コード例 #1
ファイル: test_utils.py プロジェクト: cedrixic/capsul
    def test_trait(self):
        """ Method to test trait characterisitics: value, type.

        trait = CTrait(0)
        trait.handler = Float()
        for handler in [File(), Directory()]:
            trait.handler = handler
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_controller.py プロジェクト: M40V/soma-base
    def test_trait(self):
        """ Method to test trait characterisitics: value, type.

        trait = traits.CTrait(0)
        trait.handler = traits.Float()
        for handler in [traits.File(), traits.Directory()]:
            trait.handler = handler
コード例 #3
ファイル: pipeline_nodes.py プロジェクト: nsouedet/capsul
    def set_plug_value(self, plug_name, value):
        """ Set the plug value

        plug_name: str (mandatory)
            a plug name
        value: object (mandatory)
            the plug value we want to set
        if value in ["", "<undefined>"]:
            value = Undefined
        elif is_trait_pathname(self.process.trait(plug_name)) and value is None:
            value = Undefined
        setattr(self.process, plug_name, value)
コード例 #4
ファイル: pipeline_nodes.py プロジェクト: nsouedet/capsul
    def set_plug_value(self, plug_name, value):
        """ Set the plug value

        plug_name: str (mandatory)
            a plug name
        value: object (mandatory)
            the plug value we want to set
        if value in ["", "<undefined>"]:
            value = Undefined
        elif is_trait_pathname(
                self.process.trait(plug_name)) and value is None:
            value = Undefined
        self.process.set_parameter(plug_name, value)
コード例 #5
ファイル: process.py プロジェクト: nsouedet/capsul
    def set_parameter(self, name, value):
        """ Method to set a process instance trait value.

        For File and Directory traits the None value is replaced by the
        special _Undefined trait value.

        name: str (mandatory)
            the trait name we want to modify
        value: object (mandatory)
            the trait value we want to set
        # Detect File and Directory trait types with None value
        if value is None and is_trait_pathname(self.trait(name)):

            # The None trait value is _Undefined, do the replacement
            value = _Undefined()

        # Set the new trait value
        setattr(self, name, value)
コード例 #6
ファイル: process.py プロジェクト: nsouedet/capsul
    def get_commandline(self):
        """ Method to generate a comandline representation of the process.
        # Get command line arguments (ie., the process user traits)
        reserved_params = ("nodes_activation", "selection_changed")
        args = [
            (trait_name, is_trait_pathname(trait))
            for trait_name, trait in self.user_traits().iteritems()
            if (trait_name not in reserved_params and
                is_trait_value_defined(getattr(self, trait_name)))]

        # Build the python call expression, keeping apart file names.
        # File names are given separately since they might be modified
        # externally afterwards, typically to handle temporary files, or
        # file transfers with Soma-Workflow.
        argsdict = dict(
            (trait_name, getattr(self, trait_name))
            for trait_name, is_pathname in args if not is_pathname)
        pathsdict = dict(
            (trait_name, getattr(self, trait_name))
            for trait_name, is_pathname in args if is_pathname)

        # Get the module and class names
        module_name = self.__class__.__module__
        class_name = self.name

        # Construct the command line
        commandline = [
            ("import sys; from {0} import {1}; kwargs={2}; "
             "kwargs.update(dict((sys.argv[i * 2 + 1], sys.argv[i * 2 + 2]) "
             "for i in range((len(sys.argv) - 1) / 2))); "
             "{1}()(**kwargs)").format(module_name, class_name,
                                       repr(argsdict)).replace("'", '"')
        ] + sum([list(x) for x in pathsdict.items()], [])

        return commandline
コード例 #7
    def get_commandline(self):
        """ Method to generate a comandline representation of the process.

        If not implemented, it will generate a commandline running python,
        instaitiating the current process, and calling its
        :meth:`_run_process` method.

        commandline: list of strings
            Arguments are in separate elements of the list.

        # Get command line arguments (ie., the process user traits)
        # Build the python call expression, keeping apart file names.
        # File names are given separately since they might be modified
        # externally afterwards, typically to handle temporary files, or
        # file transfers with Soma-Workflow.

        class ArgPicker(object):
            """ This small object is only here to have a __repr__() representation which will print sys.argv[n] in a list when writing the commandline code.
            def __init__(self, num):
                self.num = num

            def __repr__(self):
                return 'sys.argv[%d]' % self.num

        reserved_params = ("nodes_activation", "selection_changed")
        # pathslist is for files referenced from lists: a list of files will
        # look like [sys.argv[5], sys.argv[6]...], then the corresponding
        # path args will be in additional arguments, here stored in pathslist
        pathslist = []
        # argsdict is the dict of non-path arguments, and will be printed
        # using repr()
        argsdict = {}
        # pathsdict is the dict of path arguments, and will be printed as a
        # series of arg_name, path_value, all in separate commandline arguments
        pathsdict = {}

        for trait_name, trait in six.iteritems(self.user_traits()):
            value = getattr(self, trait_name)
            if trait_name in reserved_params \
                    or not is_trait_value_defined(value):
            if is_trait_pathname(trait):
                pathsdict[trait_name] = value
            elif isinstance(trait.trait_type, List) \
                    and is_trait_pathname(trait.inner_traits[0]):
                plist = []
                for pathname in value:
                    if is_trait_value_defined(pathname):
                        plist.append(ArgPicker(len(pathslist) + 1))
                argsdict[trait_name] = plist
                argsdict[trait_name] = value

        # Get the module and class names
        if hasattr(self, '_function'):
            # function with xml decorator
            module_name = self._function.__module__
            class_name = self._function.__name__
            call_name = class_name
            module_name = self.__class__.__module__
            class_name = self.name
            call_name = '%s()' % class_name

        # Construct the command line
        python_command = os.path.basename(sys.executable)
        commandline = [
            python_command, "-c",
            ("import sys; from {0} import {1}; kwargs={2}; "
             "kwargs.update(dict((sys.argv[i * 2 + {3}], "
             "sys.argv[i * 2 + {4}]) "
             "for i in range(int((len(sys.argv) - {3}) / 2)))); "
             "{5}(**kwargs)").format(module_name, class_name, repr(argsdict),
                                     len(pathslist) + 1,
                                     len(pathslist) + 2, call_name).replace(
                                         "'", '"')
        ] + pathslist + sum([list(x) for x in pathsdict.items()], [])

        return commandline
コード例 #8
ファイル: process.py プロジェクト: cedrixic/capsul
    def get_commandline(self):
        """ Method to generate a comandline representation of the process.
        # Get command line arguments (ie., the process user traits)
        # Build the python call expression, keeping apart file names.
        # File names are given separately since they might be modified
        # externally afterwards, typically to handle temporary files, or
        # file transfers with Soma-Workflow.

        class ArgPicker(object):
            """ This small object is only here to have a __repr__() representation which will print sys.argv[n] in a list when writing the commandline code.
            def __init__(self, num):
                self.num = num
            def __repr__(self):
                return 'sys.argv[%d]' % self.num

        reserved_params = ("nodes_activation", "selection_changed")
        # pathslist is for files referenced from lists: a list of files will
        # look like [sys.argv[5], sys.argv[6]...], then the corresponding
        # path args will be in additional arguments, here stored in pathslist
        pathslist = []
        # argsdict is the dict of non-path arguments, and will be printed
        # using repr()
        argsdict = {}
        # pathsdict is the dict of path arguments, and will be printed as a
        # series of arg_name, path_value, all in separate commandline arguments
        pathsdict = {}

        for trait_name, trait in six.iteritems(self.user_traits()):
            value = getattr(self, trait_name)
            if trait_name in reserved_params \
                    or not is_trait_value_defined(value):
            if is_trait_pathname(trait):
                pathsdict[trait_name] = value
            elif isinstance(trait.trait_type, List) \
                    and is_trait_pathname(trait.inner_traits[0]):
                plist = []
                for pathname in value:
                    if is_trait_value_defined(pathname):
                        plist.append(ArgPicker(len(pathslist) + 1))
                argsdict[trait_name] = plist
                argsdict[trait_name] = value

        # Get the module and class names
        module_name = self.__class__.__module__
        class_name = self.name

        # Construct the command line
        commandline = [
            ("import sys; from {0} import {1}; kwargs={2}; "
             "kwargs.update(dict((sys.argv[i * 2 + {3}], "
             "sys.argv[i * 2 + {4}]) "
             "for i in range(int((len(sys.argv) - {3}) / 2)))); "
             "{1}()(**kwargs)").format(module_name, class_name,
                                       repr(argsdict), len(pathslist) + 1,
                                       len(pathslist) + 2).replace("'", '"')
        ] + pathslist + sum([list(x) for x in pathsdict.items()], [])

        return commandline