コード例 #1
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: BigodeTeam/Nao-Fume
    def post(self, request):
        getdict = request.POST

        user_data = {'user': request.USER,
                     'amount': getdict.get('amount'),
                     'cigarette': getdict.get('cigarette'),
                     'method': "post"}

        history = History(user_data)
        last_history = history.save()

        HistoryCtrl = History({'user': request.USER,
                               'method': "get"})

        msg = HistoryCtrl.get_message_history_prev(last_history)
        post = Post(request.USER, msg, 2,2)
        post = post.save()

        if int(getdict.get('post_fb')) > 0:
            from social.publish import Publish
            fb = Publish(request.USER)
            url = PostShort(post.pk)
                fb.post(request.USER.primary_name()+post.message, url.url_post())
            except Exception, er: pass

        RES = {
            'status': True,
            'message': post.message,
            'id': post.id,
            'type': post.type,
            'username': post.user.username,
            'picture': post.user.picture_square()

        return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps(RES), mimetype='text/json')
コード例 #2
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: BigodeTeam/Nao-Fume
def register(request,edit):

    from social.user_history import History

        user_id = request.session.get('fb_id', False)
        user = User.objects.get(id=user_id)
        if  user.meta != None and not edit:
            return HttpResponseRedirect('/')
        elif user.meta == None and edit:
            return HttpResponseRedirect('/registrar/')
        return HttpResponseRedirect('/login/')

    if request.POST:

        getdict = request.POST
        goal_number = int(getdict.get('goal-num'),10)
        goal_time = getdict.get('goal-time')

        if goal_time == 'week':
            goal = goal_number * 7
        elif goal_time == 'month':
            goal = goal_number * 30
        elif goal_time == 'year':
            goal = goal_number * 365
            goal = goal_number

        #só em dias por enquanto
        goal_date = datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(days=+goal)

        user.privacy = getdict.get('privacy')
        user.meta = goal_date

        amount = int(getdict.get('amount'))
        if amount > 200:
            amount = 200

        user_data = {'user': user,
                     'amount': amount,
                     'cigarette': getdict.get('cigarette'),
                     'method': 'post'

        history = History(user_data)

        history_id = history.save()
        return HttpResponseRedirect('/')

    from social.models import UserHistory
    from cigarette.models import Cigarette

    from django.core.cache import cache
    savings = cache.get('cache_saved')
    if not savings:

        from calc.stats import StatsView

        def return_saving_per_user(u):
            history = UserHistory.objects.filter(user=u).order_by('date')
            stats = StatsView.Stats(u, history)
            return stats.meta_sum_saved()

        savings = float(sum( [return_saving_per_user(u) for u in User.objects.all()]))
        cache.set('cache_saved', savings, 3600)

    users = User.objects.filter(privacy=2).exclude(meta=None).order_by('-created')[:7]
    total_users = User.objects.count()
    cigarettes = Cigarette.objects.all()
    total_stop_users = UserHistory.objects.values('user').distinct().filter(amount=0).count()

    RES = {
        'EDIT': edit,
        'USER': user,
        'USERS': users,
        'TOTAL_USERS': total_users,
        'TOTAL_STOP_USERS': total_stop_users,
        'SAVINGS': "%.02f" % savings,
        'CIGARETTE': cigarettes

    if edit:
        RES['goal_time'] = 'day'
        RES['goal_date'] = (user.meta - datetime.date.today()).days
        if RES['goal_date'] % 7 == 0:
            RES['goal_date'] = RES['goal_date']/7
            RES['goal_time'] = 'week'
        if RES['goal_date'] % 30 == 0:
            RES['goal_date'] = RES['goal_date']/30
            RES['goal_time'] = 'month'
        if RES['goal_date'] % 365 == 0:
            RES['goal_date'] = RES['goal_date']/365
            RES['goal_time'] = 'year'
        history = History({'user': user, 'method':'get'})
        last_history = history.get_last_history()

        RES['amount'] = last_history.amount
        RES['privacy'] = user.privacy
        RES['cigarette_id'] = last_history.cigarette.id

    return render_to_response(
        context_instance = RequestContext(request),