コード例 #1
def file_sync_setup(request):
    Setup and teardown for testing the file_sync demo.

    # Create two temporary directories.
    master_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
    slave_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()

    # Collect constants from the file_sync test module.
    master_service = getattr(request.module, 'MASTER_SERVICE')
    slave_service = getattr(request.module, 'SLAVE_SERVICE')
    path_to_modules = getattr(request.module, 'PATH_TO_MIX_DIR')

    # Start the master and slave watchdogs.

    yield master_dir, slave_dir

    # Stop the services and remove the temp dirs.
    sparkl('stop', master_service, alias=ALIAS)
    sparkl('stop', slave_service, alias=ALIAS)
    subprocess.check_call(['rm', '-rf', master_dir])
    subprocess.check_call(['rm', '-rf', slave_dir])
コード例 #2
ファイル: interface.py プロジェクト: opensparkl/examples
 def login_to_sparkl(self):
     Creates a connection to SPARKL.
     sparkl('connect', 'http://localhost:8000', alias=ALIAS)
     self.is_connected = True
     print('Connected to SPARKL.')
コード例 #3
def logout_close(alias='default'):
    Logs out user and closes connection linked to specified alias
    (default is "default")
    sparkl('logout', alias=alias)
    print('Logging out of SPARKL...')

    sparkl('close', alias=alias)
    print('Connection associated with alias %s is closed' % (alias))
コード例 #4
ファイル: bulk_import.py プロジェクト: opensparkl/examples
def lib_create(name, names, alias):
    Creates a folder in the user tree if it does not exist already.
    if not any(x['attr']['name'] == name for x in names):
        sparkl('mkdir', name, alias=alias)
        print('Creating %s folder...' % (name))

    print('Folder %s already exists.' % (name))
コード例 #5
ファイル: interface.py プロジェクト: opensparkl/examples
    def logout_from_sparkl(self):
        Closes connection to SPARKL.

        # Gets only called if login was successful.
        if self.is_connected:
            sparkl('close', alias=ALIAS)

            self.is_connected = False
            print('Closed connection.')
コード例 #6
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: opensparkl/examples
def main(user, filters, alias='default'):
    Logs in the specified user, starts the event logging
    and hands down the events generator and the specified
    filters to the logging framework.

    Also specifies an on-event and on-exit function for this

    The on-event function uses a queue to communicate with the
    main function.
    # Try to login
    success, result = login(user, alias)

    # Log out on failure (e.g. wrong username/password/not running instance)
    if not success:

            sparkl('close', alias=alias)

        except CliException as error:

    # If login was successful, evens generator is returned by login
    events = result

    # Create a queue shared between the main process and the on-event function
    event_queue = queue_mod.Queue()

    # Cleanup function to call when exiting from logging.
    on_exit = (logout, (), {'alias': alias})

    # Function to call on successful matching of event. The log framework
    # will insert 'event' as the first parameter
    on_event = (stop_services, (TARGET_FOR_STOP, events, event_queue), {
        'alias': alias

        # Start logging using filters, on_event and on_exit functions
        log_frame(events, filters, on_exit=on_exit, on_event=on_event)

    except LogException as error:
        sparkl('close', alias=alias)

    # Go through queue after logging stopped
コード例 #7
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: opensparkl/examples
def stop_services(event, path, events, event_queue, alias='default'):
    Called on on_event of logger frame.

    Prints the specified event, stops all
    running SPARKL services in path and
    closes the event generator.

    NOTE: The 'event' argument is inserted by the log framework.
    The function is sent to the framework thus:
        - ( stop_services, ( path, events, event_queue ), { 'alias': alias } )
    print('Received stop event.')
    sparkl('stop', path, alias=alias)
コード例 #8
def module_setup(request):
    Setup method used by tests. Called once per test modules.

    It collects the path to one or more SPARKL configurations
    specified in the test module (kept in the FILE_PATHS constant) and
    imports them into the test directory.

    This method collects the alias from the base_setup and hands down this
    alias to all the tests. The tests use the base_setup method only through
    path_to_files = getattr(request.module, 'FILE_PATHS')

    for file_path in path_to_files:
        sparkl('put', file_path, IMPORT_DIR, alias=ALIAS)

    yield ALIAS
    sparkl('stop', IMPORT_DIR, alias=ALIAS)
コード例 #9
def trigger_operation(fields, operation):
    Function runs a SPARKL operation.
    It also sets the fields needed to do so.

    # Generate random alias
    alias = uuid.uuid4().hex

    # Try to connect and log into SPARKL
    (login_tag, login_data) = connect_login(alias)

    # If either fails, return and print error
    if login_tag == 'error':
        return 'error', login_data

    # Set vars and call operation
        sparkl('vars', alias=alias, literal=fields)
        result_data = sparkl('call', operation, alias=alias)

    # Return from fun if operation not found or other SPARKL error
    except CliException as error:
        return 'error', error

    # Log out and close connection

    # Get response and fields
        response = result_data['attr']['name']
        fields = result_data['content']

    # If SPARKL operation fails, return data is not as expected
    except KeyError as error:
        return 'error', error

    # Return object with response and fields
    return_object = {'response': response, 'fields': fields}
    return 'ok', return_object
コード例 #10
def get_sparkl_result(operation, alias, fields=None):
    Generic function used by tests. It sets the
    expected input fields, and calls the specified operation.

    It returns the response and the output fields.
    # In case of FLAGS, no field values are needed.
    if fields:
        sparkl('vars', literal=fields, alias=alias)

    result = format_response_data(sparkl('call', operation, alias=alias))

        response = result['response']
        fields = result['fields']
        return response, fields

    except KeyError:
        error_msg = 'SPARKL error: {}'.format(json.dumps(result))
        assert False, error_msg
コード例 #11
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: opensparkl/examples
def login(user, alias):
    Logs in specified user and starts the
    event logging.

    Returns either:
        - True, the events generator
        - False, an error message
        sparkl('connect', 'http://localhost:8000', alias=alias)
        sparkl('login', user, alias=alias)

        # Specify a path to any configuration object to
        # narrow down the events you will be receiving.
        # E.g. sparkl listen Scratch/Primes/CheckPrime
        events = sparkl('listen', alias=alias)
        return True, events

    except CliException as error:
        return False, error
コード例 #12
def run_tests(alias, event_queue, log_writer, test_data):
    Run once per test.
        - alias:
            The SPARKL alias used by the session
        - test_data:
            A dict containing the test data. It comprises:
                - OPERATION:
                    The name of the operation to call
                - INPUT_FIELDS (optional):
                    The input fields and their values
                - EXP_RESPONSE:
                    The expected response/reply
                - OUTPUT_FIELDS (optional):
                    One or more output fields with their expected value
                - CHECK_FUN (optional):
                    A function that makes extra assertions on the output values
                - STOP_OR_NOT (optional):
                    A flag to indicate all running services must be stopped
                    before the test is run
    # Stop all services in test directory if test requires so.
    if STOP_OR_NOT in test_data:
        sparkl('stop', IMPORT_DIR, alias=alias)

    # Set field values if the test specifies input data for the operation.
    if INPUT_FIELDS in test_data:
        sparkl('vars', literal=test_data[INPUT_FIELDS], alias=alias)

    # Call SPARKL operation and gather results.
    result = sparkl('call', test_data[OPERATION], alias=alias)

    # Check whether the expected events are received.
                  miners=test_data.get(MINERS, None))

    # Check whether the tested operation returned the expected response.
    assert_result(result, **test_data)
コード例 #13
def connect_login(alias='default'):
    Connects to a SPARKL instance and logs into a user account
    The function returns the specified alias (default is "default")
    for other funs to use

    # Prompt for SPARKL instance URL
    instance = input('Enter your SPARKL instance URL: ')

    # Get live connections
    connection_data = sparkl('connect')
    connections = connection_data['content']

    # If alias in use, prompt for new alias
    while any(x['attr']['alias'] == alias for x in connections):
        alias = input('Alias %s in use. Type in another (e.g. foo or bar):' %

        # Connect to SPARKL instance
        sparkl('connect', url=instance, alias=alias)
        print('Connected to %s using alias %s' % (instance, alias))

        # Prompt for username
        user = input('Enter your username: '******'login', user=user, alias=alias)
        print('Logging in as %s...' % (user))

    except CliException as error:
        return 'error', error

    # Return used alias
    return 'ok', alias
コード例 #14
def start_service_in(sparkl_path, module_name, watchdog_path, **kwargs):
    Maps a SPARKL service to its implementation using `sparkl service`.
        - sparkl_path:
            The path to the SPARKL service in the user tree
        - module_name:
            The name of the implementation module (without the suffix)
        - watchdog_path:
            The directory in which the `sparkl service` command is executed
            (and the Python watchdog is started)

    # Filter kwargs for `sparkl service`
    service_kwargs = dict()
    for key, value in kwargs.items():
        if key in ['path', 'alias']:
            service_kwargs[key] = value

    # Start the SPARKL service in the specified directory.
    with ChDir(watchdog_path):
        sparkl('service', sparkl_path, module_name, **service_kwargs)

        # Give the watchdog time to start.
        sleep(kwargs.get('wait', 3))
コード例 #15
ファイル: bulk_import.py プロジェクト: opensparkl/examples
def unit_import(config_files, folder, alias):
    Iterates through a list of files and offers them for importing.
    for config in config_files:

        # Prompt for user input
        answer = user_confirm('Import %s? y/n: ' % config)

        # If answer is yes, tries to import file
        if answer == 'Y':
            change_message = sparkl('put', config, folder, alias=alias)

            # Fun prints message based on success/failure
            is_import_successful(change_message, config, folder)
コード例 #16
def event_to_queue(alias, listen_path, event_queue):
    Starts a listener process and puts each event
    in the supplied event queue.
        - alias:
             The SPARKL CLI alias used by the test suite.
        - listen_path:
            The path to the SPARKL resource targeted by
            the listener (e.g. a service or an operation).
        - event_queue:
            A queue used by the listener process to communicate
            with the main test process.
    events = sparkl('listen', listen_path, alias=alias)

    for event in events:
コード例 #17
ファイル: interface.py プロジェクト: opensparkl/examples
def open_socket(service_path):
    Tries to open a websocket using the specified
    path. The path must be the full path to the service
    in the SPARKL user tree prepended by the user name.

    E.g.: [email protected]/Scratch/lib_bitcoin_python/Bitcoin.
        service = sparkl('service', service_path, IMPL_MODULE, alias=ALIAS)
        return True, service

    except WebSocketBadStatusException as error:
        return False, ', '.join(error.args)

    except WebSocketConnectionClosedException as error:
        return False, ', '.join(error.args)
コード例 #18
ファイル: bulk_import.py プロジェクト: opensparkl/examples
def multi_import():
    Imports all or only the selected SPARKL configs into the user's
    configuration tree.

    # Logs you in using random alias
    alias = uuid.uuid4().hex
    (tag, info) = connect_login(alias)

    # If fails to log in or connect, return from function
    if tag == 'error':

    # Gets the folders available in the user tree
    folders = sparkl('ls', alias=alias)
    folder_names = folders['content']

    # Creates Scratch and/or Lib folder if it does not exist in the user tree
    xmp_dir = 'Scratch'
    lib_dir = 'Lib'
    lib_create(xmp_dir, folder_names, alias)
    lib_create(lib_dir, folder_names, alias)

    # Gets the SPARKL config files from the Examples and Library folders
    # in the examples repo
    examples = glob.glob('../Examples/*/*.xml')
    libs = glob.glob('../Library/*/*.xml')

    # Prompts user to import all config files
    answer_all = user_confirm('Import all examples? y/n ')

    # If user chooses yes, tries to import
    if answer_all == 'Y':

        # All files from the Examples folder
        for config in examples:
            change_message = sparkl('put', config, xmp_dir, alias=alias)

            # Fun prints message based on success/failure
            is_import_successful(change_message, config, xmp_dir)

        # All files from the Library folder
        for config in libs:
            change_message = sparkl('put', config, lib_dir, alias=alias)

            # Fun prints message based on success/failure
            is_import_successful(change_message, config, lib_dir)

        # Logs you out and closes connection

    # If not all files are chosen for importing, offers them one by one
    unit_import(examples, xmp_dir, alias)
    unit_import(libs, lib_dir, alias)

    # Logs you out and closes connection
コード例 #19
def session_setup():
    Sets the test environment for all test modules.

    # Collect login details from test settings.
    sse_url = read_from_config('sse_url')
    sse_user = read_from_config('sse_user')
    sse_pwd = read_from_config('sse_pass')

    # Set test environment, connect, login, create test folder
    sparkl('connect', sse_url, alias=ALIAS)
    sparkl('login', sse_user, sse_pwd, alias=ALIAS)
    sparkl('mkdir', IMPORT_DIR, alias=ALIAS)

    # Start test log writer.
    log_writer, log_handle = start_test_log()

    # Each test can access it.
    yield log_writer

    # Clean up after all tests have run.
    sparkl('rm', IMPORT_DIR, alias=ALIAS)
    sparkl('logout', alias=ALIAS)
    sparkl('close', alias=ALIAS)

    # Close log file and writer co-routine.
    stop_test_log(log_writer, log_handle)
コード例 #20
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: opensparkl/examples
def logout(alias='default'):
    Called on on_exit of logger frame.
    Closes the connection to SPARKL.
    sparkl('close', alias=alias)