コード例 #1
    def _set_scriptlet_metadata(
            self, metadata: snapcraft.extractors.ExtractedMetadata):
        step = self.next_step()

        # First, ensure the metadata set here doesn't conflict with metadata
        # already set for this step
        conflicts = metadata.overlap(self._scriptlet_metadata[step])
        if len(conflicts) > 0:
            raise errors.ScriptletDuplicateDataError(step, step,

        last_step = self.last_step()
        if last_step:
            # Now ensure the metadata from this step doesn't conflict with
            # metadata from any other step
            index = common.COMMAND_ORDER.index(last_step)
            for index in reversed(range(0, index + 1)):
                other_step = common.COMMAND_ORDER[index]
                state = states.get_state(self.plugin.statedir, other_step)
                conflicts = metadata.overlap(state.scriptlet_metadata)
                if len(conflicts) > 0:
                    raise errors.ScriptletDuplicateDataError(
                        step, other_step, list(conflicts))

コード例 #2
    def _set_scriptlet_metadata(self, metadata: snapcraft.extractors.ExtractedMetadata):
        step = self.next_step()

        # First, ensure the metadata set here doesn't conflict with metadata
        # already set for this step
        conflicts = metadata.overlap(self._scriptlet_metadata[step])
        if len(conflicts) > 0:
            raise errors.ScriptletDuplicateDataError(step, step, list(conflicts))

        # Now ensure the metadata from this step doesn't conflict with
        # metadata from any other step (if any)
        with contextlib.suppress(errors.NoLatestStepError):
            latest_step = self.latest_step()
            required_steps = latest_step.previous_steps() + [latest_step]
            for other_step in reversed(required_steps):
                state = states.get_state(self.plugin.statedir, other_step)
                conflicts = metadata.overlap(state.scriptlet_metadata)
                if len(conflicts) > 0:
                    raise errors.ScriptletDuplicateDataError(
                        step, other_step, list(conflicts)
