def classify(self, tresh): """ Given the output scores (C x H x W) it returns the label map. """ scoresCopy = self.scores.copy() predictions = np.argmax(self.scores, 0) mymax = np.max(self.scores, 0) for i in range(self.nclasses): scoresCopy[i, predictions == i] = 0.0 delta = mymax - np.max(scoresCopy, 0) uncMatrix = delta < tresh predictions[uncMatrix] = self.nclasses self.label_colors.append([255, 255, 255]) resimg = np.zeros((predictions.shape[0], predictions.shape[1], 3), dtype='uint8') for label_index in range(self.nclasses + 1): resimg[predictions == label_index, :] = self.label_colors[label_index] qimg = utils.rgbToQImage(resimg) w = qimg.width() / self.scale_factor h = qimg.height() / self.scale_factor outimg = qimg.scaled(w, h, Qt.IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt.FastTransformation) return outimg
def create_histogram(self, list_selected, list_color): class_area = [] for my_class in list_selected: my_area = [] for blob in self.ann.seg_blobs: if blob.class_name == my_class: blob_area = blob.area * self.scale_factor * self.scale_factor / 100 blob_area = np.around(blob_area, decimals=2) my_area.append(blob_area) class_area.append(my_area) max_area = np.zeros(len(list_selected)) sum_area = np.zeros(len(list_selected)) for i in range(0, len(list_selected)): area_array = np.asarray(class_area[i]) max_area[i] = max(area_array) sum_area[i] = sum(area_array) # histogram plot total_coverage = sum(sum_area) bins = np.arange(0, max(max_area), 100) colors = [tuple(np.asanyarray(list_color[i])/255)for i in range(0, len(list_selected))] areas = [np.asarray(class_area[i]) for i in range(0, len(list_selected))] patches = [mpatches.Patch(color=tuple(np.asanyarray(list_color[i]) / 255), label='%.4f' % (sum_area[i] / 10000) + " m^2 " + list_selected[i]) for i in range(0, len(list_selected))] fig = plt.figure() fig.set_size_inches(10, 6.5) plt.legend(handles=patches) plt.hist(areas, bins, color=colors) plt.xlabel("Colonies area (cm^2)") plt.ylabel("Number of colonies") txt = "Total coverage {:.4f}".format(total_coverage/10000.0) + " m^2" if self.year is not None: txt += " (" + str(self.year) + ")" plt.title(txt) buf = io.BytesIO() fig.savefig(buf, format="png", dpi=180) img_arr = np.frombuffer(buf.getvalue(), dtype=np.uint8) buf.close() im = cv2.imdecode(img_arr, 1) im = cv2.cvtColor(im, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) # numpy array to QPixmap qimg = utils.rgbToQImage(im) qimg = qimg.scaled(self.preview_W, self.preview_H, Qt.KeepAspectRatio, Qt.SmoothTransformation) pxmap = QPixmap(qimg) self.lblPreview.setPixmap(pxmap)
def create_label_map(self, size, labels_info): """ Create a label map as a QImage and returns it. """ # create a black canvas of the same size of your map w = size.width() h = size.height() imagebox = [0, 0, h, w] image = np.zeros([h, w, 3], np.uint8) for i, blob in enumerate(self.seg_blobs): if not blob.qpath_gitem.isVisible(): continue if blob.class_name == "Empty": rgb = [255, 255, 255] else: class_color = labels_info[blob.class_name] rgb = class_color mask = blob.getMask().astype( bool) #bool is required for bitmask indexing box = blob.bbox (box[2], box[3]) = (box[3] + box[0], box[2] + box[1]) #box is now startx,starty,endx,endy #range is the interection of box and imagebox range = [ max(box[0], imagebox[0]), max(box[1], imagebox[1]), min(box[2], imagebox[2]), min(box[3], imagebox[3]) ] subimage = image[range[0] - imagebox[0]:range[2] - imagebox[0], range[1] - imagebox[1]:range[3] - imagebox[1]] submask = mask[range[0] - box[0]:range[2] - box[0], range[1] - box[1]:range[3] - box[1]] #use the binary mask to assign a color subimage[submask] = rgb #create 1px border: dilate then subtract the mask. border = binary_dilation(submask) & ~submask #select only the border over blobs of the same color and draw the border samecolor = np.all(subimage == rgb, axis=-1) subimage[border & samecolor] = [0, 0, 0] labelimg = utils.rgbToQImage(image) return labelimg
def segment(img, mask, l=0, conservative=0.1, grow=0, radius=30): if lib is None: raise Exception( "Coraline library (, coraline.dll) not found.") img = gaussian(img, sigma=1.5, multichannel=False) img = img * 255 img = img.astype(np.uint8) qimg = utils.rgbToQImage(img)"Smoothed.jpg") w = img.shape[1] h = img.shape[0] W = mask.shape[1] H = mask.shape[0] if (w != W) or (h != H): print(w, h, W, H) exit(0) #print(C.c_float(l), l) lib.Coraline_segment(C.c_void_p(, C.c_void_p(, C.c_int(w), C.c_int(h), C.c_float(l), C.c_float(conservative), C.c_float(grow), C.c_float(radius))
def run(self, img_map, TILE_SIZE, AGGREGATION_WINDOW_SIZE, AGGREGATION_STEP): """ :param TILE_SIZE: Base tile. This corresponds to the INPUT SIZE of the network. :param AGGREGATION_WINDOW_SIZE: Size of the sub-windows to consider for the aggregation. :param AGGREGATION_STEP: Step, in pixels, to calculate the different scores. :return: """ # create a temporary folder to store the processing temp_dir = "temp" if not os.path.exists(temp_dir): os.mkdir(temp_dir) # prepare for running.. STEP_SIZE = AGGREGATION_WINDOW_SIZE W = img_map.width() H = img_map.height() # top, left, width, height working_area = [0, 0, W, H] wa_top = working_area[0] wa_left = working_area[1] wa_width = working_area[2] wa_height = working_area[3] if wa_top < AGGREGATION_STEP: wa_top = AGGREGATION_STEP if wa_left < AGGREGATION_STEP: wa_left = AGGREGATION_STEP if wa_left + wa_width >= W - AGGREGATION_STEP: wa_width = W - AGGREGATION_STEP - wa_left - 1 if wa_top + wa_height >= H - AGGREGATION_STEP: wa_height = H - AGGREGATION_STEP - wa_top - 1 tile_cols = int(wa_width / AGGREGATION_WINDOW_SIZE) + 1 tile_rows = int(wa_height / AGGREGATION_WINDOW_SIZE) + 1 if torch.cuda.is_available(): device = torch.device("cuda") torch.cuda.synchronize() # classification (per-tiles) tiles_number = tile_rows * tile_cols self.processing_step = 0 self.total_processing_steps = 19 * tiles_number for row in range(tile_rows): if self.flagStopProcessing is True: break for col in range(tile_cols): if self.flagStopProcessing is True: break scores = np.zeros((9, self.nclasses, TILE_SIZE, TILE_SIZE)) k = 0 for i in range(-1,2): for j in range(-1,2): top = wa_top - AGGREGATION_STEP + row * STEP_SIZE + i * AGGREGATION_STEP left = wa_left - AGGREGATION_STEP + col * STEP_SIZE + j * AGGREGATION_STEP cropimg = utils.cropQImage(img_map, [top, left, TILE_SIZE, TILE_SIZE]) img_np = utils.qimageToNumpyArray(cropimg) img_np = img_np.astype(np.float32) img_np = img_np / 255.0 # H x W x C --> C x H x W img_np = img_np.transpose(2, 0, 1) # Normalization (average subtraction) img_np[0] = img_np[0] - self.average_norm[0] img_np[1] = img_np[1] - self.average_norm[1] img_np[2] = img_np[2] - self.average_norm[2] with torch.no_grad(): img_tensor = torch.from_numpy(img_np) input = img_tensor.unsqueeze(0) if torch.cuda.is_available(): input = outputs = scores[k] = outputs[0].cpu().numpy() k = k + 1 self.processing_step += 1 self.updateProgress.emit( (100.0 * self.processing_step) / self.total_processing_steps ) QCoreApplication.processEvents() if self.flagStopProcessing is True: break # preds_avg, preds_bayesian = self.aggregateScores(scores, tile_sz=TILE_SIZE, # center_window_size=AGGREGATION_WINDOW_SIZE, step=AGGREGATION_STEP) preds_avg = self.aggregateScores(scores, tile_sz=TILE_SIZE, center_window_size=AGGREGATION_WINDOW_SIZE, step=AGGREGATION_STEP) values_t, predictions_t = torch.max(torch.from_numpy(preds_avg), 0) preds = predictions_t.cpu().numpy() resimg = np.zeros((preds.shape[0], preds.shape[1], 3), dtype='uint8') for label_index in range(self.nclasses): resimg[preds == label_index, :] = self.label_colors[label_index] tilename = str(row) + "_" + str(col) + ".png" filename = os.path.join(temp_dir, tilename) utils.rgbToQImage(resimg).save(filename) self.processing_step += 1 self.updateProgress.emit( (100.0 * self.processing_step) / self.total_processing_steps ) QCoreApplication.processEvents() # put tiles together qimglabel = QImage(W, H, QImage.Format_RGB32) xoffset = 0 yoffset = 0 painter = QPainter(qimglabel) for r in range(tile_rows): for c in range(tile_cols): tilename = str(r) + "_" + str(c) + ".png" filename = os.path.join(temp_dir, tilename) qimg = QImage(filename) xoffset = wa_left + c * AGGREGATION_WINDOW_SIZE yoffset = wa_top + r * AGGREGATION_WINDOW_SIZE cut = False W_prime = wa_width H_prime = wa_height if xoffset + AGGREGATION_WINDOW_SIZE > wa_left + wa_width - 1: W_prime = wa_width + wa_left - xoffset - 1 cut = True if yoffset + AGGREGATION_WINDOW_SIZE > wa_top + wa_height - 1: H_prime = wa_height + wa_top - yoffset - 1 cut = True if cut is True: qimg2 = qimg.copy(0, 0, W_prime, H_prime) painter.drawImage(xoffset, yoffset, qimg2) else: painter.drawImage(xoffset, yoffset, qimg) # detach the qimglabel otherwise the Qt EXPLODES when memory is free painter.end() labelfile = os.path.join(temp_dir, "labelmap.png") torch.cuda.empty_cache() del = None
def run(self, TILE_SIZE, AGGREGATION_WINDOW_SIZE, AGGREGATION_STEP, save_scores=False): """ :param TILE_SIZE: Base tile. This corresponds to the INPUT SIZE of the network. :param AGGREGATION_WINDOW_SIZE: Size of the center window considered for the aggregation. :param AGGREGATION_STEP: Step, in pixels, to calculate the different scores. :return: """ # create a temporary folder to store the processing if not os.path.exists(self.temp_dir): os.mkdir(self.temp_dir) # prepare for running.. DELTA_CROP = int((TILE_SIZE - AGGREGATION_WINDOW_SIZE) / 2) tile_cols = int(self.wa_width / AGGREGATION_WINDOW_SIZE) + 1 tile_rows = int(self.wa_height / AGGREGATION_WINDOW_SIZE) + 1 if torch.cuda.is_available(): device = torch.device("cuda") torch.cuda.synchronize() # classification (per-tiles) tiles_number = tile_rows * tile_cols self.processing_step = 0 self.total_processing_steps = 19 * tiles_number for row in range(tile_rows): if self.flagStopProcessing is True: break for col in range(tile_cols): if self.flagStopProcessing is True: break scores = np.zeros((9, self.nclasses, TILE_SIZE, TILE_SIZE)) k = 0 for i in range(-1, 2): for j in range(-1, 2): top = self.wa_top - DELTA_CROP + row * AGGREGATION_WINDOW_SIZE + i * AGGREGATION_STEP left = self.wa_left - DELTA_CROP + col * AGGREGATION_WINDOW_SIZE + j * AGGREGATION_STEP tileimg = utils.cropQImage( self.input_image, [top, left, TILE_SIZE, TILE_SIZE]) img_np = utils.qimageToNumpyArray(tileimg) img_np = img_np.astype(np.float32) img_np = img_np / 255.0 # H x W x C --> C x H x W img_np = img_np.transpose(2, 0, 1) # Normalization (average subtraction) img_np[0] = img_np[0] - self.average_norm[0] img_np[1] = img_np[1] - self.average_norm[1] img_np[2] = img_np[2] - self.average_norm[2] with torch.no_grad(): img_tensor = torch.from_numpy(img_np) input = img_tensor.unsqueeze(0) if torch.cuda.is_available(): input = outputs = scores[k] = outputs[0].cpu().numpy() k = k + 1 self.processing_step += 1 self.updateProgress.emit( (100.0 * self.processing_step) / self.total_processing_steps) QCoreApplication.processEvents() if self.flagStopProcessing is True: break preds_avg = self.aggregateScores( scores, tile_sz=TILE_SIZE, center_window_size=AGGREGATION_WINDOW_SIZE, step=AGGREGATION_STEP) values_t, predictions_t = torch.max( torch.from_numpy(preds_avg), 0) preds = predictions_t.cpu().numpy() resimg = np.zeros((preds.shape[0], preds.shape[1], 3), dtype='uint8') for label_index in range(self.nclasses): resimg[preds == label_index, :] = self.label_colors[label_index] tilename = str(row) + "_" + str(col) + ".png" filename = os.path.join(self.temp_dir, tilename) utils.rgbToQImage(resimg).save(filename) if save_scores is True: tilename = str(row) + "_" + str(col) + ".dat" filename = os.path.join(self.temp_dir, tilename) fileobject = open(filename, 'wb') pkl.dump(preds_avg, fileobject) fileobject.close() self.processing_step += 1 self.updateProgress.emit((100.0 * self.processing_step) / self.total_processing_steps) QCoreApplication.processEvents() self.assembleTiles(tile_rows, tile_cols, AGGREGATION_WINDOW_SIZE, ass_scores=save_scores) torch.cuda.empty_cache() del = None