 0.05, 2)
def getPyhfComputer ( self, nsig ): """ create the pyhf ul computer object :returns: pyhf upper limit computer, and combinations of signal regions """ # Getting the path to the json files jsonFiles = [js for js in self.globalInfo.jsonFiles] combinations = [os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(js))[0] for js in jsonFiles] jsons = self.globalInfo.jsons.copy() datasets = [ds.getID() for ds in self._datasets] total = sum(nsig) nsig = [s/total for s in nsig] # Normalising signals to get an upper limit on the events count # Filtering the json files by looking at the available datasets for jsName in self.globalInfo.jsonFiles: if all([ds not in self.globalInfo.jsonFiles[jsName] for ds in datasets]): # No datasets found for this json combination jsIndex = jsonFiles.index(jsName) jsonFiles.pop(jsIndex) jsons.pop(jsIndex) continue if not all([ds in datasets for ds in self.globalInfo.jsonFiles[jsName]]): # Some SRs are missing for this json combination logger.error("Wrong json definition in globalInfo.jsonFiles for json : %s" % jsName) logger.debug("list of datasets: {}".format(datasets)) logger.debug("jsonFiles after filtering: {}".format(jsonFiles)) # Constructing the list of signals with subsignals matching each json nsignals = list() for jsName in jsonFiles: subSig = list() for srName in self.globalInfo.jsonFiles[jsName]: try: index = datasets.index(srName) except ValueError: logger.error("%s signal region provided in globalInfo is not in the list of datasets" % srName) sig = nsig[index] subSig.append(sig) nsignals.append(subSig) # Loading the jsonFiles, unless we already have them (because we pickled) from import PyhfData, PyhfUpperLimitComputer data = PyhfData(nsignals, jsons ) if data.errorFlag: return None ulcomputer = PyhfUpperLimitComputer(data) return ulcomputer,combinations
def testCorruptJson1Signal(self): """ Tests how the module handles corrupted json files Maybe it is needed to test different types of corruptions """ #Defining the channels modifiers = [] modifiers.append(dict(data=None, type='lumi', name='lumi')) samples = [dict(name='bkg', data=[10], modifiers=modifiers)] channels = [dict(name='SR1', samples=samples)] # Defining the measurements config = dict(poi='mu_SIG', parameters=[ dict(auxdata=[1], bounds=[[0.915, 1.085]], inits=[1], sigmas=[0.017], name='lumi') ]) measurements = [dict(name='BasicMeasurement', config=config)] # Defining the observations observations = [dict(name='SR1', data=[0.9])] # Missing channels ws = dict( #channels=channels, measurements=measurements, observations=observations, version='1.0.0') data = PyhfData([[0.1]], [ws]) ulcomputer = PyhfUpperLimitComputer(data) ul = ulcomputer.ulSigma() self.assertEqual(ulcomputer.workspaces, None) self.assertEqual(ul, None) # Missing measurements ws = dict( channels=channels, #measurements=measurements, observations=observations, version='1.0.0') data = PyhfData([[0.1]], [ws]) ulcomputer = PyhfUpperLimitComputer(data) ul = ulcomputer.ulSigma() self.assertEqual(ulcomputer.workspaces, None) self.assertEqual(ul, None) # Missing observations ws = dict( channels=channels, measurements=measurements, #observations=observations, version='1.0.0') data = PyhfData([[0.1]], [ws]) ulcomputer = PyhfUpperLimitComputer(data) ul = ulcomputer.ulSigma() self.assertEqual(ulcomputer.workspaces, None) self.assertEqual(ul, None) # Missing version ws = dict( channels=channels, measurements=measurements, observations=observations, #version='1.0.0' ) data = PyhfData([[0.1]], [ws]) ulcomputer = PyhfUpperLimitComputer(data) ul = ulcomputer.ulSigma() self.assertIsNone(ulcomputer.workspaces) self.assertIsNone(ul)