def test_keys(session): from sqlalchemy.orm.exc import FlushError from import ( Resource, Key, ) name = 'testdata' props1 = {'foo': 'bar'} resource = Resource('test_item', {name: props1}) session.add(resource) session.flush() resource = session.query(Resource).one() testname = 'foo' key = Key(rid=resource.rid, name=testname, value=props1[testname]) session.add(key) session.flush() assert session.query(Key).count() == 1 othertest = 'foofoo' othervalue = 'barbar' key2 = Key(rid=resource.rid, name=othertest, value=othervalue) session.add(key2) session.flush() assert session.query(Key).count() == 2 props2 = {'foofoo': 'barbar'} resource2 = Resource('test_item', {name: props2}) session.add(resource2) session.flush() key3 = Key(rid=resource2.rid, name=testname, value=props1[testname]) session.add(key3) with pytest.raises(FlushError): session.flush()
def test_transaction_record_rollback(session): import transaction import uuid from import Resource rid = uuid.uuid4() resource = Resource('test_item', {'': {}}, rid=rid) session.add(resource) transaction.commit() transaction.begin() sp = session.begin_nested() resource = Resource('test_item', {'': {}}, rid=rid) session.add(resource) with pytest.raises(Exception): sp.commit() sp.rollback() resource = Resource('test_item', {'': {}}) session.add(resource) transaction.commit()
def test_transaction_record(session): from import ( Resource, PropertySheet, TransactionRecord, ) name = 'testdata' props1 = {'foo': 'bar'} resource = Resource('test_item') session.add(resource) propsheet = PropertySheet(name=name, properties=props1, rid=resource.rid) session.add(propsheet) session.flush() assert session.query(PropertySheet).count() == 1 propsheet = session.query(PropertySheet).one() assert session.query(TransactionRecord).count() == 1 record = session.query(TransactionRecord).one() assert record.tid assert propsheet.tid == record.tid
def test_delete_compound(session, storage): from import ( CurrentPropertySheet, Resource, PropertySheet, Key, ) name = 'testdata' props1 = {'foo': 'bar'} resource = Resource('test_item', {name: props1}) session.add(resource) session.flush() resource = session.query(Resource).one() check = storage.get_by_uuid(str(resource.rid)) assert check[name] == props1 # add a key testname = 'foo' key = Key(rid=resource.rid, name=testname, value=props1[testname]) session.add(key) session.flush() assert session.query(Key).count() == 1 props2 = {'foo': 'baz'} resource[name] = props2 session.flush() resource = session.query(Resource).one() session.flush() assert resource[name] == props2 assert session.query(PropertySheet).count() == 2 assert [ for propsheet in[name].history] == [props1, props2] current = session.query(CurrentPropertySheet).one() assert current.sid storage.delete_by_uuid(str(resource.rid)) check_post = storage.get_by_uuid(str(resource.rid)) assert not check_post assert session.query(Key).count() == 0 assert session.query(PropertySheet).count() == 0 assert session.query(CurrentPropertySheet).count() == 0
def test_current_propsheet_update(session): from import ( CurrentPropertySheet, Resource, PropertySheet, ) name = 'testdata' props1 = {'foo': 'bar'} resource = Resource('test_item', {name: props1}) session.add(resource) session.flush() resource = session.query(Resource).one() props2 = {'foo': 'baz'} resource[name] = props2 session.flush() resource = session.query(Resource).one() session.flush() assert resource[name] == props2 assert session.query(PropertySheet).count() == 2 assert [ for propsheet in[name].history] == [props1, props2] current = session.query(CurrentPropertySheet).one() assert current.sid
def test_current_propsheet(session): from import ( CurrentPropertySheet, Resource, PropertySheet, TransactionRecord, ) name = 'testdata' props1 = {'foo': 'bar'} resource = Resource('test_item', {name: props1}) session.add(resource) session.flush() resource = session.query(Resource).one() assert resource.rid assert resource[name] == props1 propsheet = session.query(PropertySheet).one() assert propsheet.sid assert propsheet.rid == resource.rid current = session.query(CurrentPropertySheet).one() assert current.sid == propsheet.sid assert current.rid == resource.rid record = session.query(TransactionRecord).one() assert record.tid assert propsheet.tid == record.tid
def test_delete_simple(session, storage): from import ( Resource, Key, PropertySheet, CurrentPropertySheet, TransactionRecord, ) name = 'testdata' props1 = {'foo': 'bar'} resource = Resource('test_item', {name: props1}) session.add(resource) session.flush() resource = session.query(Resource).one() check = storage.get_by_uuid(str(resource.rid)) assert check[name] == props1 # add a key testname = 'foo' key = Key(rid=resource.rid, name=testname, value=props1[testname]) session.add(key) session.flush() assert session.query(Key).count() == 1 propsheet = session.query(PropertySheet).one() assert propsheet.sid assert propsheet.rid == resource.rid current = session.query(CurrentPropertySheet).one() assert current.sid == propsheet.sid assert current.rid == resource.rid storage.delete_by_uuid(str(resource.rid)) check_post = storage.get_by_uuid(str(resource.rid)) assert not check_post assert session.query(Key).count() == 0 assert session.query(PropertySheet).count() == 0 assert session.query(CurrentPropertySheet).count() == 0