コード例 #1
    def run(self, globdat):

        # ADVANCE
        logging.info("Advancing to the next load step")
        globdat.i += 1
        ndof = globdat.get("ndof")
        globdat.set("fext", np.zeros(ndof))
        globdat.set("loadScale", globdat.i)

        globdat.model.takeAction(Action.ADVANCE, globdat)
        globdat.model.takeAction(Action.GET_MATRIX_0, globdat)
        globdat.model.takeAction(Action.GET_EXT_VECTOR, globdat)
        globdat.model.takeAction(Action.GET_CONSTRAINTS, globdat)

        mbuild = globdat.get("mbuild")
        fext = globdat.get("fext")
        cons = globdat.get("cons")
        disp = globdat.get("solu")
        ndof = globdat.get("ndof")

        old_disp = deepcopy(disp)
        Du = globdat.set("Du", disp - old_disp)

        K = mbuild.getDenseMatrix()
        r = fext - np.array(K).dot(Du)

        solver = Solver(self.type, cons)
        solver.solve(K, disp, r, mbuild.hbw)

        return Status.EXIT
コード例 #2
def p_convergence(config: ConfigParser, solver: Solver, sol: GridFunction, var: str) -> None:
    Function to check p (interpolat polynomial order) convergence and print results.

        config: Config file from which to grab
        solver: The solver used
        sol: Gridfunction that contains the current solution
        var: The variable of interest.
    num_refinements = config.get_item(['ERROR ANALYSIS', 'num_refinements'], int)
    average_lst = config.get_list(['ERROR ANALYSIS', 'error_average'], str, quiet=True)
    component = solver.model.model_components[var]
    average = component in average_lst

    # Reload the model's mesh and finite element space so convergence tests can be chained and don't affect each other.
    solver.model.load_mesh_fes(mesh=True, fes=True)

    # First solve used the default settings.
    if component is None:
        err = norm('l2_norm', sol, solver.model.ref_sol['ref_sols'][var],
                   solver.model.mesh, solver.model.fes, average)
        err = norm('l2_norm', sol.components[component], solver.model.ref_sol['ref_sols'][var],
                   solver.model.mesh, solver.model.fes.components[component], average)

    # Track the convergence information.
    num_dofs_lst = [solver.model.fes.ndof]
    interp_ord_lst = [solver.model.interp_ord[var]]
    error_lst = [err]

    # Then run through a series of interpolant refinements.
    for n in range(num_refinements):
        solver.model.interp_ord = {key: val + 1 for key, val in solver.model.interp_ord.items()}
        solver.model.load_mesh_fes(mesh=False, fes=True)
        sol = solver.solve()
        if component is None:
            err = norm('l2_norm', sol, solver.model.ref_sol['ref_sols'][var],
                       solver.model.mesh, solver.model.fes, average)
            err = norm('l2_norm', sol.components[component], solver.model.ref_sol['ref_sols'][var],
                       solver.model.mesh, solver.model.fes.components[component], average)


        print('L2 norm at refinement {0}: {1}'.format(n, err))

    # Display the results nicely.
    convergence_table = [['Interpolant Order', 'DOFs', 'Error', 'Convergence Rate']]
    convergence_table.append([interp_ord_lst[0], num_dofs_lst[0], error_lst[0], 0])

    for n in range(num_refinements):
        # TODO: Not sure if this is the correct equation for p-convergence.
        convergence_rate = math.log(error_lst[n] / error_lst[n + 1]) / math.log(num_dofs_lst[n + 1] / num_dofs_lst[n])
        convergence_table.append([interp_ord_lst[n + 1], num_dofs_lst[n + 1], error_lst[n + 1], convergence_rate])

    print(tabulate.tabulate(convergence_table, headers='firstrow', floatfmt=['.1f', '.1f', '.3e', '.2f']))
コード例 #3
 def add_configs(self, belief_points):
     self.alpha_vecs = [
         AlphaVector(a=-1, v=np.zeros(self.model.num_states))
     ]  # filled with a dummy alpha vector
     self.belief_points = belief_points
コード例 #4
    def __init__(self, model):
        Solver.__init__(self, model)
        self.tree = None

        self.simulation_time = None  # in seconds
        self.max_particles = None  # maximum number of particles can be supplied by hand for a belief node
        self.reinvigorated_particles_ratio = None  # ratio of max_particles to mutate
        self.utility_fn = None
コード例 #5
 def initialize_for_solve(self):
     if hasattr(self, 'f'):
         # If f is input in form of f(u,t), wrap f to f_f77 for Fortran code.
         f = self.f
         self.f_f77 = lambda t,u: np.asarray(f(u,t))
     elif hasattr(self, 'f_f77'):
         # If f is input in form of f(t,u) (usually in Fortran),
         # wrap f_f77 to the general form f(u,t) for switch_to()
         f_f77 = self.f_f77
         self.f = lambda u,t: np.asarray(f_f77(t,u))
コード例 #6
 def calculation(self):
     while True:
             calculator = Solver(self.type_method, self.xy, self.x)
             del calculator
         except TypeError:
         except ValueError:
コード例 #7
    def __init__(self, model):
        Solver.__init__(self, model)
        self.tree = None

        self.gamma = None  # discount
        self.cur_state = None  # current state for which action is produced
        self.horizon = None
        self.width = None
        self.max_reward = None  # upperbound on possible reward for a state
        self.max_diff = None  # max expected difference between optimal and computed
        self.utility_fn = None
コード例 #8
def eval_models(models_paths: list, path_to_data: str):
    if len(models_paths) == 0:
        return 0.0

    # getting test loader
    ds = FashionMnistHandler(path_to_data, False)
    # noise parameters are not relevant since test loader shouldn't have noise
    _, _, test_loader = ds.get_noisy_loaders(0, '1', 0.2, 128, 128, 128)
    device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu')

    test_acc = []
    for model_file in models_paths:
        # creating model
        checkpoint = torch.load(model_file, map_location=device)
        model_name = model_file.split("/")[-1]

        # loading from checkpoint
        model = CNNModel()
        loss_fn = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss()

        # evaluating
        _, acc = Solver.eval(model,
        print(f"Model {model_name} has {acc:.4f} acc in test dataset")

    return test_acc
コード例 #9
 def prepare_once(self, project_name : str, form : str, method : str, option : Dict[str, Any] = None) -> None:
     self.__project = project_name
     self.__method = method
     self.__form = form
     if method in self.jmetal_solvers:
         type = 'jmetal'
         # dump config in /dump/ folder
         Runner.dump_config(project_name, form, option)
         type = 'default'
     self.__nrp = NextReleaseProblem(project_name, type)
     self.__problem = self.__nrp.model(form, option)
     self.__solver = Solver(method, option)
     # empty solutions
     self.__solutions = None
コード例 #10
def main():
    url = StringArgumentParser().get_users_input()

    title = ArticleAPIService(url).get_title_of_html()
    search_text = TextProcessor(title).get_sentence()
    apiservice = TwitterAPIService(search_text)
    Solver(apiservice.get_tweets_list(), search_text).determine_genuity()
コード例 #11
ファイル: ns.py プロジェクト: BijanZarif/ns-fenics
def solve(solver_name, problem_name, options):
  'Solve the problem by solver with options.'

  # Set cpp_compiler options
  parameters["form_compiler"]["cpp_optimize"] = True

  # Set debug level

  # Set refinement level
  options['N'] = mesh_sizes[options['refinement_level']]

  # Create problem and solver
  problem = Problem(problem_name, options)
  solver = Solver(solver_name, options)

  time_step = solver.get_timestep(problem)[0]

  if MPI.process_number() == 0 and options['verbose']:
    print 'Problem: ' + str(problem)
    print 'Solver:  ' + str(solver)

  # Solve problem with solver
  wct = time.time()
  u, p = solver.solve(problem)

  # Compute elapsed time
  wct = time.time() - wct

  # Compute number of degrees of freedom
  num_dofs = u.vector().size() + p.vector().size()

  # Get the mesh size
  mesh_size = u.function_space().mesh().hmin()

  # Get functional value and error
  functional, error = solver.eval()

  # Save results
  cpu_time = solver.cputime()
  save_results(problem, solver, num_dofs, mesh_size, time_step, functional, error)

  return 0
コード例 #12
ファイル: rkc.py プロジェクト: zcemycl/odespy
    def initialize_for_solve(self):
        # INFO(4) is an integer array to specify how the problem
        # is to be solved
        self.info = np.zeros(4, int)

        self.info[0] = 1      # Compute solution at each time point
        if hasattr(self, 'spcrad_f77') or hasattr(self, 'spcrad'):
            self.info[1] = 1  # SPCRAD routine is supplied
            self.spcrad = lambda x,y: 0.0  # dummy function
        # Is the Jacobian constant?
        self.info[2] = self.jac_constant
        if (np.iterable(self.atol) and (len(self.atol) == self.neq)):
            self.info[3] = 1   # ATOL is a sequence of length NEQ

        if hasattr(self, 'f'):
            # If f is input in form of a Python function f(u,t),
            # let self.f_f77 wrap f and have arguments t, u.
            f = self.f
            self.f_f77 = lambda t,u: np.asarray(f(u,t))
        elif hasattr(self, 'f_f77'):
            # The right-hand side "f" is input as a Fortran function
            # taking the arguments t,u.
            # Set self.f to be f_f77 wrapped to the general form f(u,t)
            # for switch_to().
            f_f77 = self.f_f77
            self.f = lambda u,t: np.asarray(f_f77(t,u))
        # If spcrad is input in form of spcrad(u,t),
        # wrap spcrad to spcrad_f77 for Fortran code.
        if hasattr(self, 'spcrad'):
            # If spcrad is in form of spcrad(u,t), wrap for Fortran code.
            spcrad = self.spcrad
            self.spcrad_f77 = lambda t,u: np.asarray(spcrad(u,t))

        # We call Solver and not Adaptive below because Adaptive
        # just computes first_step, min_step and max_step, all of
        # which are non-used parameters for rkc.f
        Solver.initialize_for_solve(self)   # Common settings
コード例 #13
def main(fname, means, rnd_seed=1):
    n_arms = len(means)
    arms = list(map(lambda mu: BernoulliArm(mu), means))
    print("Best arm is " + str(Solver.ind_max(means)))

    f = open(fname, "w")

    for temperature in [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5]:
        algo = Softmax(temperature, [], [])
        results = test_algorithm(algo, arms, 5000, 250)
        for i in range(len(results[0])):
            f.write(str(temperature) + "\t")
                           for j in range(len(results))]) + "\n")

コード例 #14
def solve(solver_name, problem_name, options):
    'Solve the problem by solver with options.'

    # Set cpp_compiler options
    parameters["form_compiler"]["cpp_optimize"] = True

    # Set debug level

    # Set refinement level
    options['N'] = mesh_sizes[options['refinement_level']]

    # Create problem and solver
    problem = Problem(problem_name, options)
    solver = Solver(solver_name, options)

    time_step = solver.get_timestep(problem)[0]

    if MPI.process_number() == 0 and options['verbose']:
        print 'Problem: ' + str(problem)
        print 'Solver:  ' + str(solver)

    # Solve problem with solver
    wct = time.time()
    u, p = solver.solve(problem)

    # Compute elapsed time
    wct = time.time() - wct

    # Compute number of degrees of freedom
    num_dofs = u.vector().size() + p.vector().size()

    # Get the mesh size
    mesh_size = u.function_space().mesh().hmin()

    # Get functional value and error
    functional, error = solver.eval()

    # Save results
    cpu_time = solver.cputime()
    save_results(problem, solver, num_dofs, mesh_size, time_step, functional,

    return 0
コード例 #15
 def test_case_3(self):
     # prepare raw problem
     variables = [0, 1, 2, 3]
     objectives = [{0: -10, 1: -5, 2: -1, 3: -5}, {0: 3, 1: 2, 2: 3, 3: 0}]
     constraints = dict()
     # prepare solvers
     for solver_name in self.binary_solver:
         if solver_name == 'epsilon':
             problem = NextReleaseProblem.MOIP( \
                 variables, objectives, constraints,  \
                 dict(), dict() \
             constraints = JNRP.regularize_constraints(
                 constraints, len(variables))
             problem = JNRP(variables, objectives, constraints)
         solver = Solver(solver_name)
         # prepare and solve
         # get the solutions
         solutions = solver.solutions()
         print(solver_name + '\t\t' + str(len(solutions)))
         self.display(solutions, 5)
コード例 #16
 def test_case_2(self):
     # prepare raw problem
     variables = [0, 1, 2, 3]
     objectives = [{0: -10, 1: -5, 2: -1, 3: 5}]
     constraints = [{2: 1, 4: 0}, {0: 1, 3: -1, 4: 0}]
     # prepare solvers
     for solver_name in self.single_solver:
         if solver_name == 'single':
             problem = NextReleaseProblem.MOIP( \
                 variables, objectives, constraints,  \
                 ['L' for _ in range(len(constraints))], dict() \
             constraints = JNRP.regularize_constraints(
                 constraints, len(variables))
             problem = JNRP(variables, objectives, constraints)
         solver = Solver(solver_name)
         # prepare and solve
         # get the solutions
         solutions = solver.solutions()
         print(solver_name + '\t\t' + str(len(solutions)))
         self.display(solutions, 5)
コード例 #17
    args = parser.parse_args()
    args, lg = parse(args)

    # Tensorboard save directory
    resume = args['solver']['resume']
    tensorboard_path = 'Tensorboard/{}'.format(args['name'])

    if resume == False:
        if osp.exists(tensorboard_path):
            shutil.rmtree(tensorboard_path, True)
            lg.info('Remove dir: [{}]'.format(tensorboard_path))
    writer = SummaryWriter(tensorboard_path)

    # create dataset
    train_data = DIV2K(args['datasets']['train'])
    lg.info('Create train dataset successfully!')
    lg.info('Training: [{}] iterations for each epoch'.format(len(train_data)))

    val_data = DIV2K(args['datasets']['val'])
    lg.info('Create val dataset successfully!')
    lg.info('Validating: [{}] iterations for each epoch'.format(len(val_data)))

    # create solver
    lg.info('Preparing for experiment: [{}]'.format(args['name']))
    solver = Solver(args, train_data, val_data, writer)

    # train
    lg.info('Start training...')
コード例 #18
class Runner:
    # initialize
    def __init__(self, configs : List[ConfigType], out_path : str):
        # not changed member
        self.__result = dict()
        # prepare const members
        # jmetal solvers
        self.jmetal_solvers = MOEA_METHOD
        # prepare members
        self.__project : str = None
        self.__method : str = None
        self.__form : str = None
        self.__nrp : NextReleaseProblem = None
        self.__problem : ProblemType = None
        self.__solver : Solver = None
        self.__solutions : Set[Any] = None
        # config should be a list
        assert isinstance(configs, list)
        # check out_path if exists
        os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(out_path), exist_ok=True)
        # run the configurations
        for one_config in configs:
            # get the ite_num from config
            ite_num = one_config['ite_num']
            del one_config['ite_num']
            assert ite_num > 0
            # config name
            config_name = self.name(**one_config)
            print(config_name + ' will run ' + str(ite_num) + ' times')
            # check the config
            if not self.check_config(**one_config):
                print('FATAL: illegal config input ' + config_name)
            # each config run ite_num times
            for ind in range(ite_num):
                # run this config
                print('round: ', ind)
                self.run_once(one_config, config_name, ind)
                # dump solutions each round
                self.dump_once(out_path, config_name, ind)
            # print out message that each round has ended
            print('\r\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\r' + config_name + ' finished')
        # dump result
        self.dump(out_path, ite_num, False)

    # check config
    def check_config(self, project_name : str, form : str, method : str, option : Dict[str, Any] = None) -> bool:
        check = True
        # check config
        if project_name not in ALL_FILES_DICT:
            check = False
        if form not in NRP_FORMS:
            check = False
        if method not in SOLVING_METHOD:
            check = False
        # prepare message
        message = 'config: project:' + project_name + ' form: ' + form + ' method: ' + method
        if option:
            message += ' option: ' + str(option)
        if not check:
            # print out
            print(message, ' fail')
            return False
            print(message, ' start')
            return True

    # clear
    def clear(self) -> None:
        self.__project = None
        self.__method = None
        self.__form = None
        self.__nrp = None
        self.__problem = None
        self.__solver = None
        self.__solutions = None

    # run once
    def run_once(self, config : ConfigType, name : str, ind : int) -> None: 
        # this config name
        # print('\r\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\r' + name + ' round: ' + str(ind), end='')
        print(name + ' round: ' + str(ind))
        # clear all members
        # prepare_config
        # run
        elapsed_time = self.run()
        # collect results
        self.__solutions = self.__solver.solutions()
        if ind == 0:
            # first round, initialize
            self.__result[name] = dict()
        # record
        self.__result[name][str(ind)] = dict()
        self.__result[name][str(ind)]['runtime'] = elapsed_time
        self.__result[name][str(ind)]['solution number'] = len(self.__solutions)
        self.__result[name][str(ind)]['solutions'] = self.__solutions
        # just for debug
        # self.__result[name][str(ind)]  = dict()
        # self.__result[name][str(ind)] ['runtime'] = 3.33
        # self.__result[name][str(ind)] ['solution number'] = 100
        # self.__result[name][str(ind)] ['solutions'] = set([(1,2), (3,4), (5,6), (7,8), (9,0)])

    # prepare once
    def prepare_once(self, project_name : str, form : str, method : str, option : Dict[str, Any] = None) -> None:
        self.__project = project_name
        self.__method = method
        self.__form = form
        if method in self.jmetal_solvers:
            type = 'jmetal'
            # dump config in /dump/ folder
            Runner.dump_config(project_name, form, option)
            type = 'default'
        self.__nrp = NextReleaseProblem(project_name, type)
        self.__problem = self.__nrp.model(form, option)
        self.__solver = Solver(method, option)
        # empty solutions
        self.__solutions = None

    # dump solutions once
    def dump_once(self, out_path : str, name : str, ind : int):
        # exact output path
        exact_path = os.path.join(out_path, name)
        # check if result folder exists
        if not os.path.exists(exact_path):
        # prepare the solution file
        file_name = os.path.join(exact_path, str(ind)+'.txt')
        assert name in self.__result
        assert str(ind) in self.__result[name]
        assert 'solutions' in self.__result[name][str(ind)]
        # write to file
        with open(file_name, 'w') as file_out:
            for solution in list(self.__result[name][str(ind)]['solutions']):
        # delete it in checklist for saving memory
        del self.__result[name][str(ind)]['solutions']
        # write a runtime info. file
        file_name = os.path.join(exact_path, 'info_'+str(ind)+'.json')
        with open(file_name, 'w') as info_file:
            json_object = json.dumps(self.__result[name][str(ind)], indent = 4)
    # run! just run!
    def run(self) -> float:
        start = time.clock()
        end = time.clock()
        return end - start

    # display solutions
    def display(self, mode : bool = False) -> None:
        # print solution number found
        print('number of solutions found: ' + str(len(self.__solutions)))
        if not mode:
        # print each solution
        for solution in self.__solutions:
            print(str(solution) + ', ')
    # dump jmetal config
    def dump_config(project_name : str, form : str, option : Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
        # prepare the new option dict
        neo_option = dict()
        for key, value in option.items():
            if not value:
                # None
                neo_option[key] = 'n'
            elif isinstance(value, int):
                # int
                neo_option[key] = 'i' + str(value)
            elif isinstance(value, float):
                # float
                neo_option[key] = 'f' + str(value)
                assert False
        # end for
        json_object = json.dumps(neo_option, indent=4)
        # create DUMP PATH if not exists
        if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(DUMP_PATH)):
        # prepare file name
        file_name = os.path.join(DUMP_PATH, ('config_' + project_name + '_' + form + '.json'))
        # create config file
        with open(file_name, 'w+') as file_out:
        # end with

    # config name
    def name(project_name : str, form : str, method : str, option : Dict[str, Any] = None) -> str:
        name_str = project_name + '_' + form + '_' + method
        option_str = ''
        if option:
            for k, v in option.items():
                option_str += '_' + str(k) + str(v)
        return name_str + option_str

    # parse name to config
    # Note that if there are options, it will just return the string
    # because we cannot know it's structure here
    def dename(name : str) -> None:
        # name should be a string
        assert isinstance(name, str)
        # parse the project name first
        project_name = None
        for project in ALL_FILES_DICT:
            if name.startswith(project):
                project_name = project
                name = name[len(project)+1:]
        assert project_name
        # split by '_'
        args = name.split('_')
        assert len(args) >= 2
        # note that if length == 2, [2:] will be an empty list
        return {'project' : project_name, 'form' : args[0], 'method' : args[1], 'option' : args[2:]}

    # dump all solutions
    def dump(self, out_path : str, ite_num : int, write_solutions : bool = False) -> None:
        # result folder should already there
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(out_path))
        # wirte solution if mode is True
        if write_solutions:
            for name, content in self.__result.items():
                # prepare each result folder
                exact_path = os.path.join(out_path, name)
                os.makedirs(exact_path, exist_ok=True)
                for ind in range(ite_num):
                    # simple check
                    assert ind in content
                    assert 'solutions' in content[ind]
                    # prepare file
                    solution_file = open(os.path.join(exact_path, str(ind)+'.txt'), "w+")
                    # write into file
                    for solution in list(content[str(ind)]['solutions']):
                        solution_file.write(str(solution) + '\n')
                    del content[str(ind)]['solutions']
        # write checklist
        checklist_file = open(os.path.join(out_path, 'checklist.json'), 'w+')
        json_object = json.dumps(self.__result, indent = 4)
コード例 #19
 def __init__(self, model):
     Solver.__init__(self, model)
     self.belief_points = None
     self.alpha_vecs = None
     self.solved = False
コード例 #20
 def __init__(self, matches=10):
     Solver.__init__(self, matches)
     self.matches = matches
     self.base = [x for x in range(self.matches)]
     print('Random solver initialized!')
コード例 #21
                loss_name = loss.__class__.__name__
                print(f"Loss: {loss_name}\n")
                for noise_value in noise_values:
                    # RUN Experiments

                    name = f'CNN_{loss_name}_{tp_noise}_{noise_value}'

                    print(f"Training {name} with noise of type {tp_noise} and probability {noise_value}...")

                    # data preparation
                    dataset = FashionMnistHandler(data_dir, False)
                    train_loader, val_loader, test_loader = dataset.get_noisy_loaders(p_noise=noise_value,
                                                                                      val_size=1 / 6,

                    # model, optimizer, summary
                    model = CNNModel()
                    optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=lr)
                    summ = Summary(name, type_noise=tp_noise, noise_rate=noise_value)

                    solver = Solver(name, PROJECT_DIR, batch_model_dir, batch_summaries_dir, model,
                                    optimizer, loss, summ, train_loader, val_loader, test_loader)

                    print(f"Completed training...")
コード例 #22
    def run(self, globdat):

        # ADVANCE
        logging.info("Advancing to the next load step")
        globdat.i += 1
        ndof = globdat.get("ndof")
        globdat.set("du", np.zeros(ndof))
        globdat.set("Du", np.zeros(ndof))
        globdat.set("fext", np.zeros(ndof))
        globdat.set("fint", np.zeros(ndof))
        globdat.set("loadScale", globdat.i)

        globdat.model.takeAction(Action.ADVANCE, globdat)
        globdat.model.takeAction(Action.GET_MATRIX_0, globdat)
        globdat.model.takeAction(Action.GET_EXT_VECTOR, globdat)
        globdat.model.takeAction(Action.GET_CONSTRAINTS, globdat)

        mbuild = globdat.get("mbuild")
        fext = globdat.get("fext")
        fint = globdat.get("fint")
        cons = globdat.get("cons")
        disp = globdat.get("solu")

        old_disp = deepcopy(disp)
        du = globdat.set("du", disp - old_disp)
        Du = globdat.set("Du", deepcopy(du))

        K = mbuild.getDenseMatrix()
        r = fext - fint - np.array(K).dot(Du)

        solver = Solver(self.type, cons)
        fdof = cons.getFdof()
        nrm1 = 0.0

        for iter in range(self.niter):

            # Update displacement vector
            solver.solve(K, du, r, mbuild.hbw)
            disp[fdof] += du[fdof]
            Du[fdof] += du[fdof]

            # Find interal force vector
            globdat.set("fint", np.zeros(ndof))
            globdat.model.takeAction(self.action, globdat)

            # Find out-of-balance force vector
            r = fext - globdat.get("fint")
            nrm = norm(r[fdof])
            logging.info("    Iteration {}: norm = {:.10f} ".format(iter, nrm))

            # Check convergence
            if (iter == 0 and nrm <= self.tiny) or (iter > 0
                                                    and nrm < self.tol * nrm1):
                logging.info("    Converged in {} iterations".format(iter + 1))
                globdat.model.takeAction(Action.COMMIT, globdat)
                return Status.OK
            elif iter == 0 and nrm > self.tiny:
                nrm1 = deepcopy(nrm)

        return Status.EXIT
コード例 #23
    def run(self, globdat):

        # ADVANCE
        logging.info("Advancing to the next load step")
        globdat.i += 1
        ndof = globdat.get("ndof")
        globdat.set("fext", np.zeros(ndof))
        globdat.set("loadScale", globdat.i)
        globdat.model.takeAction(Action.ADVANCE, globdat)
        globdat.model.takeAction(Action.GET_MATRIX_0, globdat)
        globdat.model.takeAction(Action.GET_EXT_VECTOR, globdat)
        globdat.model.takeAction(Action.GET_CONSTRAINTS, globdat)

        mbuild = globdat.get("mbuild")
        fext = globdat.get("fext")
        fint = globdat.get("fint")
        cons = globdat.get("cons")
        disp = globdat.get("solu")

        old_disp = deepcopy(disp)

        du = disp - old_disp
        K = mbuild.getDenseMatrix()
        r = fext - fint - np.array(K).dot(du)

        solver = Solver(self.type, cons)
        fdof = cons.getFdof()

        for iter in range(self.niter):

            # Update displacement vector
            solver.solve(K, du, r, mbuild.hbw)
            disp[fdof] += du[fdof]

            # Find interal force vector
            globdat.set("fint", np.zeros(ndof))

            if self.nrkey == "full":
                globdat.model.takeAction(Action.GET_MATRIX_0, globdat)
            elif self.nrkey == "mod" or self.nrkey == "LE":
                globdat.model.takeAction(Action.GET_INT_VECTOR, globdat)
                raise ValueError("{} not implemented !".format(self.nrkey))

            # Find out-of-balance force vector
            r = fext - globdat.get("fint")
            nrm = norm(r[fdof])
            logging.info("    Iteration {}: norm = {:.10f} ".format(iter, nrm))

            # Check convergence in first iteration
            if iter == 0 and nrm <= self.tiny:
                logging.info("    Converged in {} iterations".format(iter + 1))
                return Status.OK
            elif iter == 0 and nrm > self.tiny:
                nrm1 = deepcopy(nrm)

            # Check convergence in later iterations
            if nrm < self.tol * nrm1:
                logging.info("    Converged in {} iterations".format(iter + 1))
                return Status.OK
コード例 #24
ファイル: Bumblesort.py プロジェクト: cestcedric/PerfectMatch
 def __init__(self, matches=10):
     Solver.__init__(self, matches)
     self.matches = matches
     print('Bumblesort solver initialized!')
コード例 #25
def h_convergence(config: ConfigParser, solver: Solver, sol: GridFunction, var: str) -> None:
    Function to check h (mesh element size) convergence and print results.

        config: Config file from which to grab
        solver: The solver used
        sol: Gridfunction that contains the current solution
        var: The variable of interest.
    num_refinements = config.get_item(['ERROR ANALYSIS', 'num_refinements'], int)
    average_lst = config.get_list(['ERROR ANALYSIS', 'error_average'], str, quiet=True)
    component = solver.model.model_components[var]
    average = component in average_lst

    # Reload the model's mesh and finite element space so convergence tests can be chained and don't affect each other.
    solver.model.load_mesh_fes(mesh=True, fes=True)

    # First solve used the default settings.
    if component is None:
        err = norm('l2_norm', sol, solver.model.ref_sol['ref_sols'][var],
                   solver.model.mesh, solver.model.fes, average)
        err = norm('l2_norm', sol.components[component], solver.model.ref_sol['ref_sols'][var],
                   solver.model.mesh, solver.model.fes.components[component], average)

    # Track the convergence information.
    num_dofs_lst = [solver.model.fes.ndof]
    error_lst = [err]

    # Then run through a series of mesh refinements and resolve on each
    # refined mesh.
    for n in range(num_refinements):
        sol = solver.solve()

        if component is None:
            err = norm('l2_norm', sol, solver.model.ref_sol['ref_sols'][var],
                       solver.model.mesh, solver.model.fes, average)
            err = norm('l2_norm', sol.components[component], solver.model.ref_sol['ref_sols'][var],
                       solver.model.mesh, solver.model.fes.components[component], average)


        print('L2 norm at refinement {0}: {1}'.format(n, err))

    # Display the results nicely.
    convergence_table = [['Refinement Level', 'DOFs', 'Error', 'Convergence Rate']]
    convergence_table.append([1, num_dofs_lst[0], error_lst[0], 0])

    for n in range(num_refinements):
        ref_level = '1/{}'.format(int(2 ** (n + 1)))
        convergence_rate = math.log(error_lst[n] / error_lst[n + 1]) / \
                           (math.log(num_dofs_lst[n + 1] / (num_dofs_lst[n] * 2.0 ** (solver.model.mesh.dim - 1))))
        convergence_table.append([ref_level, num_dofs_lst[n + 1], error_lst[n + 1], convergence_rate])

    print(tabulate.tabulate(convergence_table, headers='firstrow', floatfmt=('.1f', '.1f', '.3e', '.2f')))
コード例 #26
ファイル: train.py プロジェクト: eastonYi/OpenASR
    logging.info("\nModel info:\n{}".format(model))

    if args.continue_training:
        logging.info("Load package from {}.".format(
            os.path.join(trainingconfig["exp_dir"], "last.pt")))
        pkg = torch.load(os.path.join(trainingconfig["exp_dir"], "last.pt"))
    elif trainingconfig['pretrained_model']:
        logging.info("Load package from {}.".format(
        pkg = torch.load(trainingconfig['pretrained_model'])
        model.restore(pkg["model"], without_fc=True)
        trainingconfig['init_lr'] *= 0.1

    if "multi_gpu" in trainingconfig and trainingconfig["multi_gpu"] == True:
        logging.info("Let's use {} GPUs!".format(torch.cuda.device_count()))
        model = torch.nn.DataParallel(model)

    if torch.cuda.is_available():
        model = model.cuda()

    solver = Solver(model, trainingconfig, tr_loader, cv_loader)

    if args.continue_training:
        logging.info("Restore solver states...")
    logging.info("Start training...")
    logging.info("Total time: {:.4f} secs".format(timer.toc()))
コード例 #27
 def __init__(self, matches = 10):
     Solver.__init__(self, matches)
     self.base = [ x for x in range(matches) ]
     self.generator = itertools.permutations(self.base)
     print('Tryhard solver initialized!')
コード例 #28
ファイル: compare.py プロジェクト: Gustavroot/BKS
#py_impls = ["nonblocked", "blocked_classic", "blocked_li"]
pyImpls = ["classical", "li"]

use_py_modules = dict()
use_py_modules['classical'] = True
use_py_modules['li'] = True

for solverType in pyImpls:

    print("\n------------\nSolving the " + matType + " matrix using the " + solverType + " solver\n------------\n")

    # Build solver
    params_solver = dict()
    params_solver['maxiters'] = 100
    params_solver['verbosity'] = overall_verbosity
    params_solver['tol'] = 1e-6
    params_solver['test_after_solve'] = True
    params_solver['use_py_modules'] = use_py_modules[solverType]
    params_solver['block_krylov_type'] = solverType
    kSolver = Solver.create('krylov', solverType, params_solver)

    sol,execTime = kSolver.solve(A,B,x0)

    print("Execution time for the <" + solverType + "> solver: " + str(execTime))


# Call all the cpp implementation