def import_solar_wind_plasma_data(t_start="2008-01-01T00:00:00", t_stop="2012-12-31T23:59:59"): """ Load in the various raw solar wind plasma data, clean up the data and make it consistent, having the same format and span. This is then saved as a CSV for quick loading into PANDAS in the following analysis. :param t_start: timestring of the beginning time of the observation period to return :param t_stop: timestring of the end time of the observation period to return :return: """ fmt = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S" t_start = pd.datetime.strptime(t_start, fmt) t_stop = pd.datetime.strptime(t_stop, fmt) for src in ['wind', 'sta', 'stb']: if src == 'wind': data = swp.import_wind_data() elif src == 'sta': data = swp.import_sta_data() elif src == 'stb': data = swp.import_stb_data() # Restrict to window of interest find_period = (data['time'] >= t_start) & (data['time'] <= t_stop) data = data.loc[find_period, :] # Save to csv. proj_dirs = swp.project_info() out_name = "{}_mapped_speed_data_{}_{}.csv".format( src, t_start.strftime("%Y%m%d"), t_stop.strftime("%Y%m%d")) out_path = os.path.join(proj_dirs['data'], out_name) data.to_csv(out_path) return
def get_hi_files(): """ Function used to find a a days worth of HI1a files stored locally for specific plot. :return: """ proj_dirs = swp.project_info() hi_path = os.path.join(proj_dirs['data'], "hi1a") hi_path = os.path.join(hi_path, '*.fts') out_files = glob.glob(hi_path) return out_files
def spacecraft_orbits(): """ Produce a plot of the positions of STEREO-A, STEREO-B and WIND in Heliospheric Equatorial Coordinates over the studied period 2008-01-01 to 2012-12-31. """ craft_cols = swp.get_craft_colors() au ='km').value # Plot each event individually t_s = pd.date_range("2008-01-01", "2013-01-01", freq="D") time = Time(t_s.to_pydatetime()) system = 'HEEQ' wnd = swp.get_wind_lonlat(time, system) sta = spice.get_lonlat(time, 'sta', system, degrees=True) stb = spice.get_lonlat(time, 'stb', system, degrees=True) wnd[:, 0] = wnd[:, 0] / au sta[:, 0] = sta[:, 0] / au stb[:, 0] = stb[:, 0] / au fig, ax = plt.subplots(3, 1, figsize=(14, 7)) for data, col, label in zip([wnd, sta, stb], craft_cols, ['WIND', 'STA', 'STB']): for i, a in enumerate(ax): a.plot(time.to_datetime(), data[:, i], '-', color=col, label=label) for a in ax: a.legend(frameon=False) a.set_xlim(time.to_datetime().min(), time.to_datetime().max()) for a in ax[0:2]: a.set_xticklabels([]) ymin = 0.94 ymax = 1.1 ax[0].set_ylim(ymin, ymax) fnt = 15 ax[0].set_ylabel('{} Radius (Au)'.format(system.upper()), fontsize=fnt) ax[1].set_ylabel('{} Lon. (deg)'.format(system.upper()), fontsize=fnt) ax[2].set_ylabel('{} Lat. (deg)'.format(system.upper()), fontsize=fnt) ax[2].set_xlabel('Date', fontsize=fnt) for a in ax: a.tick_params("both", labelsize=14) fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.075, right=0.98, bottom=0.075, top=0.99, wspace=0.01, hspace=0.0) proj_dirs = swp.project_info() out_name = "spacecraft_orbits.png" out_path = os.path.join(proj_dirs['figs'], out_name) fig.savefig(out_path) return
def hi1a_thomson_sphere_and_parker_spiral(): """ Produce a plot showing the approximate layout of the Thomson sphere of HI1A, including the idealised Parker spiral streamlines connecting STEREO-A, STEREO-B, and WIND to the corona. """ craft_cols = swp.get_craft_colors() rs ='km').value # Plot each event individually time = ["{}-06-15".format(i) for i in range(2008, 2013)] time = Time(time) fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, len(time), figsize=(15, 6)) ax_t = ax[0, :] ax_b = ax[1, :] for t, at, ab in zip(time, ax_t, ax_b): system = 'HEEQ' wnd = swp.get_wind_coords(t, system) sta = spice.get_coord(t, 'sta', system, no_velocity=True) stb = spice.get_coord(t, 'stb', system, no_velocity=True) wnd = wnd / rs sta = sta / rs stb = stb / rs sta_r = np.sqrt(np.sum(sta**2)) wnd_r = np.sqrt(np.sum(wnd**2)) stb_r = np.sqrt(np.sum(stb**2)) for a in [at, ab]: # Plot the sun, and source elongations considered rad = rs / rs xcenter, ycenter = 0, 0 x, y = get_circ_coords(xcenter, ycenter, rad) a.fill(x, y, facecolor='orange', edgecolor='orange', linewidth=2, zorder=1) rad = (20.0 * rs / rs) x, y = get_circ_coords(xcenter, ycenter, rad) a.fill(x, y, facecolor='None', edgecolor='k', linewidth=2, zorder=1) rad = (22.5 * rs / rs) x, y = get_circ_coords(xcenter, ycenter, rad) a.fill(x, y, facecolor='None', edgecolor='k', linewidth=2, zorder=1) # Plot the TS for craft at x=au, y=0 rad = sta_r / 2.0 xcenter, ycenter = sta[1] / 2.0, sta[0] / 2.0 x, y = get_circ_coords(xcenter, ycenter, rad) a.fill(x, y, facecolor='None', edgecolor=craft_cols[1], linestyle='--', linewidth=2, zorder=1) # Add on the craft a.plot(sta[1], sta[0], 's', color=craft_cols[1], label='STA') a.plot(wnd[1], wnd[0], 'o', color=craft_cols[0], label='WIND') a.plot(stb[1], stb[0], '^', color=craft_cols[2], label='STB') # Add on idealised Parker Spiral for STEREO-A, STEREO-B and WIND ro = 22.5 V = 400.0 phi_fin = np.arctan2(wnd[0], wnd[1]) x, y = get_parker_spiral(ro, wnd_r, phi_fin, V) a.plot(y, x, '-', color=craft_cols[0]) phi_fin = np.arctan2(sta[0], sta[1]) x, y = get_parker_spiral(ro, sta_r, phi_fin, V) a.plot(y, x, '-', color=craft_cols[1]) phi_fin = np.arctan2(stb[0], stb[1]) x, y = get_parker_spiral(ro, stb_r, phi_fin, V) a.plot(y, x, '-', color=craft_cols[2]) label = t.datetime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") at.text(0.6, 0.925, label, color='k', transform=at.transAxes, fontsize=14) at.legend(loc=2) for a in ax_t: a.set_xlim(-225, 225) a.set_ylim(-225, 225) for a in ax_b: a.set_xlim(-50, 50) a.set_ylim(-50, 50) for a in ax.ravel(): a.set_xticklabels([]) a.set_yticklabels([]) a.set_xticks([]) a.set_yticks([]) a.set_aspect('equal') a.invert_yaxis() fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.01, bottom=0.01, right=0.99, top=0.99, wspace=0, hspace=0) proj_dirs = swp.project_info() out_name = "hi1a_ts_relative_locations.png" out_path = os.path.join(proj_dirs['figs'], out_name) fig.savefig(out_path) return
def insitu_time_series_acf(): """ Compute the autocorrelation function of the in-situ solar wind parameters, and plot these with the time series, for each of STEREO-A, STEREO-B and WIND. :return: """ acf_opts = swp.get_acf_opts() acf_opts['do_sig'] = True acf_opts['iters'] = 1000 fig, ax, axl, axr = setup_time_series_acf_figure() craft_cols = swp.get_craft_colors() # Now load in the in-situ data. take daily means. compute spearman acf and sig. plot. epoch_start = "2008-01-01T00:00:00" t_start = Time(epoch_start) for sw_param in ['V', 'rho', 'T']: if sw_param == "V": ylabel_unit = r"Plasma speed ($km/s$)" ylim = [250, 800] elif sw_param == "rho": ylabel_unit = r"Density ($cm^{{-3}}$)" ylim = [0, 20] elif sw_param == "T": ylabel_unit = r"Temperature ($MK$)" ylim = [0, 0.5] for i, craft in enumerate(['wind', 'stb', 'sta']): if craft == 'wind': situ = swp.load_wind_data() elif craft == 'stb': situ = swp.load_stb_data() elif craft == 'sta': situ = swp.load_sta_data() situ_avg = swp.situ_daily_averaging(situ, reference_time=epoch_start) axl[i].plot(situ_avg['days'], situ_avg[sw_param], '-', color=craft_cols[i]) axl[i].set_ylabel(r"{} {}".format(craft.upper(), ylabel_unit)) # Now compute acf and plot. lags, acf, acf_sig = swp.compute_situ_acf(situ_avg, sw_param, acf_opts=acf_opts) axr[i].plot(lags, acf, 'k-') axr[i].plot(lags, acf_sig[0, :], 'r--') axr[i].plot(lags, acf_sig[1, :], 'r--') for al, ar in zip(axl[:2], axr[:2]): al.set_xticklabels([]) ar.set_xticklabels([]) axl[-1].set_xlabel("Days since {}".format( t_start.datetime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"))) axr[-1].set_xlabel("Lag (days)") for i, (al, ar) in enumerate(zip(axl, axr)): al.set_xlim(situ_avg['days'].min(), situ_avg['days'].max()) al.set_ylim(ylim[0], ylim[1]) ar.set_xlim(0, lags.max()) ar.set_ylim(-0.15, 1.0) label = "A{})".format(i + 1) al.text(0.01, 0.92, label, color='k', transform=al.transAxes) label = "B{})".format(i + 1) ar.text(0.0275, 0.92, label, color='k', transform=ar.transAxes) al.tick_params('both') ar.tick_params('both') for ar in axr: ar.set_ylabel('Spearman correlation') ar.yaxis.tick_right() ar.yaxis.set_label_position("right") fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.05, bottom=0.06, right=0.95, top=0.99, wspace=0.03, hspace=0.04) proj_dirs = swp.project_info() fig_name = "{}_time_series_and_acf.png".format(sw_param) fig_path = os.path.join(proj_dirs['figs'], fig_name) fig.savefig(fig_path) for a in ax: a.clear() return
def lagged_correlation(): """ Compute the lagged correlation between HI1A variability and in-situ solar wind speeds, mapped to the position angle of their approximate source location from backward propagating the in-situ solar wind observations. :return: """ proj_dirs = swp.project_info() reduced_hi_data_path = os.path.join(proj_dirs['data'], "reduced_hi_data_std.pickle") with open(reduced_hi_data_path, "rb") as f: from_pickle = pickle.load(f) remote_time = from_pickle['time'].copy() pa_bins = from_pickle['pa_bins'].copy() remote = from_pickle['data'].copy() del from_pickle ts = Time("2008-01-01T00:00:00") remote_z = (remote - np.nanmean(remote, axis=0)) / np.nanstd(remote, axis=0) remote_time_avg, remote_avg = swp.hi_daily_averaging( remote_time, pa_bins, remote_z, method="mean", reference_time=ts.isot) del remote, remote_time # Compute rolling acf of in-situ params and HI variability fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(15, 5)) lagged_corr_colors = swp.get_lagged_corr_colors() years = np.arange(0, 5 * 365, 365) yr_cols = [lagged_corr_colors.mpl_colors[i] for i in [5, 4, 3, 2, 1]] # Params for significance calc. n_resamples = 1000 alpha = 1.0 alpha2 = alpha / 2.0 lims = [alpha2, 100.0 - alpha2] lag_corr_stats = np.zeros((years.size, 3, 3)) for cc, src in enumerate(['wind', 'sta', 'stb']): # Load in the in-situ for this observatory if src == 'wind': situ = swp.load_wind_data() elif src == 'sta': situ = swp.load_sta_data() elif src == 'stb': situ = swp.load_stb_data() # Compute daily mean with same reference time as remote sensing obs. situ_avg = swp.situ_daily_averaging(situ, reference_time=ts.isot) # Occasionally a missing value in PA. replace with interpolted est - smooth function so good approx. num_bad = np.sum(np.isnan(situ_avg['pa'])) if num_bad > 0: situ_avg['pa'] = situ_avg['pa'].interpolate() print "Notice: {} bad PA values found. Replacing with interpolates".format( num_bad) year_name = [2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012] for yy, year in enumerate(years): id_situ = (situ_avg['days'] >= year) & (situ_avg['days'] <= year + 365) situ_sub = situ_avg.loc[id_situ, :].copy() id_remote = (remote_time_avg.jd >= year) & (remote_time_avg.jd <= year + 365) remote_time_sub = remote_time_avg[id_remote].copy() remote_sub = remote_avg[:, id_remote].copy() # Directly lookup the variability along the pa path. lags = np.arange(-27, 28, 1, corr = np.zeros(lags.shape) * np.NaN sig_corr = np.zeros((lags.size, 2)) for k, lag in enumerate(lags): pa_track = np.zeros(situ_sub.shape[0]) * np.NaN var_track = np.zeros(situ_sub.shape[0]) * np.NaN iii = 0 for i, row in situ_sub.iterrows(): id_day = np.where(remote_time_sub.jd == row['days'] + lag)[0] id_pa = np.argmin(np.abs(pa_bins - row['pa'])) pa_track[iii] = pa_bins[id_pa] if id_day.size != 0: var_track[iii] = remote_sub[id_pa, id_day] iii += 1 situ_sub['pa_track'] = pa_track situ_sub['var_track'] = var_track # Compute spearman r and resampling significance. corr[k] = st.mstats.spearmanr(situ_sub['V'], situ_sub['var_track'])[0] x = situ_sub['V'].values.copy() y = situ_sub['var_track'].values.copy() resamples = np.zeros(n_resamples) * np.NaN for kk in range(resamples.size): resamples[kk] = st.mstats.spearmanr(x, y)[0] np.random.shuffle(x) np.random.shuffle(y) # Get percentiles of the null under resampling independence null_lims = np.nanpercentile(resamples, lims) sig_corr[k, :] = null_lims lag_corr_stats[yy, 0, ] = year if (src == "wind") | (src == 'sta'): id_lo = lags < 0 lags2 = lags[id_lo] corr2 = corr[id_lo] id_min = np.argmin(corr2) lag_corr_stats[yy, 1, cc] = lags2[id_min] lag_corr_stats[yy, 2, cc] = corr2[id_min] elif src == 'stb': id_mid = (lags > -10) & (lags < 10) lags2 = lags[id_mid] corr2 = corr[id_mid] id_min = np.argmin(corr2) lag_corr_stats[yy, 1, cc] = lags2[id_min] lag_corr_stats[yy, 2, cc] = corr2[id_min] # Update the plot with this years data. ax[cc].plot(lags, corr, 'o-', color=yr_cols[yy], markerfacecolor='None', label="{}".format(year_name[yy])) id_sig = (corr < sig_corr[:, 0]) | (corr > sig_corr[:, 1]) ax[cc].plot(lags[id_sig], corr[id_sig], 'o', color=yr_cols[yy]) ax[cc].text(0.0275, 0.92, src.upper(), color='k', transform=ax[cc].transAxes, fontsize=14) ax[cc].set_xlabel("Lag (days)", fontsize=14) for a in ax: a.legend(fontsize=13, ncol=2) a.set_xlim(lags.min(), lags.max()) a.set_ylim(-0.55, 0.5) a.set_xticks(np.arange(-25, 30, 5)) a.tick_params('both', labelsize=14) for a in ax[1:]: a.set_yticklabels([]) ax[0].set_ylabel('Spearman correlation', fontsize=14) fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.075, bottom=0.11, right=0.98, top=0.98, wspace=0.025) proj_dirs = swp.project_info() out_name = "hi_var_situ_lagged_corr.png" out_path = os.path.join(proj_dirs['figs'], out_name) fig.savefig(out_path) #TODO Break this second plot into a seperate function, saving lag_corr_stats into a aux file. # Scatter plot of lag vs yr fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(7, 6)) craft_cols = swp.get_craft_colors() craft_mkr = ['o', 's', '^'] years = (np.arange(2008, 2013, 1)) + 0.5 - 2008 for i, craft in enumerate(['WIND', 'STA', 'STB']): # Plot all points of lag of minimum correlation vs year y = lag_corr_stats[:, 1, i] ax.plot(years, y, linestyle='None', marker=craft_mkr[i], color=craft_cols[i], label=craft.upper()) # Fit least squares regression to this, excluding an outliet for STA. if craft in ["WIND", "STB"]: slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = st.linregress( years, y) print "{}: Gradient: {} +/- {}".format(craft, slope, std_err) ax.plot(years, intercept + slope * years, '-', color=craft_cols[i]) ax.plot(years, intercept + (slope - 2 * std_err) * years, '--', color=craft_cols[i]) ax.plot(years, intercept + (slope + 2 * std_err) * years, '--', color=craft_cols[i]) elif craft == 'STA': # Special case to exclude outlying STA point in 2012. years_sub = years[:-1] y_sub = y[:-1] slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = st.linregress( years_sub, y_sub) print "{}: Gradient (no outlier): {} +/- {}".format( craft, slope, std_err) ax.plot(years_sub, intercept + slope * years_sub, '-', color=craft_cols[i]) ax.plot(years_sub, intercept + (slope - 2 * std_err) * years_sub, '--', color=craft_cols[i]) ax.plot(years_sub, intercept + (slope + 2 * std_err) * years_sub, '--', color=craft_cols[i]) ax.legend(fontsize=14) ax.set_xlabel('Years since 2008-01-01', fontsize=14) ax.set_ylabel('Lag of peak correlation (days)', fontsize=14) ax.tick_params('both', labelsize=14) ax.set_ylim(-27, 10) ax.set_xlim(0.45, 4.55) fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.11, bottom=0.1, right=0.99, top=0.99) proj_dirs = swp.project_info() out_name = "peak_lag_with_time.png" out_path = os.path.join(proj_dirs['figs'], out_name) fig.savefig(out_path) return
def rolling_acf(): """ Compute the rolling acf of the HI1A variability data and the in-situ plasma observations. :return: """ proj_dirs = swp.project_info() reduced_hi_data_path = os.path.join(proj_dirs['data'], "reduced_hi_data_std.pickle") with open(reduced_hi_data_path, "rb") as f: from_pickle = pickle.load(f) remote_time = from_pickle['time'].copy() pa_bins = from_pickle['pa_bins'].copy() remote = from_pickle['data'].copy() del from_pickle ts = Time("2008-01-01T00:00:00") remote_z = (remote - np.nanmean(remote, axis=0)) / np.nanstd(remote, axis=0) remote_time_avg, remote_avg = swp.hi_daily_averaging( remote_time, pa_bins, remote_z, method="mean", reference_time=ts.isot) del remote, remote_time # Compute rolling acf of in-situ params and HI variability fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 3, figsize=(14, 9.5)) ax_wnd = ax[:, 0] ax_sta = ax[:, 1] ax_stb = ax[:, 2] ax_situ = ax[0, :] ax_remote = ax[1, :] # Setup autocorrelation options acf_opts = swp.get_acf_opts() acf_opts['do_sig'] = True acf_opts['iters'] = 1000 # Arguments for the rolling autocorrelation window acf_window_wid = 365 acf_window_step = 14 # Set up the colormap of the ACF contours and the normalisation. Same for each panel. cmap = norm = plt.Normalize(vmin=-1.0, vmax=1.0) dl = 0.1 levels = np.arange(-0.9, 0.9 + dl, dl) for src, ax_cft in zip(['wind', 'sta', 'stb'], [ax_wnd, ax_sta, ax_stb]): # Load in the in-situ for this observatory if src == 'wind': situ = swp.load_wind_data() elif src == 'sta': situ = swp.load_sta_data() elif src == 'stb': situ = swp.load_stb_data() # Compute daily mean with same reference time as remote sensing obs. situ_avg = swp.situ_daily_averaging(situ, reference_time=ts.isot) # Occasionally a missing value in PA. replace with interpolted est - smooth function so good approx. num_bad = np.sum(np.isnan(situ_avg['pa'])) if num_bad > 0: situ_avg['pa'] = situ_avg['pa'].interpolate() print "Notice: {} bad PA values found. Replacing with interpolates".format( num_bad) # Directly lookup the variability along the pa path. pa_track = np.zeros(situ_avg.shape[0]) * np.NaN var_track = np.zeros(situ_avg.shape[0]) * np.NaN for i, row in situ_avg.iterrows(): id_day = np.where(remote_time_avg.jd == row['days'])[0] id_pa = np.argmin(np.abs(pa_bins - row['pa'])) pa_track[i] = pa_bins[id_pa] if id_day.size != 0: var_track[i] = remote_avg[id_pa, id_day] situ_avg['pa_track'] = pa_track situ_avg['var_track'] = var_track # Get final block start time for this window length t_max = situ_avg.shape[0] - acf_window_wid # Get array of start times for this window and block_step. t_start = np.arange(0, t_max, acf_window_step, # Get array of lags used in ACF (for preallocating space)... lags = np.arange(0, acf_opts['n_lags'] + 1.0, 1.0) # Loop through the parameters for j, var in enumerate(['V', 'var_track']): # Update where we are at, as this takes an age. print("Computing rolling acf for {} - {}".format(src.upper(), var)) # preallocate space for the stack of ACFs and significance calcs. acf_stack = np.zeros((lags.size, t_start.size)) sig_stack = np.zeros((lags.size, t_start.size, 2)) # Loop through the block start times for k, t in enumerate(t_start): # Pull out this block of data data_block = situ_avg.loc[t:t + acf_window_wid].copy() # Compute ACF and significance, stash into the stack lags, acf, acf_sig = swp.compute_situ_acf(data_block, var, acf_opts=acf_opts) acf_stack[:, k] = acf sig_stack[:, k, 0] = acf_sig[0] sig_stack[:, k, 1] = acf_sig[1] # contour the rolling acf functions cntr_h = ax_cft[j].contourf(t_start, lags, acf_stack, norm=norm, cmap=cmap, levels=levels) # add hatching for significance find_sig = ~((acf_stack > sig_stack[:, :, 0]) & (acf_stack < sig_stack[:, :, 1])) sig =, acf_stack) ax_cft[j].pcolor(t_start, lags, sig, hatch='x', alpha=0.0) # Format the axes for a in ax.ravel(): a.set_xlim(t_start.min(), t_start.max()) a.set_ylim(lags.min(), lags.max()) for src, ax_cft in zip(['wind', 'sta', 'stb'], [ax_wnd, ax_sta, ax_stb]): ax_cft[-1].set_xlabel("Block start (days since {})".format( ts.datetime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"))) for a in ax_cft[:1]: a.set_xticklabels([]) for param, ax_prm in zip(['V', 'HI. Var.'], [ax_situ, ax_remote]): ax_prm[0].set_ylabel("Lag (days)") for a in ax_prm[1:]: a.set_yticklabels([]) for i, (letter, param) in enumerate(zip(['A', 'B'], ['V', 'HI var.'])): for j, crft in enumerate(['WIND', 'STA', 'STB']): label = "{}{}) {}-{}".format(letter, j, crft, param) ax[i, j].text(0.0275, 0.92, label, backgroundcolor='whitesmoke', color='k', transform=ax[i, j].transAxes) # Adjust axes position and add a colorbar giving scale of the ACFs fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.055, bottom=0.055, right=0.98, top=0.915, hspace=0.03, wspace=0.03) cax = fig.add_axes([0.055, 0.92, 0.925, 0.025]) cax2 = fig.colorbar(cntr_h, cax, orientation='horizontal')'Spearman Correlaton')'top') # Save the figure proj_dirs = swp.project_info() out_name = "rolling_acf_new.png" out_path = os.path.join(proj_dirs['figs'], out_name) fig.savefig(out_path) return
def HI_time_series_acf(): """ Plot the time-series of HI1A variability, and the acfs, for all available position angles, and along 2 fixed position angles. """ proj_dirs = swp.project_info() reduced_hi_data_path = os.path.join(proj_dirs['data'], "reduced_hi_data_std.pickle") with open(reduced_hi_data_path, "rb") as f: from_pickle = pickle.load(f) time = from_pickle['time'].copy() pa_bins = from_pickle['pa_bins'].copy() data = from_pickle['data'].copy() del from_pickle ts = Time("2008-01-01T00:00:00") data_z = (data - np.nanmean(data, axis=0)) / np.nanstd(data, axis=0) time_avg, data_avg = swp.hi_daily_averaging(time, pa_bins, data_z, method="mean") acf_opts = swp.get_acf_opts() acf_opts['do_sig'] = True acf_opts['iters'] = 1000 fig, ax, axl, axr = setup_time_series_acf_figure() pa_cols = swp.get_pa_colors() # Plot out variability for all position angles lims = [-1.5, 1.5] hi_cmap = hi_cmap.set_bad('k') hi_norm = plt.Normalize(vmin=lims[0], vmax=lims[1]) hi_cax = axl[0].pcolormesh(time_avg.jd, pa_bins, data_avg, norm=hi_norm, cmap=hi_cmap) # Compute ACF of this. lags, acf, acf_sig = swp.compute_hi_acf(pa_bins, data_avg, acf_opts=acf_opts) # Contour the ACF. cor_cmap = cor_norm = plt.Normalize(vmin=-1.0, vmax=1.0) dl = 0.1 levels = np.arange(-0.9, 0.9 + dl, dl) cor_cax = axr[0].contourf(lags, pa_bins, acf, norm=cor_norm, cmap=cor_cmap, levels=levels) # Add hatching of significance find_sig = ~((acf > acf_sig[:, :, 0]) & (acf < acf_sig[:, :, 1])) hatching =, acf) axr[0].pcolor(lags, pa_bins, hatching, hatch='x', alpha=0.0) # Plot out variability along a fixed position angle pa_fix = 90.0 axl[0].plot(time_avg.jd, pa_fix + np.zeros(time_avg.size), '--', color=pa_cols[0], linewidth=2) id_pa = np.argmin(np.abs(pa_bins - pa_fix)) data_avg_fix_pa = data_avg[id_pa, :].copy() axl[1].plot(time_avg.jd, data_avg_fix_pa, '-', color=pa_cols[0]) axr[1].plot(lags, acf[id_pa, :], 'k-') axr[1].plot(lags, acf_sig[id_pa, :], 'r--') axr[1].plot(lags, acf_sig[id_pa, :], 'r--') # Now plot out variability along a PA track similar to a in-situ monitor. situ = swp.load_wind_data() situ_avg = swp.situ_daily_averaging(situ) axl[0].plot(situ_avg['days'], situ_avg['pa'], '-.', color=pa_cols[2], linewidth=2) # compute variability along this track. var_track = np.zeros(situ_avg.shape[0]) * np.NaN for i, row in situ_avg.iterrows(): id_day = np.where(time_avg.jd == row['days'])[0] id_pa = np.argmin(np.abs(pa_bins - row['pa'])) if id_day.size != 0: var_track[i] = data_avg[id_pa, id_day] axl[2].plot(situ_avg['days'], var_track, '-', color=pa_cols[2]) # Compute acf of the track variability. situ_avg['hi_var'] = var_track lags_track, acf_track, acf_track_sig = swp.compute_situ_acf( situ_avg, 'hi_var', acf_opts=acf_opts) axr[2].plot(lags_track, acf_track, 'k-') axr[2].plot(lags_track, acf_track_sig[0], 'r--') axr[2].plot(lags_track, acf_track_sig[1], 'r--') for al, ar in zip(axl[:2], axr[:2]): al.set_xticklabels([]) ar.set_xticklabels([]) axl[-1].set_xlabel("Days since {}".format( ts.datetime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"))) axr[-1].set_xlabel("Lag (days)") for a in [axl[0], axr[0]]: a.set_ylabel("Position angle (degrees)") a.set_ylim(pa_bins.min(), pa_bins.max()) for al in axl[1:]: al.set_ylabel("HI1-A Variability") for ar in axr[1:]: ar.set_ylabel("Spearman correlation") ar.set_ylim(-0.15, 1.0) for i, (al, ar) in enumerate(zip(axl, axr)): al.set_xlim(time_avg.jd.min(), time_avg.jd.max()) ar.set_xlim(0, lags.max()) label = "A{})".format(i + 1) al.text(0.01, 0.9, label, backgroundcolor="white", color='k', transform=al.transAxes) label = "B{})".format(i + 1) ar.text(0.0275, 0.9, label, backgroundcolor="white", color='k', transform=ar.transAxes) for ar in axr: ar.yaxis.tick_right() ar.yaxis.set_label_position("right") fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.05, bottom=0.06, right=0.95, top=0.925, wspace=0.03, hspace=0.04) # Add in the colorbar pos = axl[0].get_position() dw = 0.005 dh = 0.005 left = pos.x0 + dw bottom = pos.y1 + dh wid = pos.width - 2 * dw hi_cbaxes = fig.add_axes([left, bottom, wid, 0.015]) cbar1 = fig.colorbar(hi_cax, cax=hi_cbaxes, orientation='horizontal')"HI1-A Variability")'top') pos = axr[0].get_position() dw = 0.005 dh = 0.005 left = pos.x0 + dw bottom = pos.y1 + dh wid = pos.width - 2 * dw cor_cbaxes = fig.add_axes([left, bottom, wid, 0.015]) cbar2 = fig.colorbar(cor_cax, cax=cor_cbaxes, orientation='horizontal') cbar2.set_ticks([-0.8, -0.4, 0.0, 0.4, 0.8])"Spearman correlation")'top') proj_dirs = swp.project_info() out_path = os.path.join(proj_dirs['figs'], 'remote_sensing_time_series_and_acf.png') fig.savefig(out_path) return
def HI_processing_schematic(): """ Produces a plot used to illustrate the processing of the HI1a data. To reproduce this exact plot requires downloading the HI1a data """ pa_lo = 60 pa_hi = 120 dpa = 5.0 r_lo = 20.0 r_hi = 22.5 # Get files for this craft, between time limits hi_files = get_hi_files() # Split the files into current and previous, for making differenced images files_c = hi_files[1:] files_p = hi_files[0:-1] # Setup position angle bins pa_bins = np.arange(pa_lo, pa_hi + dpa, 1.0) # Get blank column z = np.zeros(len(files_c), dtype=np.float64) * np.NaN # Make dict to build the array data = {"pa_{:03d}".format(np.int32(pa)): z for pa in pa_bins} # Add in time axis data['time'] = z fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(12, 12)) pa_cols = swp.get_pa_colors() std_all = np.zeros((len(files_c), pa_bins.size)) * np.NaN # Loop over files, look at stats in shell on the differenced images and fill sel_frame = 28 for i, (fc, fp) in enumerate(zip(files_c, files_p)): # Get the map and the image himap = hip.get_image_diff(fc, fp, align=True, smoothing=True) # Get arrays of pixel coordinates and convert to HPC if i == 0: x = np.arange(0, himap.dimensions.x.value) y = np.arange(0, himap.dimensions.y.value) xm, ym = np.meshgrid(x, y) coords = himap.pixel_to_world(xm * u.pix, ym * u.pix) # Do my conversion to HPR coords, and then convert to plane of sky distance (r = d*tan(elon)) el, pa = hip.convert_hpc_to_hpr(coords.Tx, coords.Ty) r_pos = ((himap.meta['dsun_obs'] * u.m) * np.tan( ('rad').value))) / sun.constants.radius # Look up pixels in specified POS distance window. id_r = (r_pos.value > r_lo) & (r_pos.value < r_hi) wid = 512 y_lo = wid - wid / 2 y_hi = wid + wid / 2 x_lo = wid xm2 = xm[y_lo:y_hi, x_lo:] ym2 = ym[y_lo:y_hi, x_lo:] id_r2 = id_r[y_lo:y_hi, x_lo:] if i == sel_frame: fig_time_stamp ="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") normalise = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=-5e-14, vmax=5e-14) img =, bytes=True) ax[0, 0].imshow(img, origin='lower') roi = mpl.patches.Rectangle((x_lo, y_lo), wid, wid, fill=False, edgecolor='b') ax[0, 0].add_patch(roi) ax[0, 0].contour(xm2, ym2, id_r2, levels=[0], colors=['r'], linewidths=3, linestyles=['dashed']) img =[y_lo:y_hi, x_lo:]), bytes=True) ax[0, 1].imshow(img, origin='lower') ax[0, 1].contour(xm2 - x_lo, ym2 - y_lo, id_r2, levels=[0], colors=['r'], linewidths=3, linestyles=['dashed']) # Preallocate space for the stats in each pa_bin. std_arr = np.zeros(pa_bins.shape) n_samp_arr = np.zeros(pa_bins.shape) for j, pa_b in enumerate(pa_bins): # Find this chunk of position angle, and then intersection of the POS and PA windows. id_pa = (pa.value > (pa_b - dpa / 2.0)) & (pa.value < (pa_b + dpa / 2.0)) id_block = id_r & id_pa id_block2 = id_block[y_lo:y_hi, x_lo:] # Get this sample sample =[id_block].ravel() sample = sample * 1e12 std_arr[j] = np.nanstd(sample) n_samp_arr[j] = np.sum(np.isfinite(sample)) # inspect pas at 75, 90, and 105. Plot out the distributions, if i == sel_frame: pa_sel = [75, 90, 105] style = ['--', '-.', '-'] pa_plt = { pa_sel[i]: { 'col': pa_cols[i], 'style': style[i] } for i in range(3) } if pa_b in pa_plt.keys(): ax[0, 1].contour(xm2 - x_lo, ym2 - y_lo, id_block2, levels=[0], colors=[pa_plt[pa_b]['col']], linewidths=3) kde = st.gaussian_kde(sample) diff_I = np.arange(-0.03, 0.03, 0.0005) pdf = kde.pdf(diff_I) std = np.nanstd(sample) avg = np.nanmean(sample) lo = avg - std hi = avg + std pdf_lo = kde.pdf(lo) pdf_hi = kde.pdf(hi) ax[1, 0].plot(diff_I, pdf, color=pa_plt[pa_b]['col'], linestyle=pa_plt[pa_b]['style'], label="PA = {}".format(pa_b)) ax[1, 0].vlines(lo, 0, pdf_lo, linestyle=':', color=pa_plt[pa_b]['col']) ax[1, 0].vlines(hi, 0, pdf_hi, linestyle=':', color=pa_plt[pa_b]['col']) std_arr = (std_arr - np.nanmean(std_arr)) / (np.nanstd(std_arr)) std_all[i, :] = std_arr if i == sel_frame: ax[1, 1].plot(pa_bins, std_arr, ".-", color='dimgrey', label='Panel B example', zorder=1) else: ax[1, 1].plot(pa_bins, std_arr, ".-", color='lightgrey', zorder=0) std_avg = np.nanmean(std_all, axis=0) std_err = 2 * np.nanstd(std_all, axis=0) / np.sqrt(std_all.shape[0]) ax[1, 1].errorbar(pa_bins, std_avg, yerr=std_err, fmt="ro", ecolor="r", label='Daily mean', zorder=2) ax[0, 0].set_xlim(0, 1024) ax[0, 0].set_ylim(0, 1024) main_fnt = 15 sub_fnt = 14 ax[1, 0].set_xlim(-0.028, 0.028) ax[1, 0].set_xlabel("Diff. Image Pixel Intensity (Arb. Unit)", fontsize=main_fnt) ax[1, 0].set_ylabel("Kernel Density Estimate", fontsize=main_fnt) ax[1, 1].set_xlim(pa_lo, pa_hi) ax[1, 1].set_xlabel('PA Bin (degrees)', fontsize=main_fnt) ax[1, 1].set_ylabel('Diff. Image variability', fontsize=main_fnt) ax[1, 1].yaxis.set_label_position("right") ax[1, 1].yaxis.tick_right() x = 0.015 y = 0.96 ax[0, 0].text(x, y, "A) {}".format(fig_time_stamp), transform=ax[0, 0].transAxes, backgroundcolor='k', color='w', fontsize=sub_fnt) ax[0, 1].text(x, y, "B)", transform=ax[0, 1].transAxes, backgroundcolor='k', color='w', fontsize=sub_fnt) ax[1, 0].text(x, y, "C)", transform=ax[1, 0].transAxes, color='k', fontsize=sub_fnt) ax[1, 1].text(x, y, "D)", transform=ax[1, 1].transAxes, color='k', fontsize=sub_fnt) ax[1, 0].legend(fontsize=sub_fnt) ax[1, 1].legend(fontsize=sub_fnt) for a in ax[1, :]: a.tick_params("both", labelsize=sub_fnt) for a in ax[0, :]: a.set_xticklabels([]) a.set_yticklabels([]) a.set_xticks([]) a.set_yticks([]) fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.05, bottom=0.05, right=0.95, top=0.95, wspace=0.01, hspace=0.01) proj_dirs = swp.project_info() out_name = "HI_processing_schematic.png" out_path = os.path.join(proj_dirs['figs'], out_name) fig.savefig(out_path) return