コード例 #1
    def editBorder(self, blob, lines):
        points = [blob.drawLine(line) for line in lines]

        if points is None or len(points) == 0:

        # compute the box for the outer contour
        intersected = False
        (mask, box,
         intersected) = self.editBorderContour(blob, blob.contour, points)

        pointIntersectsContours = intersected
        for contour in blob.inner_contours:
            (inner_mask, inner_box,
             intersected) = self.editBorderContour(blob, contour, points)
            pointIntersectsContours = pointIntersectsContours or intersected
            Mask.paintMask(mask, box, inner_mask, inner_box, 0)

        if not pointIntersectsContours:
            #probably a hole, draw the points fill the hole and subtract from mask
            allpoints = np.empty(shape=(0, 2), dtype=int)
            for arc in points:
                allpoints = np.append(allpoints, arc, axis=0)
            points_box = Mask.pointsBox(allpoints, 4)
            (points_mask, points_box) = Mask.jointMask(points_box, points_box)
            Mask.paintPoints(points_mask, points_box, allpoints, 1)
            origin = np.array([points_box[1], points_box[0]])
            Mask.paintPoints(points_mask, points_box, allpoints - origin, 1)
            points_mask = ndi.binary_fill_holes(points_mask)
            points_mask = binary_erosion(points_mask)
            Mask.paintMask(mask, box, points_mask, points_box, 0)

        blob.updateUsingMask(box, mask)
コード例 #2
    def editBorder(self, blob, lines):
        points = [blob.drawLine(line) for line in lines]

        if points is None or len(points) == 0:

        # compute the box for the outer contour
        (mask, box) = self.editBorderContour(blob, blob.contour, points)

        for contour in blob.inner_contours:
             inner_box) = self.editBorderContour(blob, contour, points)
            Mask.paintMask(mask, box, inner_mask, inner_box, 0)

        blob.updateUsingMask(box, mask)
コード例 #3
    def createFromClosedCurve(self, lines):
        It creates a blob starting from a closed curve. If the curve is not closed False is returned.
        If the curve intersect itself many times the first segmented region is created.
        points = self.lineToPoints(lines)
        box = Mask.pointsBox(points, 4)

        (mask, box) = Mask.jointMask(box, box)
        Mask.paintPoints(mask, box, points, 1)
        mask = ndi.binary_fill_holes(mask)

        mask = binary_erosion(mask)
        mask = binary_dilation(mask)
        self.updateUsingMask(box, mask)
        return True
コード例 #4
    def cut(self, blob, lines):
        Given a curve specified as a set of points and a selected blob, the operation cuts it in several separed new blobs
        points = blob.lineToPoints(lines, snap=False)

        mask = blob.getMask()
        original = mask.copy()
        box = blob.bbox
        #box is y, x, w, h
        Mask.paintPoints(mask, box, points, 0)

        label_image = measure.label(mask, connectivity=1)
        for point in points:
            x = point[0] - box[1]
            y = point[1] - box[0]

            if x <= 0 or y <= 0 or x >= box[2] - 1 or y >= box[3] - 1:

            if original[y][x] == 0:
            largest = 0
            largest = max(label_image[y + 1][x], largest)
            largest = max(label_image[y - 1][x], largest)
            largest = max(label_image[y][x + 1], largest)
            largest = max(label_image[y][x - 1], largest)
            label_image[y][x] = largest

        area_th = 30
        created_blobs = []
        first = True
        for region in measure.regionprops(label_image):

            if region.area > area_th:
                b = Blob(region, box[1], box[0], self.progressive_id)
                self.progressive_id += 1
                b.class_color = blob.class_color
                b.class_name = blob.class_name

        return created_blobs
コード例 #5
ファイル: Annotation.py プロジェクト: whuchenlin/TagLab
    def union(self, blobs):
        Create a new blob that is the union of the (two) blobs given
        #boxs are in image space, masks invert x and y.
        boxes = []
        for blob in blobs:
        box = Mask.jointBox(boxes)
        (mask, box) = Mask.jointMask(box, box)

        for blob in blobs:
            Mask.paintMask(mask, box, blob.getMask(), blob.bbox, 1)

        if mask.any():
            # measure is brutally slower with non int types (factor 4), while byte&bool would be faster by 25%, conversion is fast.
            blob = blobs[0].copy()
            blob.updateUsingMask(box, mask.astype(int))
            return blob
        return None
コード例 #6
ファイル: Annotation.py プロジェクト: whuchenlin/TagLab
    def editBorder(self, blob, lines):
        #need padding

        #would be lovely to be able do edit holes too.
        #the main problem is snapping to the external contour

        points = blob.lineToPoints(lines, snap=True)

        if points is None:

        if len(points) == 0:

        pointsbox = Mask.pointsBox(points, 3)
        blobmask = blob.getMask()

        #add to mask painting the points as 1 and filling the holes.
        (mask, box) = Mask.jointMask(blob.bbox, pointsbox)
        Mask.paintMask(mask, box, blobmask, blob.bbox, 1)

        #save holes
        full = ndi.binary_fill_holes(mask.astype(int))
        holes = full & ~mask

        #cut from mask
        Mask.paintPoints(mask, box, points, 1)
        mask = ndi.binary_fill_holes(mask.astype(int))

        #erase the points to carve to remove the internal parts.
        Mask.paintPoints(mask, box, points, 0)

        #add back holes
        mask = mask & ~holes

        regions = measure.regionprops(measure.label(mask))

        if len(regions):
            largest = regions[0]
            for region in regions:
                if region.area > largest.area:
                    largest = region

            #adjust the image bounding box (relative to the region mask) to directly use area.image mask
            #image box is standard (minx, miny, maxx, maxy)
            box = np.array([
                box[0] + largest.bbox[0], box[1] + largest.bbox[1],
                largest.bbox[3], largest.bbox[2]

            blob.updateUsingMask(box, largest.image.astype(int))
コード例 #7
ファイル: Annotation.py プロジェクト: whuchenlin/TagLab
    def subtract(self, blobA, blobB, scene):
        Create a new blob that subtracting the second blob from the first one

        (mask, box) = Mask.subtract(blobA.getMask(), blobA.bbox,
                                    blobB.getMask(), blobB.bbox)
        if mask.any():
            # measure is brutally slower with non int types (factor 4), while byte&bool would be faster by 25%, conversion is fast.
            blobA.updateUsingMask(box, mask.astype(int))
            return True
        return False
コード例 #8
ファイル: Blob.py プロジェクト: ldelprete/TagLab
    def createFromClosedCurve(self, lines):
        It creates a blob starting from a closed curve. If the curve is not closed False is returned.
        If the curve intersect itself many times the first segmented region is created.
        points = self.lineToPoints(lines)
        box = Mask.pointsBox(points, 4)

        (mask, box) = Mask.jointMask(box, box)
        Mask.paintPoints(mask, box, points, 1)
        before = np.count_nonzero(mask)
        mask = ndi.binary_fill_holes(mask)
        after = np.count_nonzero(mask)

        if before == after:
            return False

        selem = np.array([[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0]])
        mask = binary_erosion(mask, selem)
        self.updateUsingMask(box, mask)
        return True
コード例 #9
    def subtract(self, blobA, blobB):
        Update the blobA subtracting the blobB from it
        (mask, box) = Mask.subtract(blobA.getMask(), blobA.bbox,
                                    blobB.getMask(), blobB.bbox)

        if mask.any():
            # measure is brutally slower with non int types (factor 4), while byte&bool would be faster by 25%, conversion is fast.
            blobA.updateUsingMask(box, mask.astype(int))
            return True
        return False
コード例 #10
ファイル: Annotation.py プロジェクト: whuchenlin/TagLab
    def cut(self, blob, lines):
        Given a curve specified as a set of points and a selected blob, the operation cuts it in several separed new blobs
        points = blob.lineToPoints(lines)

        mask = blob.getMask()
        box = blob.bbox
        Mask.paintPoints(mask, box, points, 0)

        label_image = measure.label(mask)
        area_th = 30
        created_blobs = []
        for region in measure.regionprops(label_image):

            if region.area > area_th:
                id = len(self.seg_blobs)
                b = Blob(region, box[1], box[0], id + 1)
                b.class_color = blob.class_color
                b.class_name = blob.class_name

        return created_blobs
コード例 #11
    def editBorderContour(self, blob, contour, points):
        snapped_points = np.empty(shape=(0, 2), dtype=int)
        for arc in points:
            snapped = blob.snapToContour(arc, contour)
            if snapped is not None:
                snapped_points = np.append(snapped_points, snapped, axis=0)

        contour_box = Mask.pointsBox(contour, 4)

        #if the countour did not intersect with the outer contour, get the mask of the outer contour
        if snapped_points is None or len(snapped_points) == 0:
            # not very elegant repeated code...
            (mask, box) = Mask.jointMask(contour_box, contour_box)
            origin = np.array([box[1], box[0]])
            contour_points = contour.round().astype(int)
            fillPoly(mask, pts=[contour_points - origin], color=(1))
            return (mask, box, False)

        points_box = Mask.pointsBox(snapped_points, 4)

        # create a mask large enough to accomodate the points and the contour and paint.
        (mask, box) = Mask.jointMask(contour_box, points_box)

        origin = np.array([box[1], box[0]])
        contour_points = contour.round().astype(int)
        fillPoly(mask, pts=[contour_points - origin], color=(1, 1, 1))

        Mask.paintPoints(mask, box, snapped_points, 1)

        mask = ndi.binary_fill_holes(mask)

        # now draw in black the part of the points inside the contour
        Mask.paintPoints(mask, box, snapped_points, 0)

        # now we label all the parts and keep the larges only
        regions = measure.regionprops(measure.label(mask, connectivity=1))

        largest = max(regions, key=lambda region: region.area)

        # adjust the image bounding box (relative to the region mask) to directly use area.image mask
        box = np.array([
            box[0] + largest.bbox[0], box[1] + largest.bbox[1],
            largest.bbox[3] - largest.bbox[1],
            largest.bbox[2] - largest.bbox[0]
        return (largest.image, box, True)
コード例 #12
    def addingIntersection(self, blobA, blobB, blobC):
        Update the blobA by adding to it the intersection between the blobB and the blobC
        mask_intersect, bbox_intersect = Mask.intersectMask(
            blobB.getMask(), blobB.bbox, blobC.getMask(), blobC.bbox)

        bbox = Mask.jointBox([blobA.bbox, bbox_intersect])
        (mask, bbox) = Mask.jointMask(bbox, bbox)

        Mask.paintMask(mask, bbox, blobA.getMask(), blobA.bbox, 1)
        Mask.paintMask(mask, bbox, mask_intersect, bbox_intersect, 1)

        if mask.any():
            blobA.updateUsingMask(bbox, mask.astype(int))
コード例 #13
ファイル: Blob.py プロジェクト: ldelprete/TagLab
    def createContourFromMask(self, mask, bbox):
        It creates the contour (and the corrisponding polygon) from the blob mask.

        # NOTE: The mask is expected to be cropped around its bbox (!!) (see the __init__)


        # we need to pad the mask to avoid to break the contour that touches the borders
        PADDED_SIZE = 4
        img_padded = pad(mask, (PADDED_SIZE, PADDED_SIZE),
                         constant_values=(0, 0))

        contours = measure.find_contours(img_padded, 0.6)
        inner_contours = measure.find_contours(img_padded, 0.4)
        number_of_contours = len(contours)

        threshold = 20  #min number of points in a small hole

        if number_of_contours > 1:

            # search the contour with the largest bounding box (area)
            max_area = 0
            longest = 0
            for i, contour in enumerate(contours):
                cbox = Mask.pointsBox(contour, 0)
                area = cbox[2] * cbox[3]
                if area > max_area:
                    max_area = area
                    longest = i

            max_area = 0
            inner_longest = 0
            for i, contour in enumerate(inner_contours):
                cbox = Mask.pointsBox(contour, 0)
                area = cbox[2] * cbox[3]
                if area > max_area:
                    max_area = area
                    inner_longest = i

            # divide the contours in OUTER contour and INNER contours
            for i, contour in enumerate(contours):
                if i == longest:
                    self.contour = np.array(contour)

            for i, contour in enumerate(inner_contours):
                if i != inner_longest:
                    if contour.shape[0] > threshold:
                        coordinates = np.array(contour)

            # adjust the coordinates of the outer contour
            for i in range(self.contour.shape[0]):
                ycoor = self.contour[i, 0]
                xcoor = self.contour[i, 1]
                self.contour[i, 0] = xcoor - PADDED_SIZE + bbox[1]
                self.contour[i, 1] = ycoor - PADDED_SIZE + bbox[0]

            # adjust coordinates of the INNER contours
            for j, contour in enumerate(self.inner_contours):
                for i in range(contour.shape[0]):
                    ycoor = contour[i, 0]
                    xcoor = contour[i, 1]
                                           0] = xcoor - PADDED_SIZE + bbox[1]
                                           1] = ycoor - PADDED_SIZE + bbox[0]
        elif number_of_contours == 1:

            coords = measure.approximate_polygon(contours[0], tolerance=0.2)
            self.contour = np.array(coords)

            # adjust the coordinates of the outer contour
            for i in range(self.contour.shape[0]):
                ycoor = self.contour[i, 0]
                xcoor = self.contour[i, 1]
                self.contour[i, 0] = xcoor - PADDED_SIZE + bbox[1]
                self.contour[i, 1] = ycoor - PADDED_SIZE + bbox[0]
            raise Exception("Empty contour")
        #TODO optimize the bbox
        self.bbox = bbox
コード例 #14
ファイル: Blob.py プロジェクト: ldelprete/TagLab
 def updateUsingMask(self, bbox, mask):
     self.createContourFromMask(mask, bbox)
     self.calculateCentroid(mask, bbox)
     self.bbox = Mask.pointsBox(self.contour, 4)
コード例 #15
ファイル: Watershed.py プロジェクト: ldelprete/TagLab
    def segmentation(self):

        # compute bbox of scribbles (working area)
        bboxes = []
        for i, curve in enumerate(self.scribbles.points):
            bbox = Mask.pointsBox(curve, int(self.scribbles.size[i] / 2))
        working_area = Mask.jointBox(bboxes)

        if working_area[0] < 0:
            working_area[0] = 0

        if working_area[1] < 0:
            working_area[1] = 0

        if working_area[0] + working_area[3] > self.viewerplus.img_map.height(
        ) - 1:
            working_area[3] = self.viewerplus.img_map.height(
            ) - 1 - working_area[0]

        if working_area[1] + working_area[2] > self.viewerplus.img_map.width(
        ) - 1:
            working_area[2] = self.viewerplus.img_map.width(
            ) - 1 - working_area[1]

        crop_img = utils.cropQImage(self.viewerplus.img_map, working_area)
        crop_imgnp = utils.qimageToNumpyArray(crop_img)

        # create markers
        mask = np.zeros((working_area[3], working_area[2], 3), dtype=np.int32)

        color_codes = dict()
        counter = 1
        for i, curve in enumerate(self.scribbles.points):

            col = self.scribbles.label[i].fill
            b = col[2]
            g = col[1]
            r = col[0]
            color = (b, g, r)

            color_code = b + 256 * g + 65536 * r
            color_key = str(color_code)
            if color_codes.get(color_key) is None:
                name = self.scribbles.label[i].name
                color_codes[color_key] = (counter, name)
                counter = counter + 1

            curve = np.int32(curve)

            curve[:, 0] = curve[:, 0] - working_area[1]
            curve[:, 1] = curve[:, 1] - working_area[0]

            curve = curve.reshape((-1, 1, 2))
            mask = cv2.polylines(mask,

        mask = np.uint8(mask)

        markers = np.zeros((working_area[3], working_area[2]), dtype='int32')
        for label in self.scribbles.label:
            col = label.fill
            b = col[2]
            g = col[1]
            r = col[0]
            color_code = b + 256 * g + 65536 * r
            color_key = str(color_code)

            idx = np.where((mask[:, :, 0] == b) & (mask[:, :, 1] == g)
                           & (mask[:, :, 2] == r))
            (value, name) = color_codes[color_key]
            markers[idx] = value

        # markers = np.int32(255*rgb2gray(mask))
        # markersprint = 255*rgb2gray(mask)
        markersprint = markers
        cv2.imwrite('mask.png', markersprint)

        # watershed segmentation
        segmentation = cv2.watershed(crop_imgnp, markers)
        segmentation = filters.median(segmentation, disk(5), mode="mirror")
        cv2.imwrite('segmentation.png', segmentation)

        # the result of the segmentation must be converted into labels again
        lbls = measure.label(segmentation)

        blobs = []
        for region in measure.regionprops(lbls):
            blob = Blob(region, working_area[1], working_area[0],
            color_index = segmentation[region.coords[0][0],
            data = list(color_codes.items())
            index = 0
            for i in range(len(data)):
                (color_code, t) = data[i]
                if t[0] == color_index:
                    color_code = int(color_code)
                    r = int(color_code / 65536)
                    g = int(int(color_code - r * 65536) / 256)
                    b = int(color_code - r * 65536 - g * 256)
                    color = [r, g, b]
                    name = t[1]

            blob.class_color = color
            blob.class_name = name


        return blobs