コード例 #1
    def __init__(self, n, L, C, time=[]):
        # Constants:
        self.n = n  # Day of year
        self.L = L  # Location object
        self.C = C  # Collector object
        self.delta = (23.45 * pi / 180) * sin(
            2 * pi * (284 + self.n) / 365)  # Declination (1.6.1)
        # Variables: all numpy arrays of length 24*60 = 1440
        if len(time
               ) > 1:  # Set up the time array: time_s is normalized (0 - 1)
            self.time_s = self.stime(time)

#            hr           = (time/100)*100
#            mn           = time - (time/100)*100
#            self.time_s  = (hr + (100/60.0)*(mn+(4*(self.L.lon_s-self.L.lon)+solar_time(self.n))))/2400.0
            self.time_s = (np.arange(1440) + 4 * (self.L.lon_s - self.L.lon) +
                           solar_time(self.n)) / 1440.0
        self.omega = (self.time_s - 0.5) * 24 * 15 * (
            pi / 180)  # Hour angle (15' per hour, a.m. -ve)
        self.gamma_s = np.array([
            solar.azimuth(self.L.phi, self.delta, m) for m in self.omega
        ])  # Solar azimuth
        self.theta_z = arccos(
            cos(self.L.phi) * cos(self.delta) * cos(self.omega) +
            sin(self.L.phi) * sin(self.delta))  # Zenith angle (1.6.5)
        self.theta = arccos(
            cos(self.theta_z) *
            cos(self.C.beta) +  # Angle of incidence on collector (1.6.3)
            sin(self.theta_z) * sin(self.C.beta) *
            cos(self.gamma_s - self.C.gamma))
コード例 #2
ファイル: splot.py プロジェクト: ianyav/SensorDB
def plotAzimuthDays(lat,days):
    ts = np.arange(0,24,0.25)
    for day in days:
        (mon,md) = solar.findDay(day)
        plt.plot(ts,solar.azimuth(lat,day,ts),label= mon + " " + str(md) + " " + str(lat) + "deg")
    plt.title('Solar Azimuth Angle over Day at '+str(lat)+' degs lat')
    axes = plt.axes()
    handles, labels = axes.get_legend_handles_labels()
    axes.legend(handles, labels, loc=2)
    return axes
コード例 #3
ファイル: splot.py プロジェクト: ianyav/SensorDB
def plotPath(lat,days):
    ts = np.arange(0,24,0.25)
    for day in days:
        (mon,md) = solar.findDay(day)
        az= solar.azimuth(lat,day,ts)
        alt = solar.altitude(lat,day,ts)
        plt.plot(az,alt,label= mon + " " + str(md) + " " + str(lat) + "deg")
    plt.title('Solar Path over Day at '+str(lat)+' degs lat')
    axes = plt.axes()
    handles, labels = axes.get_legend_handles_labels()
    axes.legend(handles, labels, loc=2)
    return axes
コード例 #4
ファイル: thermal.py プロジェクト: yanglijn/solpy
    def __init__(self, n, L, C, time=None):
        # Constants:
        self.n     = n        # Day of year
        self.L     = L        # Location object
        self.C     = C        # Collector object
        self.delta = (23.45*pi/180) * sin(2*pi*(284+self.n)/365) # Declination (1.6.1)
        # Variables: all numpy arrays of length 24h * 60min = 1440 
        if time == None: self.time = np.array([datetime(2000,1,1)+timedelta(days=n-1,minutes=m) for m in range(1440)])
        else:            self.time = time
        self.omega   = np.array([(t.hour+(t.minute/60.0)-12)*15.0*(pi/180.0) for t in self.time])  # Hour angle (15' per hour, a.m. -ve)
        self.gamma_s = np.array([solar.azimuth(self.L.phi,self.delta,m) for m in self.omega]) # Solar azimuth
        self.theta_z = arccos( cos(self.L.phi)*cos(self.delta)*cos(self.omega) +
                       sin(self.L.phi)*sin(self.delta) )              # Zenith angle (1.6.5)
        self.theta   = arccos( cos(self.theta_z)*cos(self.C.beta) +   # Angle of incidence on collector (1.6.3)
                       sin(self.theta_z)*sin(self.C.beta)*cos(self.gamma_s-self.C.gamma) )
        self.R_b     = cos(np.clip(self.theta,0,pi/2))/cos(np.clip(self.theta_z,0,1.55)) # (1.8.1) Ratio of radiation on sloped/horizontal surface

        G_sc  = 1367.0                             # Solar constant [W/m2] (p.6)
        G_on  = G_sc * (1+0.033*cos(2.0*pi*n/365)) # Extraterrestial radiation, normal plane [W/m2] (1.4.1)
        self.G_o   = G_on * cos(self.theta_z)           # Extraterrestial radiation, horizontal [W/m2] (1.10.1)
コード例 #5
ファイル: solar_fun.py プロジェクト: Calama-Consulting/solpy
    def __init__(self, n, L, C, time=[]):
        # Constants:
        self.n     = n        # Day of year
        self.L     = L        # Location object
        self.C     = C        # Collector object
        self.delta = (23.45*pi/180) * sin(2*pi*(284+self.n)/365) # Declination (1.6.1)
        # Variables: all numpy arrays of length 24*60 = 1440 
        if len(time) > 1:     # Set up the time array: time_s is normalized (0 - 1)
            self.time_s = self.stime(time)
#            hr           = (time/100)*100
#            mn           = time - (time/100)*100
#            self.time_s  = (hr + (100/60.0)*(mn+(4*(self.L.lon_s-self.L.lon)+solar_time(self.n))))/2400.0 
            self.time_s  = (np.arange(1440)+4*(self.L.lon_s-self.L.lon)+solar_time(self.n))/1440.0 
        self.omega   = (self.time_s-0.5)*24*15*(pi/180)               # Hour angle (15' per hour, a.m. -ve)
        self.gamma_s = np.array([solar.azimuth(self.L.phi,self.delta,m) for m in self.omega]) # Solar azimuth
        self.theta_z = arccos( cos(self.L.phi)*cos(self.delta)*cos(self.omega) +
                       sin(self.L.phi)*sin(self.delta) )              # Zenith angle (1.6.5)
        self.theta   = arccos( cos(self.theta_z)*cos(self.C.beta) +   # Angle of incidence on collector (1.6.3)
                       sin(self.theta_z)*sin(self.C.beta)*cos(self.gamma_s-self.C.gamma) )