def connect(self, address, rack, slot, tcpport=102): """ Connect to a S7 server. :param address: IP address of server :param rack: rack on server :param slot: slot on server. """"connecting to %s:%s rack %s slot %s" % (address, tcpport, rack, slot)) self.set_param(snap7.snap7types.RemotePort, tcpport) return self.library.Cli_ConnectTo(self.pointer, c_char_p(six.b(address)), c_int(rack), c_int(slot))
def set_session_password(self, password): """Send the password to the PLC to meet its security level.""" assert len(password) <= 8, 'maximum password length is 8' return self.library.Cli_SetSessionPassword(self.pointer, c_char_p(six.b(password)))