コード例 #1
def read_spacy_docs(fname, format="pickle", lang=None):
    Read the contents of a file at ``fname``, written either in pickle or binary
        fname (str): Path to file on disk from which data will be read.
        format ({"pickle", "binary"}): Format of the data that was written to disk.
            If 'pickle', use ``pickle`` in python's stdlib; if 'binary', use
            the 3rd-party ``msgpack`` library.
            .. warning:: Docs written in pickle format were saved all together
               as a list, which means they're all loaded into memory at once
               before streaming one by one. Mind your RAM usage, especially when
               reading many docs!
            .. warning:: When writing docs in binary format, spaCy's built-in
               ``spacy.Doc.to_bytes()`` method is used, but when reading the data
               back in :func:`read_spacy_docs()`, experimental and *unofficial*
               work-arounds are used to allow for all the docs in ``data`` to be
               read from the same file. If spaCy changes, this code could break,
               so use this functionality at your own risk!
        lang (str or ``spacy.Language``): Already-instantiated ``spacy.Language``
            object, or the string name by which it can be loaded, used to process
            the docs written to disk at ``fname``. Note that this is only applicable
            when ``format="binary"``.
        ``spacy.Doc``: Next deserialized document.
        ValueError: if format is not "pickle" or "binary", or if ``lang`` is not
            provided when ``format="binary"``
    if format == "pickle":
        with open_sesame(fname, mode='rb') as f:
            for spacy_doc in compat.pickle.load(f):
                yield spacy_doc
    elif format == "binary":
        if lang is None:
            raise ValueError(
                "When format='binary', a `spacy.Language` (and its associated "
                "`spacy.Vocab`) is required to deserialize the binary data; "
                "and these should be the same as were used when processing "
                "the original docs!")
        elif isinstance(lang, SpacyLang):
            vocab = lang.vocab
        elif isinstance(lang, compat.unicode_):
            vocab = cache.load_spacy(lang).vocab
            raise ValueError(
                "lang = '{}' is invalid; must be a str or `spacy.Language`")
        with open_sesame(fname, mode='rb') as f:

            unpacker = msgpack.Unpacker(f, encoding='UTF-8')

            for msg in unpacker:

                # NOTE: The following code has been adapted from spaCy's
                # built-in ``spacy.Doc.from_bytes()``. If that functionality
                # changes, the following will probably break...

                # Msgpack doesn't distinguish between lists and tuples, which is
                # vexing for user data. As a best guess, we *know* that within
                # keys, we must have tuples. In values we just have to hope
                # users don't mind getting a list instead of a tuple.
                if "user_data_keys" in msg:

                    user_data_keys = msgpack.loads(msg["user_data_keys"],
                    for encoding in ['utf-8', 'latin1']:
                            user_data_values = msgpack.loads(
                                msg["user_data_values"], encoding=encoding)
                            if encoding == 'latin1': raise

                    user_data = {
                        key: value
                        for key, value in compat.zip_(user_data_keys,
                    user_data = None

                text = msg["text"]
                attrs = msg["array_body"]
                words = []
                spaces = []
                start = 0
                for i in compat.range_(attrs.shape[0]):
                    end = start + int(attrs[i, 0])
                    has_space = int(attrs[i, 1])
                    start = end + has_space

                spacy_doc = SpacyDoc(vocab,
                spacy_doc = spacy_doc.from_array(msg["array_head"][2:],
                                                 attrs[:, 2:])
                if "sentiment" in msg:
                    spacy_doc.sentiment = msg["sentiment"]
                if "tensor" in msg:
                    spacy_doc.tensor = msg["tensor"]

                yield spacy_doc
        raise ValueError(
            "format = '{}' is invalid; value must be one of {}".format(
                format, {"pickle", "binary"}))