コード例 #1
ファイル: combine.py プロジェクト: okoks9011/problem_solving
def combine(n, q, x_iter, y_iter, z_iter):
    d = SortedDict()
    for _ in range(n):
        xi, yi = next(x_iter), next(y_iter)
        li = min(xi, yi) + 1
        ri = max(xi, yi) + 1
        d[ri] = d.get(ri, 0) + 1
        d[li - 1] = d.get(li - 1, 0) - 1
    for k in list(d.keys()):
        if d[k] == 0:
            d.pop(k, None)
    acc = 0
    for k in reversed(d):
        d[k] += acc
        acc = d[k]

    keys = list(reversed(d.keys()))
    ranks = []
    acc = 1
    for i, k in enumerate(keys):
        start = keys[i]
        dups = d[start]
        ranks.append(Interval(acc, start, dups))
        if i + 1 < len(keys):
            count = start - keys[i + 1]
            acc += count * dups

    result = 0
    for i in range(1, q + 1):
        zi = next(z_iter)
        ki = zi + 1
        result += i * pick_score(ki, ranks)
    return result
コード例 #2
class MyCalendarTwo:

    # double list
    def __init__(self):
        self.calendar = []
        self.overlaps = []

    def book(self, start: int, end: int) -> bool:
        for s, e in self.overlaps:
            if start < e and end > s:
                return False
        for s, e in self.calendar:
            if start < e and end > s:
                self.overlaps.append((max(s, start), min(end, e)))
        self.calendar.append((start, end))
        return True

    # use boundary count
    def __init__(self):
        self.calendar = SortedDict()

    def book(self, start: int, end: int) -> bool:
        self.calendar[start] = self.calendar.get(start, 0) + 1
        self.calendar[end] = self.calendar.get(end, 0) - 1
        active = 0
        for v in self.calendar.values():
            active += v
            if active >= 3:
                self.calendar[start] = self.calendar.pop(start, 0) - 1
                self.calendar[end] = self.calendar.pop(end, 0) + 1
                if self.calendar[start] == 0:
                    del self.calendar[start]
                return False
        return True
コード例 #3
    def longestSubarray(self, nums: List[int], limit: int) -> int:
        # Time Complexity: O(N log N) (assuming SortedDict has time complexity of BBST)

        window_multiset = SortedDict()

        start = 0
        end = start

        ret = 0

        while start < len(nums) and end < len(nums):
            if self.can_add(window_multiset, nums[end], limit):
                window_multiset[nums[end]] = window_multiset.get(nums[end],
                                                                 0) + 1
                end += 1
                ret = max(end - start, ret)

                window_multiset[nums[end]] = window_multiset.get(nums[end],
                                                                 0) + 1
                while not self.is_valid_window(window_multiset, limit):
                    self.remove_multiset(window_multiset, nums[start])
                    start += 1

                end += 1

        ret = max(end - start, ret)

        return ret
コード例 #4
    def canAttendMeetings(self, intervals: List[List[int]]) -> bool:

        points = SortedDict()
        for start, end in intervals:
            # print(start, end)
            # print(points)
            i_start = points.bisect_right(start)
            i_end = points.bisect_left(end)
            # print("i_start", i_start)
            # print("i_end", i_end)
            if i_end != i_start:
                return False
            if i_start > 0 and points.peekitem(i_start-1)[1] == 1:
                return False

            if points.get(start) == -1:
                del points[start]
                points[start] = 1

            if points.get(end) == 1:
                del points[end]
                points[end] = -1
        return True
コード例 #5
class Leaderboard:

    def __init__(self):
        # set the hashmap[player Id] = score
        self.hashmap = dict()
        # set a sorted map[score] = # of players
        self.sortedMap = SortedDict()

    def addScore(self, playerId: int, score: int) -> None:
        # if the player is not stored in the hashmap
        if playerId not in self.hashmap:
            # record the score in the hashmap
            self.hashmap[playerId] = score
            # increase the number of players in the sorted map
            self.sortedMap[-score] = self.sortedMap.get(-score, 0) + 1
        # if the player exists in the hashmap
            # get the score of the current player
            preScore = self.hashmap[playerId]
            # get the number of players who have the same score
            freq = self.sortedMap.get(-preScore)
            # delete the sortedmap if only one person has the same score
            if freq == 1:
                del self.sortedMap[-preScore]
            # if more than one person has the same score
                # reduce the number of players who have the current score
                self.sortedMap[-preScore] = freq - 1
            # accumulate the score of the current player
            newScore = preScore + score
            # store the new score in the hashmap
            self.hashmap[playerId] = newScore
            # increase the number of players that have the new score
            self.sortedMap[-newScore] = self.sortedMap.get(-newScore, 0) + 1

    def top(self, K: int) -> int:
        # set the variable to track of the total score and the number of people
        total, count = 0, 0
        # return the sum of the kth scores from the sorted map
        for score, freq in self.sortedMap.items():
            for _ in range(freq):
                total += abs(score)
                count += 1
                if count == K:
                    return total
        # return the total even if the sum contains less than k
        return total

    def reset(self, playerId: int) -> None:
        # get the score of the current player
        preScore = self.hashmap[playerId]
        # delete the score from the sorted map if only one player exists
        if self.sortedMap[-preScore] == 1:
            del self.sortedMap[-preScore]
        # decreases the number of players from the the sorted map if multiple players exist
            self.sortedMap[-preScore] -= 1
        # delete the player from the hashmap
        del self.hashmap[playerId]
コード例 #6
class Leaderboard:
    def __init__(self):
        self.scores = {}
        self.sortedScores = SortedDict()

    def addScore(self, playerId: int, score: int) -> None:
        if playerId not in self.scores:
            self.scores[playerId] = score
            self.sortedScores[-score] = self.sortedScores.get(-score, 0) + 1
            preScore = self.scores[playerId]
            c = self.sortedScores[-preScore]
            if c == 1:
                del self.sortedScores[-preScore]
                self.sortedScores[-preScore] = c - 1

            newScore = preScore + score
            self.scores[playerId] = newScore
            self.sortedScores[-newScore] = self.sortedScores.get(-newScore,
                                                                 0) + 1

    def top(self, K: int) -> int:
        count, total = 0, 0
        for k, v in self.sortedScores.items():
            if count + v <= K:
                total += (-k) * v
                count += v
                if count == K:
                t = K - count
                total += (-k) * t
        return total

    def reset(self, playerId: int) -> None:
        score = self.scores[playerId]
        if self.sortedScores[-score] == 1:
            del self.sortedScores[-score]
            self.sortedScores[-score] -= 1
        del self.scores[playerId]

# Your Leaderboard object will be instantiated and called as such:
# obj = Leaderboard()
# obj.addScore(playerId,score)
# param_2 = obj.top(K)
# obj.reset(playerId)

# Your Leaderboard object will be instantiated and called as such:
# obj = Leaderboard()
# obj.addScore(playerId,score)
# param_2 = obj.top(K)
# obj.reset(playerId)
コード例 #7
ファイル: 460_LFU_Cache.py プロジェクト: letaoZ/shua
class LFUCache:
    def __init__(self, capacity: int):
        self.capacity = capacity
        self.capUsage = 0
        self.keyValue = {}
        self.keyCnt = {}
        self.cntKey = SortedDict()

    def get(self, key: int) -> int:
        # print(f"get {key} ")
        # print("keyCnt ",self.keyCnt)
        # print("cnt ", self.cntKey)

        if self.capacity == 0 or key not in self.keyValue: return -1

        ret = self.keyValue[key]
        ntimes = self.keyCnt[key]
        self.cntKey[ntimes + 1] = self.cntKey.get(ntimes + 1, OrderedDict())
        self.cntKey[ntimes + 1][key] = 1

        self.keyCnt[key] += 1

        del self.cntKey[ntimes][key]

        if len(self.cntKey[ntimes]) == 0:
            del self.cntKey[ntimes]
        # print("keyCnt: ", self.keyCnt)
        # print("cntKey: ", self.cntKey)
        return ret

    def put(self, key: int, value: int) -> None:
        # print(f"put {key} ")
        # print("keyCnt: ", self.keyCnt)
        # print("cnt: ", self.cntKey)

        if self.capacity == 0: return None
        if key in self.keyValue:
            self.keyValue[key] = value
        ## delete least freq used
            if self.capUsage == self.capacity:
                ntimes, ndict = self.cntKey.popitem(0)
                self.capUsage -= 1
                oldKey, _ = ndict.popitem(last=False)
                del self.keyCnt[oldKey]
                del self.keyValue[oldKey]
                if ndict:
                    self.cntKey[ntimes] = ndict
            self.capUsage += 1
            self.keyValue[key] = value
            self.keyCnt[key] = 1

            self.cntKey[1] = self.cntKey.get(1, OrderedDict())
            self.cntKey[1][key] = 1
コード例 #8
class Leaderboard:

    def __init__(self):
        self.scores = {}
        self.sortedScores = SortedDict()

    def addScore(self, playerId: int, score: int) -> None:

        # The scores dictionary simply contains the mapping from the
        # playerId to their score. The sortedScores contain a BST with 
        # key as the score and value as the number of players that have
        # that score.     
        if playerId not in self.scores:
            self.scores[playerId] = score
            self.sortedScores[-score] = self.sortedScores.get(-score, 0) + 1
            preScore = self.scores[playerId]
            val = self.sortedScores.get(-preScore)
            if val == 1:
                del self.sortedScores[-preScore]
                self.sortedScores[-preScore] = val - 1    
            newScore = preScore + score;
            self.scores[playerId] = newScore
            self.sortedScores[-newScore] = self.sortedScores.get(-newScore, 0) + 1
    def top(self, K: int) -> int:
        count, total = 0, 0;

        for key, value in self.sortedScores.items():
            times = self.sortedScores.get(key)
            for _ in range(times): 
                total += -key;
                count += 1;
                # Found top-K scores, break.
                if count == K:
            # Found top-K scores, break.
            if count == K:
        return total;

    def reset(self, playerId: int) -> None:
        preScore = self.scores[playerId]
        if self.sortedScores[-preScore] == 1:
            del self.sortedScores[-preScore]
            self.sortedScores[-preScore] -= 1
        del self.scores[playerId];
コード例 #9
class MyCalendarThree2:
    def __init__(self):
        self.timeline = SortedDict()

    def book(self, start: int, end: int) -> int:
        self.timeline[start] = self.timeline.get(start, 0) + 1
        self.timeline[end] = self.timeline.get(end, 0) - 1
        max_event, cur_event = 0, 0
        for v in self.timeline.values():
            cur_event += v
            max_event = max(max_event, cur_event)
        return max_event
コード例 #10
    def minMeetingRooms(self, intervals: List[List[int]]) -> int:
        points = SortedDict()

        for start, end in intervals:
            points[start] = points.get(start, 0) + 1
            points[end] = points.get(end, 0) - 1

        best = 0
        cur = 0
        for v in points.values():
            cur += v
            best = max(best, cur)
        return best
コード例 #11
 def isNStraightHand(self, hand: List[int], groupSize: int) -> bool:
     counter = SortedDict()
     for num in hand:
         counter[num] = counter.get(num, 0) + 1
     queue = []
     opened, prev = 0, -1
     for num in counter:
         if (opened > 0 and num > prev + 1) or (opened > counter[num]):
             return False
         queue.append(counter[num] - opened)
         prev = num
         opened = counter.get(num)
         if len(queue) == groupSize:
             opened -= queue.pop(0)
     return opened == 0
コード例 #12
def solve():
    n, k = map(int, raw_input().split())
    cnts = SortedDict([(n, 1)])
    i = 0
    while i < k:
        sz, cnt = cnts.peekitem()
        ls = (sz-1) / 2
        rs = sz / 2
        if ls:
            cnts[ls] = cnts.get(ls, 0) + cnt
        if rs:
            cnts[rs] = cnts.get(rs, 0) + cnt
        del cnts[sz]
        i += cnt
    return "%d %d" % (rs, ls)
コード例 #13
class MyCalendarThree:
    def __init__(self):
        self.timeline = SortedDict()

    def book(self, start: int, end: int) -> int:
        self.timeline[start] = self.timeline.get(start, 0) + 1
        self.timeline[end] = self.timeline.get(end, 0) - 1

        ans = 0
        activeEvents = 0

        for count in self.timeline.values():
            activeEvents += count
            ans = max(ans, activeEvents)

        return ans
コード例 #14
class OrderBook:
    def __init__(self, side: Side):
        if side == Side.buy:
            self.book = SortedDict(lambda x: -x)
        elif side == Side.sell:
            self.book = SortedDict()
        self.side = side

    def add(self, order: Order):
        assert (order.filled() == False)
        if order.price not in self.book:
            self.book[order.price] = Level(order.price, self.side)

    def match(self, order: Order):
        removed_px = []
        for px, lv in self.book.items():
            if not lv.can_match(order):
            result = lv.match(order)
            if lv.empty():
            if result == MatchResult.complete:

        for px in removed_px:
            del self.book[px]

    def cancel(self, order: Order):
        lv = self.book.get(order.price)
コード例 #15
 def diagonalSort(self, mat: List[List[int]]) -> List[List[int]]:
     n = len(mat)
     m = len(mat[0])
     result = [[0] * m for i in range(n)]
     d = n + m + 1
     i0 = n - 1
     j0 = 0
     for i in range(d):
         counts = SortedDict()
         i1 = i0
         j1 = j0
         while i1 < n and j1 < m:
             v = mat[i1][j1]
             counts[v] = (counts.get(v) or 0) + 1
             i1 += 1
             j1 += 1
         i1 = i0
         j1 = j0
         k = 0
         while i1 < n and j1 < m:
             k = counts.keys()[0]
             result[i1][j1] = k
             counts[k] -= 1
             if not counts[k]:
             i1 += 1
             j1 += 1
         if i0 == 0:
             j0 += 1
             i0 -= 1
     return result
コード例 #16
class FamilyTreatment(Treatment):
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.species_treatments = SortedDict()
        super(FamilyTreatment, self).__init__(**kwargs)

    def add_species(self, species):
        self.species_treatments[species.taxon] = species

    def get_species(self, taxon):
        return self.species_treatments.get(taxon, None)

    def list_species(self):
        return self.species_treatments.values()

    def taxon_authors(self):
        Include the full scientific name in the taxon authors field
        So that it is completely unitalicized
        return self.description.scientific_name

    def notes(self):
        return self.description.paragraphs
コード例 #17
ファイル: 1244.py プロジェクト: OsbornC/LeetCode
class Leaderboard:
    def __init__(self):
        self.scores = collections.defaultdict(int)
        self.sortedScores = SortedDict()

    def addScore(self, playerId: int, score: int) -> None:
        preScore = self.scores[playerId]
        self.scores[playerId] += score
        if -preScore not in self.sortedScores:
            self.sortedScores[-score] = self.sortedScores.get(-score, 0) + 1
            val = self.sortedScores.get(-preScore)
            if val == 1:
                del self.sortedScores[-preScore]
                self.sortedScores[-preScore] -= 1
            newScore = -(preScore + score)
            self.sortedScores[newScore] = self.sortedScores.get(newScore,
                                                                0) + 1

    def top(self, K: int) -> int:
        cnt = 0
        res = 0
        for key, val in self.sortedScores.items():
            for i in range(self.sortedScores[key]):
                cnt += 1
                res += -key
                if cnt == K:
            if cnt == K:
        return res

    def reset(self, playerId: int) -> None:
        preScore = self.scores[playerId]
        del self.scores[playerId]
        if self.sortedScores[-preScore] == 1:
            del self.sortedScores[-preScore]
            self.sortedScores[-preScore] -= 1

# Your Leaderboard object will be instantiated and called as such:
# obj = Leaderboard()
# obj.addScore(playerId,score)
# param_2 = obj.top(K)
# obj.reset(playerId)
class Leaderboard:
    def __init__(self):
        self.scores = {}
        # {score: times_scores_happens}
        self.sortedScores = SortedDict()

    def addScore(self, playerId: int, score: int) -> None:
        if playerId not in self.scores:
            self.scores[playerId] = score
            self.sortedScores[-score] = self.sortedScores.get(-score, 0) + 1
            preScore = self.scores[playerId]
            val = self.sortedScores.get(-preScore)
            if val == 1:
                del self.sortedScores[-preScore]
                self.sortedScores[-preScore] = val + 1
            newScore = preScore + score
            self.scores[playerId] = newScore
            self.sortedScores[-newScore] = self.sortedScores.get(-newScore,
                                                                 0) + 1

    def top(self, K: int) -> int:
        count, total = 0, 0

        for key, value in self.sortedScores.items():
            times = self.sortedScores.get(key)
            for _ in range(times):
                total += -key
                count += 1
                if count == K:
            if count == K:

        return total

    def reset(self, playerId: int) -> None:
        preScore = self.scores[playerId]
        if self.sortedScores[-preScore] == 1:
            del self.sortedScores[-preScore]
            self.sortedScores[-preScore] -= 1
        del self.scores[playerId]
コード例 #19
ファイル: 2021.py プロジェクト: walkccc/LeetCode
  def brightestPosition(self, lights: List[List[int]]) -> int:
    ans = inf
    maxBrightness = -1
    currBrightness = 0
    timeline = SortedDict()

    for position, range in lights:
      start = position - range
      end = position + range + 1
      timeline[start] = timeline.get(start, 0) + 1
      timeline[end] = timeline.get(end, 0) - 1

    for pos, brightness in timeline.items():
      currBrightness += brightness
      if currBrightness > maxBrightness:
        maxBrightness = currBrightness
        ans = pos

    return ans
コード例 #20
def order(participants):
    def count_score(order):
        score = 0
        for i, participant in enumerate(order):
            next = order[i + 1 if i + 1 < len(order) else 0]
            if participant['sex'] and next[
                    'sex'] and participant['sex'] != next['sex']:
                score += len(order)
            if participant['group'] and next['group'] and participant[
                    'group'] == next['group']:
                score -= len(order)**2 + 1
        return score

    def offer_order():
        copy = participants.copy()
        return copy

    scores_map = SortedDict()

    best_order = participants
    best_score = 0

    for _ in itertools.repeat(None, 100000):
        order = offer_order()
        score = count_score(order)

        scores_map[score] = scores_map.get(score, 0) + 1

        # names = [p['name'] for p in order]
        # print(score, names)

        if score > best_score:
            best_order = order
            best_score = score

    print('Scores distribution')
    for k in scores_map.keys():
        v = scores_map.get(k)
        print(f'{k} -> {v}')

    return best_order
コード例 #21
ファイル: itertools2.py プロジェクト: goulu/Goulib
def occurences(iterable):
    """ count number of occurences of each item in a finite iterable
    :param iterable: finite iterable
    :return: dict of int count indexed by item
    from sortedcontainers import SortedDict
    for x in iterable:
        occur[x]=occur.get(x, 0) + 1
    return occur
コード例 #22
def occurences(iterable):
    """ count number of occurences of each item in a finite iterable

    :param iterable: finite iterable
    :return: dict of int count indexed by item
    from sortedcontainers import SortedDict
    occur = SortedDict()
    for x in iterable:
        occur[x] = occur.get(x, 0) + 1
    return occur
コード例 #23
class Leaderboard:
    def __init__(self):
        self.scores = {}
        self.sortedScores = SortedDict()

    def addScore(self, playerId: int, score: int) -> None:
        if playerId not in self.scores:
            self.scores[playerId] = score
            self.sortedScores[-score] = self.sortedScores.get(-score, 0) + 1
            preScore = self.scores[playerId]
            if self.sortedScores[-preScore] == 1:
                del self.sortedScores[-preScore]
                self.sortedScores[-preScore] = self.sortedScores[-preScore] - 1
            newScore = preScore + score
            self.scores[playerId] = newScore
            self.sortedScores[-newScore] = self.sortedScores.get(-newScore,
                                                                 0) + 1

    def top(self, K: int) -> int:
        ans = 0
        curr = 0
        for key, val in self.sortedScores.items():
            count = self.sortedScores.get(key)
            for i in range(count):
                ans += key
                curr += 1
                if curr == K:
            if curr == K:
        return abs(ans)

    def reset(self, playerId: int) -> None:
        score = self.scores[playerId]
        if self.sortedScores[-score] == 1:
            del self.sortedScores[-score]
            self.sortedScores[-score] = self.sortedScores.get(-score) - 1
        del self.scores[playerId]
コード例 #24
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: IvanKosik/vision
class MenuBar(QMenuBar):
    def __init__(self,
                 menu_order: Tuple[MainMenu] = (FileMenu, ViewMenu, ToolsMenu,
                                                AlgorithmsMenu, WindowsMenu,

        self._menu_order = menu_order
        self._menus_order_indexes = {
            menu_type: i
            for (i, menu_type) in enumerate(self._menu_order)

        self._ordered_added_menus = SortedDict(
        )  # {order_index: MainMenu class}

    def add_menu(self, menu_type: Type[MainMenu]) -> MainMenu:
        menu = menu_type()
        menu_order_index = self._menu_order_index(menu_type)
        self._ordered_added_menus[menu_order_index] = menu

        menu_index_in_ordered_added_menus = self._ordered_added_menus.index(
        # If the menu is the last one
        if menu_index_in_ordered_added_menus == len(
                self._ordered_added_menus) - 1:
            next_menu_index_in_ordered_added_menus = menu_index_in_ordered_added_menus + 1
            next_menu = self._ordered_added_menus.peekitem(
            self.insertMenu(next_menu.menuAction(), menu)

        return menu

    def menu(self,
             menu_type: Type[MainMenu],
             add_nonexistent: bool = True) -> Optional[MainMenu]:
        menu = self._ordered_added_menus.get(self._menu_order_index(menu_type))
        if menu is None and add_nonexistent:
            menu = self.add_menu(menu_type)
        return menu

    def add_menu_action(self,
                        menu_type: Type[MainMenu],
                        shortcut=None) -> QAction:
        return self.menu(menu_type).addAction(action_name, method, shortcut)

    def _menu_order_index(self, menu_type: Type[MainMenu]) -> int:
        return self._menus_order_indexes[menu_type]
コード例 #25
class LObject():
    def __init__(self):
        self.region = SortedDict()
        self.id = ''
        self.name = ''
        self.kind = None
        self.note = None
        self.height = 0
        self.width = 0
        self.zorder = 0
        self.door = False
        self.trap = False
        self.mini_icon = False
        self.tags = {}

    def put_icon(self, icon, region_key):
        ''' takes an icon and puts it into the board dict at the specified

        :icon: An instance of Icon

        :region_key: a string defining which region style to use in the icon
        # TODO: I set a square = an icon. That means there can be one value per
        # region key only.
        # We need to see later if there should rather be a list of icons in
        # each square?
        self.region[region_key] = icon

    def get_icon(self, region_key):
        ''' returns the icon if there is one in the region key.
        Else returns None.
        return self.region.get(region_key, None)

    def compareTo(self, other_l_object):
        ''' compares the names of two LObjects in order to enable alphabetical
        # TODO: Enable custom sorting ?
        if not isinstance(other_l_object, LObject):
            raise NameError(
                'comparing a LObject is possible only with another LObject')
        if self.name.lower() < other_l_object.name.lower():
            return -1
        elif self.name.lower() > other_l_object.name.lower():
            return 1
            return 0

    def __str__(self):
        return self.name
コード例 #26
ファイル: openqa_review.py プロジェクト: okurz/openqa_review
    def __init__(self, arch, results, args, root_url, progress_browser, bugzilla_browser, test_browser):
        """Construct an archreport object with options."""
        self.arch = arch
        self.args = args
        self.root_url = root_url
        self.progress_browser = progress_browser
        self.bugzilla_browser = bugzilla_browser

        self.status_badge = set_status_badge([i['state'] for i in results.values()])

        results_by_bugref = SortedDict(get_results_by_bugref(results, self.args))
        self.issues = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(list))
        for bugref, result_list in iteritems(results_by_bugref):
            # if a ticket is known and the same refers to a STILL_FAILING scenario and any NEW_ISSUE we regard that as STILL_FAILING but just visible in more
            # scenarios, ...
            # ... else (no ticket linked) we don't group them as we don't know if it really is the same issue and handle them outside
            if not re.match('(poo|bsc|boo)#', bugref):
            # if any result was still failing the issue is regarded as existing

            bug = result_list[0]
            issue = Issue(bug['bugref'], bug['bugref_href'], self.args.query_issue_status, self.progress_browser, self.bugzilla_browser)
            self.issues[issue_state(result_list)][issue_type(bugref)].append(IssueEntry(self.args, self.root_url, result_list, bug=issue))

        # left do handle are the issues marked with 'TODO'
        new_issues = (r for r in results_by_bugref.get('TODO', []) if r['state'] == 'NEW_ISSUE')
        self.issues['new']['todo'].extend(IssueEntry.for_each(self.args, self.root_url, new_issues, test_browser))
        existing_issues = (r for r in results_by_bugref.get('TODO', []) if r['state'] == 'STILL_FAILING')
        self.issues['existing']['todo'].extend(IssueEntry.for_each(self.args, self.root_url, existing_issues, test_browser))

        if self.args.include_softfails:
            new_soft_fails = [r for r in results.values() if r['state'] == 'NEW_SOFT_ISSUE']
            existing_soft_fails = [r for r in results.values() if r['state'] == 'STILL_SOFT_FAILING']
            if new_soft_fails:
                self.issues['new']['product'].append(IssueEntry(self.args, self.root_url, new_soft_fails, soft=True))
            if existing_soft_fails:
                self.issues['existing']['product'].append(IssueEntry(self.args, self.root_url, existing_soft_fails, soft=True))
コード例 #27
ファイル: LBoard.py プロジェクト: Anderas2/Heroscribe2
class LBoard():
    def __init__(self, width, height):
        ''' defines a new board.

        :width: Board width in squares

        :height: Board height in squares
        self.region = SortedDict()

        if isinstance(width, int):
            self.width = width
            self.width = int(width)
        if isinstance(height, int):
            self.height = height
            self.height = int(height)

        self.borderDoorsOffset = 0
        self.adjacentBoardsOffset = 0

        # initializes the corridor matrix with "False";
        # width squares wide and height squares high.
        # attention, it's zero-based;
        # so the first square in the top left corner is [0][0]
        # and the last square in the lower right corner is [18][20]
        self.corridors = [[False for y in range(0, self.height)]
                                  for x in range(0, self.width)]

    def put_icon(self, icon, region_key):
        ''' takes an icon and puts it into the board dict at the specified

        :icon: An instance of Icon containing a game board

        :region_key: a string defining where to put the icon
        self.region[region_key] = icon

    def get_icon(self, region_key):
        ''' returns the icon if there is one in the region key.
        Else returns None.
        return self.region.get(region_key, None)
コード例 #28
class Events:
    def __init__(self):
        self.list_of_events = SortedDict()  # for each time, a list of events

    def add_event(self, event):
        if not self.list_of_events.get(event.time):
            self.list_of_events[event.time] = [event]

    def count_arrivals_at(self, time):
            li = self.list_of_events[time]
            n = 0
            for e in li:
                if li.type == 'arrival':
                    n += 1
            return n
            return 0

    def pop_next_event(self):
        li = self.list_of_events.peekitem(0)[1]
        #if debug:
        #    print(self.list_of_events)
        if (len(li) > 1):
            toret = li.pop(0)
            #if debug:
            #    print(f'returning {toret}')
            return toret
            lil = self.list_of_events.popitem(0)[1]
            toret = lil[0]
            #if debug:
            #    print(f'returning {toret}')
            return toret

    def count(self):
        return len(self.list_of_events)

    def __str__(self):
        s = ''
        for k in self.list_of_events.keys():
            s += (str(k) + ": ")
            for e in self.list_of_events[k]:
                s += str(e) + ', '
        return s
コード例 #29
class TransactionRepository:
    def __init__(self):
        self.__accounts = SortedDict()

    def add_amount(self, account, amount):
        account = int(account)
        amount = float(amount)
        self.__accounts[account] = self.__accounts.get(account, 0) + float(amount)

    def get_account_amount(self, account):
        return self.__accounts[int(account)]

    def get_formatted_transactions(self):
        return self.__accounts.iteritems()

    def clear(self):
コード例 #30
class TransactionRepository:
    def __init__(self):
        self.__accounts = SortedDict()

    def add_amount(self, account, amount):
        account = int(account)
        amount = float(amount)
        self.__accounts[account] = self.__accounts.get(account,
                                                       0) + float(amount)

    def get_account_amount(self, account):
        return self.__accounts[int(account)]

    def get_formatted_transactions(self):
        return self.__accounts.iteritems()

    def clear(self):
コード例 #31
ファイル: cgraph.py プロジェクト: valainis/cytoskel1
    def mk_bpnts(br_adj):
        bpnts = SortedDict()

        #initialize some entries
        for i in range(5):
            bpnts[i] = []

        #for br_adj we ignore deg 2 vertices
        for key in br_adj:
            row = br_adj[key]

            nedge = len(row)
            if nedge != 2:
                if bpnts.get(nedge):
                    bpnts[nedge] = [key]

        return bpnts
コード例 #32
class NameMap:
  Class to store information about the 
  Statistics of names.
  For each name type, there is a dict
  for each name, there is a list of name %, cumulative %, rank
    def __init__(self, nameFile: str):
    create a new list of names with data
    given an index within range of 0..num-1
            names = open(filePath + nameFile)
        except IOError:
            print("Error opening file:" + filePath + nameFile)
        self.namemap = SortedDict()
        for line in names:
            nameData = nameEntry(line)
            self.namemap[nameData.name] = nameData

    def lookup(self, name):
    lookup name in map
    return nameEntry
    else return none
        return self.namemap.get(name)

    def lookup10(self, name):
    lookup name in specified index
    return list of <name,[%,%cum,rank]> if in list
    else return none
        i = self.namemap.bisect_right(name)
        low = max(0, i - 5)
        high = min(len(self.namemap), i + 5)
        result = []
        for j in range(low, high):
        return result
コード例 #33
ファイル: cgraph.py プロジェクト: valainis/cytoskel1
    def mk_bpnts(self, br_adj):
        bpnts = SortedDict()

        #initialize some entries
        for i in range(5):
            bpnts[i] = []

        #find branch graph vertices which are
        # not 2-vertices, bpnts key is number of neighbors
        #this will be either 1 or >= 3
        for key in br_adj:
            row = br_adj[key]

            nedge = len(row)
            if nedge != 2:
                if bpnts.get(nedge):
                    bpnts[nedge] = [key]

        return bpnts
コード例 #34
ファイル: cache.py プロジェクト: erinix/middleware
class CacheStore(object):
    class CacheItem(object):
        __slots__ = ('valid', 'data')

        def __init__(self):
            self.valid = Event()
            self.data = None

    def __init__(self, key=None):
        self.lock = RLock()
        self.store = SortedDict(key)

    def __getitem__(self, item):
        return self.get(item)

    def put(self, key, data):
        with self.lock:
                item = self.store[key]
                item.data = data
                return False
            except KeyError:
                item = self.CacheItem()
                item.data = data
                self.store[key] = item
                return True

    def update(self, **kwargs):
        with self.lock:
            items = {}
            created = []
            updated = []
            for k, v in kwargs.items():
                items[k] = self.CacheItem()
                items[k].data = v
                if k in self.store:

            return created, updated

    def update_one(self, key, **kwargs):
        with self.lock:
            item = self.get(key)
            if not item:
                return False

            for k, v in kwargs.items():
                set(item, k, v)

            self.put(key, item)
            return True

    def update_many(self, key, predicate, **kwargs):
        with self.lock:
            updated = []
            for k, v in self.itervalid():
                if predicate(v):
                    if self.update_one(k, **kwargs):

            return updated

    def get(self, key, default=None, timeout=None):
        item = self.store.get(key)
        if item:
            return item.data

        return default

    def remove(self, key):
        with self.lock:
                del self.store[key]
                return True
            except KeyError:
                return False

    def remove_many(self, keys):
        with self.lock:
            removed = []
            for key in keys:
                    del self.store[key]
                except KeyError:

            return removed

    def clear(self):
        with self.lock:
            items = list(self.store.keys())
            return items

    def exists(self, key):
        return key in self.store

    def rename(self, oldkey, newkey):
        with self.lock:
            obj = self.get(oldkey)
            obj['id'] = newkey
            self.put(newkey, obj)

    def is_valid(self, key):
        item = self.store.get(key)
        if item:
            return item.valid.is_set()

        return False

    def invalidate(self, key):
        with self.lock:
            item = self.store.get(key)
            if item:

    def itervalid(self):
        for key, value in list(self.store.items()):
            if value.valid.is_set():
                yield (key, value.data)

    def validvalues(self):
        for value in list(self.store.values()):
            if value.valid.is_set():
                yield value.data

    def remove_predicate(self, predicate):
        result = []
        for k, v in self.itervalid():
            if predicate(v):

        return result

    def query(self, *filter, **params):
        return query(list(self.validvalues()), *filter, **params)
コード例 #35
ファイル: worddata.py プロジェクト: tallforasmurf/PPQT2
class WordData(QObject):
    # Define the signal we emit when we have loaded new data
    WordsUpdated = pyqtSignal()

    def __init__(self, my_book):
        # Save reference to the book
        self.my_book = my_book
        # Save reference to the metamanager
        self.metamgr = my_book.get_meta_manager()
        # Save reference to the edited document
        self.document = my_book.get_edit_model()
        # Save reference to a speller, which will be the default
        # at this point.
        self.speller = my_book.get_speller()
        # The vocabulary list as a sorted dict.
        self.vocab = SortedDict()
        # Key and Values views on the vocab list for indexing by table row.
        self.vocab_kview = self.vocab.keys()
        self.vocab_vview = self.vocab.values()
        # The count of available words based on the latest sort
        self.active_word_count = 0
        # The good- and bad-words sets and the scannos set.
        self.good_words = set()
        self.bad_words = set()
        self.scannos = set()
        # A dict of words that use an alt-dict tag. The key is a word and the
        # value is the alt-dict tag string.
        self.alt_tags = SortedDict()
        # Cached sort vectors, see get_sort_vector()
        self.sort_up_vectors = [None, None, None]
        self.sort_down_vectors = [None, None, None]
        self.sort_key_funcs = [None, None, None]
        # Register metadata readers and writers.
        self.metamgr.register(C.MD_GW, self.good_read, self.good_save)
        self.metamgr.register(C.MD_BW, self.bad_read, self.bad_save)
        self.metamgr.register(C.MD_SC, self.scanno_read, self.scanno_save)
        self.metamgr.register(C.MD_VL, self.word_read, self.word_save)
    # End of __init__

    # =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
    # Methods used when saving metadata. The items in the good_words,
    # bad_words, and scanno sets are simply returned as a list of strings.
    def good_save(self, section) :
        return [ token for token in self.good_words ]

    def bad_save(self, section) :
        return [ token for token in self.bad_words ]

    def scanno_save(self, section) :
        return [ token for token in self.scannos ]
    # To save the vocabulary, write a list for each word:
    #   [ "token", "tag", count, [prop-code...] ]
    # where "token" is the word as a string, "tag" is its alt-dict tag
    # or a null string, count is an integer and [prop-code...] is the
    # integer values from the word's property set as a list. Note that
    # alt_tag needs to be a string because json doesn't handle None.
    def word_save(self, section) :
        vlist = []
        for word in self.vocab:
            [count, prop_set] = self.vocab[word]
            #tag = "" if AD not in prop_set else self.alt_tags[word]
            tag = ""
            if AD in prop_set :
                if word in self.alt_tags :
                    tag = self.alt_tags[word]
                else : # should never occur, could be assertion error
                    worddata_logger.error( 'erroneous alt tag on ' + word )
            plist = list(prop_set)
            vlist.append( [ word, count, tag, plist ] )
        return vlist

    # Methods used to load metadata. Called by the metadata manager with
    # a single Python object, presumably the object that was prepared by
    # the matching _save method above. Because the user might edit the metadata
    # file, do a little quality control.

    def good_read(self, section, value, version):
        if isinstance(value, list) :
            for token in value :
                if isinstance(token, str) :
                    if token in self.bad_words :
                            '"{}" is in both good and bad words - use in good ignored'.format(token)
                    else :
                        if token in self.vocab : # vocab already loaded, it seems
                            props = self.vocab[token][1]
                            props &= prop_nox
                else :
                        '{} in GOODWORDS list ignored'.format(token)
            if len(self.good_words) :
                # We loaded some, the display might need to change
        else :
                'GOODWORDS metadata is not a list of strings, ignoring it'

    def bad_read(self, section, value, version):
        if isinstance(value, list) :
            for token in value :
                if isinstance(token, str) :
                    if token in self.good_words :
                            '"{}" is in both good and bad words - use in bad ignored'.format(token)
                    else :
                        if token in self.vocab : # vocab already loaded, it seems
                            props = self.vocab[token][1]
                else :
                        '{} in BADWORDS list ignored'.format(token)
            if len(self.bad_words) :
                # We loaded some, the display might need to change
        else :
                'BADWORDS metadata is not a list of strings, ignoring it'

    def scanno_read(self, section, value, version):
        if isinstance(value, list) :
            for token in value :
                if isinstance(token, str) :
                else :
                        '{} in SCANNOLIST ignored'.format(token)
        else :
                'SCANNOLIST metadata is not a list of strings, ignoring it'

    # Load the vocabulary section of a metadata file, allowing for
    # user-edited malformed items. Be very generous about user errors in a
    # modified meta file. The expected value for each word is as written by
    # word_save() above, ["token", count, tag, [props]] but allow a single
    # item ["token"] or just "token" so the user can put in a single word
    # with no count or properties. Convert null-string alt-tag to None.
    # Before adding a word make sure to unicode-flatten it.
    def word_read(self, section, value, version) :
        global PROP_ALL, prop_nox
        # get a new speller in case the Book read a different dict already
        self.speller = self.my_book.get_speller()
        # if value isn't a list, bail out now
        if not isinstance(value,list):
                'WORDCENSUS metadata is not a list, ignoring it'
        # inspect each item of the list.
        for wlist in value:
            try :
                if isinstance(wlist,str) :
                    # expand "token" to ["token"]
                    wlist = [wlist]
                if not isinstance(wlist, list) : raise ValueError
                if len(wlist) != 4 :
                    if len(wlist) > 4 :raise ValueError
                    if len(wlist) == 1 : wlist.append(0) # add default count of 0
                    if len(wlist) == 2 : wlist.append('') # add default alt-tag
                    if len(wlist) == 3 : wlist.append([]) # add default props
                word = wlist[0]
                if not isinstance(word,str) : raise ValueError
                word = unicodedata.normalize('NFKC',word)
                count = int(wlist[1]) # exception if not numeric
                alt_tag = wlist[2]
                if not isinstance(alt_tag,str) : raise ValueError
                if alt_tag == '' : alt_tag = None
                prop_set = set(wlist[3]) # exception if not iterable
                if len( prop_set - PROP_ALL ) : raise ValueError #bogus props
            except :
                    'WORDCENSUS item {} is invalid, ignoring it'.format(wlist)
            # checking done, store the word.
            if (0 == len(prop_set)) or (0 == count) :
                # word with no properties or count is a user addition, enter
                # it as if we found it in the file, including deducing the
                # properties, spell-check, hyphenation split.
                self._add_token(word, alt_tag)
                continue # that's that, on to next line
            # Assume we have a word saved by word_save(), but possibly the
            # good_words and bad_words have been edited and read-in first.
            # Note we are not checking for duplicates
            if word in self.bad_words :
            if word in self.good_words :
                prop_set &= prop_nox
            if alt_tag :
                self.alt_tags[word] = alt_tag
            self.vocab[word] = [count, prop_set]
        # end of "for wlist in value"
        # note the current word count
        self.active_word_count = len(self.vocab)
        # Tell wordview that the display might need to change
    # end of word_read()

    # =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
    # Methods used when opening a new file, one with no metadata.
    # The Book will call these methods passing a text stream when it finds a
    # good-words file or bad-words file. Each of these is expected to have
    # one token per line. We don't presume to know in what order the files
    # are presented, but we DO assume that the vocabulary census has not yet
    # been taken. That requires the user clicking Refresh and that cannot
    # have happened while first opening the file.

    def good_file(self, stream) :
        while not stream.atEnd() :
            token = stream.readLine().strip()
            if token in self.bad_words :
                    '"{}" is in both good and bad words - use in good ignored'.format(token)
            else :

    def bad_file(self, stream) :
        while not stream.atEnd() :
            token = stream.readLine().strip()
            if token in self.good_words :
                    '"{}" is in both good and bad words - use in bad ignored'.format(token)
            else :
    # =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
    # The user can choose a new scannos file any time while editing. So there
    # might be existing data, so we clear the set before reading.
    def scanno_file(self, stream) :
        self.scannos = set() # clear any prior values
        while not stream.atEnd() :
            token = stream.readLine().strip()

    # =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
    # The following is called by the Book when the user chooses a different
    # spelling dictionary. Store a new spellcheck object. Recheck the
    # spelling of all words except those with properties HY, GW, or BW.
    def recheck_spelling(self, speller):
        global PROP_BGH, prop_nox
        self.speller = speller
        for i in range(len(self.vocab)) :
            (c, p) = self.vocab_vview[i]
            if not( PROP_BGH & p ) : # then p lacks BW, GW and HY
                p = p & prop_nox # and now it also lacks XX
                w = self.vocab_kview[i]
                t = self.alt_tags.get(w,None)
                if not self.speller.check(w,t):
                self.vocab_vview[i][1] = p

    # =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
    # Method to perform a census. This is called from wordview when the
    # user clicks the Refresh button asking for a new scan over all words in
    # the book. Formerly this took a progress bar, but the actual operation
    # is so fast no progress need be shown.
    def refresh(self):
        global RE_LANG_ATTR, RE_TOKEN

        count = 0
        end_count = self.document.blockCount()

        # get a reference to the dictionary to use
        self.speller = self.my_book.get_speller()
        # clear the alt-dict list.
        self.alt_tags = SortedDict()
        # clear the sort vectors
        self.sort_up_vectors = [None, None, None]
        self.sort_down_vectors = [None, None, None]
        self.sort_key_funcs = [None, None, None]
        # Zero out all counts and property sets that we have so far. We will
        # develop new properties when each word is first seen. Properties
        # such as HY will not have changed, but both AD and XX might have
        # changed while the word text remains the same.
        for j in range(len(self.vocab)) :
            self.vocab_vview[j][0] = 0
            self.vocab_vview[j][1] = set()

        # iterate over all lines extracting tokens and processing them.
        alt_dict = None
        alt_tag = None
        for line in self.document.all_lines():
            count += 1
            j = 0
            m = RE_TOKEN.search(line,0)
            while m : # while match is not None
                if m.group(6) : # start-tag; has it lang= ?
                    d = RE_LANG_ATTR.search(m.group(8))
                    if d :
                        alt_dict = d.group(1)
                        alt_tag = m.group(7)
                elif m.group(9) :
                    if m.group(10) == alt_tag :
                        # end tag of a lang= start tag
                        alt_dict = None
                        alt_tag = None
                else :
                j = m.end()
                m = RE_TOKEN.search(line,j)
        # Look for zero counts and delete those items. It is forbidden to
        # alter the dict contents while iterating over values or keys views,
        # so make a list of the word tokens to be deleted, then use del.
        togo = []
        for j in range(len(self.vocab)) :
            if self.vocab_vview[j][0] == 0 :
        for key in togo:
            del self.vocab[key]
        # Update possibly modified word count
        self.active_word_count = len(self.vocab)

    # Internal method for adding a possibly-hyphenated token to the vocabulary,
    # incrementing its count. This is used during the census/refresh scan, and
    # can be called from word_read to process a user-added word.
    # Arguments:
    #    tok_str: a normalized word-like token; may be hyphenated a/o apostrophized
    #    dic_tag: an alternate dictionary tag or None
    # If the token has no hyphens, this is just a cover on _count. When the
    # token is hyphenated, we enter each part of it alone, then add the
    # phrase with the union of the prop_sets of its parts, plus HY. Thus
    # "mother-in-law's" will be added as "mother", "in" and "law's", and as
    # itself with HY, LC, AP. "1989-1995" puts 1989 and 1995 in the list and
    # will have HY and ND. Yes, this means that a hyphenation could have all
    # of UC, MC and LC.
    # If a part of a phrase fails spellcheck, it will have XX but we do not
    # propogate that to the phrase itself.
    # If a part of the phrase has AD (because it was previously entered as
    # part of a lang= string) that also is not propogated to the phrase
    # itself. Since hyphenated phrases are never spell-checked, they should
    # never have AD.
    # Note: en-dash \u2013 is not supported here, only the ascii hyphen.
    # Support for it could be added if required.
    # Defensive programming: '-'.split('-') --> ['','']; '-9'.split('-') --> ['','9']

    def _add_token(self, tok_str, dic_tag ) :
        global prop_nox
        # Count the entire token regardless of hyphens
        self._count(tok_str, dic_tag) # this definitely puts it in the dict
        [count, prop_set] = self.vocab[tok_str]
        if (count == 1) and (HY in prop_set) :
            # We just added a hyphenated token: add its parts also.
            parts = tok_str.split('-')
            prop_set = {HY}
            for member in parts :
                if len(member) : # if not null split from leading -
                    self._count(member, dic_tag)
                    [x, part_props] = self.vocab[member]
                    prop_set |= part_props
            self.vocab[tok_str] = [count, prop_set  - {XX, AD} ]

    # Internal method to count a token, adding it to the list if necessary.
    # An /alt-tag must already be removed. The word must be already
    # normalized. Because of the way we tokenize, we know the token contains
    # only letter forms, numeric forms, and possibly hyphens and/or
    # apostrophes.
    # If it is in the list, increment its count. Otherwise, compute its
    # properties, including spellcheck for non-hyphenated tokens, and
    # add it to the vocabulary with a count of 1. Returns nothing.

    def _count(self, word, dic_tag ) :
        [count, prop_set] = self.vocab.get( word, [0,set()] )
        if count : # it was in the list: a new word would have count=0
            self.vocab[word][0] += 1 # increment its count
            return # and done.
        # Word was not in the list (but is now): count is 0, prop_set is empty.
        # The following is only done once per unique word.
        self.my_book.metadata_modified(True, C.MD_MOD_FLAG)
        work = word[:] # copy the word, we may modify it next.
        if work.startswith("Point"):
            pass # debug
        # If word has apostrophes, note that and delete for following tests.
        if -1 < work.find("'") : # look for ascii apostrophe
            work = work.replace("'","")
        if -1 < work.find('\u02bc') : # look for MODIFIER LETTER APOSTROPHE
            work = work.replace('\u02bc','')
        # If word has hyphens, note that and remove them.
        if -1 < work.find('-') :
            work = work.replace('-','')
        # With the hyphens and apostrophes out, check letter case
        if ANY_DIGIT.search( work ) :
            # word has at least one numeric
        if not work.isnumeric() :
            # word is not all-numeric, determine case of letters
            if work.lower() == work :
                prop_set.add(LC) # most common case
            elif work.upper() != work :
                prop_set.add(MC) # next most common case
            else : # work.upper() == work
        if HY not in prop_set : # word is not hyphenated, so check its spelling.
            if word not in self.good_words :
                if word not in self.bad_words :
                    # Word in neither good- nor bad-words
                    if dic_tag : # uses an alt dictionary
                        self.alt_tags[word] = dic_tag
                    if not self.speller.check(word, dic_tag) :
                else : # in bad-words
            # else in good-words
        # else hyphenated, spellcheck only its parts
        self.vocab[word] = [1, prop_set]

    # =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
    # The following methods are called from the Words panel.
    #  Get the count of words in the vocabulary, as selected by the
    #  latest sort vector.
    def word_count(self):
        return self.active_word_count
    # Get the actual size of the vocabulary, for searching it all.
    def vocab_count(self):
        return len(self.vocab)
    # Get the word at position n in the vocabulary, using the SortedDict
    # KeysView for O(1) lookup time. Guard against invalid indices.
    def word_at(self, n):
            return self.vocab_kview[n]
        except Exception as whatever:
            worddata_logger.error('bad call to word_at({0})'.format(n))
            return ('?')
    # Get the count and/or property-set of the word at position n in the
    # vocabulary, using the SortedDict ValuesView for O(1) lookup time.
    def word_info_at(self, n):
            return self.vocab_vview[n]
        except Exception as whatever:
            worddata_logger.error('bad call to word_count_at({0})'.format(n))
            return [0, set()]
    def word_count_at(self, n):
            return self.vocab_vview[n][0]
        except Exception as whatever:
            worddata_logger.error('bad call to word_count_at({0})'.format(n))
            return 0
    def word_props_at(self, n):
            return self.vocab_vview[n][1]
        except Exception as whatever:
            worddata_logger.error('bad call to word_props_at({0})'.format(n))
            return (set())

    # Return a sort vector to implement column-sorting and/or filtering. The
    # returned value is a list of index numbers to self.vocab_vview and
    # vocab_kview such that iterating over the list selects vocabulary items
    # in some order. The parameters are:
    # col is the number of the table column, 0:word, 1:count, 2:properties.
    # The sort key is formed based on the column:
    #   0: key is the word-token
    #   1: key is nnnnnnword-token so that words with the same count are
    #      in sequence.
    #   2: fffffffword-token so that words with the same props are in sequence.
    # order is Qt.AscendingOrder or Qt.DescendingOrder
    # key_func is a callable used to extract or condition the key value when
    # a new key is added to a SortedDict, usually created by natsort.keygen()
    # and used to implement locale-aware and case-independent sorting.
    # filter_func is a callable that examines a vocab entry and returns
    # True or False, meaning include or omit this entry from the vector.
    # Used to implement property filters or harmonic-sets.
    # To implement Descending order we return a reversed() version of the
    # matching Ascending order vector.
    # Because vectors are expensive to make, we cache them, so that to
    # return to a previous sort order takes near zero time. However we can't
    # cache every variation of a filtered vector, so when a filter_func is
    # passed we make the vector every time.
    def _make_key_getter(self, col) :
        if col == 0 :
            return lambda j : self.vocab_kview[j]
        elif col == 1 :
            return lambda j : '{:05}:{}'.format( self.vocab_vview[j][0], self.vocab_kview[j] )
        else : # col == 2
            return lambda j : prop_string(self.vocab_vview[j][1]) + self.vocab_kview[j]

    def get_sort_vector( self, col, order, key_func = None, filter_func = None ) :
        if filter_func : # is not None,
            # create a sort vector from scratch, filtered
            getter_func = self._make_key_getter( col )
            sorted_dict = SortedDict( key_func )
            for j in range( len( self.vocab ) ) :
                if filter_func( self.vocab_kview[j], self.vocab_vview[j][1] ) :
                    k = getter_func( j )
                    sorted_dict[ k ] = j
            vector = sorted_dict.values()
            if order != Qt.AscendingOrder :
                vector = [j for j in reversed( vector ) ]
        else : # no filter_func, try to reuse a cached vector
            vector = self.sort_up_vectors[ col ]
            if not vector or key_func is not self.sort_key_funcs[ col ] :
                # there is no ascending vector for this column, or there
                # is one but it was made with a different key_func.
                getter_func = self._make_key_getter( col )
                sorted_dict = SortedDict( key_func )
                for j in range( len( self.vocab ) ) :
                    k = getter_func( j )
                    sorted_dict[ k ] = j
                vector = self.sort_up_vectors[ col ] = sorted_dict.values()
                self.sort_key_funcs[ col ] = key_func
            if order != Qt.AscendingOrder :
                # what is wanted is a descending order vector, do we have one?
                if self.sort_down_vectors[ col ] is None :
                    # no, so create one from the asc. vector we now have
                    self.sort_down_vectors[ col ] = [ j for j in reversed( vector ) ]
                # yes we do (now)
                vector = self.sort_down_vectors[ col ]
        # one way or another, vector is a sort vector
        # note the actual word count available through that vector
        self.active_word_count = len(vector)
        return vector

    # Return a reference to the good-words set
    def get_good_set(self):
        return self.good_words

    # Note the addition of a word to the good-words set. The word probably
    # (but does not have to) exist in the database; add GW and remove XX from
    # its properties.
    def add_to_good_set(self, word):
        if word in self.vocab_kview :
            [count, pset] = self.vocab[word]
            pset -= set([XX]) # conditional .remove()
            self.vocab[word] = [count,pset]

    # Note the removal of a word from the good-words set. The word exists in
    # the good-words set, because the wordview panel good-words list only
    # calls this for words it is displaying. The word may or may not exist in
    # the database. If it does, remove GW and set XX based on a spellcheck
    # test.
    def del_from_good_set(self, word):
        if word in self.vocab_kview :
            [count, pset] = self.vocab[word]
            pset -= set([GW,XX])
            dic_tag = self.alt_tags.get(word)
            if not self.speller.check(word, dic_tag) :
            self.vocab[word] = [count, pset]

    # mostly used by unit test, get the index of a word by its key
    def word_index(self, w):
            return self.vocab_kview.index(w)
        except Exception as whatever:
            worddata_logger.error('bad call to word_index({0})'.format(w))
            return -1

    # The following methods are used by the edit syntax highlighter to set flags.
    # 1. Check a token for spelling. We expect the vast majority of words
    # will be in the list. And for performance, we want to respond in as little
    # code as possible! So if we know the word, reply at once.
    # 2. If the word in the document isn't in the vocab, perhaps it is not
    # a normalized string, so try again, normalized.
    # 3 If the token is not in the list, add it to the vocabulary with null
    # properties (to speed up repeat calls) and return False, meaning it is
    # not misspelled. The opposite, returning True for misspelled, in a new
    # book before Refresh is done, would highlight everything.
    def spelling_test(self, tok_str) :
        count, prop_set = self.vocab.get(tok_str,[0,set()])
        if count : # it was in the list
            return XX in prop_set
        tok_nlz = unicodedata.normalize('NFKC',tok_str)
        [count, prop_set] = self.vocab.get(tok_nlz,[0,set()])
        return XX in prop_set
    # 2. Check a token for being in the scannos list. If no scannos
    # have been loaded, none will be hilited.
    def scanno_test(self, tok_str) :
        return tok_str in self.scannos
コード例 #36
def test_get():
    mapping = [(val, pos) for pos, val in enumerate(string.ascii_lowercase)]
    temp = SortedDict(mapping)
    assert temp.get('a') == 0
    assert temp.get('A', -1) == -1
コード例 #37
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: mmarkov/dotmap
class DotMap(MutableMapping):

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self._map = SortedDict()
        if args:
            d = args[0]
            if type(d) is dict:
                for k, v in self.__call_items(d):
                    if type(v) is dict:
                        v = DotMap(v)
                    self._map[k] = v
        if kwargs:
            for k, v in self.__call_items(kwargs):
                self._map[k] = v

    def __call_items(obj):
        if hasattr(obj, 'iteritems') and ismethod(getattr(obj, 'iteritems')):
            return obj.iteritems()
            return obj.items()

    def items(self):
        return self.iteritems()

    def iteritems(self):
        return self.__call_items(self._map)

    def __iter__(self):
        return self._map.__iter__()

    def __setitem__(self, k, v):
        self._map[k] = v

    def __getitem__(self, k):
        if k not in self._map:
            # automatically extend to new DotMap
            self[k] = DotMap()
        return self._map[k]

    def __setattr__(self, k, v):
        if k == '_map':
            super(DotMap, self).__setattr__(k, v)
            self[k] = v

    def __getattr__(self, k):
        if k == '_map':
            return self._map
            return self[k]

    def __delattr__(self, key):
        return self._map.__delitem__(key)

    def __contains__(self, k):
        return self._map.__contains__(k)

    def __str__(self):
        items = []
        for k, v in self.__call_items(self._map):
            items.append('{0}={1}'.format(k, repr(v)))
        out = 'DotMap({0})'.format(', '.join(items))
        return out

    def __repr__(self):
        return str(self)

    def to_dict(self):
        d = {}
        for k, v in self.items():
            if type(v) is DotMap:
                v = v.to_dict()
            d[k] = v
        return d

    def pprint(self):

    # proper dict subclassing
    def values(self):
        return self._map.values()

    def parse_other(other):
        if type(other) is DotMap:
            return other._map
            return other

    def __cmp__(self, other):
        other = DotMap.parse_other(other)
        return self._map.__cmp__(other)

    def __eq__(self, other):
        other = DotMap.parse_other(other)
        if not isinstance(other, dict):
            return False
        return self._map.__eq__(other)

    def __ge__(self, other):
        other = DotMap.parse_other(other)
        return self._map.__ge__(other)

    def __gt__(self, other):
        other = DotMap.parse_other(other)
        return self._map.__gt__(other)

    def __le__(self, other):
        other = DotMap.parseOther(other)
        return self._map.__le__(other)

    def __lt__(self, other):
        other = DotMap.parse_other(other)
        return self._map.__lt__(other)

    def __ne__(self, other):
        other = DotMap.parse_other(other)
        return self._map.__ne__(other)

    def __delitem__(self, key):
        return self._map.__delitem__(key)

    def __len__(self):
        return self._map.__len__()

    def copy(self):
        return self

    def get(self, key, default=None):
        return self._map.get(key, default)

    def has_key(self, key):
        return key in self._map

    def iterkeys(self):
        return self._map.iterkeys()

    def itervalues(self):
        return self._map.itervalues()

    def keys(self):
        return self._map.keys()

    def pop(self, key, default=None):
        return self._map.pop(key, default)

    def setdefault(self, key, default=None):
        return self._map.setdefault(key, default)

    def viewitems(self):
        if version_info.major == 2 and version_info.minor >= 7:
            return self._map.viewitems()
            return self._map.items()

    def viewkeys(self):
        if version_info.major == 2 and version_info.minor >= 7:
            return self._map.viewkeys()
            return self._map.keys()

    def viewvalues(self):
        if version_info.major == 2 and version_info.minor >= 7:
            return self._map.viewvalues()
            return self._map.values()

    def fromkeys(cls, seq, value=None):
        d = DotMap()
        d._map = SortedDict.fromkeys(seq, value)
        return d
コード例 #38
ファイル: graph.py プロジェクト: sgolecha/insightdata
class TxGraph(object):
    """represents a graph of all transactions
    within the current window

        median(float)   :   the current median of the degree of the nodes
        highMarker(int) :   the latest timestamp seen so far
        lowMarker(int)  :   the earliest timestamp of the window we are
                            interested in
        txMap(dict)     :   this is a collection of EdgeList's with key being
                            the timestamp and the value an instance of EdgeList
        edgeMap(dict)   :   this is collection of all Edges within a window
                            with key being the name of an Edge
        nodeMap(dict)   :   this represents a collection of Nodes with a window
                            with key being the name of the Node
        degreeList(list):   list of degrees of noded (sorted)

    WINDOW_SIZE = 60
    def __init__(self):
        self.median = 0
        self.highMarker = TxGraph.WINDOW_SIZE
        self.lowMarker = 1
        self.txMap = SortedDict() #sorted by unix epoch (timestamp)
        self.edgeMap = SortedDict() #sorted by edge name
        self.nodeMap = SortedDict() #sorted by node name
        self.degreeList = SortedList() #sorted by degreeList
    def __calculate_median(self, use_existing_list=False):
        """calculates median by adding degrees to a sortedlist
        if not use_existing_list:
            #lets reconstruct the list
            self.degreeList = SortedList()
            for node in self.nodeMap.itervalues():
                if node.degree > 0:

        listLen = len(self.degreeList)
        if listLen == 0:
            raise Exception("No items in the degreeList")

        if listLen == 1:
            return self.degreeList[0]/1.0

        if (listLen % 2) == 0: 
            return (self.degreeList[listLen/2] + self.degreeList[(listLen/2) - 1]) / 2.0
        return self.degreeList[listLen/2]/1.0

    def __get_edgelist(self, tstamp, create=True):
        """returns an instance of EdgeList with matching
        timestamp and creates one if needed
        edgeList = self.txMap.get(tstamp, None)
        if edgeList is None and create is True:
            edgeList = EdgeList(tstamp)
            self.txMap[tstamp] = edgeList
        return edgeList

    def __getnode_with_name(self, name, create=True):
        """returns an instance of Node with matching name
        and creates one if necessary

            name(str)   :   name of the edge
            create(bool):   flag to indicate whether to create a 
                            missing node
        node = self.nodeMap.get(name, None)
        if node is None and create is True:
            node = Node(name)
            self.nodeMap[name] = node
        return node

    def __incr_degree_of_edge_nodes(self, edge):
        """increments the degree of the two nodes
        of an edge

        src = self.__getnode_with_name(edge.source)
        tar = self.__getnode_with_name(edge.target)
        return (src.degree, tar.degree)
    def __decr_degree_of_edge_nodes(self, edge):
        """decrements the degree of the two nodes
        of an edge
    def __decr_degree_of_node(self, name):
        """decrements the degree of a node
        and removes it from the nodeMap if degree is 0
        node = self.__getnode_with_name(name, create=False)
        if node.degree == 0:
            del self.nodeMap[node.name]

    def __remove_edge(self, edge):
        """removes an edge from the graph and updates the 
        degree of a node. If degree of a node goes to 0, then
        remove the node as well
            egde(Edge)   :   An instance of Edge class

        del self.edgeMap[edge.name]

    def __update_tstamp_for_existing_edge(self, edgeName, tstamp):
        """updates the timestamp for an existing edge and moves
        the edge to an appropriate EdgeList
            edgeName(str)   :   name of the edge to be updated
            tstamp(int)     :   unix epoch of the timstamp
        currEdge = self.edgeMap[edgeName]
        if not currEdge:
        if tstamp <= currEdge.tstamp:
            return #ignore older transactions within the window
        #remove the edge from the edgelist with old timestamp
        edgeList = self.__get_edgelist(currEdge.tstamp, create=False)
        del edgeList.edges[currEdge.name]

        #update the tstamp in the edge
        currEdge.tstamp = tstamp

        #move this edge to the correct edgelist
        edgeList = self.__get_edgelist(tstamp)
        edgeList.edges[currEdge.name] = currEdge

    def __update_tx_window(self):
        """updates the transaction window of the graph
        This method is called when a newer transaction out the 
        window arrives. It does the following:
        1. Gets the edgeList's that are below the lowMarker
        2. Goes through the edges and deletes them from the edgeMap
        3. Update the degree of the nodes
        4. Moves the window by deleting the stale edgeLists
        tsIter = self.txMap.irange(None, self.lowMarker, inclusive=(True,False))
        lastTStamp = None
        for tstamp in tsIter:
            lastTStamp  = tstamp
            edgeList = self.txMap[tstamp]
            for edge in edgeList.edges.itervalues():

        #lets delete the stale edgelists
        if lastTStamp:
            lowIdx = self.txMap.index(lastTStamp)
            del self.txMap.iloc[:lowIdx+1]
    def process_transaction(self, tstamp, source, target):
        """this is the starting point of transaction processing.
        We first check whether the tx is within the window.
        If it is, then we update the Edge (if it already exists) or 
        create a new Edge if necessary and update the median.
        If the tx is not within the window and is newer, we then
        move the window and remove all stale(older) edges and create
        a new edge for the newer transaction and finally update the
        #basic sanity checks
        if source is None or target is None:
            raise Exception("Invalid node")

        if len(source) == 0 or len(target) == 0:
            raise Exception("Invalid node")

        if source == target:
            raise Exception("source and target cannot be the same")
        #timestamp of the transaction is old and can be ignored
        if tstamp < self.lowMarker:

        #create a new edge representing this transaction     
        newEdge = Edge(tstamp, source, target)
        if tstamp <= self.highMarker:
            if newEdge.name in self.edgeMap:
                self.__update_tstamp_for_existing_edge(newEdge.name, tstamp)
                #no need to recalculate the median here since degree does not change
            """handle new edge
            1. find the edgelist with the same timestamp (if not create it)
            2. add this edge to the edgelist and edgemap
            4. create new Nodes for the edges if needed or update their degrees
            5. update the degreeList with the new degrees
            6. recalculate the median but use the existing degreeList
            edgeList = self.__get_edgelist(tstamp)
            edgeList.edges[newEdge.name] = newEdge
            self.edgeMap[newEdge.name] = newEdge

            this is optimization because most of the degrees of the 
            nodes hasn't changed and therefore we can reuse the existing list
            srcDegree, tarDegree = self.__incr_degree_of_edge_nodes(newEdge)
            if srcDegree == 1:
                self.degreeList.remove(srcDegree - 1)

            if tarDegree == 1:
                self.degreeList.remove(tarDegree - 1)

            self.median = self.__calculate_median(use_existing_list=True)

        """this transaction is newer and we need to move the window
        1. update the low and high markers of the timestamp window
        2. create edgelist with this newer timestamp
        2. add the new edge to the edgelist
        3. add the new edge to the edgemap
        4. create new Nodes of the edges if needed or update their degrees
        5. calculate the median (but reconstruct the degreeList) 
        #this tx is newer and we need to move the window
        self.highMarker = tstamp
        self.lowMarker = tstamp - TxGraph.WINDOW_SIZE + 1

        if newEdge.name in self.edgeMap:
            self.__update_tstamp_for_existing_edge(newEdge.name, tstamp)
            edgeList = self.__get_edgelist(tstamp)
            edgeList.edges[newEdge.name] = newEdge
            self.edgeMap[newEdge.name] = newEdge

        self.median = self.__calculate_median()
コード例 #39
class OrderBook(WebsocketClient):
    def __init__(self, product_id='BTC-USD', log_to=None):
        super(OrderBook, self).__init__(products=product_id)
        self._asks = SortedDict()
        self._bids = SortedDict()
        self._client = PublicClient()
        self._sequence = -1
        self._log_to = log_to
        if self._log_to:
            assert hasattr(self._log_to, 'write')
        self._current_ticker = None

    def product_id(self):
        ''' Currently OrderBook only supports a single product even though it is stored as a list of products. '''
        return self.products[0]

    def on_open(self):
        self._sequence = -1
        print("-- Subscribed to OrderBook! --\n")

    def on_close(self):
        print("\n-- OrderBook Socket Closed! --")

    def reset_book(self):
        self._asks = SortedDict()
        self._bids = SortedDict()
        res = self._client.get_product_order_book(product_id=self.product_id, level=3)
        for bid in res['bids']:
                'id': bid[2],
                'side': 'buy',
                'price': Decimal(bid[0]),
                'size': Decimal(bid[1])
        for ask in res['asks']:
                'id': ask[2],
                'side': 'sell',
                'price': Decimal(ask[0]),
                'size': Decimal(ask[1])
        self._sequence = res['sequence']

    def on_message(self, message):
        if self._log_to:
            pickle.dump(message, self._log_to)

        sequence = message.get('sequence', -1)
        if self._sequence == -1:
        if sequence <= self._sequence:
            # ignore older messages (e.g. before order book initialization from getProductOrderBook)
        elif sequence > self._sequence + 1:
            self.on_sequence_gap(self._sequence, sequence)

        msg_type = message['type']
        if msg_type == 'open':
        elif msg_type == 'done' and 'price' in message:
        elif msg_type == 'match':
            self._current_ticker = message
        elif msg_type == 'change':

        self._sequence = sequence

    def on_sequence_gap(self, gap_start, gap_end):
        print('Error: messages missing ({} - {}). Re-initializing  book at sequence.'.format(
            gap_start, gap_end, self._sequence))

    def add(self, order):
        order = {
            'id': order.get('order_id') or order['id'],
            'side': order['side'],
            'price': Decimal(order['price']),
            'size': Decimal(order.get('size') or order['remaining_size'])
        if order['side'] == 'buy':
            bids = self.get_bids(order['price'])
            if bids is None:
                bids = [order]
            self.set_bids(order['price'], bids)
            asks = self.get_asks(order['price'])
            if asks is None:
                asks = [order]
            self.set_asks(order['price'], asks)

    def remove(self, order):
        price = Decimal(order['price'])
        if order['side'] == 'buy':
            bids = self.get_bids(price)
            if bids is not None:
                bids = [o for o in bids if o['id'] != order['order_id']]
                if len(bids) > 0:
                    self.set_bids(price, bids)
            asks = self.get_asks(price)
            if asks is not None:
                asks = [o for o in asks if o['id'] != order['order_id']]
                if len(asks) > 0:
                    self.set_asks(price, asks)

    def match(self, order):
        size = Decimal(order['size'])
        price = Decimal(order['price'])

        if order['side'] == 'buy':
            bids = self.get_bids(price)
            if not bids:
            assert bids[0]['id'] == order['maker_order_id']
            if bids[0]['size'] == size:
                self.set_bids(price, bids[1:])
                bids[0]['size'] -= size
                self.set_bids(price, bids)
            asks = self.get_asks(price)
            if not asks:
            assert asks[0]['id'] == order['maker_order_id']
            if asks[0]['size'] == size:
                self.set_asks(price, asks[1:])
                asks[0]['size'] -= size
                self.set_asks(price, asks)

    def change(self, order):
            new_size = Decimal(order['new_size'])
        except KeyError:

            price = Decimal(order['price'])
        except KeyError:

        if order['side'] == 'buy':
            bids = self.get_bids(price)
            if bids is None or not any(o['id'] == order['order_id'] for o in bids):
            index = [b['id'] for b in bids].index(order['order_id'])
            bids[index]['size'] = new_size
            self.set_bids(price, bids)
            asks = self.get_asks(price)
            if asks is None or not any(o['id'] == order['order_id'] for o in asks):
            index = [a['id'] for a in asks].index(order['order_id'])
            asks[index]['size'] = new_size
            self.set_asks(price, asks)

        tree = self._asks if order['side'] == 'sell' else self._bids
        node = tree.get(price)

        if node is None or not any(o['id'] == order['order_id'] for o in node):

    def get_current_ticker(self):
        return self._current_ticker

    def get_current_book(self):
        result = {
            'sequence': self._sequence,
            'asks': [],
            'bids': [],
        for ask in self._asks:
                # There can be a race condition here, where a price point is removed
                # between these two ops
                this_ask = self._asks[ask]
            except KeyError:
            for order in this_ask:
                result['asks'].append([order['price'], order['size'], order['id']])
        for bid in self._bids:
                # There can be a race condition here, where a price point is removed
                # between these two ops
                this_bid = self._bids[bid]
            except KeyError:

            for order in this_bid:
                result['bids'].append([order['price'], order['size'], order['id']])
        return result

    def get_ask(self):
        return self._asks.peekitem(0)[0]

    def get_asks(self, price):
        return self._asks.get(price)

    def remove_asks(self, price):
        del self._asks[price]

    def set_asks(self, price, asks):
        self._asks[price] = asks

    def get_bid(self):
        return self._bids.peekitem(-1)[0]

    def get_bids(self, price):
        return self._bids.get(price)

    def remove_bids(self, price):
        del self._bids[price]

    def set_bids(self, price, bids):
        self._bids[price] = bids
コード例 #40
ファイル: cache.py プロジェクト: 650elx/middleware
class CacheStore(object):
    class CacheItem(object):
        def __init__(self):
            self.valid = Event()
            self.data = None

    def __init__(self, key=None):
        self.lock = RLock()
        self.store = SortedDict(key)

    def __getitem__(self, item):
        return self.get(item)

    def put(self, key, data):
        with self.lock:
            item = self.store[key] if key in self.store else self.CacheItem()
            item.data = data

            if key not in self.store:
                self.store[key] = item
                return True

            return False

    def get(self, key, default=None, timeout=None):
        item = self.store.get(key)
        if item:
            return item.data

        return default

    def remove(self, key):
        with self.lock:
            if key in self.store:
                del self.store[key]
                return True

            return False

    def exists(self, key):
        return key in self.store

    def rename(self, oldkey, newkey):
        with self.lock:
            obj = self.get(oldkey)
            obj['id'] = newkey
            self.put(newkey, obj)

    def is_valid(self, key):
        item = self.store.get(key)
        if item:
            return item.valid.is_set()

        return False

    def invalidate(self, key):
        with self.lock:
            item = self.store.get(key)
            if item:

    def itervalid(self):
        for key, value in list(self.store.items()):
            if value.valid.is_set():
                yield (key, value.data)

    def validvalues(self):
        for value in list(self.store.values()):
            if value.valid.is_set():
                yield value.data

    def remove_predicate(self, predicate):
        result = []
        for k, v in self.itervalid():
            if predicate(v):

        return result

    def query(self, *filter, **params):
        return wrap(list(self.validvalues())).query(*filter, **params)