コード例 #1
ファイル: figure.py プロジェクト: sammosummo/SolarPy
def make_fig(filename, hemi, surf, atlas_name, colour_func, output_dir, missing=(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)):
    Make a brain figure.

    filename : path to the csv that contains the brain region names and the
    associated values.

    hemi : 'lh' or 'rh'.

    surf : 'inflated' or 'pial'

    atlas_name : 'Destrieux' or 'DSK'.

    colour_func : function object that creates a colour dictionary based on the
    data inside the csv.

    output_dir : name of output directory (put inside 'outputs').
    if colour_func is not None:
        min, max, cd = colour_func(filename, atlas_name)
        cd = {}
    regions = atlas.get_atlas_labels(atlas_name)

    for region in regions:
        if region in cd:
            c = cd[region]
            load.load_surface(hemi, surf, atlas_name, region, c)
            if missing is not None:
                c = missing
                print "Warning: '%s' region missing (%s atlas)." % (region, atlas_name)
                load.load_surface(hemi, surf, atlas_name, region, c)

    # reposition the camera
    angles = [[180, -90, -70], [180, 90, 70], [180, 0, 0], [0, 180, 0]]

    fpath = paths.pj(paths.OUTPUTS_DIR, output_dir)
    if not os.path.exists(fpath):

    for a, e, r in angles:
        f = paths.pj(fpath, "%i_%i_%i.png" % (a, e, r))
        mlab.view(a, e, roll=r)
        mlab.savefig(f, magnification=3)
コード例 #2
ファイル: phi2.py プロジェクト: sammosummo/gobs
def grab_phi2_matrix(ped_dir=paths.pj(paths.data_dir, 'newest_ped_files')):
    Returns a square matrix containing phi2 coefficients for all subjects in
    the sample based on the pedigree files in the given directory, with the
    singletons removed. Defaults to the oldest pedigree file that is used for
    # load the phi2 sparse matrix
    phi2_path = paths.pj(ped_dir, 'phi2.gz')
    df = pd.read_table(
        gzip.open(phi2_path, 'rb'), sep=' ', skipinitialspace=True
    df.columns = ['id0', 'id1', 'phi', 'd7']

    # convert to square matrix
    n = df.id0.nunique()
    R = np.zeros((n+1, n+1))
    for ix, row in df.iterrows():
        R[row.id0, row.id1] = row.phi
        R[row.id1, row.id0] = row.phi
    R = pd.DataFrame(R)
    R.drop(0, axis=0, inplace=True)
    R.drop(0, axis=1, inplace=True)

    # label rows and columns according to subject ids
    ped_path = paths.pj(ped_dir, 'pedigree.csv')
    ids = pd.read_csv(ped_path, index_col=0).id
    R.columns = ids
    R = pd.concat([R, pd.DataFrame(ids)], axis=1)
    R.set_index('id', inplace=True)

    # remove singletons
    _R = R.replace(1, np.nan)
    rmax = _R.max(axis=1)
    singletons = rmax[rmax == 0].index.tolist()
    subjects = [s for s in R.index.tolist() if s not in singletons]
    R = R.loc[subjects, subjects]

    # return the complete phi2 matrix
    return R
コード例 #3
ファイル: make_jobs.py プロジェクト: sammosummo/SolarPy
def grab_traits(dic):
    Returns a pandas DataFrame containing the desired traits. The input is a
    dictionary with keys representing the csv file names and entries being
    lists of trait names within that csv.
    dfs = []
    age_found = False
    for csv, traits in dic.iteritems():
        df = pandas.read_csv(paths.pj(paths.DATA_DIR, csv), index_col=0)
        if age_found is False:
            if 'age' in df.columns:
                traits += ['age']
                age_found = True
            elif 'Age' in df.columns:
                traits += ['Age']
                age_found = True
    if age_found is False:
        warnings.warn("No 'age' trait found in the supplied CSVs.")
    return pandas.concat(dfs, axis=1)
コード例 #4
ファイル: phi2.py プロジェクト: sammosummo/gobs
def make_phi2_vectors(pheno_file, out_file, remove_affected=True, ped_dir=None,
    Loads a phenotype file, and creates phi2 vectors for each of the
    dichotomous traits within it. Optionally removes affected subjects.
    # load the phi2 matrix
    if not ped_dir:
        R = grab_phi2_matrix()
        R = grab_phi2_matrix(ped_dir)

    # load the phenotype(s)
    df = pd.read_csv(pheno_file, index_col=0)
    if traits is None:
        traits = [c for c in df.columns if df[c].nunique() == 2]
        traits = traits.split(',')
    subjects = R.index.tolist()
    df = df.loc[subjects, traits]

    # make the phi2 vector(s)
    vectors, names = [], []
    for trait_name in traits:
        trait = df[trait_name].dropna()
        cases = trait[trait == 1].index.tolist()
        _R = R.loc[subjects, cases]
        vector = _R.max(axis=1)
        if remove_affected is True or remove_affected != 'False':
            vector[vector == 1] = np.nan
        name = 'phi2_%s_%s' % (trait_name, ('incl', 'excl')[remove_affected])
    df2 = pd.concat(vectors, axis=1)
    df2.columns = names

    # save the phi2 vectors
    df2.to_csv(paths.pj(paths.merv_dir, out_file), index=True)
コード例 #5
ファイル: parse_mpi.py プロジェクト: sammosummo/SolarPy
Grab the sats.

__author__ = 'smathias'

import os
import pandas
import solarpy.py2solar.parse as parse
import solarpy.utils.paths as paths
from make_asym_jobs import structures

path = paths.pj(paths.OUTPUTS_DIR, 'asymmetries_mpi')
data = []

for structure in structures:

    dic = {'name': structure}
    for x in ['Bilateral_', 'Left_', 'Right_', 'Asym_', 'Abs_Asym_']:
        _f = x + structure + '.sub'
        f = paths.pj(path, [f for f in os.listdir(path) if _f == f[:len(_f)]][0])
        _dic = {x + k: v for k, v in parse.uni_polyg(f).iteritems()}
    _f = 'rhog_' + structure + '.sub'
    f = paths.pj(path, [f for f in os.listdir(path) if _f in f][0])
    _dic = parse.biv_polyg(f)
コード例 #6
    traits_outrm['age'] = traits['Age']
    traits_outrm['icv'] = traits['etiv']
    traits1 = traits_outrm

    # Make jobs
    univariates = traits1.columns.tolist()

    for trait in univariates:
            'asymmetries_mpi', trait, [trait], cov='age sex n_icv', old_peds=False
        for chrom in xrange(1, 23):
                'asymmetries_yale_1', '%s_%i' % (trait, chrom), [trait], chrom=chrom
    for structure in structures:
            'asymmetries_mpi', 'rhog_' + structure,
            ['Left_%s' % structure, 'Right_%s' % structure],
            cov='age sex n_icv', tests='-testrhog', old_peds=False
        for chrom in xrange(1, 23):
                'asymmetries_yale_1', 'rhog_%s_%i' %(structure, chrom),
                ['Left_%s' % struct, 'Right_%s' % struct], tests='-testrhog',
        traits1.to_csv(paths.pj(paths.JOBS_DIR, 'asymmetries_mpi', '_traits.csv'), index_label='id')
        traits.to_csv(paths.pj(paths.JOBS_DIR, 'asymmetries_yale', '_traits.csv'), index_label='id')
コード例 #7
ファイル: get_h2rs.py プロジェクト: sammosummo/SolarPy
Grab the sats.

__author__ = 'smathias'

import os
import pandas
import solarpy.py2solar.parse as parse
import solarpy.utils.paths as paths

outputs_dir = paths.pj(paths.OUTPUTS_DIR, 'braincog')
output_files = os.listdir(outputs_dir)
entries = {}
print len(output_files)
for f in output_files:
    dic = parse.uni_polyg(paths.pj(outputs_dir, f))
    entries[f.split('.')[0]] = dic
df = pandas.DataFrame(entries).T
df = df.drop(['f', 'trait', 'n', 'se'], axis=1)

コード例 #8
ファイル: make_jobs.py プロジェクト: sammosummo/SolarPy
def make_single_job(jobs_name, job_name, traits, old_peds=True,
                    inorm=True, resid=False, **kwargs):
    Creates a submission file and tcl file for a given job, and places them in
    the specific jobs directory. By default the job will calculate h2rs of the
    traits. Other tasks, such as running linkage, are done by passing kwargs.
    # make directory for job family
    job_path = paths.pj(paths.JOBS_DIR, jobs_name)
    if not os.path.exists(job_path):

    # make a sub file
    ep = templates.EXPORT_PATH + job_name + '/'
    jp = templates.JOBS_PATH + jobs_name
    if old_peds is True:
        pp = templates.OLD_PED_PATH
        pp = templates.NEW_PED_PATH
    jn = job_name
    rp = templates.RESULTS_PATH
    dic = locals()
    dic = {k: v for k, v in dic.iteritems() if len(k) == 2}
    sub = templates.SUB.format(**dic)
    open(paths.pj(job_path, job_name + '.sub'), 'w').write(sub)

    # make a tcl file
    if inorm is True:
        s = 'define n_%s = inorm_%s'
        inorm_st = ''.join(s % (trait, trait) for trait in traits)
        traits_st = ' '.join('n_%s' % trait for trait in traits)
        inorm_st = ''
        traits_st = ' '.join(trait for trait in traits)
    if 'cov' in kwargs:
        if kwargs['cov'] is not None:
            cov_st = 'cov ' + kwargs['cov']
            cov_st = ''
        cov_st = templates.COV
    if resid is True:
        resid_st = templates.RESID % job_name
        resid_st = ''
    if 'tests' in kwargs:
        tests_st = kwargs['tests']
        tests_st = ''
    if 'chrom' in kwargs:
        chrom = kwargs['chrom']
        mibd = paths.MIBD_DIR_TX
        if 'mibd' in kwargs:
            mibd = kwargs['mibd']
            if mibd == 'local':
                mibd = paths.MIBD_DIR
        multipoint_st = templates.MULTIPOINT % (chrom)
        multipoint_st = ''
    job_name_st = job_name
    dic = locals()
    dic = {k[:-3]: v for k, v in dic.items() if '_st' in k}
    print dic
    tcl = templates.TCL_POLYG.substitute(**dic)
    open(paths.pj(job_path, job_name + '.tcl'), 'w').write(tcl)
コード例 #9

__author__ = 'smathias'

from itertools import product
import numpy as np
import pandas
import solarpy.utils.paths as paths
import solarpy.utils.qc as qc
import solarpy.py2solar.make_jobs as make_jobs
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

p = lambda f: paths.pj(paths.DATA_DIR, f)
fs = [
    'all_facs_cog.csv', 'etiv4sam.csv', 'freesurfer.csv', 'gobs.csv',
dfs = [pandas.read_csv(p(f), index_col=0) for f in fs]
df = pandas.concat(dfs, axis=1)
wanted_cols = [
コード例 #10
Grab the residualised traits.

__author__ = 'smathias'

import os
import pandas
import solarpy.utils.paths as paths

results_dir = paths.pj(paths.RESULTS_DIR, 'braincog')
# results_dir = paths.RESULTS_DIR
folders = os.listdir(results_dir)
data = []
for folder in folders:
    print folder
    filename = paths.pj(results_dir, folder, 'resid_%s.csv' % folder)
    s = pandas.read_csv(filename, index_col=0)['residual']
    s.name = folder
df = pandas.concat(data, axis=1)
df.to_csv('_traits_r.csv', index_label='id')