コード例 #1
def create_arguments_parser(add_help):
  """Create the parser for the command-line arguments"""
  # Create the solve model parser which will give us some arguments
  # controlling the solver (start/stop_time etc)
  solve_model_parser = solve_model.create_arguments_parser(False)

  description = "Perform an optimisation for parameter values"
  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=add_help,
  # Might want to make the type of this 'FileType('r')'
  parser.add_argument('filenames', metavar='F', nargs='+',
    help="The input files: model gold_standard initparams")
  cost_function_choices = ["x2", "fft", "special", "circad" ]
  parser.add_argument('--cost-function', action='append',
    help="Set the cost function(s) to be used to evaluate individuals")
  parser.add_argument('--target-cost', action='store',
                      type=int, default=0,
    help="Set the target cost to meet, default = 0")
  parser.add_argument('--generations', action='store',
                      type=int, default=10,
    help="Set the number of generations to evolve")
  # There is no default for the population size, this is such that
  # the algorithms may distinguish between a population size set by
  # the user and the default. Hence the each algorithm can make its own
  # mind up about what the default should be, for example in simple it
  # is equal to the number of parameters.
  parser.add_argument('--population', action='store',
                      type=int, # no default, None signals default
    help="Set the population size of each generation")
  algorithm_choices = ["sa", "simple", "experiment"]
  parser.add_argument('--algorithm', action='store',
                      choices=algorithm_choices, default="simple",
    help="Select the genetic algorithm to deploy")
  parser.add_argument('--results-dir', action='store',
    help="Select a directory in which to store the results")
  parser.add_argument('--record-freq', action='store',
                      type=int, # no default, None signals no freq
    help="Specify how often results should be recorded")
  return parser
コード例 #2
 def setUp(self):
   # Similarly we can't do much about the name 'setUp' 
   # pylint: disable=C0103
   self.arg_parser    = solve_model.create_arguments_parser(True)