コード例 #1
def bucket_sort(numbers, num_buckets=10):
    """Sort given numbers by distributing into buckets representing subranges,
    then sorting each bucket and concatenating all buckets in sorted order.
    TODO: Running time: ??? Why and under what conditions?
    TODO: Memory usage: ??? Why and under what conditions?"""
    # TODO: Find range of given numbers (minimum and maximum values)
    minimum, maximum = find_range(numbers)
    # TODO: Create list of buckets to store numbers in subranges of input range
    buckets = []
    for i in range(num_buckets):
    # TODO: Loop over given numbers and place each item in appropriate bucket
    for num in numbers:
        insert_index, remainder = divmod(num, len(numbers) // num_buckets)
        if remainder > 0:
            buckets[insert_index - 1].append(num)
    # TODO: Sort each bucket using any sorting algorithm (recursive or another)
    for bucket in buckets:
        if len(bucket):
    # TODO: Loop over buckets and append each bucket's numbers into output list
    input_index = 0
    for bucket in buckets:
        for num in bucket:
            numbers[input_index] = num
            input_index += 1
コード例 #2
def split_sort_merge(items):
    """Sort given items by splitting list into two approximately equal halves,
    sorting each with an iterative sorting algorithm, and merging results into
    a list in sorted order."""
    mid = int(len(items) / 2)
    items1 = items[:mid]
    items2 = items[mid:]
    new_list = merge(bubble_sort(items1), bubble_sort(items2), [])
    return new_list
コード例 #3
def _merge_sort_helper(items):

    if items is None:
        return []

    if len(items) <= 3:
        return items

    center = len(items) // 2
    items1 = items[:center]
    items2 = items[center:]

    return merge(_merge_sort_helper(items1), _merge_sort_helper(items2))
コード例 #4
def split_sort_merge(items):
    """Sort given items by splitting list into two approximately equal halves,
    sorting each with an iterative sorting algorithm, and merging results into
    a list in sorted order.
    TODO: Running time: ??? Why and under what conditions?
    TODO: Memory usage: ??? Why and under what conditions?"""
    mid = len(items) // 2

    items1 = items[:mid]
    items2 = items[mid:]


    items[:] = merge(items1, items2)
def split_sort_merge(items):
    """Sort given items by splitting list into two approximately equal halves,
    sorting each with an iterative sorting algorithm, and merging results into
    a list in sorted order.
    TODO: Running time: ??? Why and under what conditions?
    TODO: Memory usage: ??? Why and under what conditions?"""
    # TODO: Split items list into approximately equal halves
    items1 = items[:len(items) // 2]
    items2 = items[len(items) // 2:]
    # TODO: Sort each half using any other sorting algorithm

    # TODO: Merge sorted halves into one list in sorted order
    items[:] = merge(items1, items2)
コード例 #6
def merge_sort(items):
    """Sort given items by splitting list into two approximately equal halves,
    sorting each recursively, and merging results into a list in sorted order.
    TODO: Running time: ??? Why and under what conditions?
    TODO: Memory usage: ??? Why and under what conditions?"""

    if len(items) <= 3:
        middle_index = len(items) // 2
        right_half = items[middle_index:]
        left_half = items[:middle_index]

        for index, item in enumerate(merge(right_half, left_half)):
            items[index] = item
コード例 #7
def split_sort_merge(items):
    """Sort given items by splitting list into two approximately equal halves,
    sorting each with an iterative sorting algorithm, and merging results into
    a list in sorted order.
    Running time: O((n/2)^2) -> O(n^2)
        When the left and right halves are in reverse order
    Memory usage: O(n)
        New memory is created to store new ordered list"""
    # Split items list into approximately equal halves
    middle = len(items) // 2
    left = items[:middle]
    right = items[middle:]

    # Sort each half using any other sorting algorithm
    insertion_sort(left)  # O(n^2)
    bubble_sort(right)  # O(n^2)

    # Merge sorted halves into one list in sorted order
    # Overwrite content of original list with content of sorted list
    items[:] = merge(left, right)
コード例 #8
 def test_bubble_sort_on_sorted_integers(self):
     # Positive test cases (examples) with lists of sorted integers
     assert(bubble_sort([])) == []  # Empty lists are vacuously sorted
     assert bubble_sort([3]) == [3]  # Single item is trivially sorted
     assert bubble_sort([3, 3]) == [3, 3]  # Duplicate items are in order
     assert bubble_sort([3, 5]) == [3, 5]
     assert bubble_sort([3, 5, 7]) == [3, 5, 7]
     # new added test cases
     sample_1 = [3, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20]
     assert bubble_sort(sample_1) == sample_1
     sample_2 = [1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 15, 25, 25, 32,
                 37, 37, 38, 38, 39, 39, 42, 42, 47]
     assert bubble_sort(sample_2) == sample_2
     sample_3 = [6, 9, 13, 13, 16, 17, 21, 22, 22,
                 22, 23, 24, 25, 29, 30, 34, 34, 36, 40, 43]
     assert bubble_sort(sample_3) == sample_3
コード例 #9
def split_sort_merge(items):
    Sort given items by splitting list into two approximately equal halves,
    sorting each with an iterative sorting algorithm, and merging results into
    a list in sorted order.
    where: N = length of the original list, n = length of the first half,
    m = length second half. Also n and m is approximately(almost) equal length.
    so n + m approximately 2n or 2m which is, 2n = N or 2m = N

    Running time: O(n^2) + O(m^2) = O(2n^2) using the properties above, overall
    O(N^2) running time
    Memory usage: O(N), because when we are merging two sorted list at the end
    we are creating new empty list with the same length of the original list.

        items(list): unsorted list of elements

        merged_list(list): sorted list of elements of original list. Reference
        of the original list didnt change.

    # splitting part
    mid = len(items) // 2
    # copy the first half of the array
    items_1 = items[:mid]  # O(n)
    # copy the second half of the array
    items_2 = items[mid:]  # O(m)

    # sorting the splitted lists using iterative algorithms
    bubble_sort(items_1)  # O(n^2) refer to the bubble sort docstring
    insertion_sort(items_2)  # O(m^2) refer to insertion sort docstring

    # now merge two sorted arrays
    merged_list = merge(items_1, items_2)  # O(n+m) = O(N)
    # to make sorting in place
    items[:] = merged_list
コード例 #10
def split_sort_merge(items):
    """Sort given items by splitting list into two approximately equal halves,
    sorting each with an iterative sorting algorithm, and merging results into
    a list in sorted order.
    TODO: Running time: ??? Why and under what conditions?
    TODO: Memory usage: ??? Why and under what conditions?"""

    # Split items list into approximately equal halves
    median = len(items) // 2  # Using floor to give us equal halves
    # Calculating both left and right half
    left_half = items[:median + 1]
    right_half = items[median + 1:]

    # Conducting iterative sorting algo bubble sort on both halfs ...
    # TODO: Sort each half using any other sorting algorithm

    # Then merging the two sorted halfs using the merge func
    # TODO: Merge sorted halves into one list in sorted order
    merged_result = merge(left_half, right_half)

    # Copy result into input list with slice assignment
    items[:] = merged_result
コード例 #11
def split_sort_merge(items):
    """Sort given items by splitting list into two approximately equal halves,
    sorting each with an iterative sorting algorithm, and merging results into
    a list in sorted order.
    Running Time: O(n^2) because of using bubble_sort and insertion_sort
    Memory Usage: O(n) where n is the amount of items you are merging together"""
    middle = len(items) // 2
    left = bubble_sort(items[:middle]) # Sorting the items on the left 
    right = insertion_sort(items[middle:]) # Sorting the items on the right

    sorted_items = merge(left, right)

    # Sets the sorted items in the list
    for index in range(len(items)):
        items[index] = sorted_items[index]

    return items
コード例 #12
 def test_bubble_sort_on_unsorted_integers(self):
     # Negative test cases (counterexamples) with lists of unsorted integers
     sample_1 = [5, 3]
     assert bubble_sort(sample_1) == sorted(sample_1)
     sample_2 = [3, 5, 3]
     assert bubble_sort(sample_2) == sorted(sample_2)
     sample_3 = [7, 5, 3]
     assert bubble_sort(sample_3) == sorted(sample_3)
     sample_4 = [37, 3, 5, 6, 41, 50, 17, 5, 18, 17]
     # new test cases
     assert bubble_sort(sample_4) == sorted(sample_4)
     sample_5 = [21, 12, 19, 5, 30, 17, 22, 22, 15, 4]
     assert bubble_sort(sample_5) == sorted(sample_5)
     sample_6 = [21, 23, 19, 16, 31, 27, 18, 6, 43, 41, 43, 12, 32, 38, 35]
     assert bubble_sort(sample_6) == sorted(sample_6)
コード例 #13
 def test_bubble_sort(self):
     for _ in range(100):
         random_and_sorted = _generate_testcase()
         assert random_and_sorted[0] == random_and_sorted[1]
コード例 #14
            # Don't explode, just warn user and show list of sorting functions
            print('Sorting function {!r} does not exist'.format(sort_name))
            print('Available sorting functions:')
            for name in globals():
                if 'sort' in name:
                    print('    {}'.format(name))

    # Get num_items and max_value, but don't explode if input is not an integer
        num_items = int(args[1]) if len(args) >= 2 else 20
        max_value = int(args[2]) if len(args) >= 3 else 50
        # print('Num items: {}, max value: {}'.format(num_items, max_value))
    except ValueError:
        print('Integer required for `num` and `max` command-line arguments')

    # Test sort function
    test_sorting(sort_function, num_items, max_value)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # main()
    # nums = [1,3,9,7,4]
    nums = [1239, 212, 1, 31, 492, 12321, 1323, 8, 12]
    nums2 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
    # print(is_sorted(nums))
    # print(is_sorted(nums2))