def __init__(self, world_file=None, world_string=None, world_config=None, port=None, quiet=False): """ Args: world_file (str|None): world file path world_string (str|None): world xml string content, world_config (list[str]): list of str config `key=value` see `_xpath_modify_xml` for details port (int): Gazebo port quiet (bool) Set quiet output """ if port is None: port = 0 self._port = port # to avoid different parallel simulation has the same randomness random.seed(port) self._rendering_process = None self._rendering_camera = None # the default camera pose for rendering rgb_array, could be override self._rendering_cam_pose = "10 -10 6 0 0.4 2.4" gazebo.initialize(port=port, quiet=quiet) if world_file: world_file_abs_path = os.path.join(social_bot.get_world_dir(), world_file) world_string = gazebo.world_sdf(world_file_abs_path) if world_config: world_string = _xpath_modify_xml(world_string, world_config) self._world = gazebo.new_world_from_string(world_string)
def __init__(self, port=None, quiet=False): if port is None: port = 0 self._port = port # to avoid different parallel simulation has the same randomness random.seed(port) self._rendering_process = None self._world = None self._rendering_camera = None # the default camera pose for rendering rgb_array, could be override self._rendering_cam_pose = "10 -10 6 0 0.4 2.4" gazebo.initialize(port=port, quiet=quiet)
def __init__(self, with_language=True, port=None): if port is None: port = 0 gazebo.initialize(port=port) self._world = gazebo.new_world_from_file( os.path.join(social_bot.get_world_dir(), "")) self._agent = self._world.get_agent() assert self._agent is not None"joint names: %s" % self._agent.get_joint_names()) self._joint_names = self._agent.get_joint_names() self._teacher = teacher.Teacher(False) task_group = teacher.TaskGroup() task_group.add_task(GoalTask()) self._teacher.add_task_group(task_group) self._with_language = with_language # get observation dimension image = self._agent.get_camera_observation("camera") image = np.array(image, copy=False) if with_language: self._observation_space = gym.spaces.Dict( image=gym.spaces.Box(low=0, high=1, shape=image.shape, dtype=np.uint8), sentence=DiscreteSequence(256, 20)) self._action_space = gym.spaces.Dict( control=gym.spaces.Box(low=-0.2, high=0.2, shape=[len(self._joint_names)], dtype=np.float32), sentence=DiscreteSequence(256, 20)) else: self._observation_space = gym.spaces.Box(low=0, high=1, shape=image.shape, dtype=np.uint8) self._action_space = gym.spaces.Box(low=-0.2, high=0.2, shape=[len(self._joint_names)], dtype=np.float32)
def __init__(self, x_threshold=5, theta_threshold=0.314, noise=0.01, port=None): if port is None: port = 0 gazebo.initialize(port=port) self._world = gazebo.new_world_from_file( os.path.join(social_bot.get_world_dir(), "")) self._agent = self._world.get_agent()"joint names: %s" % self._agent.get_joint_names()) self._x_threshold = x_threshold self._theta_threshold = theta_threshold high = np.array([ self._x_threshold * 2, np.finfo(np.float32).max, self._theta_threshold * 2, np.finfo(np.float32).max ]) self.noise = noise self.action_space = spaces.Box(-1, 1, shape=(1, ), dtype='float32') self.observation_space = spaces.Box(-high, high, dtype=np.float32)
def __init__(self, world_file=None, world_string=None, world_config=None, sim_time_precision=0.001, port=None, quiet=False): """ Args: world_file (str|None): world file path world_string (str|None): world xml string content, world_config (list[str]): list of str config `key=value` see `_modify_world_xml` for details sim_time_precision (float): the time precision of the simulator port (int): Gazebo port quiet (bool) Set quiet output """ os.environ["GAZEBO_MODEL_DATABASE_URI"] = "" if port is None: port = 0 self._port = port # This avoids different parallel simulations having the same randomness. # When calling from alf, alf.environments.utils.create_environment calls # env.seed() afterwards, which is the real seed being used. Not this one. random.seed(port) self._rendering_process = None self._rendering_camera = None # the default camera pose for rendering rgb_array, could be override self._rendering_cam_pose = "10 -10 6 0 0.4 2.4" gazebo.initialize(port=port, quiet=quiet) if world_file: world_file_abs_path = os.path.join(social_bot.get_world_dir(), world_file) world_string = gazebo.world_sdf(world_file_abs_path) if world_config: world_string = _modify_world_xml(world_string, world_config) self._world = gazebo.new_world_from_string(world_string)
def __init__(self, goal_name='beer', max_steps=100, reward_shaping=True, motion_loss=0.0000, use_internal_states_only=True, port=None): """ Args: goal_name (string): name of the object to lift off ground max_steps (int): episode will end when the agent exceeds the number of steps. reward_shaping (boolean): whether it adds distance based reward shaping. motion_loss (float): if not zero, it will add -motion_loss * || V_{all_joints} ||^2 in the reward when episode ends. use_internal_states_only (boolean): whether to only use internal states (joint positions and velocities) and goal positions, and not use camera sensors. port: Gazebo port, need to specify when run multiple environment in parallel """ if port is None: port = 0 gazebo.initialize(port=port) self._world = gazebo.new_world_from_file( os.path.join(social_bot.get_world_dir(), "")) self._agent = self._world.get_agent()"joint names: %s" % self._agent.get_joint_names()) self._all_joints = self._agent.get_joint_names() # to avoid different parallel simulation has the same randomness random.seed(port) # passive joints are joints that could move but have no actuators, are only indirectly # controled by the motion of active joints. # Though in the simulation, we could "control" through API, we chose to be more realistic. # from passive_joints = set(["r_gripper_l_finger_joint", "r_gripper_r_finger_joint", "r_gripper_r_finger_tip_joint", "r_gripper_l_finger_tip_joint", "r_gripper_r_parallel_root_joint", "r_gripper_l_parallel_root_joint"]) # PR2 right arm has 7 DOF, gripper has 1 DoF, as specified on p18/p26 on PR2 manual # # we exclude rest of the joints unused_joints = set([ "r_gripper_motor_slider_joint", "r_gripper_motor_screw_joint", "r_gripper_r_screw_screw_joint", "r_gripper_l_screw_screw_joint", "r_gripper_r_parallel_tip_joint", "r_gripper_l_parallel_tip_joint"]) unused_joints = passive_joints.union(unused_joints) self._r_arm_joints = list( filter(lambda s: s.find('pr2::r_') != -1 and s.split("::")[-1] not in unused_joints, self._all_joints))"joints in the right arm to control: %s" % self._r_arm_joints) joint_states = list(map(lambda s: self._agent.get_joint_state(s), self._r_arm_joints)) self._r_arm_joints_limits = list(map(lambda s: s.get_effort_limits()[0], joint_states));'\n'.join(map(lambda s: str(s[0]) + ":" + str(s[1]), zip( self._r_arm_joints, self._r_arm_joints_limits)))) self._goal_name = goal_name self._goal = self._world.get_agent(self._goal_name) self._max_steps = max_steps self._steps_in_this_episode = 0 self._reward_shaping = reward_shaping self._resized_image_size = (128, 128) #(84, 84) self._use_internal_states_only = use_internal_states_only self._cum_reward = 0.0 self._motion_loss = motion_loss # a hack to work around gripper not open initially, might not need now. self._gripper_reward_dir = 1 self._gripper_upper_limit = 0.07 self._gripper_lower_limit = 0.01 # whether to move head cameras and gripper when episode starts. self._adjust_position_at_start = False obs = self._get_observation() self._prev_dist = self._get_finger_tip_distance() self._prev_gripper_pos = self._get_gripper_pos() if self._use_internal_states_only: self.observation_space = gym.spaces.Box( low=-np.inf, high=np.inf, shape=obs.shape, dtype=np.float32) else: self.observation_space = gym.spaces.Box( low=0, high=256.0, shape=obs.shape, dtype=np.float32) self.action_space = gym.spaces.Box( low=-1, high=1, shape=[len(self._r_arm_joints)], dtype=np.float32)
self._world.reset() joint_state = gazebo.JointState(1) joint_state.set_positions([self.noise * random.random()]) joint_state.set_velocities([0.0]) self._agent.set_joint_state("cartpole::cartpole::cart_to_pole", joint_state) return self._get_state() def main(): env = CartPole() for _ in range(100): print("reset") env.reset() total_rewards = 0 while True: obs, reward, done, info = env.step((random.random() - 0.5) * 0.5) total_rewards += reward if done: print("total reward " + str(total_rewards)) break if __name__ == "__main__": logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) gazebo.initialize() main()
# Copyright (c) 2019 Horizon Robotics. All Rights Reserved. import random import social_bot.pygazebo as bot import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import time import os enable_camera = True show_image = enable_camera & False bot.initialize() if enable_camera: world = bot.new_world_from_file( "../python/social_bot/worlds/") else: world = bot.new_world_from_file( "../python/social_bot/worlds/") agent = world.get_agent() print(agent.get_joint_names()) steps = 0 t0 = time.time() interval = 100 fig = None for i in range(10000000): steps += 1
def __init__(self, with_language=False, use_image_obs=False, agent_type='pioneer2dx_noplugin', goal_name='table', max_steps=160, port=None): """ Args: with_language (bool): the observation will be a dict with an extra sentence use_image_obs (bool): use image, or use internal states as observation poses in internal states observation are in world coordinate agent_type (string): select the agent robot, supporting pr2_differential, pioneer2dx_noplugin, turtlebot, and irobot create for now port: Gazebo port, need to specify when run multiple environment in parallel """ if port is None: port = 0 gazebo.initialize(port=port) self._world = gazebo.new_world_from_file( os.path.join(social_bot.get_world_dir(), "")) self._object_types = [ 'coke_can', 'cube_20k', 'car_wheel', 'plastic_cup', 'beer', 'hammer' ] self._pos_list = list(itertools.product(range(-5, 5), range(-5, 5))) self._pos_list.remove((0, 0)) self._world.insertModelFile('model://' + agent_type) self._world.step(20) time.sleep(0.1) # Avoid 'px!=0' error self._random_insert_objects() self._world.model_list_info() # Specify joints and sensors for the robots control_joints = { 'pr2_differential': [ 'pr2_differential::fl_caster_r_wheel_joint', 'pr2_differential::fr_caster_l_wheel_joint' ], 'pioneer2dx_noplugin': [ 'pioneer2dx_noplugin::left_wheel_hinge', 'pioneer2dx_noplugin::right_wheel_hinge' ], 'turtlebot': [ 'turtlebot::create::left_wheel', 'turtlebot::create::right_wheel' ], 'create': ['create::left_wheel', 'create::right_wheel'], } control_force = { 'pr2_differential': 20, 'pioneer2dx_noplugin': 0.5, 'turtlebot': 0.5, 'create': 0.5, } camera_sensor = { 'pr2_differential': 'default::pr2_differential::head_tilt_link::head_mount_prosilica_link_sensor', 'pioneer2dx_noplugin': ' ', 'turtlebot': 'default::turtlebot::kinect::link::camera', 'create': ' ', } self._agent = self._world.get_agent(agent_type) self._agent_joints = control_joints[agent_type] self._agent_control_force = control_force[agent_type] self._agent_camera = camera_sensor[agent_type] self._goal_name = goal_name self._goal = self._world.get_model(goal_name)"joints to control: %s" % self._agent_joints) self._teacher = teacher.Teacher(False) task_group = teacher.TaskGroup() self._teacher_task = GroceryGroundGoalTask(max_steps=max_steps, goal_name=self._goal_name, success_distance_thresh=0.5, fail_distance_thresh=3.0, reward_shaping=True, random_range=10.0) task_group.add_task(self._teacher_task) self._teacher.add_task_group(task_group) self._with_language = with_language self._use_image_obs = use_image_obs obs = self.reset() if self._use_image_obs: obs_data_space = gym.spaces.Box(low=0, high=255, shape=obs.shape, dtype=np.uint8) else: obs_data_space = gym.spaces.Box(low=-50, high=50, shape=obs.shape, dtype=np.float32) control_space = gym.spaces.Box(low=-self._agent_control_force, high=self._agent_control_force, shape=[len(self._agent_joints)], dtype=np.float32) if self._with_language: self.observation_space = gym.spaces.Dict(data=obs_data_space, sentence=DiscreteSequence( 128, 24)) self._action_space = gym.spaces.Dict(control=control_space, sentence=DiscreteSequence( 128, 24)) else: self.observation_space = obs_data_space self.action_space = control_space