def test_makes_replica_name_safe(): shdocker = SnowShuDocker() VALID_REP_NAMES = [ "Replica With Spaces", "replica-with-----dashes", "--replica-lead-dashes", "replica.with.periods", "1_Replica_____with___underscores" ] INVALID_REP_NAMES = [ "invalid-©haracter", "$uper.i!!eg@l", "replica_i!!egal_char" ] valid_result = [ shdocker.sanitize_replica_name(rep) for rep in VALID_REP_NAMES ] assert valid_result == [ "snowshu_replica_replica-with-spaces", "snowshu_replica_replica-with-dashes", "snowshu_replica_replica-lead-dashes", "snowshu_replica_replica-with-periods", "snowshu_replica_1-replica-with-underscores" ] for rep in INVALID_REP_NAMES: with pytest.raises(ValueError): shdocker.sanitize_replica_name(rep)
def finalize_replica(self) -> str: """returns the image name of the completed replica. """ shdocker = SnowShuDocker()'Finalizing target container into replica...') replica_image = shdocker.convert_container_to_replica( self.replica_meta['name'], self.container, self)'Finalized replica image {self.replica_meta["name"]}') return replica_image.tags[0]
def test_remounts_data_in_replica(): container = mock.MagicMock() container.exec_run.return_value = ( 0, '', ) shdocker = SnowShuDocker() shdocker._remount_replica_data(container, PostgresAdapter()) assert [arg for arg in container.exec_run.call_args_list ][0][0][0] == "/bin/bash -c 'mkdir /snowshu_replica_data'"
def _init_image(self, source_adapter_name: str) -> None: shdocker = SnowShuDocker()'Initializing target container...') self.container = shdocker.startup( self.DOCKER_IMAGE, self.DOCKER_START_COMMAND, self.DOCKER_TARGET_PORT, self.CLASSNAME, source_adapter_name, self._build_snowshu_envars(self.DOCKER_SNOWSHU_ENVARS))'Container initialized.') while not self.target_database_is_ready(): sleep(.5) self._initialize_snowshu_meta_database()
def list(): shdocker = SnowShuDocker() images = shdocker.find_snowshu_images() if len(images) < 1: return "\n\nNo SnowShu replicas found.\n\ You can create a new replica by running `snowshu create`.\n\n" collection = [( shdocker.replica_image_name_to_common_name(img.tags[0]), datetime.strftime(parse(img.attrs['Metadata']['LastTagTime']), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), img.labels['source_adapter'], img.labels['target_adapter'], img.tags[0], ) for img in images] return format_set_of_available_images(collection)
def launch_docker_command(replica: str) -> str: """Finds the replica and returns a docker run command to launch it. Args: replica: the common name of the replica, ie "integration-test" for image "snowshu_replica_integration-test". Returns: The docker command to run a detached replica mounted to port 9999. """ shdocker = SnowShuDocker() images = shdocker.find_snowshu_images() cmd_string = 'docker run -d -p 9999:9999 --rm --name {} {}' for image in images: image_name = image.tags[0] image_without_registry_or_tag = (image_name.split( os.path.sep)[-1]).split(':')[0] if shdocker.sanitize_replica_name( replica) == image_without_registry_or_tag: return cmd_string.format(replica, image_name) return f'No replica found for {replica}.'
def test_creates_replica(docker_flush): # build image # load it up with some data # convert it to a replica # spin it all down # start the replica # query it and confirm that the data is in there shdocker = SnowShuDocker() target_adapter = PostgresAdapter(replica_metadata={}) target_container = shdocker.startup( target_adapter.DOCKER_IMAGE, target_adapter.DOCKER_START_COMMAND, 9999, target_adapter, 'SnowflakeAdapter', [ 'POSTGRES_USER=snowshu', 'POSTGRES_PASSWORD=snowshu', 'POSTGRES_DB=snowshu', f'PGDATA=/{DOCKER_REMOUNT_DIRECTORY}' ]) # load test data time.sleep( DOCKER_SPIN_UP_TIMEOUT) # give pg a moment to spin up all the way engine = create_engine( 'postgresql://*****:*****@snowshu_target:9999/snowshu') engine.execute( f'CREATE TABLE {TEST_TABLE} (column_one VARCHAR, column_two INT)') engine.execute( f"INSERT INTO {TEST_TABLE} VALUES ('a',1), ('b',2), ('c',3)") checkpoint = engine.execute(f"SELECT * FROM {TEST_TABLE}").fetchall() assert ('a', 1) == checkpoint[0] replica = shdocker.convert_container_to_replica(TEST_NAME, target_container) # get a new replica client = docker.from_env(), ports={'9999/tcp': 9999}, name=TEST_NAME, network='snowshu', detach=True) time.sleep( DOCKER_SPIN_UP_TIMEOUT) # give pg a moment to spin up all the way engine = create_engine( f'postgresql://*****:*****@{TEST_NAME}:9999/snowshu') res = engine.execute(f'SELECT * FROM {TEST_TABLE}').fetchall() assert ( 'a', 1, ) in res assert ( 'b', 2, ) in res assert ( 'c', 3, ) in res # verify that the extra OS packages are installed res = engine.execute("create extension plpython3u;") shdocker.remove_container(TEST_NAME)
def test_using_different_image(end_to_end): shdocker = SnowShuDocker() target_adapter = PostgresAdapter(replica_metadata={}) envars = [ 'POSTGRES_USER=snowshu', 'POSTGRES_PASSWORD=snowshu', 'POSTGRES_DB=snowshu', f'PGDATA=/{DOCKER_REMOUNT_DIRECTORY}' ] target_container = shdocker.get_stopped_container( 'snowshu_replica_integration-test', target_adapter.DOCKER_START_COMMAND, envars, 9900, name=DOCKER_TARGET_CONTAINER, labels=dict(snowshu_replica='true', target_adapter=target_adapter.CLASSNAME, source_adapter='SnowflakeAdapter')) assert target_container.status == 'created' assert target_container.image.tags[ 0] == 'snowshu_replica_integration-test:latest' target_container.start() target_container.reload() assert target_container.status == 'running' target_container.remove(force=True)
def initialize_replica( self, source_adapter_name: str, override_image: str = None ) -> None: # noqa pylint:disable=too-many-branches """shimming but will want to move _init_image public with this interface. Args: source_adapter_name: the classname of the source adapter override_image: the name of incremental image to initialize, if specified will override default image """ if override_image: try: shdocker = SnowShuDocker() images = shdocker.client.images.list(name=override_image) logger.debug( f"List of images found with name {override_image}: {images}" ) image_commands = [] for item in images[0].history(): if ("postgres" in item["CreatedBy"]) or ("PGDATA" in item["CreatedBy"]): image_commands.append(item["CreatedBy"]) if len(image_commands) > 0: self.__class__.DOCKER_IMAGE = override_image else: logger.error( f"The override image is not a Postgres image: {override_image}" ) raise Exception( f"The override image is not a Postgres image: {override_image}" ) except Exception as error: logger.error( "Looks like provided DOCKER_IMAGE does not exists, error:\n%s", error) raise error self._init_image(source_adapter_name)