コード例 #1
def DoTheRest(grph, beginning, physical, file_split):
    file_depth = len(file_split)

    if file_depth == 0:
        if beginning != physical:
            nodePhys = lib_common.gUriGen.FileUri(physical)
            CIM_DataFile.AddInfo(grph, nodePhys, [physical])
            nodeLink = lib_common.gUriGen.FileUri(beginning)
            CIM_DataFile.AddInfo(grph, nodeLink, [beginning])
            grph.add((nodePhys, pc.property_symlink, nodeLink))

    ext = "/" + file_split[0]
    DoTheRest(grph, beginning + ext, physical + ext, file_split[1:])

        new_begin = beginning + ext
        # print("Test symlink:" + new_begin)
        lnk_path = os.readlink(new_begin)

        # BEWARE, the link is absolute or relative.
        # It's a bit nonsensical because it depends on the current path.
        if lnk_path[0] == '/':
            full_path = lnk_path
            full_path = beginning + "/" + lnk_path
        # print("link=" + lnk_path + "=>" + full_path)
        DoTheRest(grph, full_path, physical + ext, file_split[1:])
        # print("Not a symlink:"+beginning)
コード例 #2
def Main():
    cgiEnv = lib_common.CgiEnv()
    fileSharedLib = cgiEnv.GetId()

    if not lib_util.isPlatformLinux:
        lib_common.ErrorMessageHtml("LDD on Linux platform only")

    grph = cgiEnv.GetGraph()

    # Maybe the file does not contain its path so it must be added.
    if (fileSharedLib[0] != '/'):
        fileSharedLib = os.getcwd() + '/' + fileSharedLib

    nodeSharedLib = lib_common.gUriGen.SharedLibUri(fileSharedLib)
    CIM_DataFile.AddInfo(grph, nodeSharedLib, [fileSharedLib])

    stream = os.popen("ldd " + fileSharedLib)

    # Line read are such as:
    #        linux-gate.so.1 =>  (0xffffe000)
    #        libdl.so.2 => /lib/libdl.so.2 (0xb7dae000)
    #        libc.so.6 => /lib/i686/libc.so.6 (0xb7c6a000)
    #        /lib/ld-linux.so.2 (0x80000000)
    # Do not know what to do with the lines without an arrow.
    # Do not know what happens if a library name contains a space.
    rgx = re.compile(r'^.*=> *([^ ]+) \(')

    for line in stream:
        matchObj = re.match(rgx, line)
        if matchObj:
            AddDepends(grph, nodeSharedLib, matchObj.group(1))

    # The dependencies are flattened which may be is a mistake.

コード例 #3
def _add_file_or_dir(grph, file_path):
    if os.path.isdir(file_path):
        node_path = lib_uris.gUriGen.FileUri(file_path)
        CIM_DataFile.AddInfo(grph, node_path, [file_path])
        node_path = lib_uris.gUriGen.DirectoryUri(file_path)
        CIM_Directory.AddInfo(grph, node_path, [file_path])
    return node_path
コード例 #4
ファイル: memmap_to_file.py プロジェクト: rchateauneu/survol
def Main():
    cgiEnv = lib_common.ScriptEnvironment()
    memmap_name = cgiEnv.GetId()

    grph = cgiEnv.GetGraph()

    uri_memmap = lib_uris.gUriGen.MemMapUri(memmap_name)

    CIM_DataFile.AddInfo(grph, uri_memmap, [memmap_name])

コード例 #5
def AddExtraInformationtoProcess(grph, node_process, proc_obj):
    CIM_Process.AddInfo(grph, node_process, [str(proc_obj.pid)])

    usrNam = lib_common.format_username(CIM_Process.PsutilProcToUser(proc_obj))
    userNode = lib_common.gUriGen.UserUri(usrNam)
    grph.add((userNode, pc.property_owner, node_process))

    (execName, execErrMsg) = CIM_Process.PsutilProcToExe(proc_obj)
    if execName != "":
        execNod = lib_common.gUriGen.FileUri(execName)
        grph.add((node_process, pc.property_runs, execNod))
        lib_entity_file.AddInfo(grph, execNod, [execName])
コード例 #6
def Main():
	cgiEnv = lib_common.CgiEnv()
	filNam = cgiEnv.GetId()
	#filNam = filNam.replace("\\","/")
	sys.stderr.write("filNam=%s\n" % filNam )

	filNode = lib_common.gUriGen.FileUri(filNam )

	grph = cgiEnv.GetGraph()

	info = CIM_DataFile.GetInfoStat(filNam)

	# st_mode: protection bits.
	# st_ino: inode number.

	# st_dev: device.

	CIM_DataFile.AddStatNode( grph, filNode, info )
	CIM_DataFile.AddMagic( grph, filNode, filNam )

	# st_nlink: number of hard links.

	CIM_DataFile.AffFileOwner(grph, filNode, filNam)

	# Displays the file and the parent directories/
	currFilNam = filNam
	currNode = filNode
	while True:
		dirPath = os.path.dirname( currFilNam )
		if dirPath == currFilNam:
		if dirPath == "":
		dirNode = lib_common.gUriGen.DirectoryUri( dirPath )
		grph.add( ( dirNode, pc.property_directory, currNode ) )
		sys.stderr.write("dirPath=%s\n" % dirPath)
		statPath = os.stat(dirPath)
		CIM_DataFile.AddStatNode( grph, dirNode, statPath )


		currFilNam = dirPath
		currNode = dirNode

	# If windows, print more information: DLL version etc...
	# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/580924/python-windows-file-version-attribute

	# cgiEnv.OutCgiRdf()
	# cgiEnv.OutCgiRdf("LAYOUT_TWOPI")
コード例 #7
def Main():
    cgiEnv = lib_common.ScriptEnvironment()
    file_name = cgiEnv.GetId()

    logging.debug("file_name=%s", file_name)

    file_node = lib_uris.gUriGen.FileUri(file_name)

    grph = cgiEnv.GetGraph()

    info = CIM_DataFile.GetInfoStat(file_name)

    # st_mode: protection bits.
    # st_ino: inode number.

    # st_dev: device.
    CIM_DataFile.AddDevice(grph, file_node, info)

    CIM_DataFile.AddStatNode(grph, file_node, info)
    CIM_DataFile.AddMagic(grph, file_node, file_name)

    # st_nlink: number of hard links.

    CIM_DataFile.AffFileOwner(grph, file_node, file_name)

    # Displays the file and the parent directories.
    current_file_name = file_name
    current_node = file_node
    while True:
        dir_path = os.path.dirname(current_file_name)
        if dir_path == current_file_name:
        if dir_path == "":
        dir_node = lib_uris.gUriGen.DirectoryUri(dir_path)
        grph.add((dir_node, pc.property_directory, current_node))
        logging.debug("file_stat.py dir_path=%s", dir_path)
        stat_path = os.stat(dir_path)
        CIM_DataFile.AddStatNode(grph, dir_node, stat_path)

        CIM_DataFile.AddFileProperties(grph, current_node, current_file_name)

        current_file_name = dir_path
        current_node = dir_node

    # If windows, print more information: DLL version etc...
    # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/580924/python-windows-file-version-attribute

コード例 #8
def Main():
    cgiEnv = lib_common.CgiEnv()
    filNam = cgiEnv.GetId()

    # Maybe this is a disk name, on Windows, such as "A:", "C:" etc...
    if lib_util.isPlatformWindows :
        # Remove the trailing backslash.
        if re.match(r"^[a-zA-Z]:\\$", filNam):
            filNam = filNam[:2]
        # Add a slash at the end, otherwise it does not work.
        if re.match("^[a-zA-Z]:$", filNam):
            filNam += "/"

    filNode = lib_common.gUriGen.DirectoryUri(filNam)

    grph = cgiEnv.GetGraph()

    if lib_util.isPlatformLinux:
        isTopDirectory = filNam == '/'
    elif lib_util.isPlatformWindows:
        # Should be "E:/" but in case it would be "E:".
        isTopDirectory = (len(filNam) == 2 and filNam[1] == ':') or (len(filNam) == 3 and filNam[1:3] == ':/')
        isTopDirectory = False

    DEBUG("file_directory.py filNam=%s isTopDirectory=%d", filNam, isTopDirectory)

    if not isTopDirectory:
        topdir = os.path.dirname(filNam)
        DEBUG("topdir=%s", topdir)
        if topdir:
            topdirNode = lib_common.gUriGen.DirectoryUri(topdir)
            grph.add((topdirNode, pc.property_directory, filNode))

            url_mime = UriDirectoryDirectScript( topdir )
            grph.add((topdirNode, pc.property_rdf_data_nolist2, lib_common.NodeUrl(url_mime)))

    if os.path.isdir(filNam):
        # sys.stderr.write("filNam=%s\n"%(filNam))

        # In case we do not loop at all, the value must be set.
        dirs = None

        # This takes the list of files and directories of this directory, without recursing.
        for subdir, dirs, files in os.walk(filNam):

        if dirs == None:
            lib_common.ErrorMessageHtml("No files in:" + filNam)

        # Special case if top of the filesystem, on Linux.
        filNam_slash = filNam
        if filNam != "/":
            filNam_slash += "/"

        for one_directory in dirs:
            fullDirPath = filNam_slash + one_directory
            subdirNode = lib_common.gUriGen.DirectoryUri(fullDirPath.replace("&","&"))
            grph.add((filNode, pc.property_directory, subdirNode))

            url_dir_node = UrlDirectory(fullDirPath)
            if not url_dir_node is None:
                grph.add((subdirNode, pc.property_rdf_data_nolist1, url_dir_node))

            url_mime = UriDirectoryDirectScript(fullDirPath)
            grph.add((subdirNode, pc.property_rdf_data_nolist2, lib_common.NodeUrl(url_mime)))

        # TODO: If this is a script, checks if this is executable ?
        for one_file in files:
            fullFilePath = filNam_slash + one_file
            # First replace the ampersand, then encode.

            fullFilePath = lib_util.urllib_quote(fullFilePath, safe='/:! ')

            file_path_replace_encoded = fullFilePath.replace("&", "&")

            # There might be non-ascii chars, accents etc...
            # filNam='C://Users/Yana\xeblle \xe0 la plage.jpg'
            # filNam='C://Users/Yanaelle a la plage.jpg'
            # Typical Graphviz error:
            # Error: not well-formed (invalid token) in line 1
            # ... <u>Yana (e trema) lle et Constantin (a grave accent) Boulogne-sur-Mer.IMG-20190806-WA0000.jpg ...

            subfilNode = lib_common.gUriGen.FileUri(file_path_replace_encoded)

            grph.add((filNode, pc.property_directory, subfilNode))

            CIM_DataFile.AddStat(grph, subfilNode, fullFilePath)
            CIM_DataFile.AddHtml(grph, subfilNode, fullFilePath)

    cgiEnv.OutCgiRdf("LAYOUT_RECT", [pc.property_directory])
コード例 #9
def AddDepends(grph, nodeSharedLib, library):
    libNode = lib_common.gUriGen.SharedLibUri(library)
    grph.add((nodeSharedLib, pc.property_library_depends, libNode))
    # This assumes that shared libraries are a special sort of file.
    # This is true, but not completely used.
    CIM_DataFile.AddInfo(grph, libNode, [library])
コード例 #10
def Main():
    cgiEnv = lib_common.CgiEnv()
    filNam = cgiEnv.GetId()

    # Maybe this is a disk name, on Windows, such as "A:", "C:" etc...
    if lib_util.isPlatformWindows:
        # Remove the trailing backslash.
        if re.match(r"^[a-zA-Z]:\\$", filNam):
            filNam = filNam[:2]
        # Add a slash at the end, otherwise it does not work.
        if re.match("^[a-zA-Z]:$", filNam):
            filNam += "/"

    # filNode = lib_common.gUriGen.FileUri(filNam )
    filNode = lib_common.gUriGen.DirectoryUri(filNam)

    grph = cgiEnv.GetGraph()

    if lib_util.isPlatformLinux:
        isTopDirectory = filNam == '/'
    elif lib_util.isPlatformWindows:
        # Should be "E:/" but in case it would be "E:".
        isTopDirectory = (len(filNam) == 2
                          and filNam[1] == ':') or (len(filNam) == 3
                                                    and filNam[1:3] == ':/')
        isTopDirectory = False

    sys.stderr.write("file_directory.py filNam=%s isTopDirectory=%d\n" %
                     (filNam, isTopDirectory))

    if not isTopDirectory:
        topdir = os.path.dirname(filNam)
        sys.stderr.write("topdir=%s\n" % (topdir))
        if topdir:
            topdirNode = lib_common.gUriGen.DirectoryUri(topdir)
            grph.add((topdirNode, pc.property_directory, filNode))

            url_mime = UriDirectoryDirectScript(topdir)
            grph.add((topdirNode, pc.property_rdf_data_nolist2,

    if os.path.isdir(filNam):
        # sys.stderr.write("filNam=%s\n"%(filNam))

        # In case we do not loop at all.
        dirs = None
        for subdir, dirs, files in os.walk(filNam):

        if dirs == None:
            lib_common.ErrorMessageHtml("No files in:" + filNam)

        # Special case if top of the filesystem, on Linux.
        filNam_slash = filNam
        if filNam != "/":
            filNam_slash += "/"

        for dir in dirs:
            fullDirPath = filNam_slash + dir
            subdirNode = lib_common.gUriGen.DirectoryUri(
                fullDirPath.replace("&", "&amp;"))
            grph.add((filNode, pc.property_directory, subdirNode))

            url_dir_node = UrlDirectory(fullDirPath)
            if not url_dir_node is None:
                    (subdirNode, pc.property_rdf_data_nolist1, url_dir_node))

            url_mime = UriDirectoryDirectScript(fullDirPath)
            grph.add((subdirNode, pc.property_rdf_data_nolist2,

            # On peut ajouter des liens en rdf_data mais leur nom est normalement une "info".
            # Donc en affichage horizontal, il faut aussi virer ce sous-noeud.
            # C est vraiment un cas special car le noeud "info" du noed "rdf_data" doit etre utilise
            # comme titre de l'url, et il doit y en avoir un et un seul.
            # Que se passe--til si le noeud rdf_data pointe vers d'autres noeuds?
            # On pourrait avoir propriete=rdf_data mais la valeur serait un literal ?

        # TODO: Quand c'est un script, verifier qu'on peut l'executer !!!
        for file in files:
            fullFilePath = filNam_slash + file
            # OK WinXP: On remplace d'abord le ampersand, et on encode ensuite, car le remplacement ne marche pas dans l'autre sens.
            subfilNode = lib_common.gUriGen.FileUri(
                fullFilePath.replace("&", "&amp;"))

            grph.add((filNode, pc.property_directory, subfilNode))

            CIM_DataFile.AddStat(grph, subfilNode, fullFilePath)
            CIM_DataFile.AddHtml(grph, subfilNode, fullFilePath)

    cgiEnv.OutCgiRdf("LAYOUT_RECT", [pc.property_directory])