コード例 #1
    def handle_incoming(self, request, reply_using=None):
        request_dict = request.POST if request.method == 'POST' else request.GET

        # Check whether we've gotten a SendDateTime
        if 'SendDateTime' not in request_dict:
            return HttpResponse('')

        # Check whether we've already received this message
        if SMS.objects.filter(gateway_ref=request_dict['MessageID']).exists():
            return HttpResponse('OK')

        # Parse and process message
        year, month, day, hour, minute, second, ms = list(map(int, findall(r'(\d+)', request_dict['SendDateTime'])))
        sms_dict = {
            'sent': datetime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second),
            'content': request_dict['MsgeContent'],
            'sender': check_cell_phone_number(request_dict['SenderGSMNR']),
            'to': request_dict['ShortCode'],
            'operator': int(request_dict['Operator']),
            'gateway_ref': request_dict['MessageID'],
            'backend': self.get_slug(),
        sms = SMS(**sms_dict)
        response = self.process_incoming(request, sms)

        # If necessary, send response SMS
        if response is not None:
            signature = get_account(reply_using)['reply_signature']
            success = send([sms.sender], response, signature, using=reply_using)
            # Sending failed, queue SMS
            if not success:
                send_queued(sms.sender, response, signature, reply_using)
            return HttpResponse(response)

        return HttpResponse('OK')
コード例 #2
ファイル: jasmin.py プロジェクト: vikingco/django-smsgateway
    def handle_incoming(self, request, reply_using=None):
        request_dict = request.POST if request.method == 'POST' else request.GET

        # Check whether we've got an id
        if 'id' not in request_dict:
            return HttpResponse('')

        # Check whether we've already received this message
        if SMS.objects.filter(gateway_ref=request_dict['id']).exists():
            return HttpResponse('ACK/Jasmin')

        # Parse and process message
        sms_dict = {
            'sent': datetime.now(),
            'content': request_dict['content'],
            'sender': check_cell_phone_number(request_dict['from']),
            'to': request_dict['to'],
            'gateway_ref': request_dict['id'],
            'backend': self.get_slug(),
        sms = SMS(**sms_dict)
        response = self.process_incoming(request, sms)

        # If necessary, send response SMS
        if response is not None:
            signature = get_account(reply_using)['reply_signature']
            success = send([sms.sender], response, signature, using=reply_using)
            # Sending failed, queue SMS
            if not success:
                send_queued(sms.sender, response, signature, reply_using)

        return HttpResponse('ACK/Jasmin')
コード例 #3
    def handle_incoming(self, request, reply_using=None):
        request_dict = request.POST if request.method == 'POST' else request.GET

        # Check whether we've got an id
        if 'id' not in request_dict:
            return HttpResponse('')

        # Check whether we've already received this message
        if SMS.objects.filter(gateway_ref=request_dict['id']).exists():
            return HttpResponse('ACK/Jasmin')

        # Parse and process message
        sms_dict = {
            'sent': datetime.now(),
            'content': request_dict['content'],
            'sender': check_cell_phone_number(request_dict['from']),
            'to': request_dict['to'],
            'gateway_ref': request_dict['id'],
            'backend': self.get_slug(),
        sms = SMS(**sms_dict)
        response = self.process_incoming(request, sms)

        # If necessary, send response SMS
        if response is not None:
            signature = get_account(reply_using)['reply_signature']
            success = send([sms.sender],
            # Sending failed, queue SMS
            if not success:
                send_queued(sms.sender, response, signature, reply_using)

        return HttpResponse('ACK/Jasmin')
コード例 #4
ファイル: tasks.py プロジェクト: nian88/django-smsgateway
def process_smses(smsk, sms_id, account_slug):
    smsobj = SMS.objects.get(pk=sms_id)
    smsbackend = SMSBackend()
    racc = get_account(account_slug)

    response = smsbackend.process_incoming(None, smsobj)
    if response is not None:
        signature = racc['reply_signature']
        # If an SMS account can receive but not send SMSes,
        # it can specify a preferred reply account
        reply_account = racc.get('reply_account', account_slug)
        success = send([smsobj.sender], response, signature, reply_account)
        if not success:
            send_queued(smsobj.sender, response, signature, reply_account)
    task_logger.debug('End processing incoming SMS key: %s', smsk)
コード例 #5
    def handle_incoming(self, request, reply_using=None):
        request_dict = request.POST if request.method == 'POST' else request.GET

        # Check whether we've gotten a SendDateTime
        if not 'SendDateTime' in request_dict:
            return HttpResponse('')

        # Check whether we've already received this message
        if SMS.objects.filter(gateway_ref=request_dict['MessageID']).exists():
            return HttpResponse('OK')

        # Parse and process message
        year, month, day, hour, minute, second, ms = map(
            int, re.findall(r'(\d+)', request_dict['SendDateTime']))
        sms_dict = {
            'sent': datetime.datetime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second),
            'content': request_dict['MsgeContent'],
            'sender': check_cell_phone_number(request_dict['SenderGSMNR']),
            'to': request_dict['ShortCode'],
            'operator': int(request_dict['Operator']),
            'gateway_ref': request_dict['MessageID'],
            'backend': self.get_slug(),
        sms = SMS(**sms_dict)
        response = self.process_incoming(request, sms)

        # If necessary, send response SMS
        if response is not None:
            signature = smsgateway.get_account(reply_using)['reply_signature']
            success = smsgateway.send([sms.sender],
            # Sending failed, queue SMS
            if not success:
                smsgateway.send_queued(sms.sender, response, signature,
            return HttpResponse(response)

        return HttpResponse('OK')
コード例 #6
def recv_smses(account_slug='redistore'):
    def _(key):
        return '%s%s' % (racc['key_prefix'], key)

    count = 0
    racc = get_account(account_slug)
    rpool = redis.ConnectionPool(host=racc['host'], 
    rconn = redis.Redis(connection_pool=rpool)
    smsbackend = SMSBackend()
    logger.info("Processing incoming SMSes for %s", account_slug)

    while True:
        smsk = rconn.rpoplpush(_('inq'), _('mvne:inq'))
        if not rconn.llen(_('mvne:inq')):
        count += 1
        logger.debug("Processing incoming SMS key: %s", smsk)
        smsd = rconn.hgetall(smsk)
        if not smsd:
            logger.error("SMS key %r is empty", smsk)
        smsd['sent'] = datetime.datetime.strptime(smsd['sent'], inq_ts_fmt)
        smsd['backend'] = account_slug
        smsobj = SMS(**smsd)
        response = smsbackend.process_incoming(None, smsobj)
        if response is not None:
            signature = racc['reply_signature']
            success = send([smsobj.sender], response, signature, account_slug)
            if not success:
                send_queued(smsobj.sender, response, signature, account_slug)
        if rconn.lrem(_('mvne:inq'), smsk, 1) == 0:
            logger.error("SMS key %r doesn't exist in %r",
                         smsk, _('mvne:inq'))
        if not rconn.delete(smsk):
            logger.error("SMS Hash %r doesn't exist" % smsk)
        logger.debug("End processing incoming SMS key: %s", smsk)

    logger.info("End processing incoming SMSes for %s (%d processed)", account_slug, count)