def presentContent(self, **kwargs: object) -> XMLContent: yield ResourcesTable.instance.present(**kwargs) yield xhtml.p['For help about resources read this section of the ', docLink('/start/user_manual/#resources')['User Manual'], '.'] yield xhtml.p['Download the ', xhtml.a(href='taskrunner.jar')['Task Runner JAR'], '.']
def getFormContent( self, proc: EditProcessorBase[ProjectEditArgs, Project]) -> XMLContent: yield ProjectTable.instance yield xhtml.p[ 'For help about above project values, please read the ' 'document: ', docLink('/start/user_manual/#configure')['Configure project'], '.']
def presentContent(self, **kwargs: object) -> XMLContent: yield ProductDefTable.instance.present(**kwargs) yield xhtml.p[ 'For help about products, please read the following document: ', docLink('/concepts/exegraph/')[ 'Execution Graph' ], '.' ]
def presentContent(self, **kwargs: object) -> XMLContent: yield FrameworksTable.instance.present(**kwargs) yield xhtml.p[ 'Final parameters are not shown in the table above. ' 'If you follow one of the framework name links, you are taken ' 'to the framework details page which lists all parameters.'] yield xhtml.p[ 'For help about "Frameworks" or "Task Definitions" read the ' 'document: ', docLink('/concepts/taskdefs/')['Framework and Task Definitions'], '.']
def presentContent(self, **kwargs: object) -> XMLContent: proc = cast(LoadExecute_GET.Processor, kwargs['proc']) yield xhtml.h2[ 'Execute from Configuration' ], yield selectDialog(, proc.tagCache, TagConfigTable.instance, BasketConfigTable.instance, 'Configurations to Tag or Execute', **kwargs ) yield xhtml.p[ 'Read here more about: ', docLink('/start/user_manual/#execute')[ 'Execute from Configuration' ] ]
class SecretPanel(Panel): label = 'Secret' content = xhtml[ textInput(name='secret', size=80, style='width:100%', autocomplete='off'), xhtml.p[ "Webhooks can be used to report changes in this repository. " "The same secret must be entered here and on the site hosting the " "repository. " "If the secret is empty, webhooks will be inactive for this " "repository." ], xhtml.p[ docLink('/howto/ci/#webhook')["Detailed setup instructions for " "webhooks"], " can be found in the documentation." ] ]
def getFormContent( self, proc: EditProcessorBase[FrameworkEditArgs, Framework]) -> XMLContent: yield FrameworkPropertiesTable.instance yield xhtml.ul[[ 'The wrapper field selects the directory in which to look for ' 'a wrapper script. ' 'Read ', docLink('/concepts/taskdefs/#frameworkdef')['the documentation'], ' for details.'], ] yield hgroup(class_='wrap')[InputsTable.instance, OutputsTable.instance] yield ParamDefTable(paramTop) yield resourceRequirementsWidget()
def presentContent(self, **kwargs: object) -> XMLContent: yield xhtml.h2['SoftFab ', softFabVersion] yield xhtml.h3['Status'] yield StatusTable.instance.present(**kwargs) yield xhtml.h3['Installation'] yield xhtml.p['This Control Center runs on the following ' 'open source software:'] yield InstallationTable.instance.present(**kwargs) proc = cast(FabPage.Processor, kwargs['proc']) yield xhtml.h3['Web Browser'] yield BrowserTable.instance.present(**kwargs) yield (xhtml.p['Raw user agent string:'], xhtml.pre(style='white-space: pre-wrap')[ proc.req.userAgent.rawUserAgent]) yield xhtml.h3['Documentation'] yield ( xhtml.p['The complete set of SoftFab documentation can be found ' 'on the ', docLink('/')['documentation pages'], '.'])
def presentContent(self, **kwargs: object) -> XMLContent: return ( xhtml.p[ f'Internal error: {self.messageText}.' ], xhtml.p[ 'Please ', docLink('/reference/contact/')[ 'report this as a bug' ], '.' ] )