コード例 #1
 def random_solution(self):
     """generamos una solución aleatoria para comenzar"""
     self.solution = Solution(self.locations, self.facilities)
     return self.solution
コード例 #2
    "hitch", "crews", "lucia", "banal", "grope", "valid", "meres", "thick",
    "lofts", "chaff", "taker", "glues", "snubs", "trawl", "keels", "liker",
    "stand", "harps", "casks", "nelly", "debby", "panes", "dumps", "norma",
    "racks", "scams", "forte", "dwell", "dudes", "hypos", "sissy", "swamp",
    "faust", "slake", "maven", "lowed", "lilts", "bobby", "gorey", "swear",
    "nests", "marci", "palsy", "siege", "oozes", "rates", "stunt", "herod",
    "wilma", "other", "girts", "conic", "goner", "peppy", "class", "sized",
    "games", "snell", "newsy", "amend", "solis", "duane", "troop", "linda",
    "tails", "woofs", "scuds", "shies", "patti", "stunk", "acres", "tevet",
    "allen", "carpi", "meets", "trend", "salty", "galls", "crept", "toner",
    "panda", "cohen", "chase", "james", "bravo", "styed", "coals", "oates",
    "swami", "staph", "frisk", "cares", "cords", "stems", "razed", "since",
    "mopes", "rices", "junes", "raged", "liter", "manes", "rearm", "naive",
    "tyree", "medic", "laded", "pearl", "inset", "graft", "chair", "votes",
    "saver", "cains", "knobs", "gamay", "hunch", "crags", "olson", "teams",
    "surge", "wests", "boney", "limos", "ploys", "algae", "gaols", "caked",
    "molts", "glops", "tarot", "wheal", "cysts", "husks", "vaunt", "beaus",
    "fauns", "jeers", "mitty", "stuff", "shape", "sears", "buffy", "maced",
    "fazes", "vegas", "stamp", "borer", "gaged", "shade", "finds", "frock",
    "plods", "skied", "stump", "ripes", "chick", "cones", "fixed", "coled",
    "rodeo", "basil", "dazes", "sting", "surfs", "mindy", "creak", "swung",
    "cadge", "franc", "seven", "sices", "weest", "unite", "codex", "trick",
    "fusty", "plaid", "hills", "truck", "spiel", "sleek", "anons", "pupae",
    "chiba", "hoops", "trash", "noted", "boris", "dough", "shirt", "cowls",
    "seine", "spool", "miens", "yummy", "grade", "proxy", "hopes", "girth",
    "deter", "dowry", "aorta", "paean", "corms", "giant", "shank", "where",
    "means", "years", "vegan", "derek", "tales"

print(Solution().ladderLength(beginWord, endWord, wordList))
コード例 #3

from solution import Solution

# Unit Test
string1 = [1,2,3]
string2 = [4,3,2,1]
string3 = [9,9]
s = Solution()
if (s.plusOne(string1)==[1,2,4]):
    print("Test 1 Failed")
if (s.plusOne(string2)==[4,3,2,2]):
    print("Test 2 Failed")
if (s.plusOne(string3)==[1,0,0]):
    print("Test 3 Failed")
コード例 #4
def GA_crossover(sol1, sol2):
    import sys
    assert sys.version_info[0] == 3, sys.version_info

    abo = CONFIG['letter_frequency']
    get_index = lambda t: ord(t) - ord('a')

    # Crossover method 1. with ordering based on frequency, just crossover
    # CUTOFF alpha : randomly choose
    # DEAD METHOD, since it does not seems to generate better result
    if False:
        alpha = randint(0, 24)
        new_pos1 = [(0, 0) for _ in range(26)]
        new_pos2 = [(0, 0) for _ in range(26)]

        for it, e in enumerate(abo):
            ind = get_index(e)
            if it < alpha:
                new_pos1[ind] = sol1.get_loc(ind)
                new_pos2[ind] = sol2.get_loc(ind)
                new_pos1[ind] = sol2.get_loc(ind)
                new_pos2[ind] = sol1.get_loc(ind)

    # Crossover method 2, idea by BJ
    # offspring1 : given location information from parent 1
    #              given alphabet information from parent 2
    #                              ordering from left to right
    # offspring2 : given location information from parent 2
    #              given alphabet information from parent 1
    #                              ordering from left to right
    # ISSUE: Some limitation on searching for solution space?
    # ISSUE: Is it generate better result?
    def crossover2(pos1, pos2):
        assert pos1.shape[1] == 2 == pos2.shape[1]

        # ordering information
        # if p1 = [1, 3, 2, 0] means
        #   among b(1), d(3), c(2), a(0),
        #   b is on the leftmost side, a is on the rightmost side
        p1 = np.argsort(pos1[:, 0])  # pos1[p1[i]][0] < pos1[p1[i+1]][0]
        p2 = np.argsort(pos2[:, 0])

        new_pos1 = np.zeros(pos1.shape)
        new_pos2 = np.zeros(pos2.shape)

        # alphabet with index ai is i'th in new_pos2
        for i, ai in enumerate(p2):
            new_pos1[ai] = pos1[p1[i]]

        for j, aj in enumerate(p1):
            new_pos2[aj] = pos2[p2[j]]

        return new_pos1, new_pos2

    a, b = crossover2(np.array([[0, 0], [1, 0], [0.4, 0], [7, 0]]),
                      np.array([[2, 0], [4, 0], [1.5, 0], [1, 0]]))
    assert np.all(a == np.array([[1, 0], [7, 0], [0.4, 0], [0, 0]]))
    assert np.all(b == np.array([[1, 0], [2, 0], [1.5, 0], [4, 0]]))

    # Crossover method 3, idea by BS
    # offspring1 : given left-half location from parent 1
    #              given right-half location from parent 2
    # offspring2 : given left-half location from parent 2
    #              given right-half location from parent 1
    # alphabet information on each offspring
    #    -> depending on priority on alphabet frequency
    # ISSUE: Is it generate better result?
    def crossover3(pos1, pos2):
        assert len(pos1) == len(pos2) == 26

        # ordering information
        # if p1 = [1, 3, 2, 0] means
        #   among b(1), d(3), c(2), a(0),
        #   b is on the leftmost side, a is on the rightmost side
        p1 = np.argsort(pos1[:, 0])  # pos1[p1[i]][0] < pos1[p1[i+1]][0]
        p2 = np.argsort(pos2[:, 0])

        # ISSUE: overlapping problem.
        # For each parent, one point in parent and other one in other parent
        #   could be 'close' to each other. These pairs of points should not
        #   reach to single offspring.
        # Dividing into two parts for each parent, making no overlapping points.
        # ASSUMPTION: there is no two close points in one parent
        # The assumption is not really critical, but it helps thinking
        close = lambda pos1, pos2: \
            np.abs(pos1[0]-pos2[0]) < 0.01 and \
            np.abs(pos1[1]-pos2[1]) < 0.01

        # Extract close points iteratively.
        overlapped = []  # tuple of (idx1, idx2)
        for idx1 in p1:
            point1 = pos1[idx1]

            for idx2 in p2:
                point2 = pos2[idx2]
                if close(point1, point2):
                    overlapped.append((idx1, idx2))
                if point2[0] > point1[0] + 0.01:

        # Below statements are used before fixing overlapping issue
        # p1_left_pos_idx = p1[:13]
        # p1_right_pos_idx = p2[13:]
        # p2_left_pos_idx = p2[:13]
        # p2_right_pos_idx = p1[13:]

        # Step 1. Divide overlapped points into two part
        #   with ordering left to right
        #   (may be not exactly half for odd)
        # Step 2. Divide remaining points into two parts
        #   with ordering left to right
        p1_left_pos_idx = []  # left part of offspring 1
        p1_right_pos_idx = []  # right part of offspring 2
        p2_left_pos_idx = []  # left part of offspring 2
        p2_right_pos_idx = []  # right part of offspring 1

        # Step 1
        half = len(overlapped) // 2
        for i, (idx1, idx2) in enumerate(overlapped):
            if i < half:

        p1_used_idx = p1_left_pos_idx + p1_right_pos_idx
        p2_used_idx = p2_left_pos_idx + p2_right_pos_idx

        # Step 2
        for idx in p1:
            if idx not in p1_used_idx:
                if len(p1_left_pos_idx) < 13:
        for idx in p2:
            if idx not in p2_used_idx:
                if len(p2_left_pos_idx) < 13:

        assert len(p1_left_pos_idx) == 13
        assert len(p1_right_pos_idx) == 13
        assert len(p2_left_pos_idx) == 13
        assert len(p2_right_pos_idx) == 13

        new_pos1 = np.zeros(pos1.shape)
        new_pos2 = np.zeros(pos2.shape)

        # decide which part to go when alphabet ALPHA given
        # case 1. ALPHA is on the left on parent 1 and
        #         ALPHA is on the left on parent 2
        #   -> put ALPHA on just corresponding location on offsprings 1
        # case 2. ALPHA is on the right on parent 1 and
        #         ALPHA is on the right on parent 2
        #   -> just same as case 1.
        # case 3. ALPHA is on the left on parent 1 and
        #         ALPHA is on the right on parent 2
        #   -> Both corresponding locations are on the offspring 1
        #   -> Yield one between them, for some another alphabet,
        #      which assigned to both location on offspring 2
        # case 4. ALPHA is on the right on parent 1 and
        #         ALPHA is on the left on parent 2
        #   -> Both corresponding locations are on the offspring 2
        #   -> Yield one between them, for some another alphabet,
        #      which assigned to both location on offspring 1

        # control case 3 and case 4
        # list of tuples: (alphabetid)
        off1_extra = []  # case 3. extra alphabets on offspring 1
        off2_extra = []  # case 4. extra alphabets on offspring 2

        for alphabet in abo:
            idx = get_index(alphabet)

            if idx in p1_left_pos_idx:
                if idx in p2_left_pos_idx:
                    new_pos1[idx] = pos1[idx]
                    new_pos2[idx] = pos2[idx]

                    # case 3
                    if off2_extra:
                        idx2 = off2_extra.pop(0)

                        if randint(0, 1):
                            new_pos1[idx] = pos1[idx]
                            new_pos2[idx] = pos1[idx2]
                            new_pos1[idx2] = pos2[idx]
                            new_pos2[idx2] = pos2[idx2]
                            new_pos1[idx] = pos2[idx]
                            new_pos2[idx] = pos2[idx2]
                            new_pos1[idx2] = pos1[idx]
                            new_pos2[idx2] = pos1[idx2]


                if idx not in p2_left_pos_idx:
                    new_pos1[idx] = pos2[idx]
                    new_pos2[idx] = pos1[idx]

                    # case 4
                    if off1_extra:
                        idx2 = off1_extra.pop(0)

                        if randint(0, 1):
                            new_pos1[idx] = pos2[idx2]
                            new_pos2[idx] = pos2[idx]
                            new_pos1[idx2] = pos1[idx2]
                            new_pos2[idx2] = pos1[idx]
                            new_pos1[idx] = pos1[idx2]
                            new_pos2[idx] = pos1[idx]
                            new_pos1[idx2] = pos2[idx2]
                            new_pos2[idx2] = pos2[idx]


        assert off1_extra == [] == off2_extra

        return new_pos1, new_pos2

    # Crossover method 4, BLX-alpha, (blend crossover)
    # http://www.tomaszgwiazda.com/blendX.htm
    def crossover4(pos1, pos2):
        assert len(pos1) == 26 == len(pos2)

        new_pos1 = np.zeros(pos1.shape)
        new_pos2 = np.zeros(pos2.shape)

        width, height = Solution.field.width, Solution.field.height
        dx = 4
        dy = 10

        for i in range(26):
            minx = max(min(pos1[i][0], pos2[i][0]) - dx, 0)
            maxx = min(max(pos1[i][0], pos2[i][0]) + dx, width)

            miny = max(min(pos1[i][1], pos2[i][1]) - dy, 0)
            maxy = min(max(pos1[i][1], pos2[i][1]) + dy, height)

            new_pos1[i] = [uniform(minx, maxx), uniform(miny, maxy)]
            new_pos2[i] = [uniform(minx, maxx), uniform(miny, maxy)]
        return new_pos1, new_pos2

    if True:
        new_pos1, new_pos2 = crossover3(sol1.positions, sol2.positions)

    return Solution(new_pos1), Solution(new_pos2)
コード例 #5
ファイル: test.py プロジェクト: tuang3142/rubyquiz
 def setUp(self):
     self.countSquares = Solution().countSquares
コード例 #6
    def test_wordBreak_repeated_word(self):
        s = Solution()

        result = s.wordBreak("applepenapple", ["apple", "pen"])
        self.assertEqual(result, True)
コード例 #7
    def test_wordBreak(self):
        s = Solution()

        result = s.wordBreak("leetcode", ["leet", "code"])
        self.assertEqual(result, True)
コード例 #8
def test_solution():
    s = Solution()
    assert s.backspaceCompare('ab#c', 'ad#c') == True
    assert s.backspaceCompare('ab##', 'c#d#') == True
    assert s.backspaceCompare('a##c', '#a#c') == True
    assert s.backspaceCompare('a#c', 'b') == False
コード例 #9
ファイル: test.py プロジェクト: tuang3142/rubyquiz
 def setUp(self):
     self.min_move = Solution().minMoves
コード例 #10
 def test2(self):
     self.assertEqual(Solution().minSubArrayLen(7, [2, 3, 1, 2, 4, 3]), 2)
コード例 #11
def test_solution():
    s = Solution()
    assert s.mincostTickets(1,4,6,7,8,20], [2,7,15])
コード例 #12
 def test1(self):
     self.assertEqual(Solution().minSubArrayLen(3, [1, 1]), 0)
コード例 #13
 def test3(self):
     self.assertEqual(Solution().minSubArrayLen(4, [0, 4, 4]), 1)
コード例 #14
def test_array_sign(nums, expected):
    solution = Solution()
    assert solution.arraySign(nums) == expected
コード例 #15
def test_solution():
    s = Solution()
    assert s.integerBreak(10) == 36
コード例 #16
# Licensing Information:  You are free to use or extend these projects for
# educational purposes provided that (1) you do not distribute or publish
# solutions, (2) you retain this notice, and (3) you provide clear
# attribution to UC San Diego.
# Created by Yuzhe Qin, Fanbo Xiang

from final_env import FinalEnv
from solution import Solution
import numpy as np

if __name__ == '__main__':
    env = FinalEnv()
    # env.run(Solution(), render=True, render_interval=5, debug=True)
    # at test time, run the following
コード例 #17
from functions_manager import split_function
from functions_manager import split_function
def create_children(parents, history = None):
	u'returns tuple containing 2 children from 2 parents'
	x, y = parents
	c1, c2 = deepcopy(x), deepcopy(y)
	m1 = split_function(c1.f, 0.25)
	m2 = split_function(c2.f, 0.25)	
	if m1[1] == None or m2[1] == None:
		if m1[1] == None and m2[1]:
			if m2[2] == 1: m2[1].child1 = deepcopy(m1[0])
			elif m2[2] ==2: m2[1].child2 = deepcopy(m1[0])
		elif m2[1] == None and m1[1]:
			if m1[2] == 1: m1[1].child1 = deepcopy(m2[0])
			elif m1[2] ==2: m1[1].child2 = deepcopy(m2[0])
		if m1[2] == 1: # first child
			m1[1].child1 = m2[0]
		else: m1[1].child2 = m2[0]

		if m2[2] == 1:
			m2[1].child1 = m1[0]
		else: m2[1].child2 = m1[0]
	return (c1,c2)

from solution import Solution
from functions_manager import rand_function
create_population = lambda amount, max_dept: [Solution(rand_function(max_dept)) for i in range(amount)]
コード例 #18
def test_solution():
    s = Solution()
    assert s.canPartition([1, 5, 11, 5]) == True
    assert s.canPartition([1, 2, 3, 5]) == False
コード例 #19
    def test_wordBreak_false(self):
        s = Solution()

        result = s.wordBreak("catsandog",
                             ["cats", "dog", "sand", "and", "cat"])
        self.assertEqual(result, False)
コード例 #20
def test_solution():
    s = Solution()
    assert s.maxSubArray([-2, 1, -3, 4, -1, 2, 1, -5, 4]) == 6
    assert s.maxSubArray([1]) == 1
コード例 #21
ファイル: test_solution.py プロジェクト: FluffyFu/Leetcode
def test_solution():
    intervals = [[1, 4], [3, 6], [2, 8]]
    assert Solution().remove_covered_intervals(intervals) == 2

    intervals = [[1, 4], [2, 8], [1, 6]]
    assert Solution().remove_covered_intervals(intervals) == 2
コード例 #22
 def setUp(self):
     self.ways = Solution().ways
コード例 #23
def test_solution():
    s = Solution()
    assert s.leastInterval(["A", "A", "A", "B", "B", "B"], 2)
コード例 #24
ファイル: test.py プロジェクト: lmarqs/alg-studies
    def test_numIslands(self):
        grid = [[1, 1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 0, 1, 1],
                [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]

        self.assertEqual(3, Solution().numIslands(grid))
コード例 #25
 def setUp(self):
     self.solution = Solution()
コード例 #26
from solution import Solution

# Unit Test

solutionObject = Solution()
input_string = "G()(al)"
コード例 #27
def test_solution():
    s = Solution()
    assert s.coinChange([1, 2, 5], 11) == 3
コード例 #28
 def setUp(self) -> None:
     self.solution = Solution()
コード例 #29
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from solution import Solution

#  nums = [1, 2, 5, 6]
nums = [2, 1, 1, 2]
sol = Solution()
res = sol.rob(nums)
コード例 #30
ファイル: test.py プロジェクト: ll10524/Daily-Interview-Pro
 def test2(self):
     self.assertEqual(Solution().distance('horse', 'ros'), 3)