def smdownload(url,file_name,datetime_string): # Download the file from `url` and save it locally under `file_name`: finished = False count = 3 while not finished: try: with urllib.request.urlopen(url) as response, open(file_name, 'wb') as out_file: shutil.copyfileobj(response, out_file) finished = True except IOError as e: l = logger() l.warning("Could not download " + url + " to " + file_name) msg ="utf8", 'ignore') l.error(e + " " + msg) except: l = logger() l.warning("Could not download " + url + " to " + file_name) l.error(sys.exc_info()[0]) count -= 1 finished = (count == 0) if count != 0: raise("Could not download " + url + " to " + file_name) # Set the file date to the date from SmugMug forcetime(file_name,datetime_string)
def process_node_album(node_album,depth=0,dirname=''): l = logger() indent = '\t' * depth mkdir(dirname,node_album['Date']) l.debug(dirname + " " + node_album['Node']['Type'] + " " + node_album['Node']['UrlName']) album_uri = process_uri(node_album['Uri'])['Node']['Uris']['Album']['Uri'] process_album(album_uri,dirname)
def process_node_folder(node_folder,depth=0,dirname=''): # # A SmugMug Folder can contain other Folders or Albums, which are retrived as a list of ChildNodes # basedir = dirname l = logger() indent = '\t' * depth # Check that this is a Node and that the Node contains a Folder assert 'Node' in node_folder; node_type = node_folder['Node']['Type'] assert node_type == "Folder" try: childnodes_uri = node_folder['Node']['Uris']['ChildNodes']['Uri'] except: l.error(json.dumps(api_node, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))) sys.exit("ugh - child nodes") # There may be alot of child nodes. Let's group them together all_nodes = get_all_nodes(childnodes_uri) if all_nodes is None: return #l.debug(json.dumps(all_nodes, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))) num_children = len(all_nodes) l.debug("Processing " + str(num_children) + " child nodes") count = 0 for childnode in all_nodes: count = count + 1 type = childnode['Type'] if type == "Album": #dirname = basedir + childnode['UrlName'] + "/" albumname = re.sub('[/]', '', childnode['Name']) dirname = basedir + albumname + "/" + " " + dirname) mkdir(dirname,childnode['DateAdded']) # We have a node and not an album album_uri = childnode['Uris']['Album']['Uri'] process_album(album_uri,dirname) elif type == "Node": # dirname = basedir + childnode['UrlName'] + "/" dirname = basedir + childnode['Name'] + "/" + " " + dirname) mkdir(dirname,childnode['DateAdded']) node_recurse(childnode['Uri'],depth+1,dirname) elif type == "Folder": folder = process_uri(childnode['Uri']) dirname = basedir + childnode['UrlName'] + "/" + " " + dirname) # dirname = basedir + childnode['Name'] + "/" mkdir(dirname,childnode['DateAdded']) process_node_folder(folder,depth+1,dirname) else: l.warning(indent + type + " '" + childnode['Name'] + "' (UNKNOWN)")
def mkdir(dir_name,datetime_string): l = logger() if (os.path.isdir(dir_name)): l.debug('EXISTS - ' + dir_name) else:"mkdir " + dir_name) try: os.makedirs(dir_name) fakedir(dir_name,datetime_string) except OSError as exc: # Python >2.5 if exc.errno == errno.EEXIST and os.path.isdir(dir_name): pass else: raise
def node_recurse(node_uri,depth=0,dirname=''): l = logger() l.debug(dirname + " " + node_uri + " " + str(depth)) indent = '\t' * depth api_node = process_uri(node_uri) if api_node['Node']['Type'] == "Folder": dirname = dirname + api_node['Node']['UrlName'] + "/" mkdir(dirname,api_node['Node']['DateAdded']) process_node_folder(api_node,depth,dirname) elif api_node['Node']['Type'] == "Album": mkdir(dirname,api_node['Node']['DateAdded']) process_node_album(api_node,depth,dirname) else: l.debug(api_node['Node']['Type'] + " " + api_node['Node']['UrlName'])
def get_all_nodes(node_uri): l = logger() api_nodes = process_uri(node_uri) if not 'Node' in api_nodes: return None nodes = api_nodes['Node'] try: while ('NextPage' in api_nodes['Pages']): node_uri = api_nodes['Pages']['NextPage'] api_nodes = process_uri(node_uri) l.debug("Appending " + str(len(api_nodes['Node'])) + " to " + str(len(nodes))) nodes = nodes + api_nodes['Node'] except: l.error(json.dumps(api_nodes, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))) l.error(str(api_nodes['Code']) + " - " + api_nodes['Message']) #logger.warn(node_uri + " has " + str(len(nodes)) + " children") return nodes
def process_album(album_uri,dirname=''): l = logger() l.debug(album_uri) # Verify that this is the uri of an album api_album = process_uri(album_uri) #l.debug(json.dumps(api_album, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))) albumimages_uri = api_album['Album']['Uris']['AlbumImages']['Uri'] images = process_uri(albumimages_uri) # l.debug(json.dumps(images, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))) if 'AlbumImage' in images: for image in images['AlbumImage']: if image['FileName'] != '': filename = dirname + image['FileName'] else: calcname = image['ArchivedUri'].rsplit('/',1)[1] filename = dirname + calcname l.warning('No filename for ' + image['Uri'] + '; using ' + calcname) if image['Hidden']: l.warning('Skipping HIDDEN image ' + filename) continue exists = os.path.isfile(filename) if exists: l.debug("EXISTS - " + filename) else: try: smdownload ( image['ArchivedUri'], filename, image['Date'])'Downloaded ' + filename) except: l.warning(image['Uri']) l.critical(json.dumps(image, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))) sys.exit(filename) return 0