コード例 #1
 def getNextValues(self, state, inp):
     # inp is a tuple (distanceRight, angle)
     error = desiredRight - inp[0]
     if inp[1] == None:
         output = io.Action(forwardVelocity, rvel=0)
     output = io.Action(forwardVelocity, rvel=k3 * error - k4 * inp[1])
     return state, output
コード例 #2
 def getNextValues(self, state, inp):
     if state == "initialize":
         if not wall_ahead(inp.sonars):
             fvel = 0.03
             rvel = 0.0
             return (state, io.Action(fvel=fvel, rvel=rvel))
             fvel = 0.0
             rvel = 0.0
             return ("follow", io.Action(fvel=fvel, rvel=rvel))
     if state == "follow":
         if wall_ahead(inp.sonars):
             fvel = 0.0
             rvel = 0.03
             print "turning left", "cause wall ahead"
             return ("follow", io.Action(fvel=fvel, rvel=rvel))
         elif right_wall_too_close(inp.sonars):
             fvel = 0.01
             rvel = 0.03
             print "turning left", "cause wall too close"
             return ("follow", io.Action(fvel=fvel, rvel=rvel))
         elif right_wall_too_far(inp.sonars):
             fvel = 0.01
             rvel = -0.03
             print "turning right", "cause wall too far"
             return ("follow", io.Action(fvel=fvel, rvel=rvel))
コード例 #3
    def get_next_values(self, state, inp):
        (goalPoint, sensors) = inp
        robotPose = sensors.odometry
        robotPoint = robotPose.point()
        robotTheta = robotPose.theta

        nearGoal = robotPoint.is_near(goalPoint, self.dist_eps)

        headingTheta = robotPoint.angleTo(goalPoint)
        r = robotPoint.distance(goalPoint)

        if nearGoal:
            # At the right place, so do nothing
            a = io.Action()
        elif util.near_angle(robotTheta, headingTheta, self.angle_eps):
            # Pointing in the right direction, so move forward
            a = io.Action(
                fvel=util.clip(r *
                               self.forwardGain, -self.maxFVel, self.maxFVel))
            # Rotate to point toward goal
            headingError = util.fix_angle_plus_minus_pi(headingTheta -
            a = io.Action(
                rvel=util.clip(headingError *
                               self.rotationGain, -self.maxRVel, self.maxRVel))
        return (nearGoal, a)
コード例 #4
    def getNextValues(self, state, inp):
        forwardDist = min(inp.sonars[3], inp.sonars[4])
        wallDist = inp.sonars[7]
        if state == 'searching':
            delta = forwardDist - self.targetDist

            if abs(delta) > self.tolerance:
                return (state, self.stepForward(delta))
                return ('following', io.Action(fvel=0, rvel=0))

        if state == 'following':
            steerAwayDelta = self.getSteerAwayDelta(inp)
            print '1-', steerAwayDelta
            if steerAwayDelta is not None:
                delta = forwardDist - self.targetDist
                return (state, self.stepCCW(delta))

            steerToDelta = self.getSteerToDelta(inp)
            print '2-', steerToDelta
            if steerToDelta is not None:
                delta = wallDist - self.targetDist
                return (state, self.stepCW(delta))

            return (state, self.stepForward(0.1))

        return (state, io.Action(fvel=0, rvel=0))
コード例 #5
def step():
    global confident, targetX, targetTheta
    inp = io.SensorInput()
    sonars = inp.sonars

    # current discretized sonar reading
    left = discretize(sonars[0], sonarMax / numObservations,
                      numObservations - 1)

    if not confident:
        # GRAPHICS
        if robot.g is not None:
            # update observation model graph
                [obsModel(s).prob(left) for s in xrange(numStates)])

        if DO_ESTIMATION:
            # update belief state

        (location, confident) = confidentLocation(robot.estimator.belief)

        # GRAPHICS
        if robot.g is not None:
            # update belief graph
                [robot.estimator.belief.prob(s) for s in xrange(numStates)])
        if confident:
            targetX = (parkingSpot - location) * (
                xMax - xMin) / float(numStates) + inp.odometry.x
            print 'I am at x =', location, ': proceeding to parking space'

        # DL6 Angle Controller
        (distanceRight, theta) = sonarDist.getDistanceRightAndAngle(sonars)
        if not theta:
            theta = 0
            print 'Angle too large!'
        e = desiredRight - distanceRight
        ROTATIONAL_VELOCITY = Kp * e - Ka * theta

        inp.odometry.theta = util.fixAnglePlusMinusPi(inp.odometry.theta)
        if inp.odometry.x > targetX + .05 and abs(
                inp.odometry.theta) < math.pi / 4:
                      rvel=0).execute()  #drive backwards if necessary
        elif inp.odometry.x < targetX and abs(
                inp.odometry.theta) < math.pi / 4:
            io.Action(fvel=0.2, rvel=0).execute()  #drive to desired x location
        elif inp.odometry.theta < targetTheta - .05:
            io.Action(fvel=0, rvel=0.2).execute()  #rotate
        elif inp.sonars[3] > .3:
            io.Action(fvel=0.2, rvel=0).execute()  #drive into spot
            io.Action(fvel=0, rvel=0).execute(
            )  #congratulate yourself (or call insurance company)
コード例 #6
 def getNextValues(self, state, inp):
     print inp.sonars  # list
     print inp.odometry.theta
     if inp.sonars[2] >= 0.5 and inp.sonars[1] >= 0.5:
         return (state, io.Action(fvel=0.5, rvel=0))
     if inp.sonars[2] < 0.5 and inp.sonar[1] > 3:
         return (state, io.Action(fvel=0, rvel=0.5))
     if inp.sonars[2] < 0.5 and inp.sonar[1] <= 3:
         return (state, io.Action(fvel=0, rvel=-1))
コード例 #7
ファイル: smBrain.py プロジェクト: iPhaeton/6.01-designLab02
    def getNextValues(self, state, inp):
        currentDist = min(inp.sonars[3], inp.sonars[4])
        delta = currentDist - self.targetDist

        if abs(delta) > self.tolerance:
            fvel = self.coeff * delta * self.fvelMax
            fvel = max(min(fvel, self.fvelMax), -self.fvelMax)
            return (currentDist, io.Action(fvel=fvel, rvel=0))
            return (currentDist, io.Action(fvel=0, rvel=0))
コード例 #8
ファイル: smBrain.py プロジェクト: damnsl/mit
 def getNextValues(self, state, inp):
     if state == 'start':
         if inp.sonars[3] >=.5:
             return ('moveForward', io.Action(fvel = 0.3, rvel = 0.0))
             return('stop', io.Action(fvel = 0.0, rvel = 0.0))
     elif state == 'moveForward':
         if inp.sonars[3] >=.5:
             return ('moveForward', io.Action(fvel = 0.3, rvel = 0.0))
             return ('stop', io.Action(fvel = 0.0, rvel = 0.0))
         return('stop', io.Action(fvel = 0.0, rvel = 0.0))
コード例 #9
def forwardx(speed, x):  #moving from x to 0
    while io.SensorInput().odometry.x > x:
        print 'Sonar:' + str(io.SensorInput().sonars[2])
        if io.SensorInput().sonars[2] == 0.18 or (
                io.SensorInput().sonars[2] > 0.18
                and io.SensorInput().sonars[2] < 0.25):
            io.Action(fvel=0, rvel=0).execute()
            io.Action(0, 0).execute()
            io.Action(fvel=speed, rvel=0).execute()
            io.Action(0, 0).execute()
コード例 #10
def forwardy(speed, y):  #moving from y to y=0
    while io.SensorInput().odometry.y > y:
        print 'Sonar:' + str(io.SensorInput().sonars[2])
        if io.SensorInput().sonars[2] == 0.18 or (
                io.SensorInput().sonars[2] > 0.18
                and io.SensorInput().sonars[2] < 0.25):
            io.Action(0, 0).execute()
            io.Action(0, 0).execute()

            io.Action(speed, 0).execute()
            io.Action(0, 0).execute()
コード例 #11
    def getNextValues(self, state, inp):
        p = 0
        print state
        if state == 0:
#            print inp.sonars[0]
            print inp.sonars[2]
            if p == 0:
                if inp.sonars[2]< 0.3:
                    nextstate = 0
                    output = (io.Action(fvel = -0.5, rvel = 0))
                elif inp.sonars[2]>=0.5:
                    if inp.sonars[0] == 5 and inp.sonars[3] == 5 and inp.sonars[4]>0.6:
                        nextstate = 2
                        output = (io.Action(fvel = 0.5, rvel = -0.2))
                        nextstate = 0
                        output = (io.Action(fvel = 0.5, rvel = 0))
                elif inp.sonars[2]>=0.3 and inp.sonars[2]<0.5:
                    nextstate = 1
                    output = (io.Action(fvel = 0, rvel = 0.2))
            elif p == 1: 
                if inp.sonars[2]>=0.3 and inp.sonars[2]<0.5:
                    nextstate = 1
                    output = (io.Action(fvel = 0, rvel = 0.2))
                if inp.sonars[4]>0.5 and inp.sonars[3]>0.75:
                    nextstate = 2
                    output = (io.Action(fvel = 0, rvel = -0.2))
        elif state == 1: 
            v = inp.sonars[3]
            c = m.sqrt(2)*inp.sonars[4]
            print v
            print c
            if v >= c-0.005 and v < c+0.005:
                p = 1
                nextstate = 0
                output = (io.Action(fvel = 0.5, rvel = 0))
                nextstate = 1
                output = (io.Action(fvel = 0, rvel = 0.2))
        elif state == 2: 
            print state
            if inp.sonars[2]>1 and inp.sonars[3]<0.75:
                nextstate = 0
                output = (io.Action(fvel = 0.5, rvel = 0))
                nextstate = 2
                output = (io.Action(fvel = 0, rvel = -0.2))
        return(nextstate, output)
コード例 #12
ファイル: move.py プロジェクト: randName/libdw3
def actionToPoint(goalPoint, robotPose, forwardGain, rotationGain, maxVel,
    Internal procedure that returns an action to take to drive
    toward a specified goal point.
    rvel = 0
    fvel = 0
    robotPoint = robotPose.point()

    # Compute the angle between the robot and the goal point
    headingTheta = robotPoint.angleTo(goalPoint)

    # Difference between the way the robot is currently heading and
    # the angle to the goal.  This is an angular error relative to the
    # robot's current heading, in the range +pi to -pi.
    headingError = util.fixAnglePlusMinusPi(headingTheta - robotPose.theta)

    if util.nearAngle(robotPose.theta, headingTheta, angleEps):
        # The robot is pointing toward the goal, so it's okay to move
        # forward.  Note that we are actually doing two proportional
        # controllers simultaneously:  one to reduce angular error
        # and one to reduce distance error.
        distToGoal = robotPoint.distance(goalPoint)
        fvel = distToGoal * forwardGain
        rvel = headingError * rotationGain
        # The robot is not pointing close enough to the goal, so don't
        # start moving foward yet.  This is a proportional controller
        # to reduce angular error.
        rvel = headingError * rotationGain
    return io.Action(fvel=util.clip(fvel, -maxVel, maxVel),
                     rvel=util.clip(rvel, -maxVel, maxVel))
コード例 #13
 def getNextValues(self, state, inp):
     # Replace this definition
     print 'DynamicMoveToPoint', 'state=', state, 'inp=', inp
     assert isinstance(inp, tuple), 'inp should be a tuple'
     assert len(inp) == 2, 'inp should be of length 2'
     assert isinstance(inp[0], util.Point), 'inp[0] should be a Point'
     return (state, io.Action())
コード例 #14
 def getNextValues(self, state, inp):
     #Your code here
     nextState = 0
     k = 10  # checkoff1: case1 k=0.5, case2 k=10, case3 k=100
     diff = dDesired - inp
     forward = -(k * diff)
     return (nextState, io.Action(fvel=forward, rvel=0))
コード例 #15
def rotate_cw(speed, setangle):
    io.Action(fvel=0, rvel=-1 * speed).execute()
    io.Action(fvel=0, rvel=0).execute()
    angle = True
    while angle:
        io.Action(fvel=0, rvel=-1 * speed).execute()
        io.Action(fvel=0, rvel=0).execute()
        if io.SensorInput().odometry.theta != 0:
            angle = float(io.SensorInput().odometry.theta) > setangle
        print angle, io.SensorInput().odometry.theta

    #ebot.wheels(1*speed, -1*speed)
コード例 #16
 def getNextValues(self, state, inp):
     state, orig_angle = state
     angle = util.fixAnglePlusMinusPi(inp.odometry.theta)
     front_dist = inp.sonars[2]
     eps = 0.01
     if state == 'forward':
         if front_dist <= 0.5:
             next_state = ('rotate', angle)
             forward = 0.0
             rotation = 0.1
             next_state = (Q1, Q2)
             forward = 0.1
             rotation = 0.0
     elif state == 'rotate':
         if not util.nearAngle(abs(angle - orig_angle), math.pi / 2.0, eps):
             next_state = (Q3, Q4)
             forward = 0.0
             rotation = 0.1
             next_state = (Q5, Q6)
             forward = 0.1
             rotation = 0.0
     print next_state, forward, rotation
     return (next_state, io.Action(fvel=forward, rvel=rotation))
 def getNextValues(self, state, inp):
     currentError = desiredRight - inp
     lastError = desiredRight - state
     k1 = 100
     k2 = -97.36
     velocity = k1 * currentError + k2 * lastError
     output = io.Action(fvel=forwardVelocity, rvel=velocity)
     return inp, output
コード例 #18
 def getNextValues(self, state, inp):
     left = inp.analogInputs[1]
     right = inp.analogInputs[2]
     gain = 1.0  # try varying this to increase speed
     ctrl_out = 5.0 + gain * (left - right)
     nextstate = ctrl_out
     v_out = ctrl_out  # change to v_out = state for extra delay
     return (nextstate, io.Action(fvel=0.0, rvel=0.0, voltage=v_out))
コード例 #19
    def getNextValues(self, state, inp): #taking in sensory data as its input

        print inp.sonars# list
        print inp.odometry.theta
        if state == 0: #Detect wall
            if inp.sonars[2] < 0.5: #Rotate cw while moving fwd when d<0.5
                return (1, io.Action(fvel = 0.05, rvel = 0.2))
            else: #Keep going until d<0.5
                return (0, io.Action(fvel = 0.1, rvel = 0.0))

        if state == 1: #Snake-ing
            if inp.sonars[2] > 0.5 and inp.sonars[4] > 0.5: #rotate back to wall(ccw)
                return (1, io.Action(fvel = 0.05, rvel = -0.2))
            elif inp.sonars[2] > 0.5 and inp.sonars[4] < 0.5: #keep turning out of wall(cw)
                return (1, io.Action(fvel = 0.05, rvel = 0.2))
            elif inp.sonars[2] < 0.5: 
                return (0, io.Action(fvel = 0.05, rvel = 0.2))
コード例 #20
def backward(speed, y):  #moving from y=0
    while io.SensorInput().odometry.y < y:
        print 'Sonar:' + str(io.SensorInput().sonars[5])
        if io.SensorInput().sonars[5] == 0.18 or (
                io.SensorInput().sonars[5] > 0.18
                and io.SensorInput().sonars[5] < 0.25):
            io.Action(0, 0).execute()
            io.Action(0, 0).execute()

            io.Action(-speed, 0).execute()
            io.Action(0, 0).execute()
    #ebot.wheels(speed, speed)

コード例 #21
 def getNextValues(self, state, inp):
     # print inp.sonars  # list
     # print inp.odometry.theta
     sensor_data = round(inp.sonars[2], 2)
     # speed = abs(0.2 * sensor_data - 0.1)
     if sensor_data > 1:
         output = io.Action(fvel=0.1, rvel=0)
     elif sensor_data >= 0.53:
         output = io.Action(fvel=0.05, rvel=0)
         print '====='
     elif 0.47 < sensor_data < 0.53:
         output = io.Action(fvel=0, rvel=0)
         print "******"
     elif sensor_data <= 0.47:
         output = io.Action(fvel=-0.05, rvel=0)
         print '-----'
     return state, output
コード例 #22
 def getNextValues(self, state, inp):
     if state != self.startState:
         newS = desiredRight - inp
         newO = io.Action(fvel=forwardVelocity,
                          rvel=300 * (desiredRight - inp) + -272 * state)
         return (newS, newO)
         newS = desiredRight - inp
         return (newS, state)
コード例 #23
    def getNextValues(self, state, inp):
        print 'DynamicMoveToPoint', 'state=', state, 'inp=', inp
        assert isinstance(inp,tuple), 'inp should be a tuple'
        assert len(inp) == 2, 'inp should be of length 2'
        assert isinstance(inp[0],util.Point), 'inp[0] should be a Point'

        goal_point, sensors = inp
        pose = sensors.odometry
        goal_theta = util.fixAngle02Pi(pose.point().angleTo(goal_point))
        if not util.nearAngle(goal_theta, pose.theta, 0.04):
            print "Goal theta is", goal_theta
            print "Pose theta is", pose.theta
            if is_between(goal_theta, pose.theta, pose.theta + math.pi):
                return (state, io.Action(rvel=0.03, fvel=0.0))
                return (state, io.Action(rvel=-0.03, fvel=0.0))
        return (state, io.Action(rvel=0.00, fvel=pose.point().distance(goal_point)))
コード例 #24
    def getNextValues(self, state, inp):
        # Your code here
        error = dDesired - inp
        output = self.k * error

        velocity = output

        return state, io.Action(fvel=velocity, rvel=0)
コード例 #25
    def getNextValues(self, state, inp):
        k1 = 100
        k2 = -97.36
        Dist.append(k1 * (desiredRight - rSensed[len(rSensed) - 1]) + k2 *
                    (desiredRight - rSensed[len(rSensed) - 2]))
        return (state, io.Action(fvel=forwardVelocity,
                                 rvel=Dist[len(Dist) - 1]))

        # Your code here
コード例 #26
    def getNextValues(self, state, inp):

        # Your code here
        k1 = 300
        k2 = -271.74
        dDesired = 0.5
        diff = dDesired - inp
        turn = k1 * diff + k2 * state
        nextState = diff
        return (nextState, io.Action(fvel=0.1, rvel=turn))
コード例 #27
    def getNextValues(self, state, inp):

        k = -25
        dDesired = 0.5
        nextState = 0
        diff = inp - dDesired
        turn = (k * diff)
        return (nextState, io.Action(fvel=0.1, rvel=turn))

コード例 #28
ファイル: move.py プロジェクト: engcarlosrosa/SOAR-Source
def actionToPose(goalPose, robotPose, forwardGain, rotationGain,
                 maxVel, angleEps, distEps):
    Internal procedure that returns an action to take to drive
    toward a specified goal pose.
    if robotPose.distance(goalPose) < distEps:
        finalRotError = util.fixAnglePlusMinusPi(goalPose.theta -robotPose.theta)
        return io.Action(rvel = finalRotError * rotationGain)
        return actionToPoint(goalPose.point(), robotPose, forwardGain,
                             rotationGain, maxVel, angleEps)
コード例 #29
    def getNextValues(self, state, inp):
        # print inp.sonars  # list
        # print inp.odometry.theta
        front = round(inp.sonars[2], 2)
        upright = round(inp.sonars[3], 2)
        right = round(inp.sonars[4], 2)

        if state == 'searching':
            if front <= 0.3:
                nextState = 'left'
                output = io.Action(fvel=0, rvel=0)
            elif front > 0.3:
                nextState = 'searching'
                output = io.Action(fvel=0.1, rvel=0)
        elif state == 'left':
            if front >= 0.3 and upright >= round(
                    math.sqrt(2) * right + 0.01, 2):
                nextState = 'forward'
                output = io.Action(fvel=0, rvel=0)
            elif front < 0.3 or upright < round(
                    math.sqrt(2) * right + 0.01, 2):
                nextState = 'left'
                output = io.Action(fvel=0, rvel=0.1)
        elif state == 'forward':
            if front <= 0.3:
                nextState = 'left'
                output = io.Action(fvel=0, rvel=0)
            elif upright >= round(math.sqrt(2) * 0.5 + 0.01, 2):
                nextState = 'right'
                output = io.Action(fvel=0, rvel=0)
                nextState = 'forward'
                output = io.Action(fvel=0.1, rvel=0)
        elif state == 'right':
            if upright >= round(math.sqrt(2) * 0.5 + 0.01, 2):
                nextState = 'right'
                output = io.Action(fvel=0, rvel=-0.1)
            elif upright < round(math.sqrt(2) * 0.5 + 0.01, 2):
                nextState = 'forward'
                output = io.Action(fvel=0, rvel=0)

        print nextState, front, right, upright, round(math.sqrt(2) * right, 2)
        return nextState, output
コード例 #30
class WallFollower(sm.SM):
    startState = io.Action(
        fvel=0, rvel=0
    )  # stored in startState is an instance of io.Action at the first time step

    def getNextValues(self, state, inp):
        if state != self.startState:
            newS = desiredRight - inp
            newO = io.Action(fvel=forwardVelocity,
                             rvel=300 * (desiredRight - inp) + -272 * state)
            return (newS, newO)
            newS = desiredRight - inp
            return (newS, state)