def apply_algorithm(traj, D, times, anchors, method='ours'): """ Apply method to given measurements. :return: Chat, points, indices Chat contains the trajectory fitted to the measurements. points """ if method == 'ours-weighted': basis = traj.get_basis(times=times) Chat = trajectory_recovery(D, anchors, basis, weighted=True) return Chat, None, None elif method == 'ours': basis = traj.get_basis(times=times) Chat = trajectory_recovery(D, anchors, basis, weighted=False) return Chat, None, None elif method == 'srls': indices = range(D.shape[0])[traj.dim + 2::3] points, indices = pointwise_srls(D, anchors, traj, indices) times = np.array(times)[indices] Chat = None if points.shape[0] >= traj.n_complexity: Chat = fit_trajectory(points.T, times=times, traj=traj) else: print(f'Warning in apply_algorithm(srls): cannot fit trajectory to points of shape {points.shape}.') return Chat, points, indices elif method == 'rls': indices = range(D.shape[0])[traj.dim + 2::3] grid = get_grid(anchors, grid_size=0.5) points, indices = pointwise_rls(D, anchors, traj, indices, grid=grid) times = np.array(times)[indices] Chat = None if points.shape[0] >= traj.n_complexity: Chat = fit_trajectory(points.T, times=times, traj=traj) else: print(f'Warning in apply_algorithm(rls): cannot fit trajectory to points of shape {points.shape}.') return Chat, points, indices elif method == 'lm-ellipse': basis = traj.get_basis(times=times) c0 = init_lm(traj.coeffs, method='ellipse').flatten() Chat = least_squares_lm(D, anchors, basis, c0, cost='simple', jacobian=False) return Chat, None, None elif method == 'lm-line': basis = traj.get_basis(times=times) c0 = init_lm(traj.coeffs, method='line').flatten() Chat = least_squares_lm(D, anchors, basis, c0, cost='simple', jacobian=False) return Chat, None, None elif method == 'lm-ours-weighted': basis = traj.get_basis(times=times) c0 = trajectory_recovery(D, anchors, basis, weighted=True) Chat = None if c0 is not None: c0 = c0.flatten() Chat = least_squares_lm(D, anchors, basis, c0, cost='simple', jacobian=False) return Chat, None, None else: raise ValueError(method)
def create_complexities(traj, D, times, anchors, list_complexities): """ Evaluate our algorithm and srls, srls for different complexities. Used to create Figure 7, first row, in Relax and Recover paper. """ grid = get_grid(anchors, grid_size=0.5) results = pd.DataFrame(columns=['method', 'result', 'n_complexity']) num_seeds = 3 for n_complexity in list_complexities: traj.set_n_complexity(n_complexity) basis = traj.get_basis(times=times) Chat = trajectory_recovery(D, anchors[:2, :], basis, weighted=True) results.loc[len(results), :] = dict(n_complexity=n_complexity, method='ours-weighted', result=Chat) indices = range(D.shape[0])[traj.dim + 2::3] p_rls, __ = pointwise_rls(D, anchors, traj, indices, grid) p_srls, __ = pointwise_srls(D, anchors, traj, indices) results.loc[len(results), :] = dict(n_complexity=n_complexity, method='srls', result=p_srls) results.loc[len(results), :] = dict(n_complexity=n_complexity, method='rls', result=p_rls) return results
def plot_complexities_old(traj, D, times, anchors, full_df, list_complexities, srls=False, rls=True): if rls: grid = get_grid(anchors, grid_size=0.5) fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, len(list_complexities), sharex=True, sharey=True) for ax, n_complexity in zip(axs, list_complexities): traj.set_n_complexity(n_complexity) basis = traj.get_basis(times=times) Chat = trajectory_recovery(D, anchors[:2, :], basis, weighted=True) traj.set_coeffs(coeffs=Chat) traj.plot_pretty(times=times, color="C0", label='ours', ax=ax) ax.plot(full_df.px,, color='black', ls=':', linewidth=1., label='GPS') ax.set_title('K = {}'.format(traj.n_complexity)) remove_ticks(ax) i = 1 if srls: indices = range(D.shape[0])[::3] points, used_indices = pointwise_srls(D, anchors, traj, indices) label = 'SRLS' for x in points: ax.scatter(*x, color=f'C{i}', label=label, s=4.0) label = None i += 1 if rls: indices = range(D.shape[0])[traj.dim + 2::3] points, used_indices = pointwise_rls(D, anchors, traj, indices, grid) label = 'RLS' for x in points: ax.scatter(*x, color=f'C{i}', label=label, s=4.0) label = None add_scalebar(axs[0], 20, loc='lower left') return fig, axs
def create_subsample(traj, D, times, anchors, n_measurements_list): """ Evaluate our algorithm and srls, srls for different numbers of measurements. Used to create Figure 7, second row, in Relax and Recover paper. """ grid = get_grid(anchors, grid_size=0.5) results = pd.DataFrame(columns=['method', 'result', 'n_measurements']) num_seeds = 3 for n_measurements in n_measurements_list: for seed in range(num_seeds): np.random.seed(seed) indices = np.random.choice(D.shape[0], n_measurements, replace=False) D_small = D[indices, :] times_small = np.array(times)[indices] basis_small = traj.get_basis(times=times_small) Chat = trajectory_recovery(D_small, anchors[:2, :], basis_small, weighted=True) results.loc[len(results), :] = dict(n_measurements=n_measurements, method='ours-weighted', result=Chat) p_rls, __ = pointwise_rls(D, anchors, traj, indices, grid) p_srls, __ = pointwise_srls(D, anchors, traj, indices) results.loc[len(results), :] = dict(n_measurements=n_measurements, method='srls', result=p_srls) results.loc[len(results), :] = dict(n_measurements=n_measurements, method='rls', result=p_rls) return results
def test_combination(self): """ Test that if we do our method first and then apply LM with split method, we do not change the result. """ sigma = 0.01 tol = 1e-3 # found empirically. for i in range(3): # works up to 10, but quite slow. self.set_measurements(seed=i) D_noisy = add_noise(self.D_topright, noise_sigma=sigma) x0 = trajectory_recovery(D_noisy, self.anchors, self.basis, weighted=False) x1 = least_squares_lm(D_noisy, self.anchors, self.basis, x0=x0.reshape((-1, )), cost='split', jacobian=False, verbose=VERBOSE) assert np.linalg.norm( x0 - x1) < tol, f'for {i}: {np.linalg.norm(x0 - x1)}'
def run_simulation(parameters, outfolder=None, solver=None, verbose=False): """ Run simulation. :param parameters: Can be either the name of the folder where parameters.json is stored, or a new dict of parameters. """ if type(parameters) == str: fname = parameters + 'parameters.json' parameters = read_params(fname) print('read parameters from file {}.'.format(fname)) elif type(parameters) == dict: parameters = parameters # if we are trying new parameters and saving in a directory that already exists, # we need to make sure that the saved parameters are actually the same. if outfolder is not None: try: parameters_old = read_params(outfolder + 'parameters.json') parameters['time'] = parameters_old['time'] assert parameters == parameters_old, 'found conflicting parameters file: {}'.format( outfolder + 'parameters.json') except FileNotFoundError: print('no conflicting parameters file found.') except AssertionError as error: raise (error) else: raise TypeError('parameters needs to be folder name or dictionary.') if 'noise_to_square' not in parameters: parameters['noise_to_square'] = False if 'measure_distances' not in parameters: parameters['measure_distances'] = False if 'sampling_strategy' not in parameters: parameters['sampling_strategy'] = 'uniform' complexities = parameters['complexities'] anchors = parameters['anchors'] positions = parameters['positions'] n_its = parameters['n_its'] noise_sigmas = parameters['noise_sigmas'] success_thresholds = parameters['success_thresholds'] assert len(success_thresholds) == len(noise_sigmas) if parameters['sampling_strategy'] == 'single_time': max_measurements = max(positions) else: max_measurements = max(positions) * max(anchors) successes = np.full((len(complexities), len(anchors), len(positions), len(noise_sigmas), max_measurements), np.nan) errors = np.full(successes.shape, np.nan) relative_errors = np.full(successes.shape, np.nan) absolute_errors = np.full(successes.shape, np.nan) num_not_solved = np.full(successes.shape, np.nan) num_not_accurate = np.full(successes.shape, np.nan) squared_distances = [] for c_idx, n_complexity in enumerate(complexities): print('n_complexity', n_complexity) for a_idx, n_anchors in enumerate(anchors): print('n_anchors', n_anchors) for p_idx, n_positions in enumerate(positions): print('n_positions', n_positions) if parameters['sampling_strategy'] == 'single_time': n_measurements = n_positions else: n_measurements = n_positions * n_anchors for m_idx, n_missing in enumerate(range(n_measurements)): if verbose: print('measurements idx', m_idx) for noise_idx, noise_sigma in enumerate(noise_sigmas): indexes = np.s_[c_idx, a_idx, p_idx, noise_idx, m_idx] if verbose: print("noise", noise_sigma) # set all values to 0 since we have visited them. if np.isnan(successes[indexes]): successes[indexes] = 0.0 if np.isnan(num_not_solved[indexes]): num_not_solved[indexes] = 0.0 if np.isnan(num_not_accurate[indexes]): num_not_accurate[indexes] = 0.0 for _ in range(n_its): trajectory = Trajectory(n_complexity, dim=DIM) anchors_coord = create_anchors(DIM, n_anchors) trajectory.set_coeffs(seed=None) basis, D_topright = get_measurements( trajectory, anchors_coord, n_samples=n_positions) distances = np.sqrt(D_topright) D_topright = add_noise( D_topright, noise_sigma, parameters["noise_to_square"]) mask = create_mask( n_positions, n_anchors, strategy=parameters['sampling_strategy'], n_missing=n_missing) if parameters['measure_distances']: squared_distances.extend( D_topright.flatten().tolist()) D_topright = np.multiply(D_topright, mask) try: assert p.full_rank_condition( np.sort(np.sum(mask, axis=0))[::-1], DIM + 1, n_complexity), "insufficient rank" if (solver is None) or ( solver == "semidef_relaxation_noiseless"): X = semidef_relaxation_noiseless( D_topright, anchors_coord, basis, chosen_solver=cvxpy.CVXOPT) P_hat = X[:DIM, DIM:] elif solver == 'trajectory_recovery': P_hat = trajectory_recovery( D_topright, anchors_coord, basis) elif solver == 'weighted_trajectory_recovery': P_hat = trajectory_recovery(D_topright, anchors_coord, basis, weighted=True) else: raise ValueError(solver) # calculate reconstruction error with respect to distances trajectory_estimated = Trajectory(coeffs=P_hat) _, D_estimated = get_measurements( trajectory_estimated, anchors_coord, n_samples=n_positions) estimated_distances = np.sqrt(D_estimated) robust_add( errors, indexes, np.linalg.norm(P_hat - trajectory.coeffs)) robust_add( relative_errors, indexes, np.linalg.norm( (distances - estimated_distances) / (distances + 1e-10))) robust_add( absolute_errors, indexes, np.linalg.norm(distances - estimated_distances)) assert not np.linalg.norm( P_hat - trajectory.coeffs ) > success_thresholds[noise_idx] robust_increment(successes, indexes) except cvxpy.SolverError: "could not solve n_positions={}, n_missing={}" .format(n_positions, n_missing)) robust_increment(num_not_solved, indexes) except ZeroDivisionError: "could not solve n_positions={}, n_missing={}" .format(n_positions, n_missing)) robust_increment(num_not_solved, indexes) except np.linalg.LinAlgError: robust_increment(num_not_solved, indexes) except AssertionError as e: if str(e) == "insufficient rank": robust_increment(num_not_solved, indexes) else: "result not accurate n_positions={}, n_missing={}" .format(n_positions, n_missing)) robust_increment(num_not_accurate, indexes) errors[indexes] = errors[indexes] / ( n_its - num_not_solved[indexes]) relative_errors[indexes] = relative_errors[ indexes] / (n_its - num_not_solved[indexes]) results = { 'successes': successes, 'num-not-solved': num_not_solved, 'num-not-accurate': num_not_accurate, 'errors': errors, 'relative-errors': relative_errors, 'absolute-errors': absolute_errors, 'distances': squared_distances } if outfolder is not None: print('Done with simulation. Saving results...') parameters['time'] = time.time() if not os.path.exists(outfolder): os.makedirs(outfolder) save_params(outfolder + 'parameters.json', **parameters) save_results(outfolder + 'result_{}_{}', results) else: return results
def build_up_algorithm(D, anchors, basis, times, eps=1, verbose=False): """ Build-up algorithm for trajectory estimation. Build up different trajectories as long as measurements "fit". When they stop fitting (see eps parameter), start a new trajectory. :param D: measurement matrix with squared distances (N x M) :param anchors: anchor coordinates (dim x M) :param basis: basis vectors (K x N) :param times: list of measurement times (length N) :param eps: error threshold for starting new trajectory. """ verify_dimensions(D, anchors, basis, times) C_k = None tk = [] D_k = np.empty((0, D.shape[1])) basis_k = np.empty((basis.shape[0], 0)) C_list = [] t_list = [] def g(C_k): r_n =[0], 1)) dist_estimates = np.linalg.norm(ams - r_n, axis=0) distances = np.sqrt(d_mn_row.flatten()[d_mn_row.flatten() > 0]) return np.sum(np.abs(dist_estimates - distances)) / len( distances) # MAE for d_mn_row, t_n, f_n in zip(D, times, basis.T): d_mn_row = d_mn_row.reshape((1, -1)) ams = anchors[:, d_mn_row[0] > 0] if C_k is None or g(C_k) <= eps: D_k = np.r_[D_k, d_mn_row] basis_k = np.c_[basis_k, f_n] tk.append(t_n) try: C_test = trajectory_recovery(D_k, anchors, basis_k) assert C_test is not None # TODO find a sensible general threshold here. assert g(C_test) < 2 * eps C_k = C_test # We need this somehow for numercial reasons. # Otherwise sometimes the tests fail because -0. != 0. C_k[np.abs(C_k) <= 1e-10] = 0.0 except AssertionError as e: if verbose: print( 'skipping {:.2f} because only {} measurements.'.format( t_n, len(np.array(tk)))) except np.linalg.LinAlgError: if verbose: print('skipping {:.2f} because failed'.format(t_n)) elif (C_k is not None) and g(C_k) > eps: if verbose: print('changing to new trajectory, because error is {:.4f}'. format(g(C_k))) basis_k = f_n D_k = d_mn_row C_list.append(C_k) t_list.append(tk) tk = [t_n] C_k = None if C_k is not None: C_list.append(C_k) t_list.append(tk) return C_list, t_list
def averaging_algorithm(D, anchors, basis, times, t_window=1.0, n_times=None, verbose=False): """ Iteratively compute estimates over fixed time window. :param D: measurement matrix with squared distances (N x M) :param anchors: anchor coordinates (dim x M) :param basis: basis vectors (K x N) :param times: list of measurement times (length N) :param t_window: width of fixed time window. """ if type(times) == list: times = np.array(times) verify_dimensions(D, anchors, basis, times) D_k = np.empty((0, D.shape[1])) basis_k = np.empty((basis.shape[0], 0)) C_list = [] t_list = [] # make sure we always have overlap if n_times is None: t_start = np.arange(times[0], times[-1], step=t_window / 2) else: t_start = np.linspace(times[0], times[-1], n_times) for t_s in t_start: tk = times[(times >= t_s) & (times < t_s + t_window)] for t_n in tk: idx = np.where(times == t_n)[0] d_mn_row = D[idx, :] f_n = basis[:, idx] D_k = np.r_[D_k, d_mn_row] basis_k = np.c_[basis_k, f_n] try: C_k = trajectory_recovery(D_k, anchors, basis_k) # We need this somehow for numercial reasons. # Otherwise sometimes the tests fail because -0. != 0. C_k[np.abs(C_k) <= 1e-10] = 0.0 C_list.append(C_k) except AssertionError: if verbose: print('skipping {:.2f} because only {} measurements.'.format( t_s, len(np.array(tk)))) except np.linalg.LinAlgError: if verbose: print('skipping {:.2f} because failed.'.format(t_s)) except ValueError: raise D_k = np.empty((0, D.shape[1])) basis_k = np.empty((basis.shape[0], 0)) t_list.append(tk) return C_list, t_list
def plot_subsample_old(traj, D, times, anchors, full_df, n_measurements_list, srls=False, rls=True): import hypothesis as h basis = traj.get_basis(times=times) fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, len(n_measurements_list), sharex=True, sharey=True) if rls: grid = get_grid(anchors, grid_size=0.5) alpha = 1.0 num_seeds = 3 for ax, n_measurements in zip(axs, n_measurements_list): label = 'ours' coeffs = np.empty([traj.dim, traj.n_complexity, 0]) colors = {0: 0, 1: 2, 2: 3} for seed in range(num_seeds): np.random.seed(seed) indices = np.random.choice(D.shape[0], n_measurements, replace=False) D_small = D[indices, :] mask = (D_small > 0).astype(np.float) p = np.sort(np.sum(mask, axis=0))[::-1] if not h.limit_condition(list(p), traj.dim + 1, traj.n_complexity): print("insufficient rank") times_small = np.array(times)[indices] basis_small = traj.get_basis(times=times_small) Chat = trajectory_recovery(D_small, anchors[:2, :], basis_small, weighted=True) coeffs = np.dstack([coeffs, Chat]) traj.set_coeffs(coeffs=Chat) traj.plot_pretty(times=times, color='C{}'.format(colors[seed]), ax=ax, alpha=alpha) Chat_avg = np.mean(coeffs, axis=2) traj.set_coeffs(coeffs=Chat_avg) traj.plot_pretty(times=times, color='C0', label=label, ax=ax) i = 1 if srls: points, used_indices = pointwise_srls(D, anchors, traj, indices) label = 'SRLS' for x in points: ax.scatter(*x, color=f'C{i}', label=label, s=4.0) label = None i += 1 if rls: points, used_indices = pointwise_rls(D, anchors, traj, indices, grid) label = 'RLS' for x in points: ax.scatter(*x, color=f'C{i}', label=label, s=4.0) label = None ax.plot(full_df.px,, ls=':', linewidth=1., color='black', label='GPS') remove_ticks(ax) ax.set_title('N = {}'.format(n_measurements), y=-0.22) add_scalebar(axs[0], 20, loc='lower left') return fig, axs