def f(): snap = self.snap ret = [] ComponentDist = snap.TIntPr64V() snap.GetSccSzCnt(self.graph, ComponentDist) for comp in ComponentDist: ret.append((comp.GetVal1(), comp.GetVal2())) return ret
def _get_SCC(Graph, H, output_path): ComponentDist = snap.TIntPrV() snap.GetSccSzCnt(Graph, ComponentDist) dataset = list() for comp in ComponentDist: scc = dict() scc['size'] = comp.GetVal1() scc['freq'] = comp.GetVal2() dataset.append(scc) dataset = pd.DataFrame(dataset) dataset = dataset[['size', 'freq']] dataset.sort('size', ascending=0, inplace=True) dataset.to_csv(output_path, index=False, encoding='utf-8')
def fraction_of_nodes_in_largest_connected_component(G, GName): ComponentDist = snap.TIntPrV() snap.GetSccSzCnt(G, ComponentDist) highest_nodes_in_connected_comp = 0 for comp in ComponentDist: highest_nodes_in_connected_comp = max(comp.GetVal1(), highest_nodes_in_connected_comp) print "Fraction of nodes in largest connected component in {0}: {1}".format( GName[:-10], (float(str(highest_nodes_in_connected_comp)) / G.GetNodes()))
def wikiVotingNetwork(): Component = snap.TIntPrV() #Loding the graph Wiki = snap.LoadEdgeList(snap.PNGraph, "Wiki-Vote.txt", 0, 1) #Printing Number of Nodes in the Graph print "Number of Nodes: ", Wiki.GetNodes() #Printing Number of Edges in the Graph print "Number of Edges: ", Wiki.GetEdges() #Printing Number of Directed Edges in the Graph print "Number of Directed Edges: ", snap.CntUniqDirEdges(Wiki) #Printing Number of Un-Directed Edges in the Graph print "Number of Undirected Edges: ", snap.CntUniqUndirEdges(Wiki) #Printing Number of Directed Edges in the Graph print "Number of Self-Edges: ", snap.CntSelfEdges(Wiki) #Printing Number of Zero InDeg Nodes in the Graph print "Number of Zero InDeg Nodes: ", snap.CntInDegNodes(Wiki, 0) #Printing Number of Zero OutDeg Nodes in the Graph print "Number of Zero OutDeg Nodes: ", snap.CntOutDegNodes(Wiki, 0) #Printing Node ID with maximum degree in the Graph print "Node ID with maximum degree: ", snap.GetMxDegNId(Wiki) snap.GetSccSzCnt(Wiki, Component) for comp in Component: #printing number of strongly connected components with size print "Size: %d - Number of Strongly Connected Components: %d" % ( comp.GetVal1(), comp.GetVal2()) #printing size of largest connected components print "Size of largest connected component: ", snap.GetMxSccSz(Wiki) snap.GetWccSzCnt(Wiki, Component) for comp in Component: #printing number of weekly connected components with size print "Size: %d - Number of Weekly Connected Component Wikipedia: %d" % ( comp.GetVal1(), comp.GetVal2()) #printing size of weekly connected components print "Size of Weakly connected component: ", snap.GetMxWccSz(Wiki) #plotting out-degree distribution snap.PlotOutDegDistr(Wiki, "wiki-analysis", "Directed graph - Out-Degree Distribution")
def computeNumberOfStronglyConnectedComponentsPerSize(graph, outFile, fill):"Computing Strongly Connected Components Per Component Size") fw_cc = open(outFile, 'w') CntV = snap.TIntPrV() fw_cc.write('Size of SCC\tNumber of SCCs\n') snap.GetSccSzCnt(graph, CntV) last = 0 array = [] for p in CntV: if (fill & p.GetVal1() - last > 1): for i in range(last + 1, p.GetVal1()): fw_cc.write(str(i) + '\t' + str(0) + '\n') fw_cc.write(str(p.GetVal1()) + '\t' + str(p.GetVal2()) + '\n') array.append({"x": p.GetVal1(), "y": p.GetVal2()}) last = p.GetVal1() with open(outFile + '.json', 'w') as file: json.dump(array, file)"Number of Strongly Connected Components Per Component Size!") "Number of Strongly Connected Components Per Component Size Exported to " + outFile)
import snap G = snap.LoadEdgeList(snap.PNGraph, "Wiki-Vote.txt", 0, 1) snap.PrintInfo(G, "votes Stats", "votes-info.txt", False) # Node ID with maximum degree NId1 = snap.GetMxDegNId(G) print("Node ID with Maximum-Degree: %d" % NId1) # Number of Strongly connected components ComponentDist = snap.TIntPrV() snap.GetSccSzCnt(G, ComponentDist) for comp in ComponentDist: print("Size: %d - Number of Components: %d" % (comp.GetVal1(), comp.GetVal2())) # Size of largest strongly connected component print("Strongly Connected Component - Maximum size:", snap.GetMxSccSz(G)) # Number of Weakly Connected Components CompDist = snap.TIntPrV() snap.GetWccSzCnt(G, CompDist) for comp in CompDist: print("Size: %d - Number of Components: %d" % (comp.GetVal1(), comp.GetVal2())) # Size of largest weakly connected component print("Weakly Connected Component - Maximum size:", snap.GetMxWccSz(G)) # Plot of Outdegree Distribution snap.PlotOutDegDistr(G, "Wiki Votes", "Wiki-Votes Out Degree")
# [4] Components of the network SCC = snap.GetMxScc(G) print("Fraction of nodes in largest connected component: {}".format( round(SCC.GetNodes() / G.GetNodes(), 4))) Edge_Bridge = snap.TIntPrV() snap.GetEdgeBridges(G, Edge_Bridge) print("Number of edge bridges: {}".format(len(Edge_Bridge))) ArticulationPoint = snap.TIntV() snap.GetArtPoints(G, ArticulationPoint) print("Number of articulation points: {}".format(len(ArticulationPoint))) CComp = snap.TIntPrV() snap.GetSccSzCnt(G, CComp) connected_component = {} for comp in CComp: connected_component[comp.GetVal1()] = comp.GetVal2() # Plot Degree Distribution plot_filename = 'connected comp_' + graph_filename[:-6] + '.png' plot_filedir = os.path.join(plotpath, plot_filename) plt.figure() plt.scatter(list(connected_component.keys()), list(connected_component.values()), s=15) plt.xlabel("Size of Connected Components") plt.ylabel("Number of components") plt.title("Connected Component Distribution ({})".format(graph_filename[:-6])) plt.savefig(plot_filedir)
repliesgraph = snap.LoadEdgeList(snap.PNGraph, filename, 0, 1) snap.PrintInfo(repliesgraph, "Twitter replies network") print #reciprocity num_dir_edges = snap.CntUniqDirEdges(repliesgraph) print "{0:.2f}% of directed edges are reciprocal".format( snap.CntUniqBiDirEdges(repliesgraph) * 2 * 100 / num_dir_edges) #clustering coefficient print "The clustering coefficient is {0:.2f}%".format( snap.GetClustCf(repliesgraph) * 100) #strongly and weakly connected components CntV = snap.TIntPrV() snap.GetSccSzCnt(repliesgraph, CntV) num_cc = 0 for p in CntV: print "{0} strongly connected component(s) of size {1}".format( p.GetVal2(), p.GetVal1()) num_cc += p.GetVal2() print num_cc, "total strongly connected components" print snap.GetWccSzCnt(repliesgraph, CntV) num_cc = 0 for p in CntV: print "{0} weakly connected component(s) of size {1}".format( p.GetVal2(), p.GetVal1()) num_cc += p.GetVal2() print num_cc, "total weakly connected components"
def GraphComponentDistributionDict(G): ''' return a dict of cardinality : number of strongly-connected components with that size in the graph G.''' ComponentDist = snap.TIntPrV() snap.GetSccSzCnt(G, ComponentDist) return {comp.GetVal1(): comp.GetVal2() for comp in ComponentDist}
def main(): Component = snap.TIntPrV() #loading the real world graph realWorld = snap.LoadEdgeList(snap.PUNGraph, "CA-HepTh.txt", 0, 1) #deleting the self-edges from the graph snap.DelSelfEdges(realWorld) #calling the function wikiVotingNetwork() #Taking number of nodes in a graph from real world network n = realWorld.GetNodes() #Generating an Undirected Graph G = snap.TUNGraph.New() #Taking number of edges in a graph from user e = int(raw_input('Enter the number of Random Edges : ')) p = float( raw_input('Enter the Probability of Edges between Nodes from 0-1 : ')) #Generating Number of Nodes for i in range(n): #Adding Nodes into the graph G.AddNode(i) #calling the function erdosRenyi(G, p) #Printing the Clustering print 'Erdos Renyi Clustering Co-efficient: ', clustCoefficient(G) diam = snap.GetBfsFullDiam(G, 9877, False) #printing the diameter print 'Erdos Renyi Diameter: ', diam #plotting the graph snap.PlotOutDegDistr(G, "Erdos-Renyi", "Un-Directed graph - Out-Degree Distribution") snap.GetSccSzCnt(G, Component) for comp in Component: #printing number of strongly connected components with size print "Size: %d - Number of Connected Component in Erdos-Renyi: %d" % ( comp.GetVal1(), comp.GetVal2()) #printing fraction of nodes and edges print "Fraction of Nodes and Edges in Erdos Renyi: ", snap.GetMxSccSz(G) #Drawing a Erdos Renyi Graph snap.DrawGViz(G, snap.gvlDot, "erdosRenyi1.png", "Erdos Renyi") #calling the function smallWorldRandomNetwork(G, e) #printing the clustering coefficient print 'Small World Random Network Clustering Co-efficient: ', clustCoefficient( G) diam = snap.GetBfsFullDiam(G, 9877, False) #printing the diameter print 'Small World Random Network Diameter: ', diam snap.GetSccSzCnt(G, Component) for comp in Component: #printing number of strongly connected components with size print "Size: %d - Number of Connected Component in Small World: %d" % ( comp.GetVal1(), comp.GetVal2()) #fraction of nodes and edges in small world print "Fraction of Nodes and Edges in Small World: ", snap.GetMxSccSz(G) #plotting the graph snap.PlotOutDegDistr(G, "Small-World", "Un-Directed graph - Out-Degree Distribution") #drawinf the graph snap.DrawGViz(G, snap.gvlDot, "smallWorld1.png", "Small World Random Network") #calculating the clustering co-efficient print 'Real World Random Network Clustering Co-efficient: ', clustCoefficient( realWorld) diam = snap.GetBfsFullDiam(G, 9877, False) print 'Real World Random Network Diameter: ', diam snap.GetSccSzCnt(realWorld, Component) for comp in Component: #printing number of strongly connected components with size print "Size: %d - Number of Weekly Connected Component in Real World: %d" % ( comp.GetVal1(), comp.GetVal2()) #printing fraction of nodes and edges print "Fraction of Nodes and Edges in Small World: ", snap.GetMxSccSz( realWorld) #plotting the real world network graph snap.PlotOutDegDistr(realWorld, "real-World", "Un-Directed graph - Out-Degree Distribution") #Drawing Real WOrld Graph snap.DrawGViz(realWorld, snap.gvlDot, "realWorld.png", "Real World Random Network")
def get_graph_overview(G, Gd=None): ''' G here is an undirected graph ''' # degree distribution CntV = snap.TIntPrV() snap.GetOutDegCnt(G, CntV) deg_x, deg_y = [], [] max_deg = 0 for item in CntV: max_deg = max(max_deg, item.GetVal1()) deg_x.append(item.GetVal1()) deg_y.append(item.GetVal2()) # print item.GetVal1(), item.GetVal2() print 'max_deg = ', max_deg deg_cnt = np.zeros(max_deg + 1) for item in CntV: deg_cnt[item.GetVal1()] = item.GetVal2() print deg_cnt # plt.loglog(deg_x, deg_y) # plt.xlabel('Degree of nodes') # plt.ylabel('Number of nodes') # plt.savefig('Giu_deg_dist.png') # plt.clf() # clustering coefficient distribution cf = snap.GetClustCf(G) print 'average cf =', cf NIdCCfH = snap.TIntFltH() snap.GetNodeClustCf(G, NIdCCfH) ccf_sum = np.zeros(max_deg + 1) for item in NIdCCfH: ccf_sum[G.GetNI(item).GetDeg()] += NIdCCfH[item] # print item, NIdCCfH[item] ccf_x, ccf_y = [], [] for i in range(max_deg + 1): if deg_cnt[i] != 0: ccf_sum[i] /= deg_cnt[i] ccf_x.append(i) ccf_y.append(ccf_sum[i]) print ccf_y # plt.loglog(ccf_x, ccf_y) # plt.xlabel('Degree of nodes') # plt.ylabel('Average clustering coefficient of nodes with the degree') # plt.savefig('Giu_ccf_dist.png') # plt.clf() # snap.PlotClustCf(G, 'investor_network', 'Distribution of clustering coefficients') # diameter and shortest path distribution diam = snap.GetBfsFullDiam(G, 100) print diam # snap.PlotShortPathDistr(G, 'investor_network', 'Distribution of shortest path length') # rewired_diams = [] # for i in range(100): # print 'rewire: ', i # G_config = rewire_undirected_graph(G) # rewired_diams.append(snap.GetBfsFullDiam(G_config, 400)) # print rewired_diams # print 'null model diam mean: ', np.mean(rewired_diams) # print 'null model diam std: ', np.std(rewired_diams) # wcc and scc size distribution WccSzCnt = snap.TIntPrV() snap.GetWccSzCnt(G, WccSzCnt) print 'Distribution of wcc:' for item in WccSzCnt: print item.GetVal1(), item.GetVal2() if Gd != None: print 'Distribution of scc:' ComponentDist = snap.TIntPrV() snap.GetSccSzCnt(Gd, ComponentDist) for item in ComponentDist: print item.GetVal1(), item.GetVal2()
import snap import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if __name__ == "__main__": print("Loading graph...") FIn = snap.TFIn("results/snap-follow.graph") graph = snap.TNGraph.Load(FIn) print("Finding strongly connected components...") dist = snap.TIntPrV() snap.GetSccSzCnt(graph, dist) sccs = [(comp.GetVal1(), comp.GetVal2()) for comp in dist] print("Finding weakly connected components...") dist = snap.TIntPrV() snap.GetWccSzCnt(graph, dist) wccs = [(comp.GetVal1(), comp.GetVal2()) for comp in dist] print("Number of SCCs:", sum(scc[1] for scc in sccs)) print("Number of WCCs:", sum(wcc[1] for wcc in wccs)) plt.scatter([scc[0] for scc in sccs], [scc[1] for scc in sccs], s=4, label = 'WCC Distribution') plt.scatter([wcc[0] for wcc in wccs], [wcc[1] for wcc in wccs], s=4, label = 'SCC Distribution') plt.yscale('log') plt.xscale('log') plt.title('WCC / SCC Size Distribution') plt.xlabel('Component Size')
dic_path = "../datasets/chess/chess_ids.pkl" with open(dic_path, 'rb') as dic_id: mydict = pickle.load(dic_id) chess_graph = load.load_global("chess") graphs = [fencing_graph, tm_graph, tf_graph, chess_graph] names = ["Fencing Network", "Men's Tennis Network", "Women's Tennis Network", "Chess Network"] print 'names:', names print 'nodes:', [graph.GetNodes() for graph in graphs] print 'edges:', [graph.GetEdges() for graph in graphs] print 'mxscc:', [snap.GetMxScc(graph).GetNodes() for graph in graphs] print 'max degree:', [graph.GetNI(snap.GetMxDegNId(graph)).GetDeg() for graph in graphs] comp_dists = [snap.TIntPrV() for graph in graphs] scc_counts = [snap.GetSccSzCnt(graph, comp_dists[i]) for i, graph in enumerate(graphs)] print 'Strongly Connected Components' for i, comp_dist in enumerate(comp_dists): print names[i] for comp in comp_dist: print 'size:', comp.GetVal1(), 'count:', comp.GetVal2() p_ranks = [snap.TIntFltH() for graph in graphs] [snap.GetPageRank(graph, p_ranks[i]) for i, graph in enumerate(graphs)] pr_ys = [sorted([p_rank[x] for x in p_rank]) for p_rank in p_ranks] i_pr_ys = [[sum(pr_y[:i+1]) for i in range(len(pr_y))] for pr_y in pr_ys] pr_xs = [[float(i+1)/len(pr_y) for i in range(len(pr_y))] for pr_y in pr_ys] plt.figure() [plt.plot(pr_xs[i], i_pr_ys[i], '.', markersize=4) for i in range(len(graphs))] plt.title("Cumulative PageRank vs. Node Fraction")