def initialize_site_observations(api, site): """Creates an observation at the site for each variable in the PVDAQ site's file. Parameters ---------- api : io.api.APISession API Session object, authenticated for the Reference user. site : datamodel.Site The site object for which to create the Observations. """ try: extra_params = common.decode_extra_parameters(site) except ValueError: logger.warning('Cannot create reference observations at PVDAQ site ' f'{}, missing required parameters.') return site_api_id = int(extra_params['network_api_id']) with open(DEFAULT_SITEFILE) as fp: obs_metadata = json.load(fp)['observations'] for obs in obs_metadata: obs_extra_params = json.loads(obs['extra_parameters']) if obs_extra_params['network_api_id'] == site_api_id: obs['site'] = site observation = Observation.from_dict(obs) common.check_and_post_observation(api, observation)
def site_to_obs(site): ep = json.loads(site.extra_parameters) interval_length = ep['observation_interval_length'] return Observation.from_dict({ 'name': 'site ghi', 'variable': 'ghi', 'interval_label': 'ending', 'interval_value_type': 'interval_mean', 'interval_length': interval_length, 'site': site, 'uncertainty': 0, 'extra_parameters': site.extra_parameters })
def site_obs(): return [ Observation.from_dict({ 'name': 'site ghi', 'observation_id': str(uuid.uuid1()), 'variable': 'ghi', 'interval_label': 'ending', 'interval_value_type': 'interval_mean', 'interval_length': '5', 'site': site, 'uncertainty': 0, 'extra_parameters': site.extra_parameters }) for site in site_objects[:2] ]
def log(mocker): log = mocker.patch('' 'common.logger') return log site_test_observation = Observation.from_dict({ 'name': 'site ghi', 'variable': 'ghi', 'interval_label': 'ending', 'interval_value_type': 'interval_mean', 'interval_length': 1, 'site': site_objects[0], 'uncertainty': 0, 'extra_parameters': ('{"network": "DOE ARM", ' '"observation_interval_length": 1,' '"network_api_id": "api_id", ' '"network_api_abbreviation": "siteghi"}') }) invalid_params = { 'name': 'site-invalid-jsonparams', 'latitude': 3, 'longitude': -3, 'elevation': 6, 'timezone': 'Etc/GMT+8',
def create_observation(api, site, variable, extra_params=None, **kwargs): """ Creates a new Observation for the variable and site. Kwargs can be provided to overwrite the default arguments to the Observation constructor. Kwarg options are documented in 'Other Parameters' below but users should reference the SolarForecastArbiter API for valid Observation field values. Parameters ---------- api : An APISession with a valid JWT for accessing the Reference Data user. site : A site object. variable : string Variable measured in the observation. extra_params : dict, optional If provided, this dict will be serialized as the 'extra_parameters' field of the observation, otherwise the site's field is copied over. Must contain the keys 'network_api_length', 'network_api_id', and 'observation_interval_length'. Other Parameters ---------------- name: string Defaults to `<> <variable>` interval_label: string Defaults to 'ending' interval_value_type: string Defaults to 'interval_mean' uncertainty: float or None Defaults to None. Returns ------- created The datamodel object of the newly created observation. Raises ------ KeyError When the extra_parameters, either loaded from the site or provided by the user is missing 'network_api_abbreviation' or 'observation_interval_length' """ # Copy network api data from the site, and get the observation's # interval length if extra_params: extra_parameters = extra_params else: try: extra_parameters = decode_extra_parameters(site) except ValueError: logger.warning(f'Cannot create observations for site {}' 'missing required extra parameters') return site_name = site_name_no_network(site) observation_name = f'{site_name} {variable}' # Some site names are too long and exceed the API's limits, # in those cases. Use the abbreviated version. if len(observation_name) > 64: site_abbreviation = extra_parameters["network_api_abbreviation"] observation_name = f'{site_abbreviation} {variable}' observation = Observation.from_dict({ 'name': kwargs.get('name', observation_name), 'interval_label': kwargs.get('interval_label', 'ending'), 'interval_length': extra_parameters['observation_interval_length'], 'interval_value_type': kwargs.get('interval_value_type', 'interval_mean'), 'site': site, 'uncertainty': kwargs.get('uncertainty'), 'variable': variable, 'extra_parameters': json.dumps(extra_parameters) }) return check_and_post_observation(api, observation)
def initialize_site_observations(api, site): """Creates an observation at the site for each variable in an SRML site's file. Parameters ---------- api: :py:class:`` site : :py:class:`solarforecastarbiter.datamodel.Site The site object for which to create Observations. Notes ----- Since variables are labelled with an integer instrument number, Observations are named with their variable and instrument number found in the source files. e.g. A SRML file contains two columns labelled, 1001, and 1002. These columns represent GHI at instrument 1 and instrument 2 respectively. The `pvlib.iotools` package converts these to 'ghi_1' and 'ghi_2' for us. We use these labels to differentiate between measurements recorded by different instruments. """ # Request ~month old data at initialization to ensure we get a response. start = pd.Timestamp.utcnow() - pd.Timedelta('30 days') end = start try: extra_params = common.decode_extra_parameters(site) except ValueError: logger.warning('Cannot create reference observations at MIDC site ' f'{}, missing required parameters.') return # use site name without network here to build # a name with the original column label rather than # the SFA variable site_name = common.site_name_no_network(site) try: site_df = fetch(api, site, start, end) except error.HTTPError: logger.error('Could not find data to create observations ' f'for SRML site {site_name}.') return else: if site_df is None: logger.error('Could not find data to create observations ' f'for SRML site {site_name}.') return for variable in srml_variable_map.keys(): matches = [col for col in site_df.columns if col.startswith(variable)] for match in matches: observation_extra_parameters = extra_params.copy() observation_extra_parameters.update({ 'network_data_label': match}) try: # Here, we pass a name with match instead of variable # to differentiate between multiple observations of # the same variable common.create_observation( api, site, srml_variable_map[variable], name=f'{site_name} {match}', interval_label='beginning', extra_params=observation_extra_parameters) except HTTPError as e: logger.error( f'Failed to create {variable} observation at Site ' f'{}. Error: {e.response.text}') with open(DEFAULT_SITEFILE) as fp: obs_metadata = json.load(fp)['observations'] for obs in obs_metadata: obs_site_extra_params = json.loads(obs['site']['extra_parameters']) if obs_site_extra_params['network_api_id'] == extra_params[ 'network_api_id']: obs['site'] = site observation = Observation.from_dict(obs) common.check_and_post_observation(api, observation)
def log(mocker): log = mocker.patch('' 'common.logger') return log site_test_observation = Observation.from_dict({ 'name': 'site ghi', 'variable': 'ghi', 'interval_label': 'ending', 'interval_value_type': 'interval_mean', 'interval_length': 1, 'site': site_objects[0], 'uncertainty': 0, 'extra_parameters': ('{"network": "ARM", "observation_interval_length": 1,' '"network_api_id": "api_id", ' '"network_api_abbreviation": "siteghi"}') }) invalid_params = { 'name': 'site-invalid-jsonparams', 'latitude': 3, 'longitude': -3, 'elevation': 6, 'timezone': 'Etc/GMT+8',