コード例 #1
def test_ocsp_with_outdated_cache(tmpdir):
    Attempt to use outdated OCSP response cache file
    cache_file_name, target_hosts = _store_cache_in_file(tmpdir)

    ocsp = SFOCSP(ocsp_response_cache_uri='file://' + cache_file_name)

    # reading cache file
    OCSPCache.read_ocsp_response_cache_file(ocsp, cache_file_name)
    cache_data = OCSPCache.CACHE
    assert cache_data, "more than one cache entries should be stored."

    # setting outdated data
    current_time = int(time.time())
    for k, v in cache_data.items():
        cache_data[k] = (current_time - 48 * 60 * 60, v[1])

    # write back the cache file
    OCSPCache.CACHE = cache_data
    OCSPCache.write_ocsp_response_cache_file(ocsp, cache_file_name)

    # forces to use the bogus cache file but it should raise errors
    SnowflakeOCSP.clear_cache()  # reset the memory cache
    SFOCSP(ocsp_response_cache_uri='file://' + cache_file_name)
    assert SnowflakeOCSP.cache_size() == 0, \
        'must be empty. outdated cache should not be loaded'
コード例 #2
def test_ocsp_with_bogus_cache_files(tmpdir):
    Attempt to use bogus OCSP response data

    cache_file_name, target_hosts = _store_cache_in_file(tmpdir)

    ocsp = SFOCSP(ocsp_response_cache_uri='file://' + cache_file_name)
    OCSPCache.read_ocsp_response_cache_file(ocsp, cache_file_name)
    cache_data = OCSPCache.CACHE
    assert cache_data, "more than one cache entries should be stored."

    # setting bogus data
    current_time = int(time.time())
    for k, v in cache_data.items():
        cache_data[k] = (current_time, b'bogus')

    # write back the cache file
    OCSPCache.CACHE = cache_data
    OCSPCache.write_ocsp_response_cache_file(ocsp, cache_file_name)

    # forces to use the bogus cache file but it should raise errors
    ocsp = SFOCSP(ocsp_response_cache_uri='file://' + cache_file_name)
    for hostname in target_hosts:
        connection = _openssl_connect(hostname)
        assert ocsp.validate(hostname, connection), \
            'Failed to validate: {0}'.format(hostname)