コード例 #1
    def setup_platform_environment(cls, pkg, env):
        """ Change the linker to default dynamic to be more
            similar to linux/standard linker behavior
        # Unload these modules to prevent any silent linking or unnecessary
        # I/O profiling in the case of darshan.
        modules_to_unload = ["cray-mpich", "darshan", "cray-libsci", "altd"]
        for mod in modules_to_unload:
            module('unload', mod)

        env.set('CRAYPE_LINK_TYPE', 'dynamic')
        cray_wrapper_names = os.path.join(build_env_path, 'cray')

        if os.path.isdir(cray_wrapper_names):
            env.prepend_path('PATH', cray_wrapper_names)
            env.prepend_path('SPACK_ENV_PATH', cray_wrapper_names)

        # Makes spack installed pkg-config work on Crays
        env.append_path("PKG_CONFIG_PATH", "/usr/lib64/pkgconfig")
        env.append_path("PKG_CONFIG_PATH", "/usr/local/lib64/pkgconfig")

        # CRAY_LD_LIBRARY_PATH is used at build time by the cray compiler
        # wrappers to augment LD_LIBRARY_PATH. This is to avoid long load
        # times at runtime. This behavior is not always respected on cray
        # "cluster" systems, so we reproduce it here.
        if os.environ.get('CRAY_LD_LIBRARY_PATH'):
コード例 #2
ファイル: cray_frontend.py プロジェクト: scheibelp/spack
def unload_programming_environment():
    """Context manager that unloads Cray Programming Environments."""
    env_bu = None

    # We rely on the fact that the PrgEnv-* modules set the PE_ENV
    # environment variable.
    if 'PE_ENV' in os.environ:
        # Copy environment variables to restore them after the compiler
        # detection. We expect that the only thing PrgEnv-* modules do is
        # the environment variables modifications.
        env_bu = os.environ.copy()

        # Get the name of the module from the environment variable.
        prg_env = 'PrgEnv-' + os.environ['PE_ENV'].lower()

        # Unload the PrgEnv-* module. By doing this we intentionally
        # provoke errors when the Cray's compiler wrappers are executed
        # (Error: A PrgEnv-* modulefile must be loaded.) so they will not
        # be detected as valid compilers by the overridden method. We also
        # expect that the modules that add the actual compilers' binaries
        # into the PATH environment variable (i.e. the following modules:
        # 'intel', 'cce', 'gcc', etc.) will also be unloaded since they are
        # specified as prerequisites in the PrgEnv-* modulefiles.
        module('unload', prg_env)


    # Restore the environment.
    if env_bu is not None:
コード例 #3
def setup_package(pkg, dirty):
    """Execute all environment setup routines."""
    build_env = EnvironmentModifications()

    if not dirty:

    set_compiler_environment_variables(pkg, build_env)
    set_build_environment_variables(pkg, build_env, dirty)
    pkg.architecture.platform.setup_platform_environment(pkg, build_env)

        modifications_from_dependencies(pkg.spec, context='build')

    if (not dirty) and (not build_env.is_unset('CPATH')):
        tty.debug("A dependency has updated CPATH, this may lead pkg-config"
                  " to assume that the package is part of the system"
                  " includes and omit it when invoked with '--cflags'.")


    # Loading modules, in particular if they are meant to be used outside
    # of Spack, can change environment variables that are relevant to the
    # build of packages. To avoid a polluted environment, preserve the
    # value of a few, selected, environment variables
    # With the current ordering of environment modifications, this is strictly
    # unnecessary. Modules affecting these variables will be overwritten anyway
    with preserve_environment('CC', 'CXX', 'FC', 'F77'):
        # All module loads that otherwise would belong in previous
        # functions have to occur after the build_env object has its
        # modifications applied. Otherwise the environment modifications
        # could undo module changes, such as unsetting LD_LIBRARY_PATH
        # after a module changes it.
        for mod in pkg.compiler.modules:
            # Fixes issue https://github.com/spack/spack/issues/3153
            if os.environ.get("CRAY_CPU_TARGET") == "mic-knl":

        # kludge to handle cray libsci being automatically loaded by PrgEnv
        # modules on cray platform. Module unload does no damage when
        # unnecessary
        module('unload', 'cray-libsci')

        if pkg.architecture.target.module_name:


    implicit_rpaths = pkg.compiler.implicit_rpaths()
    if implicit_rpaths:

    # Make sure nothing's strange about the Spack environment.
    validate(build_env, tty.warn)
コード例 #4
def test_module_function_change_env(tmpdir, working_env):
    src_file = str(tmpdir.join('src_me'))
    with open(src_file, 'w') as f:
        f.write('export TEST_MODULE_ENV_VAR=TEST_SUCCESS\n')

    os.environ['NOT_AFFECTED'] = "NOT_AFFECTED"
    module('load', src_file, module_template='. {0} 2>&1'.format(src_file))

    assert os.environ['TEST_MODULE_ENV_VAR'] == 'TEST_SUCCESS'
    assert os.environ['NOT_AFFECTED'] == "NOT_AFFECTED"
コード例 #5
ファイル: module_parsing.py プロジェクト: shaynakapadia/spack
def test_module_function_change_env(tmpdir, working_env, monkeypatch):
    monkeypatch.setattr(spack.util.module_cmd, '_cmd_template', _test_template)
    src_file = str(tmpdir.join('src_me'))
    with open(src_file, 'w') as f:
        f.write('export TEST_MODULE_ENV_VAR=TEST_SUCCESS\n')

    os.environ['NOT_AFFECTED'] = "NOT_AFFECTED"
    module('load', src_file)

    assert os.environ['TEST_MODULE_ENV_VAR'] == 'TEST_SUCCESS'
    assert os.environ['NOT_AFFECTED'] == "NOT_AFFECTED"
コード例 #6
ファイル: cray_frontend.py プロジェクト: scheibelp/spack
    def compiler_search_paths(self):
        """Calls the default function but unloads Cray's programming
        environments first.

        This prevents from detecting Cray compiler wrappers and avoids
        possible false detections.
        import spack.compilers

        with unload_programming_environment():
            search_paths = get_path('PATH')

        extract_path_re = re.compile(r'prepend-path[\s]*PATH[\s]*([/\w\.:-]*)')

        for compiler_cls in spack.compilers.all_compiler_types():
            # Check if the compiler class is supported on Cray
            prg_env = getattr(compiler_cls, 'PrgEnv', None)
            compiler_module = getattr(compiler_cls, 'PrgEnv_compiler', None)
            if not (prg_env and compiler_module):

            # It is supported, check which versions are available
            output = module('avail', compiler_cls.PrgEnv_compiler)
            version_regex = r'({0})/([\d\.]+[\d]-?[\w]*)'.format(
            matches = re.findall(version_regex, output)
            versions = tuple(version for _, version in matches
                             if 'classic' not in version)

            # Now inspect the modules and add to paths
            msg = "[CRAY FE] Detected FE compiler [name={0}, versions={1}]"
            tty.debug(msg.format(compiler_module, versions))
            for v in versions:
                    current_module = compiler_module + '/' + v
                    out = module('show', current_module)
                    match = extract_path_re.search(out)
                    search_paths += match.group(1).split(':')
                except Exception as e:
                    msg = ("[CRAY FE] An unexpected error occurred while "
                           "detecting FE compiler [compiler={0}, "
                           " version={1}, error={2}]")
                    tty.debug(msg.format(compiler_cls.name, v, str(e)))

        search_paths = list(llnl.util.lang.dedupe(search_paths))
        return fs.search_paths_for_executables(*search_paths)
コード例 #7
ファイル: cray.py プロジェクト: lsuhpchelp/lsuhpcspack
 def _avail_targets(self):
     '''Return a list of available CrayPE CPU targets.'''
     if getattr(self, '_craype_targets', None) is None:
         output = module('avail', '-t', 'craype-')
         craype_modules = _get_modules_in_modulecmd_output(output)
         self._craype_targets = targets = []
         _fill_craype_targets_from_modules(targets, craype_modules)
     return self._craype_targets
コード例 #8
def test_module_function_no_change(tmpdir, module_function_test_mode):
    src_file = str(tmpdir.join('src_me'))
    with open(src_file, 'w') as f:
        f.write('echo TEST_MODULE_FUNCTION_PRINT')

    old_env = os.environ.copy()
    text = module('show', src_file)

    assert text == 'TEST_MODULE_FUNCTION_PRINT\n'
    assert os.environ == old_env
コード例 #9
ファイル: module_parsing.py プロジェクト: shaynakapadia/spack
def test_module_function_no_change(tmpdir, monkeypatch):
    monkeypatch.setattr(spack.util.module_cmd, '_cmd_template', _test_template)
    src_file = str(tmpdir.join('src_me'))
    with open(src_file, 'w') as f:
        f.write('echo TEST_MODULE_FUNCTION_PRINT')

    old_env = os.environ.copy()
    text = module('show', src_file)

    assert text == 'TEST_MODULE_FUNCTION_PRINT\n'
    assert os.environ == old_env
コード例 #10
ファイル: cray.py プロジェクト: lsuhpchelp/lsuhpcspack
    def setup_platform_environment(cls, pkg, env):
        """ Change the linker to default dynamic to be more
            similar to linux/standard linker behavior
        # Unload these modules to prevent any silent linking or unnecessary
        # I/O profiling in the case of darshan.
        modules_to_unload = ["cray-mpich", "darshan", "cray-libsci", "altd"]
        for mod in modules_to_unload:
            module('unload', mod)

        env.set('CRAYPE_LINK_TYPE', 'dynamic')
        cray_wrapper_names = os.path.join(build_env_path, 'cray')

        if os.path.isdir(cray_wrapper_names):
            env.prepend_path('PATH', cray_wrapper_names)
            env.prepend_path('SPACK_ENV_PATH', cray_wrapper_names)

        # Makes spack installed pkg-config work on Crays
        env.append_path("PKG_CONFIG_PATH", "/usr/lib64/pkgconfig")
        env.append_path("PKG_CONFIG_PATH", "/usr/local/lib64/pkgconfig")
コード例 #11
    def external_prefix(self):
        mpich_module = module("show", self.modname).splitlines()

        for line in mpich_module:
            if "CRAY_MPICH_DIR" in line:
                return get_path_args_from_module_line(line)[0]

        # Fixes an issue on Archer2 cray-mpich/8.0.16 where there is
        # no CRAY_MPICH_DIR variable in the module file.
        for line in mpich_module:
            if "CRAY_LD_LIBRARY_PATH" in line:
                libdir = get_path_args_from_module_line(line)[0]
                return os.path.dirname(os.path.normpath(libdir))
コード例 #12
ファイル: cray.py プロジェクト: scheibelp/spack
    def _avail_targets(self):
        '''Return a list of available CrayPE CPU targets.'''

        def modules_in_output(output):
            """Returns a list of valid modules parsed from modulecmd output"""
            return [i for i in re.split(r'\s\s+|\n', output)]

        def target_names_from_modules(modules):
            # Craype- module prefixes that are not valid CPU targets.
            targets = []
            for mod in modules:
                if 'craype-' in mod:
                    name = mod[7:]
                    name = name.split()[0]
                    _n = name.replace('-', '_')  # test for mic-knl/mic_knl
                    is_target_name = (name in archspec.cpu.TARGETS or
                                      _n in archspec.cpu.TARGETS)
                    is_cray_target_name = name in _craype_name_to_target_name
                    if is_target_name or is_cray_target_name:

            return targets

        def modules_from_listdir():
            craype_default_path = '/opt/cray/pe/craype/default/modulefiles'
            if os.path.isdir(craype_default_path):
                return os.listdir(craype_default_path)
            return []

        if getattr(self, '_craype_targets', None) is None:
            strategies = [
                lambda: modules_in_output(module('avail', '-t', 'craype-')),
            for available_craype_modules in strategies:
                craype_modules = available_craype_modules()
                craype_targets = target_names_from_modules(craype_modules)
                if craype_targets:
                    self._craype_targets = craype_targets
                # If nothing is found add platform.machine()
                # to avoid Spack erroring out
                self._craype_targets = [platform.machine()]

        return self._craype_targets
コード例 #13
ファイル: package.py プロジェクト: key4hep/spack
    def external_prefix(self):
        libsci_module = module("show", self.modname).splitlines()

        for line in libsci_module:
            if "CRAY_LIBSCI_PREFIX_DIR" in line:
                return get_path_args_from_module_line(line)[0]
コード例 #14
ファイル: package.py プロジェクト: mrmundt/spack
    def external_prefix(self):
        mpich_module = module("show", self.modname).splitlines()

        for line in mpich_module:
            if "CRAY_MPICH_DIR" in line:
                return get_path_args_from_module_line(line)[0]