def test_SpaceOpt_append_evaluated_spoint(): spaceopt = SpaceOpt(search_space=search_space(), target_name='y', objective='min') try: spaceopt.append_evaluated_spoint(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']) except Exception as e: assert isinstance(e, TypeError) assert str( e ) == "evaluated_spoint is of type <class 'list'>, but it should be of type <class 'dict'>." try: spaceopt.append_evaluated_spoint({ 'a': 16, 'b': 3.3, 'c': 512, 'd': 'typeX', 'e': False, 'f': 10000 }) except Exception as e: assert isinstance(e, ValueError) assert str( e ) == "spoint={'a': 16, 'b': 3.3, 'c': 512, 'd': 'typeX', 'e': False, 'f': 10000} is not evaluated, target_name='y' is not found." try: spaceopt.append_evaluated_spoint({ 'a': 16, 'b': 3.3, 'c': 512, 'd': 'typeX', 'e': False, 'f': 10000, 'y': 1 }) except Exception as e: assert isinstance(e, TypeError) assert str( e ) == "evaluated_spoint has 'y' with value=1 of type <class 'int'>, but it should be of type <class 'float'>." spaceopt.append_evaluated_spoint({ 'a': 16, 'b': 3.3, 'c': 512, 'd': 'typeX', 'e': False, 'f': 10000, 'y': 1.0 })
def test_SpaceOpt__sample_random_spoints(): spaceopt = SpaceOpt(search_space=search_space(), target_name='y', objective='min') try: spaceopt._sample_random_spoints(sample_size=100.0) except Exception as e: assert isinstance(e, TypeError) assert str( e ) == "sample_size is of type <class 'float'>, but it should be of type <class 'int'>." try: spaceopt._sample_random_spoints(sample_size=0) except Exception as e: assert isinstance(e, ValueError) assert str(e) == "sample_size should be greater than 0." spoints = spaceopt._sample_random_spoints(sample_size=10) assert isinstance(spoints, list) assert len(spoints) == 10 spoints = spaceopt._sample_random_spoints(sample_size=1) assert isinstance(spoints, list) assert len(spoints) == 1
def test_SpaceOpt__str__(): spaceopt = SpaceOpt(search_space=search_space(), target_name='y', objective='min') assert str( spaceopt ) == "SpaceOpt(\n Space(\n Variable(\n name='a',\n values=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20],\n vtype=<class 'int'>,\n is_categorical=False\n ),\n Variable(\n name='b',\n values=[-5.5, -4.4, -3.3, -2.2, -1.1, 0.0, 1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4, 5.5],\n vtype=<class 'float'>,\n is_categorical=False\n ),\n Variable(\n name='c',\n values=[128, 256, 512, 1024],\n vtype=<class 'int'>,\n is_categorical=False\n ),\n Variable(\n name='d',\n values=['typeX', 'typeY', 'typeZ'],\n vtype=<class 'str'>,\n is_categorical=True\n ),\n Variable(\n name='e',\n values=[True, False],\n vtype=<class 'bool'>,\n is_categorical=False\n ),\n Variable(\n name='f',\n values=[10000],\n vtype=<class 'int'>,\n is_categorical=False\n ),\n size=5544\n ),\n target_name='y',\n objective=min\n)"
def test_SpaceOpt__init__(): SpaceOpt(search_space=search_space(), target_name='y', objective='min') SpaceOpt(search_space=search_space(), target_name='y', objective='max') SpaceOpt(search_space=search_space(), target_name='score', objective='maximize') SpaceOpt(search_space=search_space(), target_name='max', objective='minimize') try: SpaceOpt(search_space=search_space(), target_name=1, objective='min') except Exception as e: assert isinstance(e, TypeError) assert str( e ) == "target_name is of type <class 'int'>, but it should be of type <class 'str'>." try: SpaceOpt(search_space=search_space(), target_name=None, objective='min') except Exception as e: assert isinstance(e, TypeError) assert str( e ) == "target_name is of type <class 'NoneType'>, but it should be of type <class 'str'>." try: SpaceOpt(search_space=search_space(), target_name='', objective='min') except Exception as e: assert isinstance(e, ValueError) assert str(e) == "target_name is empty." try: SpaceOpt(search_space=search_space(), target_name='y', objective='maxi') except Exception as e: assert isinstance(e, ValueError) assert str( e ) == "objective should be one of: ('maximize', 'minimize', 'max', 'min')." try: SpaceOpt(search_space=search_space(), target_name='b', objective='min') except Exception as e: assert isinstance(e, RuntimeError) assert str( e ) == "target_name='b' should not be in search space variables: ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f']."
def main(): spaceopt = SpaceOpt(search_space=search_space(), target_name='y', objective='min') print(spaceopt) best_spoint = None best_y = 123456789.0 for iteration in range(1, + 1): if iteration <= 10: spoint = spaceopt.get_random(num_spoints=1, sample_size=1000) spoint_type = 'random' else: spoint = spaceopt.fit_predict(num_spoints=1, sample_size=1000) spoint_type = 'fit_predict' spoint['y'] = evaluation_function(spoint) spaceopt.append_evaluated_spoint(spoint) if spoint['y'] < best_y: best_y = spoint['y'] best_spoint = spoint print( f'{iteration}, y={round(best_y, 6)}, {spoint_type}, {best_spoint}' ) if best_y < -6.289: print('global minimum has been found\n' f'{iteration}/{} = ' f'{iteration /}') return
def test_SpaceOpt__sample_unevaluated_unique_spoints(): spaceopt = SpaceOpt(search_space=search_space(), target_name='y', objective='min') try: spaceopt._sample_unevaluated_unique_spoints(sample_size=100.0) except Exception as e: assert isinstance(e, TypeError) assert str( e ) == "sample_size is of type <class 'float'>, but it should be of type <class 'int'>." try: spaceopt._sample_unevaluated_unique_spoints(sample_size=0) except Exception as e: assert isinstance(e, ValueError) assert str(e) == "sample_size should be greater than 0." try: spaceopt._sample_unevaluated_unique_spoints(sample_size=100, max_num_retries=10.0) except Exception as e: assert isinstance(e, TypeError) assert str( e ) == "max_num_retries is of type <class 'float'>, but it should be of type <class 'int'>." try: spaceopt._sample_unevaluated_unique_spoints(sample_size=1, max_num_retries=0) except Exception as e: assert isinstance(e, ValueError) assert str(e) == "max_num_retries should be greater than 0." spaceopt = SpaceOpt(search_space={ 'w': ['W1', 'W2'], 'b': [5] }, target_name='y', objective='min') spaceopt.append_evaluated_spoint({'w': 'W1', 'b': 5, 'y': 0.1}) spoints = spaceopt._sample_unevaluated_unique_spoints(sample_size=100, max_num_retries=100) assert len(spoints) == 1 assert spoints[0]['w'] == 'W2' spaceopt.append_evaluated_spoint({'w': 'W2', 'b': 5, 'y': 0.2}) try: spaceopt._sample_unevaluated_unique_spoints(sample_size=100, max_num_retries=100) except Exception as e: assert isinstance(e, RuntimeError) assert str( e ) == 'could not sample any new spoints - search_space is fully explored or random sampling was unfortunate.\nsearch_space.size = 2\nnum evaluated spoints = 2\nnum unevaluated spoints = 0'
def test_SpaceOpt_fit_predict(): spaceopt = SpaceOpt(search_space=search_space(), target_name='y', objective='min') try: spaceopt.fit_predict(num_spoints=2.0) except Exception as e: assert isinstance(e, TypeError) assert str( e ) == "num_spoints is of type <class 'float'>, but it should be of type <class 'int'>." try: spaceopt.fit_predict(num_spoints=0) except Exception as e: assert isinstance(e, ValueError) assert str(e) == "num_spoints should be greater than 0." try: spaceopt.fit_predict(num_boost_round=2048.0) except Exception as e: assert isinstance(e, TypeError) assert str( e ) == "num_boost_round is of type <class 'float'>, but it should be of type <class 'int'>." try: spaceopt.fit_predict(num_boost_round=0) except Exception as e: assert isinstance(e, ValueError) assert str(e) == "num_boost_round should be greater than 0." try: spaceopt.fit_predict(sample_size=100.0) except Exception as e: assert isinstance(e, TypeError) assert str( e ) == "sample_size is of type <class 'float'>, but it should be of type <class 'int'>." try: spaceopt.fit_predict(sample_size=0) except Exception as e: assert isinstance(e, ValueError) assert str(e) == "sample_size should be greater than 0." for i in range(10): spoint = spaceopt.fit_predict(num_spoints=1, num_boost_round=100, sample_size=100) assert isinstance(spoint, dict) spoint['y'] = random.uniform(-1, 1) spaceopt.append_evaluated_spoint(spoint)
def test_SpaceOpt_get_random(): spaceopt = SpaceOpt(search_space=search_space(), target_name='y', objective='min') try: spaceopt.get_random(num_spoints=1.0) except Exception as e: assert isinstance(e, TypeError) assert str( e ) == "num_spoints is of type <class 'float'>, but it should be of type <class 'int'>." try: spaceopt.get_random(num_spoints=0) except Exception as e: assert isinstance(e, ValueError) assert str(e) == "num_spoints should be greater than 0." try: spaceopt.get_random(sample_size=100.0) except Exception as e: assert isinstance(e, TypeError) assert str( e ) == "sample_size is of type <class 'float'>, but it should be of type <class 'int'>." try: spaceopt.get_random(sample_size=0) except Exception as e: assert isinstance(e, ValueError) assert str(e) == "sample_size should be greater than 0." spoints = spaceopt.get_random(num_spoints=5, sample_size=1000) assert isinstance(spoints, list) assert len(spoints) == 5 spoint = spaceopt.get_random(num_spoints=1, sample_size=10) assert isinstance(spoint, dict) assert set(spoint.keys()) == set(spoints[-1].keys())