コード例 #1
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: thzll2001/textacy
def make_doc_from_text_chunks(text, lang, chunk_size=100000):
    Make a single spaCy-processed document from 1 or more chunks of ``text``.
    This is a workaround for processing very long texts, for which spaCy
    is unable to allocate enough RAM.

    Although this function's performance is *pretty good*, it's inherently
    less performant that just processing the entire text in one shot.
    Only use it if necessary!

        text (str): Text document to be chunked and processed by spaCy.
        lang (str or ``spacy.Language``): A 2-letter language code (e.g. "en"),
            the name of a spaCy model for the desired language, or
            an already-instantiated spaCy language pipeline.
        chunk_size (int): Number of characters comprising each text chunk
            (excluding the last chunk, which is probably smaller). For best
            performance, value should be somewhere between 1e3 and 1e7,
            depending on how much RAM you have available.

            .. note:: Since chunking is done by character, chunks edges' probably
               won't respect natural language segmentation, which means that every
               ``chunk_size`` characters, spaCy will probably get tripped up and
               make weird parsing errors.

        ``spacy.Doc``: A single processed document, initialized from
        components accumulated chunk by chunk.
    if isinstance(lang, compat.unicode_):
        lang = cache.load_spacy(lang)
    elif not isinstance(lang, SpacyLang):
        raise TypeError('`lang` must be {}, not {}'.format(
            {compat.unicode_, SpacyLang}, type(lang)))

    words = []
    spaces = []
    np_arrays = []
    cols = [
        attrs.POS, attrs.TAG, attrs.DEP, attrs.HEAD, attrs.ENT_IOB,
    text_len = len(text)
    i = 0
    # iterate over text chunks and accumulate components needed to make a doc
    while i < text_len:
        chunk_doc = lang(text[i:i + chunk_size])
        words.extend(tok.text for tok in chunk_doc)
        spaces.extend(bool(tok.whitespace_) for tok in chunk_doc)
        i += chunk_size
    # now, initialize the doc from words and spaces
    # then load attribute values from the concatenated np array
    doc = SpacyDoc(lang.vocab, words=words, spaces=spaces)
    doc = doc.from_array(cols, np.concatenate(np_arrays, axis=0))

    return doc
コード例 #2
ファイル: read.py プロジェクト: sunsure/textmining-kit
def read_spacy_docs(spacy_vocab, filepath):
    Stream ``spacy.Doc`` s from disk at ``filepath`` where they were serialized
    using Spacy's ``spacy.Doc.to_bytes()`` functionality.

        spacy_vocab (``spacy.Vocab``): the spacy vocab object used to serialize
            the docs in ``filepath``
        filepath (str): /path/to/file on disk from which spacy docs will be streamed

        the next deserialized ``spacy.Doc``
    with open_sesame(filepath, mode='rb') as f:
        for bytes_string in SpacyDoc.read_bytes(f):
            yield SpacyDoc(spacy_vocab).from_bytes(bytes_string)
コード例 #3
def read_spacy_docs(fname, format="pickle", lang=None):
    Read the contents of a file at ``fname``, written either in pickle or binary
        fname (str): Path to file on disk from which data will be read.
        format ({"pickle", "binary"}): Format of the data that was written to disk.
            If 'pickle', use ``pickle`` in python's stdlib; if 'binary', use
            the 3rd-party ``msgpack`` library.
            .. warning:: Docs written in pickle format were saved all together
               as a list, which means they're all loaded into memory at once
               before streaming one by one. Mind your RAM usage, especially when
               reading many docs!
            .. warning:: When writing docs in binary format, spaCy's built-in
               ``spacy.Doc.to_bytes()`` method is used, but when reading the data
               back in :func:`read_spacy_docs()`, experimental and *unofficial*
               work-arounds are used to allow for all the docs in ``data`` to be
               read from the same file. If spaCy changes, this code could break,
               so use this functionality at your own risk!
        lang (str or ``spacy.Language``): Already-instantiated ``spacy.Language``
            object, or the string name by which it can be loaded, used to process
            the docs written to disk at ``fname``. Note that this is only applicable
            when ``format="binary"``.
        ``spacy.Doc``: Next deserialized document.
        ValueError: if format is not "pickle" or "binary", or if ``lang`` is not
            provided when ``format="binary"``
    if format == "pickle":
        with open_sesame(fname, mode='rb') as f:
            for spacy_doc in compat.pickle.load(f):
                yield spacy_doc
    elif format == "binary":
        if lang is None:
            raise ValueError(
                "When format='binary', a `spacy.Language` (and its associated "
                "`spacy.Vocab`) is required to deserialize the binary data; "
                "and these should be the same as were used when processing "
                "the original docs!")
        elif isinstance(lang, SpacyLang):
            vocab = lang.vocab
        elif isinstance(lang, compat.unicode_):
            vocab = cache.load_spacy(lang).vocab
            raise ValueError(
                "lang = '{}' is invalid; must be a str or `spacy.Language`")
        with open_sesame(fname, mode='rb') as f:

            unpacker = msgpack.Unpacker(f, encoding='UTF-8')

            for msg in unpacker:

                # NOTE: The following code has been adapted from spaCy's
                # built-in ``spacy.Doc.from_bytes()``. If that functionality
                # changes, the following will probably break...

                # Msgpack doesn't distinguish between lists and tuples, which is
                # vexing for user data. As a best guess, we *know* that within
                # keys, we must have tuples. In values we just have to hope
                # users don't mind getting a list instead of a tuple.
                if "user_data_keys" in msg:

                    user_data_keys = msgpack.loads(msg["user_data_keys"],
                    for encoding in ['utf-8', 'latin1']:
                            user_data_values = msgpack.loads(
                                msg["user_data_values"], encoding=encoding)
                            if encoding == 'latin1': raise

                    user_data = {
                        key: value
                        for key, value in compat.zip_(user_data_keys,
                    user_data = None

                text = msg["text"]
                attrs = msg["array_body"]
                words = []
                spaces = []
                start = 0
                for i in compat.range_(attrs.shape[0]):
                    end = start + int(attrs[i, 0])
                    has_space = int(attrs[i, 1])
                    start = end + has_space

                spacy_doc = SpacyDoc(vocab,
                spacy_doc = spacy_doc.from_array(msg["array_head"][2:],
                                                 attrs[:, 2:])
                if "sentiment" in msg:
                    spacy_doc.sentiment = msg["sentiment"]
                if "tensor" in msg:
                    spacy_doc.tensor = msg["tensor"]

                yield spacy_doc
        raise ValueError(
            "format = '{}' is invalid; value must be one of {}".format(
                format, {"pickle", "binary"}))