コード例 #1
def accept_proposals(request, *args, **kwargs):
  """Accept proposals for an organization

  params = request.POST

  # Setup an artifical request deadline
  timelimit = int(params["timelimit"])
  timekeeper = Timekeeper(timelimit)

  # Query proposals based on status
  org = org_logic.getFromKeyName(params["orgkey"])
  proposals = student_proposal_logic.getProposalsToBeAcceptedForOrg(org)

  # Accept proposals
    for remain, proposal in timekeeper.iterate(proposals):
      logging.info("accept %s %s %s", remain, org.key(), proposal.key())

  # Requeue this task for continuation
  except DeadlineExceededError:
    taskqueue.add(url=request.path, params=params)
    return responses.terminateTask()

  # Reject remaining proposals
  taskqueue.add(url=params["nextpath"], params=params)
  return responses.terminateTask()
コード例 #2
def reject_proposals(request, *args, **kwargs):
  """Reject proposals for an org_logic

  params = request.POST

  # Setup an artifical request deadline
  timelimit = int(params["timelimit"])
  timekeeper = Timekeeper(timelimit)

  # Query proposals
  org = org_logic.getFromKeyName(params["orgkey"])
  proposals = reject_proposals_query(org)

  # Reject proposals
    for remain, proposal in timekeeper.iterate(proposals):
      logging.info("reject %s %s %s", remain, org.key(), proposal.key())

  # Requeue this task for continuation
  except DeadlineExceededError:
    taskqueue.add(url=request.path, params=params)

  # Exit this task successfully
  return responses.terminateTask()
コード例 #3
def reject_proposals(request, *args, **kwargs):
    """Reject proposals for an org_logic

    params = request.POST

    # Setup an artifical request deadline
    timelimit = int(params["timelimit"])
    timekeeper = Timekeeper(timelimit)

    # Query proposals
    org = org_logic.getFromKeyName(params["orgkey"])
    proposals = reject_proposals_query(org)

    # Reject proposals
        for remain, proposal in timekeeper.iterate(proposals):
            logging.info("reject %s %s %s", remain, org.key(), proposal.key())

    # Requeue this task for continuation
    except DeadlineExceededError:
        taskqueue.add(url=request.path, params=params)

    # Exit this task successfully
    return responses.terminateTask()
コード例 #4
def accept_proposals(request, *args, **kwargs):
    """Accept proposals for an organization

    params = request.POST

    # Setup an artifical request deadline
    timelimit = int(params["timelimit"])
    timekeeper = Timekeeper(timelimit)

    # Query proposals based on status
    org = org_logic.getFromKeyName(params["orgkey"])
    proposals = student_proposal_logic.getProposalsToBeAcceptedForOrg(org)

    # Accept proposals
        for remain, proposal in timekeeper.iterate(proposals):
            logging.info("accept %s %s %s", remain, org.key(), proposal.key())

    # Requeue this task for continuation
    except DeadlineExceededError:
        taskqueue.add(url=request.path, params=params)
        return responses.terminateTask()

    # Reject remaining proposals
    taskqueue.add(url=params["nextpath"], params=params)
    return responses.terminateTask()
コード例 #5
  def rejectProposals(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
    """Reject proposals for an single organization.
    params = request.POST

    # Setup an artifical request deadline
    timekeeper = Timekeeper(20000)

    # Query proposals
    org = soc_org_model.SOCOrganization.get_by_id(params['org_key'])
    q = GSoCProposal.all()
    q.filter('org', org.key.to_old_key())
    q.filter('status', 'pending')

    # Reject proposals
      for remain, proposal in timekeeper.iterate(q):
        logging.info("reject %s %s %s", remain, org.key.id(), proposal.key())
    # Requeue this task for continuation
    except DeadlineExceededError:
      taskqueue.add(url=request.path, params=params)

    # Exit this task successfully
    return responses.terminateTask()
コード例 #6
  def acceptProposals(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
    """Accept proposals for an single organization.

    POST Args:
      org_key: The key of the organization
    params = request.POST

    # Setup an artifical request deadline
    timekeeper = Timekeeper(20000)

    # Query proposals based on status
    org = soc_org_model.SOCOrganization.get_by_id(params['org_key'])
    proposals = proposal_logic.getProposalsToBeAcceptedForOrg(org)

    # Accept proposals
      for remain, proposal in timekeeper.iterate(proposals):
        logging.info("accept %s %s %s", remain, org.key.id(), proposal.key())
    # Requeue this task for continuation
    except DeadlineExceededError:
      taskqueue.add(url=request.path, params=params)
      return responses.terminateTask()

    # Reject remaining proposals
    taskqueue.add(url='/tasks/gsoc/accept_proposals/reject', params=params)
    return responses.terminateTask()
コード例 #7
def assignSlots(request, *args, **kwargs):
  """Sets the slots attribute for each organization entity

  POST Args:
    slots: an org_key:num_slots JSON dictionary

  # Setup an artifical request deadline
  timelimit = int(request.REQUEST.get("timelimit", 20000))
  timekeeper = Timekeeper(timelimit)

  program_key = request.REQUEST.get("programkey")
  last_key = request.REQUEST.get("lastkey", "")
  program = program_logic.getFromKeyName(program_key)

  # Copy for modification below
  params = request.POST.copy()
  params["timelimit"] = timelimit

  # Parse the JSON org:slots dictionary
  slots = simplejson.loads(program.slots_allocation)
  org_keys = [i for i in sorted(slots.keys()) if i > last_key]

  # Assign slots for each organization
    for clock, org_key in timekeeper.iterate(org_keys):
      logging.info("%s %s %s", request.path, clock, org_key)

      org_slots = slots[org_key]
      # Get the organization entity
      org = org_logic.getFromKeyFields({
          'link_id': org_key,
          'scope_path': program_key,

      if not org:
        logging.error("no such org '%s'/'%s'" % (program_key, org_key))

      # Count proposals and mentors
      org.slots = int(org_slots['slots'])
      org.nr_applications, org.nr_mentors = countProposals(org)

      # Update the organization entity

      # Mark the organization as done
      last_key = org_key

  # Requeue this task for continuation
  except DeadlineExceededError:
    params["lastkey"] = last_key
    taskqueue.add(url=request.path, params=params)

  # Exit this task successfully
  return responses.terminateTask()
コード例 #8
ファイル: bulk_create.py プロジェクト: rhyolight/nupic.son
    def bulkCreateTasks(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        """Task that creates GCI Tasks from bulk data specified in the POST dict.

    The POST dict should have the following information present:
        bulk_create_key: the key of the bulk_create entity
        import settings

        # keep track of our own timelimit (20 seconds)
        timelimit = 20000
        timekeeper = Timekeeper(timelimit)

        post_dict = request.POST

        bulk_create_key = post_dict.get('bulk_create_key')
        if not bulk_create_key:
            return error_handler.logErrorAndReturnOK(
                'Not all POST data specified in: %s' % post_dict)

        bulk_data = GCIBulkCreateData.get(bulk_create_key)
        if not bulk_data:
            return error_handler.logErrorAndReturnOK(
                'No valid data found for key: %s' % bulk_create_key)

        # note that we only query for the quota once
        org_admin = ndb.Key.from_old_key(
        org = bulk_data.org
        task_quota = getRemainingTaskQuota(org)

        # TODO(ljvderijk): Add transactions

        tasks = bulk_data.tasks
        while len(tasks) > 0:
                # check if we have time

                if settings.GCI_TASK_QUOTA_LIMIT_ENABLED and task_quota <= 0:
                    return error_handler.logErrorAndReturnOK(
                        'Task quota reached for %s' % (org.name))

                # remove the first task
                task_as_string = tasks.pop(0)

                loaded_task = json.loads(task_as_string)
                task = {}
                for key, value in loaded_task.iteritems():
                    # If we don't do this python will complain about kwargs not being
                    # strings when we try to save the new task.
                    task[key.encode('UTF-8')] = value

                logging.info('Uncleaned task: %s', task)
                # clean the data
                errors = self._cleanTask(task, org)

                if errors:
                        'Invalid task data uploaded, the following errors occurred: %s',
                        'The task in row %i contains the following errors.\n %s' \
                        %(bulk_data.tasksRemoved(), '\n'.join(errors))))

                # at-most-once semantics for creating tasks

                if errors:
                    # do the next task

                # set other properties
                task['org'] = org

                # TODO(daniel): access program in more efficient way
                task['program'] = org_admin.program.to_old_key()
                task['status'] = task_model.UNPUBLISHED
                task['created_by'] = org_admin.to_old_key()
                task['modified_by'] = org_admin.to_old_key()
                # TODO(ljv): Remove difficulty level completely if needed.
                # Difficulty is hardcoded to easy since GCI2012 has no difficulty.
                task['difficulty_level'] = DifficultyLevel.EASY

                subscribers_entities = task['mentor_entities'] + [org_admin]
                task['subscribers'] = list(
                        ent.key() for ent in subscribers_entities
                        if ent.automatic_task_subscription

                # create the new task
                logging.info('Creating new task with fields: %s', task)
                task_entity = GCITask(**task)
                task_quota = task_quota - 1
            except DeadlineExceededError:
                # time to bail out

        if len(tasks) == 0:
            # send out a message
            # there is still work to be done, do a non 500 response and requeue
            task_params = {'bulk_create_key': bulk_data.key()}
            new_task = taskqueue.Task(params=task_params, url=BULK_CREATE_URL)
            # add to the gci queue

        # we're done here
        return http.HttpResponse('OK')
コード例 #9
  def _continueShipmentSync(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
    """Continue syncing shipment data.

    POST Args:
      program_key: the key of the program which sync is being done for.
      shipment_info_id: id of the shipment info object that task is running
      column_indexes: column indexes for specific columns in JSON format.
      sheet_rows: spreadsheets CSV chunk data in JSON format.
    timekeeper = Timekeeper(20000)
    params = dicts.merge(request.POST, request.GET)

    if 'program_key' not in params:
      logging.error("missing program_key in params: '%s'", params)
      return responses.terminateTask()

    if 'shipment_info_id' not in params:
      logging.error("missing shipment_info_id in params: '%s'", params)
      return responses.terminateTask()


    if 'sheet_rows' not in params:
      logging.error("missing sheet_rows data in params: '%s'", params)
      return responses.terminateTask()

    if 'column_indexes' not in params:
      logging.error("missing column_indexes data in params: '%s'", params)
      return responses.terminateTask()

    column_indexes = json.loads(params['column_indexes'])
    sheet_rows = json.loads(params['sheet_rows'])

      for remain, row in timekeeper.iterate(sheet_rows):

        if len(row) < len(column_indexes):
          row.extend((len(column_indexes) - len(row)) * [''])
        data = self.getRowData(row, column_indexes)
        username = data['username']

        profile = profile_logic.getProfileForUsername(username, self.program_key)

        if not profile:
          logging.error("Profile with username '%s' for program '%s' is not found",
                        username, self.ndb_program_key.id())
          continue #continue to next row

        if not profile.is_student:
          logging.error("Profile with username '%s' is not a student", username)

        tracking = data['tracking']
        self.updateShipmentDataForStudent(profile, tracking)

    except DeadlineExceededError:
      if remain:
        remaining_rows = sheet_rows[(-1 * remain):]
        params = {
            'program_key': params.get('program_key'),
            'sheet_rows': json.dumps(remaining_rows),
            'column_indexes': params.get('column_indexes'),
            'shipment_info_id': params.get('shipment_info_id'),
        task_continue_url = links.SOC_LINKER.site(url_names.GSOC_SHIPMENT_TASK_CONTINUE)
        taskqueue.add(url=task_continue_url, params=params)
        return responses.terminateTask()

    return responses.terminateTask()
コード例 #10
ファイル: bulk_create.py プロジェクト: rhyolight/nupic.son
  def bulkCreateTasks(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
    """Task that creates GCI Tasks from bulk data specified in the POST dict.

    The POST dict should have the following information present:
        bulk_create_key: the key of the bulk_create entity
    import settings

    # keep track of our own timelimit (20 seconds)
    timelimit = 20000
    timekeeper = Timekeeper(timelimit)

    post_dict = request.POST

    bulk_create_key = post_dict.get('bulk_create_key')
    if not bulk_create_key:
      return error_handler.logErrorAndReturnOK(
                 'Not all POST data specified in: %s' % post_dict)

    bulk_data = GCIBulkCreateData.get(bulk_create_key)
    if not bulk_data:
      return error_handler.logErrorAndReturnOK(
                 'No valid data found for key: %s' % bulk_create_key)

    # note that we only query for the quota once
    org_admin = ndb.Key.from_old_key(
    org = bulk_data.org
    task_quota = getRemainingTaskQuota(org)

    # TODO(ljvderijk): Add transactions

    tasks = bulk_data.tasks
    while len(tasks) > 0:
        # check if we have time

        if settings.GCI_TASK_QUOTA_LIMIT_ENABLED and task_quota <= 0:
          return error_handler.logErrorAndReturnOK(
              'Task quota reached for %s' %(org.name))

        # remove the first task
        task_as_string = tasks.pop(0)

        loaded_task = json.loads(task_as_string)
        task = {}
        for key, value in loaded_task.iteritems():
          # If we don't do this python will complain about kwargs not being
          # strings when we try to save the new task.
          task[key.encode('UTF-8')] = value

        logging.info('Uncleaned task: %s', task)
        # clean the data
        errors = self._cleanTask(task, org)

        if errors:
              'Invalid task data uploaded, the following errors occurred: %s',
              'The task in row %i contains the following errors.\n %s' \
              %(bulk_data.tasksRemoved(), '\n'.join(errors))))

        # at-most-once semantics for creating tasks

        if errors:
          # do the next task

        # set other properties
        task['org'] = org

        # TODO(daniel): access program in more efficient way
        task['program'] = org_admin.program.to_old_key()
        task['status'] = task_model.UNPUBLISHED
        task['created_by'] = org_admin.to_old_key()
        task['modified_by'] = org_admin.to_old_key()
        # TODO(ljv): Remove difficulty level completely if needed.
        # Difficulty is hardcoded to easy since GCI2012 has no difficulty.
        task['difficulty_level'] = DifficultyLevel.EASY

        subscribers_entities = task['mentor_entities'] + [org_admin]
        task['subscribers'] = list(set([ent.key() for ent in
            subscribers_entities if ent.automatic_task_subscription]))

        # create the new task
        logging.info('Creating new task with fields: %s', task)
        task_entity = GCITask(**task)
        task_quota = task_quota - 1
      except DeadlineExceededError:
        # time to bail out

    if len(tasks) == 0:
      # send out a message
      # there is still work to be done, do a non 500 response and requeue
      task_params = {
          'bulk_create_key': bulk_data.key()
      new_task = taskqueue.Task(params=task_params, url=BULK_CREATE_URL)
      # add to the gci queue

    # we're done here
    return http.HttpResponse('OK')
コード例 #11
ファイル: bulk_create.py プロジェクト: SRabbelier/Melange
def bulkCreateTasks(request, *args, **kwargs):
  """Task that creates GCI Tasks from bulk data specified in the POST dict.

  The POST dict should have the following information present:
      bulk_create_key: the key of the bulk_create entity
  import settings

  # keep track of our own timelimit (20 seconds)
  timelimit = 20000
  timekeeper = Timekeeper(timelimit)

  post_dict = request.POST

  bulk_create_key = post_dict.get('bulk_create_key')
  if not bulk_create_key:
    return error_handler.logErrorAndReturnOK(
               'Not all POST data specified in: %s' % post_dict)

  bulk_data = bulk_create_model.GCIBulkCreateData.get(bulk_create_key)
  if not bulk_data:
    return error_handler.logErrorAndReturnOK(
               'No valid data found for key: %s' % bulk_create_key)

  # note that we only query for the quota once
  org_admin = bulk_data.created_by
  task_quota = org_logic.getRemainingTaskQuota(org_admin.scope)

  tasks = bulk_data.tasks
  while len(tasks) > 0:
      # check if we have time

      if settings.GCI_TASK_QUOTA_LIMIT_ENABLED and task_quota <= 0:
        return error_handler.logErrorAndReturnOK(
            'Task quota reached for %s' %(org_admin.scope.name))

      # remove the first task
      task_as_string = tasks.pop(0)

      loaded_task = simplejson.loads(task_as_string)
      task = {}
      for key, value in loaded_task.iteritems():
        # If we don't do this python will complain about kwargs not being
        # strings when we try to save the new task.
        task[key.encode('UTF-8')] = value

      logging.info('Uncleaned task: %s' %task)
      # clean the data
      errors = _cleanTask(task, org_admin)

      if errors:
            'Invalid task data uploaded, the following errors occurred: %s'
            'The task in row %i contains the following errors.\n %s' \
            %(bulk_data.tasksRemoved(), '\n'.join(errors))))

      # at-most-once semantics for creating tasks

      if errors:
        # do the next task

      # set other properties
      task['link_id'] = 't%i' % (int(time.time()*100))
      task['scope'] = org_admin.scope
      task['scope_path'] = org_admin.scope_path
      task['program'] = org_admin.program
      task['status'] = 'Unpublished'
      task['created_by'] = org_admin
      task['modified_by'] = org_admin

      # create the new task
      logging.info('Creating new task with fields: %s' %task)
      task_quota = task_quota - 1
    except DeadlineExceededError:
      # time to bail out

  if len(tasks) == 0:
    # send out a message
    # there is still work to be done, do a non 500 response and requeue
    task_params = {
        'bulk_create_key': bulk_data.key().id_or_name()
    new_task = taskqueue.Task(params=task_params,
    # add to the gci queue

  # we're done here
  return http.HttpResponse('OK')
コード例 #12
ファイル: trackings.py プロジェクト: adviti/melange
  def _continueShipmentSync(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
    """Continue syncing shipment data.

    POST Args:
      program_key: the key of the program which sync is being done for.
      shipment_info_id: id of the shipment info object that task is running
      column_indexes: column indexes for specific columns in JSON format.
      sheet_rows: spreadsheets CSV chunk data in JSON format.
    timekeeper = Timekeeper(20000)
    params = dicts.merge(request.POST, request.GET)
    redirect = RedirectHelper(None, None)

    if 'program_key' not in params:
      logging.error("missing program_key in params: '%s'" % params)
      return responses.terminateTask()

    if 'shipment_info_id' not in params:
      logging.error("missing shipment_info_id in params: '%s'" % params)
      return responses.terminateTask()


    if 'sheet_rows' not in params:
      logging.error("missing sheet_rows data in params: '%s'" % params)
      return responses.terminateTask()

    if 'column_indexes' not in params:
      logging.error("missing column_indexes data in params: '%s'" % params)
      return responses.terminateTask()

    column_indexes = simplejson.loads(params['column_indexes'])
    sheet_rows = simplejson.loads(params['sheet_rows'])

      for remain, row in timekeeper.iterate(sheet_rows):

        if len(row) < len(column_indexes):
          row.extend((len(column_indexes) - len(row)) * [''])
        data = self.getRowData(row, column_indexes)
        link_id = data['link_id']

        q = GSoCProfile.all().filter('scope', self.__program)
        q.filter('link_id', link_id)
        profile = q.get()

        if not profile:
          logging.error("Profile link_id '%s' for program '%s' is not found" %
                        (link_id, self.__program.name))
          continue #continue to next row

        if not profile.is_student:
          logging.error("Profile link_id '%s' is not a student" %

        tracking = data['tracking']
        date_shipped = data['date_shipped']
        notes = data['notes']
        full_address = " ".join([
          data['address_1'], data['address_2'], data['city'],
          data.get('state', ''), data.get('zip', ''),
          data.get('zippostal_code', ''), data.get('country', '')
            profile, tracking, date_shipped, notes, full_address)

    except DeadlineExceededError:
      if remain:
        remaining_rows = sheet_rows[(-1 * remain):]
        params = {
            'program_key': params.get('program_key'),
            'sheet_rows': simplejson.dumps(remaining_rows),
            'column_indexes': params.get('column_indexes'),
            'shipment_info_id': params.get('shipment_info_id'),
            url=redirect.urlOf('shipment_sync_task_continue'), params=params)
        return responses.terminateTask()

    return responses.terminateTask()
コード例 #13
def convert_proposals(request, *args, **kwargs):
  """Convert proposals for all organizations.

  POST Args:
    programkey: the key of the program whose proposals should be converted
    orgkey: the organization key to start at

  # Setup an artifical request deadline
  timelimit = 20000
  timekeeper = Timekeeper(timelimit)

  # Copy for modification below
  params = dicts.merge(request.POST, request.GET)

  if "programkey" not in params:
    logging.error("missing programkey in params: '%s'" % params)
    return responses.terminateTask()

  program = program_logic.getFromKeyName(params["programkey"])

  if not program:
    logging.error("invalid programkey in params: '%s'" % params)
    return responses.terminateTask()

  fields = {
      "scope": program,
      "status": "active",

  # Continue from the next organization
  if "orgkey" in params:
    org = org_logic.getFromKeyName(params["orgkey"])

    if not org:
      logging.error("invalid orgkey in params: '%s'" % params)
      return responses.terminateTask()

    fields["__key__ >="] = org

  # Add a task for each organization
  org = None
    orgs = org_logic.getQueryForFields(filter=fields)

    for remain, org in timekeeper.iterate(orgs):
      logging.info("convert %s %s", remain, org.key())

      # Compound accept/reject taskflow
        url = "/tasks/accept_proposals/accept",
        params = {
          "orgkey": org.key().id_or_name(),
          "timelimit": timelimit,
          "nextpath": "/tasks/accept_proposals/reject"

  # Requeue this task for continuation
  except DeadlineExceededError:
    if org:
      params["orgkey"] = org.key().id_or_name()

    taskqueue.add(url=request.path, params=params)

  # Exit this task successfully
  return responses.terminateTask()
コード例 #14
def convert_proposals(request, *args, **kwargs):
    """Convert proposals for all organizations.

  POST Args:
    programkey: the key of the program whose proposals should be converted
    orgkey: the organization key to start at

    # Setup an artifical request deadline
    timelimit = 20000
    timekeeper = Timekeeper(timelimit)

    # Copy for modification below
    params = dicts.merge(request.POST, request.GET)

    if "programkey" not in params:
        logging.error("missing programkey in params: '%s'" % params)
        return responses.terminateTask()

    program = program_logic.getFromKeyName(params["programkey"])

    if not program:
        logging.error("invalid programkey in params: '%s'" % params)
        return responses.terminateTask()

    fields = {
        "scope": program,
        "status": "active",

    # Continue from the next organization
    if "orgkey" in params:
        org = org_logic.getFromKeyName(params["orgkey"])

        if not org:
            logging.error("invalid orgkey in params: '%s'" % params)
            return responses.terminateTask()

        fields["__key__ >="] = org

    # Add a task for each organization
    org = None
        orgs = org_logic.getQueryForFields(filter=fields)

        for remain, org in timekeeper.iterate(orgs):
            logging.info("convert %s %s", remain, org.key())

            # Compound accept/reject taskflow
                              "orgkey": org.key().id_or_name(),
                              "timelimit": timelimit,
                              "nextpath": "/tasks/accept_proposals/reject"

    # Requeue this task for continuation
    except DeadlineExceededError:
        if org:
            params["orgkey"] = org.key().id_or_name()

        taskqueue.add(url=request.path, params=params)

    # Exit this task successfully
    return responses.terminateTask()