コード例 #1
def test_process_junction_pn():
    from solcore.analytic_solar_cells.depletion_approximation import identify_layers, identify_parameters
    from solcore import material
    from solcore.structure import Layer, Junction
    from solcore.state import State

    Na = np.power(10, np.random.uniform(22, 25))
    Nd = np.power(10, np.random.uniform(23, 26))

    options = State()
    options.T = np.random.uniform(250, 350)

    Lp = np.power(10, np.random.uniform(-9, -6))  # Diffusion length
    Ln = np.power(10, np.random.uniform(-9, -6))  # Diffusion length

    GaAs_n = material("GaAs")(Nd=Nd, hole_diffusion_length=Ln)
    GaAs_p = material("GaAs")(Na=Na, electron_diffusion_length=Lp)

    p_width = np.random.uniform(500, 1000)*1e-9
    n_width = np.random.uniform(3000, 5000)*1e-9

    test_junc = Junction([Layer(p_width, GaAs_p, role="emitter"), Layer(n_width, GaAs_n, role="base")])

    id_top, id_bottom, pRegion, nRegion, iRegion, pn_or_np = identify_layers(test_junc)
    xn, xp, xi, sn, sp, ln, lp, dn, dp, Nd_c, Na_c, ni, es = identify_parameters(test_junc, options.T, pRegion, nRegion, iRegion)

    ni_expect = GaAs_n.ni

    assert [id_top, id_bottom] == approx([0, 1])
    assert pn_or_np == 'pn'
    assert [xn, xp, xi, sn, sp, ln, lp, dn, dp, Nd_c, Na_c, ni, es] == approx([n_width, p_width, 0, 0, 0, Lp, Ln, GaAs_n.hole_mobility * kb * options.T / q,
                                    GaAs_p.electron_mobility * kb * options.T / q, Nd, Na, ni_expect, GaAs_n.permittivity])
コード例 #2
def test_process_junction_set_in_junction():
    from solcore.analytic_solar_cells.depletion_approximation import identify_layers, identify_parameters
    from solcore import material
    from solcore.structure import Layer, Junction
    from solcore.state import State

    options = State()
    options.T = np.random.uniform(250, 350)

    Lp = np.power(10, np.random.uniform(-9, -6))  # Diffusion length
    Ln = np.power(10, np.random.uniform(-9, -6))  # Diffusion length

    sn = np.power(10, np.random.uniform(0, 3))
    sp = np.power(10, np.random.uniform(0, 3))

    se = np.random.uniform(1, 20) * vacuum_permittivity

    GaAs_n = material("GaAs")()
    GaAs_p = material("GaAs")()
    GaAs_i = material("GaAs")()

    p_width = np.random.uniform(500, 1000)
    n_width = np.random.uniform(3000, 5000)
    i_width = np.random.uniform(100, 300) * 1e-9

    mun = np.power(10, np.random.uniform(-5, 0))
    mup = np.power(10, np.random.uniform(-5, 0))

    Vbi = np.random.uniform(0, 3)

    test_junc = Junction([
        Layer(p_width, GaAs_p, role="emitter"),
        Layer(i_width, GaAs_i, role="intrinsic"),
        Layer(n_width, GaAs_n, role="base")

    id_top, id_bottom, pRegion, nRegion, iRegion, pn_or_np = identify_layers(
    xn, xp, xi, sn_c, sp_c, ln, lp, dn, dp, Nd_c, Na_c, ni, es = identify_parameters(
        test_junc, options.T, pRegion, nRegion, iRegion)

    ni_expect = GaAs_n.ni

    assert [id_top, id_bottom] == approx([0, 2])
    assert pn_or_np == 'pn'
    assert [xn, xp, xi, sn_c, sp_c, ln, lp, dn, dp, Nd_c, Na_c, ni,
            es] == approx([
                n_width, p_width, i_width, sn, sp, Ln, Lp,
                mun * kb * options.T / q, mup * kb * options.T / q, 1, 1,
                ni_expect, se
コード例 #3
def test_dark_iv_depletion_np(np_junction):
    from solcore.analytic_solar_cells.depletion_approximation import iv_depletion, get_depletion_widths, get_j_dark, get_Jsrh, identify_layers, identify_parameters
    from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

    test_junc, options = np_junction
    options.light_iv = False
    T = options.T

    test_junc[0].voltage = options.internal_voltages

    id_top, id_bottom, pRegion, nRegion, iRegion, pn_or_np = identify_layers(test_junc[0])
    xn, xp, xi, sn, sp, ln, lp, dn, dp, Nd, Na, ni, es = identify_parameters(test_junc[0], T, pRegion, nRegion, iRegion)

    niSquared = ni**2

    kbT = kb * T

    Vbi = (kbT / q) * np.log(Nd * Na / niSquared)

    V = np.where(test_junc[0].voltage < Vbi - 0.001, test_junc[0].voltage, Vbi - 0.001)

    wn, wp = get_depletion_widths(test_junc[0], es, Vbi, V, Na, Nd, xi)

    w = wn + wp + xi

    l_bottom, l_top = ln, lp
    x_bottom, x_top = xp, xn
    w_bottom, w_top = wp, wn
    s_bottom, s_top = sp, sn
    d_bottom, d_top = dp, dn
    min_bot, min_top = niSquared / Na, niSquared / Nd

    JtopDark = get_j_dark(x_top, w_top, l_top, s_top, d_top, V, min_top, T)
    JbotDark = get_j_dark(x_bottom, w_bottom, l_bottom, s_bottom, d_bottom, V, min_bot, T)

    JpDark, JnDark = JbotDark, JtopDark

    lifetime_n = ln ** 2 / dn
    lifetime_p = lp ** 2 / dp  # Jenny p163

    Jrec = get_Jsrh(ni, V, Vbi, lifetime_p, lifetime_n, w, kbT)

    J_sc_top = 0
    J_sc_bot = 0
    J_sc_scr = 0

    current = Jrec + JnDark + JpDark + V / 1e14- J_sc_top - J_sc_bot - J_sc_scr
    iv = interp1d(test_junc[0].voltage, current, kind='linear', bounds_error=False, assume_sorted=True,
                           fill_value=(current[0], current[-1]), copy=True)

    iv_depletion(test_junc[0], options)

    assert test_junc[0].iv(options.internal_voltages) == approx(iv(options.internal_voltages), nan_ok=True)
コード例 #4
def test_identify_layers_exceptions():
    from solcore.analytic_solar_cells.depletion_approximation import identify_layers
    from solcore import material
    from solcore.structure import Layer, Junction

    Na = np.power(10, np.random.uniform(22, 25))
    Nd = np.power(10, np.random.uniform(22, 25))

    Lp = np.power(10, np.random.uniform(-9, -6))  # Diffusion length
    Ln = np.power(10, np.random.uniform(-9, -6))  # Diffusion length

    GaAs_n = material("GaAs")(Nd=Nd, hole_diffusion_length=Ln)
    GaAs_p = material("GaAs")(Na=Na, electron_diffusion_length=Lp)
    GaAs_i = material("GaAs")()
    Ge_n = material("Ge")(Nd=Nd, hole_diffusion_length=Ln)

    n_width = np.random.uniform(500, 1000) * 1e-9
    p_width = np.random.uniform(3000, 5000) * 1e-9
    i_width = np.random.uniform(300, 500) * 1e-9

    test_junc = Junction([
        Layer(n_width, GaAs_n, role="emitter"),
        Layer(p_width, GaAs_p, role="neither")

    with raises(RuntimeError):

    test_junc = Junction([
        Layer(n_width, GaAs_n, role="emitter"),
        Layer(i_width, GaAs_i, role="intrinsic"),
        Layer(p_width, GaAs_p, role="nothing")

    with raises(RuntimeError):

    test_junc = Junction([
        Layer(n_width, Ge_n, role="emitter"),
        Layer(p_width, GaAs_p, role="base")

    with raises(AssertionError):